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Development Of Akhlak Assessment Instruments In Early Childhood Education
Sovia Mas Ayu – Junaidah - Oki Dermawan - Heni Wulandari

UIN Raden Intan Lampung


Early childhood in generation Z today are children born in the internet world and enjoy technological wonders that are so fast and affect every line of life both political, economic, and lifestyle. Children who are in the golden age range are the best time to instill moral values in particular to counteract the bad influence of the development of the technology. The purpose of this study is to produce instruments of akhlak assessment, and test the level of validity and reliability of akhlak assessment instruments for early childhood education. Research and development methods use the Plomp model which is characterized by a preliminary study, the development phase includes the design phase, realization, tests, revisions and implementation, and evaluation. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively including validity test using product moment, and reliability test using Cronbach alpha. The product development trial involved 60 students and 20 teachers from 2 early childhood schools namely Ar-Raudah Kindergarten and al-Kautsar Kindergarten. The results of expert validation indicate that the assessment instrument is feasible to be tested for its use. Furthermore, the results of the study indicate that the value of the validity and reliability of the attitude assessment instruments obtained respectively are 0.852 and 0.989. The results of teacher evaluations for the quality of content, writing / linguistic methods, and implementation show that the instrument for evaluating akhlak development developed can be categorized very good with the achievement of an average final score above 3.498. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the instrument for evaluating the development of akhlak developed is appropriate for early childhood use.

Keywords: assessment instruments, akhlak, early childhood

Topic: Education and Islamic Education


Conference: International Conference on Islamic Development Studies (ICIDS 2019)

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