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Corresponding Author
Adi Izhar Bin Che Ani
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Pulau Pinang
This study will provide the outcome that may improve service quality towards customer satisfaction of the company. There are service quality, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy, and Tangible that may affect customer satisfaction at Raha Legacy Holidays. Customer satisfaction is addressed as a strategic business development tool. Customer satisfaction does have a positive effect on an organization-s profitability, satisfied customers form the foundation of any successful business as customer satisfaction leads to repeat purchase, brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. Satisfied customers are most likely to share their experiences with other people to the order of perhaps five or six people. Equally well, dissatisfied customers are more likely to tell another ten people of their unfortunate experience.
Service quality, Satisfaction, Relationship
Management and Islamic management
Corresponding Author
Pujiyono Pujiyono
(a) Faculty of Law Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof. Sudarto, SH Tembalang Kota Semarang
(b) Faculty of Law Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof. Sudarto, SH Tembalang Kota Semarang
The aims of this research is to analyse the acculturation of Islamic sharia with customary values in the development of Minangkabau customary criminal law and the construction of that customary criminal law. This study uses a socio legal approach, with primary and secondary data. The customary criminal law of the Minangkabau community is built from the acculturation of Islamic Sharia and Adat values. So that the term "Adat Basandi Sara", Sara "Basandi Kitabullah" appears as a legal institution that regulates both vertical and horizontal relationships. Sara -regulates human relations with God, each other and with nature. Understanding sara -is equated with‘ Adat. In baiah Marapalam stated "Adat nan Lhazhim Sara nan Qawi" means that custom is the prevalence of society that can be changed by community agreement. The philosophy and type of criminal sanctions for customary criminal law are influenced by the acculturation of Islamic Sharia with traditional values.
Acculturation, Construction of Customary Criminal Law, Minangkabau
Law perspectives and Islamic law
Corresponding Author
Rudini Rudini
Abstrak. An Islamic-based education becomes a vehicle for developing the mind, organizing personality, developing spirituality, and emotionally.To achieve this requires completeness in each component of education, one of which is management. This study aims to critically describe the formation of student character at the Nurul Ummah Islamic Boarding School in Yogyakarta to find answers to the problem of how the actualization process of Islamic values in the creation of student characters in the Islamic Boarding School Nurul Ummah Yogyakarta. (2) How is the effectiveness of the formation of student character in the Islamic Boarding School Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta. This research is field research and uses a qualitative approach. The approach in this study uses a socio-anthropological approach. The results of the research show that in the process of forming the character of students in the boarding school Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta seen in the planning and implementation process. In practice, the level of education for students divided into three levels, namely awwaliyah, wustha, and ‘ulya. The actualization of Islamic values in the Nurul Ummah Islamic boarding school divided into several programs, which include: daily programs, weekly programs, monthly programs, and annual programs. The actualized Islamic values are spiritual values, which include: ubbudiyah values and monotheism values. Whereas values insaniyah add: the importance of discipline, the cost of simplicity, the amount of honesty, the value of deliberation. Then the actualization process is applied in learning activities and daily activities.
Actualization, Islamic Values, Character Building
Education and Islamic Education
Corresponding Author
Hady Sutjipto
(a) Department of Economic, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
(b) Department of Marketing, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
This research aims to analyze agrarian policies and food securities in the Islamic Economic system. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive that describes critically agrarian policies in the Islamic Economic system. This study uses secondary data derived from books, literatures, scientific articles and other informations related to agrarian policy. The results of the study indicate that Islamic economic politics of agrarian is the best policy as an alternative policy to overcome agrarian problems and food securities. Agrarian political facts show that the management of agricultural land is still largely in the form of land rent of unproductive and abandoned agricultural and this endangers food security. As a result, farmers continue to suffer losses and the occurrence of food dependence from abroad. This research suggests that the government in reforming the Agrarian Law implement agrarian politics in the Islamic economy to achieve sustainable food security
Agrarian Politics; Food Security; Islamic Economy
Economics and Islamic economics
Corresponding Author
Mohammad Muhassin
a) Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
Jl. Endro Suratmin Sukarame Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Students- error analysis is very important for helping English as a Foreign Learners- (EFL) teachers to develop their teaching materials, assessments and methods. The study aims to find out the errors done by students in using simple present tense, and to know the cause of errors made by students at the eleventh grade of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 4 Bandar Lampung in 2018/2019 academic year. This study employed a descriptive-qualitative method. The data were taken from students- writing task, namely student-s sentences containing errors in using simple present, analyzed by Linguistic Category Taxonomy (LCT). The study discovers that there are five types of errors based on LCT. They are errors of noun phrase verb phrase, verb-and-verb construction, word order and transformation. Moreover, the cause of error most widely performed are subsequently performance error, overgeneralization, markers of transitional competence, teacher-induced error, strategy of communication and assimilation, and interference.
