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Development of Waste Management Through Increasing the Capacity of Human Resources and the Added Value of Inorganic Waste in the Pasanggrahan Village of Tegal Waru Subdistrict at Purwakarta District
Suwanda.1), Wachidah,L. 1), Fitrianingsih,S.P2)

1) Department of Statistics, 2) Department of Pharmacy– Unisba
email: suwanda[at]


Pasanggrahan Village at Tegal Waru Subdistrict, Purwakarta district, based on the 2016 results economic census, has the potential to become a tourist village with a mountain of rocks around it. Therefore this village is known as a million stone village. Another tourist attraction is the Juanda Lake which is connected to the Jatiluhur reservoir. However, this potential has not developed as expected. The main factor is that the road is not conducive. Therefore the local government budgeted for road repairs by concrete and was only realized this year and road concreting was completed in November 2017. Currently most of the family heads work outside areas (big cities) such as Bandung and Jakarta or go to foreign as construction workers and laborers. Their wives live at home as housewives. Efforts to enhance the role of mothers have been carried out by the Nurani Dunia Foundation. Namely with the creation of waste management groups. This waste management effort is the first step in building a clean village, so that promotional efforts as a tourist village have been prepared with clean village conditions in order to welcome tourists. The Community Service (PKM) was carried out was carried out on April 15, 2018 and participated by 36 participating mothers, before the training was given a pre-test on inorganic waste knowledge and its utilization with an average score of 59.9, at the end of the training the training was given a post test with the same questions and obtained a score an average of 83.2. The results of monitoring on 14 May 2018 showed that there was a change in the treatment of inorganic waste, which is the use of the waste to make handicrafts, so that it has added value and can support tourism activities in the village. The constraints faced are capital, and the fulfillment of basic raw materials such as newspaper and plastic that have been sorted and supporting raw materials such as quality sirlak and colorful yarns.

Keywords: Potential, tourism village, inorganic waste, added value, crafts.

Topic: Other Related Topics


Conference: Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Suwanda Suwanda)

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