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Social Emotional Development of Early Childhood Through Traditional Games in PAUD Terpadu Hauriyah Halum City of Padang
Nina Ramayenda

Early Chidhood of Faculty Education in Padang State University


This study was background by there are still parents who provide media for childrens games using gadgets and other modern games. The factors that influence it are social emotional changes that are unstable and tempramental, and social status. The purpose of this study is to: (1) analyze the factors that cause changes in social and emotional development, (2) analyze the role of traditional games, (3) apply traditional games, (4) make traditional games the most preferred game, and (5) the impact of using traditional games on social and emotional development and finding the best solution. This study use a Mixed Method with a Concurrent Embeded design. The subjects of this study were 30 people consisting of classroom teachers and parents of TKA students, TKB PAUD Terpadu Hauriyah Halum. The selection of subjects is determined by the Purposive Sampling technique. Quantitative data using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The results obtained are in the position of the range scale of "Sangat Setuju" with a percentage of 83.97%. Qualitative data were obtained through observation, interviews, and class actions using 3 cycles. The findings of the study showed that the achievement of early childhood social emotional development with traditional games was proven through the analysis of questionnaire intervals obtained.

Keywords: Early Childhood, Social Emosional, and Traditional Games

Topic: Challenges and actualization of character education in early childhood in millenial era


Conference: The 5th International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (NINA RAMAYENDA)

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