Error Analysis, EFL, Type dan Cause of Error
Education and Islamic Education
Corresponding Author
Pudji Astuty
Universitas Borobudur, UIN, AAKPI - Banten
ABSCTRACT This study aimed to determine the influence of deposits (Third Party Funds), equity, non-performing financing (NPF), and growth non-performing financing (GNPF) on partial and simultaneous financing of Istishna at Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia & Malaysia. The population in this study was Sharia Commercial Banks operating in Indonesia & Malaysia for 6 years (2011-2016). This research used purposive sampling method. After the selection, the target population amounted to 6 banks, including BRI Syariah, Maybank, Mandiri Syariah, Muamalat, Malaysia Affin Islamic Bank Berhad. The analytical method used regression analysis of the balanced panel. The selected model was Fixed Effect, then tested with t test and f test with 5% significance level. The result of f test showed that the variable of deposits, Equity, Non Performing Financing (NPF) and Growth Non Performing Financing (GNPF) have the simultaneous effect on sharia bank financing Istishna in Indonesia & Malaysia. The t test results showed that only deposit variable, Equity (Equity), and Growth Non Performing Financing partially had an effect on the financing of Istishna at Indonesian & Malaysian banks. Adjust R2 showed all independent variables contributed as much as 71% to the dependent variable. The remaining of 29.7% was influenced by other variables that did not exist in this research such as Capital Adequacy Ratio, Loan Deposit Ratio, etc
Istishna Financing, Deposit (Third Party Funds), Own Equity (Equity), Non Performing Financing (NPF), Growth Non Performing Financing (GNPF)
Financial technology and Islamic finance
Corresponding Author
Yudhinanto Cahyo Nugroho
Universitas Mitra Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of capital structure, corporate social responsibility on profitability and its implications on corporate value. Data obtained in the form of secondary data from property companies and real estate listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2011-2015. method of path analysis. The result of the research shows that partially variable of capital structure and corporate social responsibility have a positive and significant effect on profitability. The variable of capital structure and profitability have a positive and significant effect on firm value. While corporate social responsibility variable has a negative and insignificant effect on company value. The result of path analysis shows that profitability can influence the interaction between capital structure and firm value as well as the interaction between corporate social responsibility and corporate value. Both of these interactions show a positive and significant influence on company value.
Capital Structure, Corporate Social Responsibility, Profitability, Firm Value
Financial technology and Islamic finance
Corresponding Author
Indriyani Indriyani
University of Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai
Imam Bonjol Street No. 468 Langkapura Bandar Lampung 35154
Energy efficiency policy analysis in the heat transfers process can be done in three ways, namely by means of emission / radiation, by means of flow / convection, and by means of propagation or conduction. The surface of the water in the boiler is printed at least 100 mm above the wall of the boiler, for the boiler to be fixed on land. As for the steam boiler carried, the minimum distance between the lowest water level and the highest part of the boiler that is still touched on by fire / smoke gas is 250 mm. The heat needed from 290C to 900C to heat 14 kg of water is 3,584 kilo joules. The amount of heat needed in the heat transfer available through the heat transfer process with a capacity of 2 tons per hour is 5,862,000 kilo joules per hour.
policy analysis, energy efficiency, process, heat transfer
Social science and Islamic studies
Corresponding Author
Hadi Peristiwo
Department of Halal Management, UIN Walisongo Semarang, Jl.Walisongo No.3-5 Semarang, Indonesia, hadiperistiwo[at]yahoo.co.id
The development of religion brand in Indonesia lately is still quite extensive. Among business products with the religion brand, for example, is sharia hotels. Sharia hotels are an accommodation service that operates and adheres to the guiding principles of Islamic teachings. The application of the concept of halal management to sharia hotels will try to provide solutions to religion brand innovation through the sharia maqasid approach. This needs to be discussed because it is based on a fiqh rule which states that what cannot be done entirely, do not leave part of it so that your muamalah activities still exist without being abandoned by followers. The application of halal management in sharia hotels makes it clear that the sharia business has characteristics. There are two characteristics that can be captured in this approach, namely material characteristics and immaterial characteristics.
Halal, Management, Sharia, Hotel
Management and Islamic management
Corresponding Author
Teddy Nopriyadi
Student Of The Doctoral Program at The University Of Lampung
Grant dispute between husband and wife with heirs from either husband or wife, will be more pointed when each party takes the path to defend their rights, this will be more protracted when the party who filed the grant claim does not know the nature of the absolute competence of the court that must they choose. For those who adhere to the religion of Islam, the parties can make legal efforts through the Religious Courts, but for those who adhere to a religion other than Islam, the authority to adjudicate is in the District Court.
Keywords: Legal Impact, Marriage, Marriage Agreement, Bankruptcy.
Law perspectives and Islamic law
Corresponding Author
Lies Kumara Dewi
University of Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai
Imam Bonjol Street, No.468 Langkapura, Kemiling, Bandar Lampung.
In a society there are ethics or norms and Islamic sharia guidelines that must be obeyed. This is because the majority of Indonesian people are Muslim. Apparatus of good government and high moral, will always keep himself in order to avoid despicable acts. Talking about bureaucratic ethics means talking about how the bureaucratic apparatus in carrying out its functions in accordance with the provisions of the ethical rules or norms of society and Islamic sharia guidelines that there are 4 (four) conditions namely sidiq, amanah, fatonah and tabligh which must be obeyed and implemented. Cases related to ethical violations such as corruption, bribery in the government bureaucracy in Indonesia involve several professions. Islamic ethics and sharia must be upheld in the continuity of governance and to maintain the image so that the government bureaucracy in Indonesia has the trust of the public and society.
Bureaucratic Ethics, Islam Sharia
Social science and Islamic studies
Corresponding Author
Rofah Setyowati
Faculty of Law Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Semarang Indonesia; Faculty of Law Diponegoro University,Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Semarang Indonesia; Faculty of Law Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Semarang Indonesia; Faculty of Law Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Semarang Indonesia; Faculty of Law Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, Semarang Indonesia
This article aims to assess the regulation of the Islamic economic judge certification from perspective of consumer protection. Philosophical and juridical approaches, have been used in this study. The results of this study include: certification of important Islamic economic judges to ensure Islamic economic disputes are settled in accordance with sharia principles. This is called sharia compliance. Thus, sharia compliance is a right for consumers of Islamic financial institutions. In other words, the certification of Islamic economic judges is one of consumer protection, especially in the spiritual aspect. This provision has been explicitly contained in the Supreme Court Regulations, especially in terms of the mechanism and content of the certification material.
certification; Islamic economic judge; consumer protection
Economics and Islamic economics
Corresponding Author
Faculty of Law
Lampung University
Wadiah in principle is to help the requester, and the party entrusted with his position as a helper. For this reason, the nature of wadiah is trustworthy. In the book of Ianatut Thalibin by Ad Dimyathy, it is explained that wadiah is: "A contract aimed at safeguarding assets." In carrying out the practice of wadiah, customer funds deposited in Islamic banks receive secure guarantees, and syariah banking is mandatory bear all risks that occur in customer funds. Furthermore, not only guarantees, but furthermore, Islamic banking provides benefits which are then referred to as profit sharing. This paper tries to explain how the application of Islamic banking products that use the Wadia contract is related to fiqh muamalah? The wadiah in sharia banking is not the wadiah described in the books of fiqh. The sharia banking tradition currently practiced is more relevant to the receivables law, because the bank utilizes customer money in its various projects. The authority to use goods, own the results and bear the damage or loss is the main difference between wadiah and dain (debts). Thus, if these three characters have been embedded in the wadiah contract, then in fact and the law this contract will change to a debt and non-wadi loan agreement.
Wadiah, Islamic Banking.
Economics and Islamic economics
Corresponding Author
Ilhamd Wahyudi
Student Of The Doctoral Program at The University Of Lampung
Basically, even constitutionally Islam is not legal as state religion, but ·, reality, Indonesia state has many adopting Islam principles in our life, nation and societal. There by its fair if Islam criminal law that written in tradition of Islam and has been applied at Islam state in world, applied also in Indonesia. Applying of Islam crime law utterly, as wanted by Islam thinkers, likely difficulty to be done in Indonesia, and if happened only miracle which can ver it. However contribution of Islam criminal law in positive law image cannot be overruled off hand. Many things which only be recognized in Islam crime law then starts recognized in our positive law.
Keywords: Islamic Law, Indonesian Law, Unification.
Law perspectives and Islamic law
Corresponding Author
Faculty of Law, Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia
ABSTRACT Encumbrance Rights is one of the collateral guarantees. The main function of guarantees is to provide creditors with confidence that the debtor will carry out the agreement. The existence of collateral gives a preferred position of encumbrance rights holders. Encumbrance Rights Holders also have separatist creditors positions. This is confirmed in the Encumbrance Rights Act and the Bankruptcy Act. On the other hand the Bankruptcy Act also regulates the existence of a waiting period which undermines the rights of separatist creditors. The study aims to create a model of resolving conflicting legal norms to provide legal protection to creditor of encumbrance rights holders in debtor bankruptcy. The research method used is socio legal. The facts show that there is a conflict of legal norms regarding the arrangement of Encumbrance Rights Holder between the Encumbrance Right Guarantee Act and the Bankruptcy Act, resulting in a dispute in the implementation of the encubrance rights in the case of a bankrupt debtor. This results in no legal certainty and a lack of legal protection for creditors of Encumbrance Rights Holder.
Keywords: Conflict, Legal Norms, Encumbrance Rights, Separatist Creditors, Bankruptcy
Law perspectives and Islamic law
Corresponding Author
Rahmat Ilyas
IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung
Welfare is the goal of Islamic teachings in the economic field. Welfare is part of rahmatan lilalamin taught by Islam. Islam regulates all human behavior in meeting their needs, including consumption. This study wants to try to see empirically how the welfare level of the people of Tabagsel especially South Tapanuli Regency and Padangsidimpuan City are viewed from an Islamic economic perspective. The variable in this study is consumption ethics. The results of this study indicate that consumption ethics affect welfare, seen from the calculation results obtained, namely t count 2.618> t-table 1.967 and the significance of the study is 0.009 <0.05 which means Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, means that there is an influence between ethics consumption of welfare. The magnitude of the influence of consumption ethics on welfare is 0.135 as indicated by the magnitude of the β value of this study.
Welfare, Consumption, Consumption Ethics
Economics and Islamic economics
Corresponding Author
Syarifah HR DG Tujuh Syarifah
Abstract. Teachers, principals as leaders in a school contribute to improving student achievement. The above-made researchers interest in conducting research, which aims to determine the effect of teacher professional competence and school leadership on the performance of the field of fiqh study at MTs Jamiat Kheir, Central Jakarta. The population of this study was 171 students of MTs Jamiat Kheir and 20 teachers. This research is population research. There are three variables examined in this study, namely: teacher professional competence (X1), principals leadership (X2), and student achievement as variables (Y). This research uses a random sampling method or a random system with correlational study type and with quantitative approaches. Data collection techniques using questionnaires (Questionnaires) using the Guttman scale and study documentation. The data analysis technique used simple regression analysis. The results showed that there was a feeble influence between the professional competence of the teacher and the principals leadership on the learning achievement of Central Jakarta Jamiat Kheir students. As evidenced by the calculation of the coefficient of determination between X1, X2 and Y was the square of rxy = 0.974, i.e. r ^ 2 xy = 0.974. The ratio implies that 97.4% of learning styles (vak) affect student learning achievement. So students who can make the most of their learning styles both visual. Auditory and kinesthetic learning styles will be able to improve their learning achievement in the field of Fiqh.
Teacher and principal leadership, teacher professionalism, learning achievement
Education and Islamic Education
Corresponding Author
Desmon Desmon
Universitas Mitra Indonesia
This study aims to determine the effect of the environment, discipline, and years of service on employee performance. This research was conducted from April to July 2019. The location of the study was at the Office of the Regional Tax and Retrebusi Management Agency in Bandar Lampungi City. Research using survey methods. Number of samples 40. Data were analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression. The results obtained are Y = 5.498 + 0.797 + 0.453 + 0.108 + e. The coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.780, meaning that 78% of employee performance is influenced by the environment, discipline, and years of service. Based on the F-test, it was found that the work environment, work discipline, and length of work simultaneously had a significant effect on employee performance. Based on the t-test obtained both work confusion, work discipline and work period individually have a significant effect on employee performance.
Environtment, Discipline, Working Mass, and Employee Performance
Management and Islamic management
Corresponding Author
Sovia Mas Ayu
UIN Raden Intan Lampung
Early childhood in generation Z today are children born in the internet world and enjoy technological wonders that are so fast and affect every line of life both political, economic, and lifestyle. Children who are in the golden age range are the best time to instill moral values in particular to counteract the bad influence of the development of the technology. The purpose of this study is to produce instruments of akhlak assessment, and test the level of validity and reliability of akhlak assessment instruments for early childhood education. Research and development methods use the Plomp model which is characterized by a preliminary study, the development phase includes the design phase, realization, tests, revisions and implementation, and evaluation. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively including validity test using product moment, and reliability test using Cronbach alpha. The product development trial involved 60 students and 20 teachers from 2 early childhood schools namely Ar-Raudah Kindergarten and al-Kautsar Kindergarten. The results of expert validation indicate that the assessment instrument is feasible to be tested for its use. Furthermore, the results of the study indicate that the value of the validity and reliability of the attitude assessment instruments obtained respectively are 0.852 and 0.989. The results of teacher evaluations for the quality of content, writing / linguistic methods, and implementation show that the instrument for evaluating akhlak development developed can be categorized very good with the achievement of an average final score above 3.498. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the instrument for evaluating the development of akhlak developed is appropriate for early childhood use.
assessment instruments, akhlak, early childhood
Education and Islamic Education
Corresponding Author
zulfikri Betyar Rasuan
IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka Belitung
ABSTRACT Bilingual language learning is an important learning model to be applied to learners who are not native speakers of English, or English is still considered a foreign language (English as Foreign Language) oriented to the understanding and mastery of foreign languages, especially languages English can be started from education in kindergarten, because childhood is a good time to start introducing these learning patterns. In the bilingual learning process, children are introduced to various kinds of games and they are also introduced to English, with the hope that they are accustomed to pronounce English by imitating or adopting what their teacher has done so that they can pronounce correctly, at a minimum they can say numbers, animal names or use simple English in greeting their teacher and friends. The teacher factor also greatly influences childrens success in bilingual learning. How teachers design learning materials and how they develop exposure in the bilingual learning environment. This study describes and discusses the results of research on "Development of English Language Ability of Children Through Bilingual" Learning in PangkalPinang Model Kindergarten (TK) According to Their Parents Perspectives (mothers). The results that the researchers describe include the development of English language skills of kindergarten children through bilingual learning, the design of English learning of the Pagkalpinang Model kindergarten teachers through bilingual learning and the extent of output produced; and the application of exposure in a bilingual learning environment. In the discussion of the results of the research can be seen some conclusions from the three research problems that the author has described previously which include the development of childrens English skills through learning bilingual according to the perspective of parents, then the design of learning and outputs produced, and exposure which is implemented by schools as part of the main supporting facilities for teaching and learning activities.
Bilingual, kindergarten, teacher, and language learning
Social science and Islamic studies
Corresponding Author
Popon Srisusilawati
Universitas Islam Bandung
jalan Ranggagading No. 08 Bandung
The purpose research to determine the implementation system, product differentiation strategy, and product differentiation strategy analysis of iB Hasanah Card Classic, iB Hasanah Card Gold, and iB Hasanah Card Platinum against the decision to choose sharia credit card products. The research method used is qualitative. Data sources are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires to iB Hasanah Card user customers. Data processing techniques use the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Data analysis in the study will be conducted if it has a consistency ratio (CR) <0.1 then verified and then make conclusions. The result of research first, the iB Hasanah Card was implementation system by DSN-MUI Number 54, the product differentiation strategy uses four indicators, namely Features, Product Adjustment, Quality of Conformity, and Easily Improved. Third, the analysis of differentiation strategies for iB Hasanah Card Classic, iB Hasanah Card Gold, and iB Hasanah Card Platinum products against the decision to choose sharia credit card products using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method result from Synthesis With Recipe To Goal that has been processed through expert choice with Inconsistency value of 0.06 for the results of excellence are owned by iB Hasanah Card Gold.
Sharia Credit Card, Differentialization Strategy, Metode Analytic Hierarchy Process
Management and Islamic management
Corresponding Author
Rangga Galura Gumelar
a) Lecturer Study Program Ekonomic Sharia Islam,
b) Lecturer Study Program Communiction Science
University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa.
Jalan Raya Jakarta No.4 Pakupatan Serang-Banten
Developing of micro, small and medium business based on Islamic sharia economic law, should be developed not only based on the capital requirements as an important role in the management of UMKM, but its also as the current challenges in the 4.0 era, the develop of netwrok expansion and the media use are absolutely necessary. The marketing system in this era is not only focus on the area of limited nature, but it has been come in the digital marketing area, where the actual market share is no limit, wider and also more numerous. Therefore, based on the sharia economic approach, there needs to be synchronization and developing in the UMKM to be able to make innovate and develop in the direction of digital. The focus of research on UMKM in the District of Pontang, Domas Village, Serang Regency, Banten Province, is based on the typical food “Bontot”, which uses Payus fish as the main ingredient, where they still uses conventional methods and marketing approaches untill now. This study aims to provide an overview of : 1) How is the readiness of UMKM in facing challenges of era 4.0; 2) How is the role of Islamic economic development at UMKM. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with emphasis on the level of observation and in-dept interviews. Validation of the data in this study was carried out by credibility and contributed to the research.
Sharia Economy, Digital Marketing, UMKM, Bontot Pontang
Management and Islamic management
Corresponding Author
Vellyadana Tiwisia
Student Of The Doctoral Program at The University Of Lampung
A marriage that is carried out with a marriage agreement has different consequences than a marriage that is carried out without a marriage agreement on assets, both for assets obtained before marriage or inborn property or assets obtained after the marriage takes place. Meanwhile, when viewed from traditional law, customary law does not recognize marriage agreements. The marriage agreement itself in western societies has individualistic and capillistic characteristics. Individualistic, because through a marriage agreement recognizes the independence of husbands property and wifes property. Capitalism because of its aim to protect households from bankruptcy in the business world, meaning that if one of the parties between a husband and wife goes bankrupt, then the other can still be saved.
Keywords: Legal Impact, Marriage, Marriage Agreement, Bankruptcy.
Law perspectives and Islamic law
Corresponding Author
Adi Izhar Bin Che Ani
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Cawangan Pulau Pinang
With rapid technological advancement, increasing demand of electrical and electronic as well as short lifespan of the products has lead to the increase in e waste generation. Hence, e waste generation has become a concern. E waste management requires different approach compare to conventional management of traditional wastes. This is because of e waste complex characteristic where it-s contain hazardous substances which pose risk to human health and environment. On one hand e wastes are becoming environmental hazards and affecting the ecological imbalance. On the other hand, these e wastes are remaining still economically valuable. In Malaysia, e waste management system is still in nascent state. Understanding e waste management and to determine the best approach is a difficult task due to lack of study in Malaysia and reliable data on management system. This paper describes the current status of e waste generation and recycling and explores issues for forture e waste management system in Malaysia from sustainable point of view. This paper aimed to assess the current practice of e waste management in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. The data presented in this paper derived mostly from the secondary sources of various literatures in order to understand the current issue and problem in e waste management. Managing e waste in Malaysia is challenging due to its hazardous characteristic and the generation currently at an alarming rate where it is reported that e waste will be expected to triple output in next five years. Therefore, the cooperation from all level of management from key stakeholders is needed in order to ensure the risk of e waste can be control at the minimum level.
Electrical and electronic waste, e-waste, management, hazardous
Management and Islamic management
Corresponding Author
Nopiana Nopiana
a) Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, PTIQ Jakarta
Jalan Batan I No. 2 Lebak Bulus Cilandak Jakarta Selatan 12440
b) Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Universitas Lampung
The Quran is the first lesson given by parents or Muslim families to their children. In essence learning must last a lifetime. To create a quality generation, education must be done from an early age in this case through Early Childhood Education (PAUD), which is education aimed at children from birth to age 6 years. Al Quran-based educational management is currently widely used by the community as the foundation for managing an educational institution, it has also been developed in PAUD Anak Bangsa through Early Childhood Education (PAUD). This study focuses on the management of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) based on Al-Quran in PAUD Anak Bangsa, Kota Serang. The sub focus in this research are: Planning, implementation, and evaluation of education management based on Al-Quran. This research uses qualitative method by using descriptive analysis.Based on the research findings, it is found that the management planning of early childhood education based on Al-Quran is prepared through work meeting between Foundation Manager, Principal and Teacher at the beginning of the new school year. Additional program activities that characterize at PAUD Anak Bangsa Kota Serang that is using the program Iqra and AISME
Management; Early Childhood Education; Alquran
Education and Islamic Education
Corresponding Author
Zakaria Bahari
Centre for Islamic Development Management (ISDEV)
Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 USM, Pulau Pinang
This paper aims to identify the types of economic approaches, philosophies and economic theories used in the implementation of productive zakat in zakat institutions in Malaysia. This study is a qualitative study using information from the field through zakat practitioners at zakat institutions as well as secondary data from journal materials, reports, websites and books. This study used conventional content analysis to analyse data. The findings show that the form of economic approach applied is self-serving, collaboration between zakat institutions and smart cooperation approaches with external agencies. The philosophy of economics is to use fishing rod and not the fishes, and no economic theory is applied. Zakat institutions provide the programs through capital assistance, courses, training skills and equipment assistance.
Zakat Distribution, Productive Zakat, Economy Approach
Economics and Islamic economics
Corresponding Author
Rapiah Tulhikmah Hikmah
a) IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka belitung Jl. Raya Km. 13 Desa Petaling Bangka 33173, Indonesia
b) IAIN Syaikh Abdurrahman Siddik Bangka belitung Jl. Raya Km. 13 Desa Petaling Bangka 33173, Indonesia
This research is descriptive research that aim to determine the effectiveness of cooperative tipe Examples Non Examples based on student learning outcomes class in X2 SMA Negeri 1 Galesong study on electrolyte solution, non elctrolit solution and reaction redoks. Examples Non Examples is a medium of learning of use an image that is presented in acordince to shine from the examples and non examples. The subject in this research is student in graduated X2 SMA Negeri 1 Galesong, academic year 2013/2014 that amount 33 students. The data collecting use the student outcomes (post test). The result of experiment shown the average of student outcomes with use Examples Non Examples in chemistry learning is 81,45% with class pass is 87,87% so can be concluded the effectiveness Examples Non Examples in chemistry learning is 72,03%.
Examples Non Examples, Effectiveness, Student Outcomes, Elektrolyte Solution, Non Electrolyte Solution, Reaction Redoks
Education and Islamic Education
Corresponding Author
Yunita Wulandari
(1,2,3,4) University of Darussalam Gontor, Jl. Raya Siman Km 6 Siman- Ponorogo- East Java 63471 Indonesia, 0352-488220
This study aims to analyze employee performance appraisal that success concepts can be formed in business or entrepreneurship. Performance appraisal can be called as performance which is a form of behavior carried out on what has been achieved by employees in a given role in a company. Employee performance is one of the human resources to achieve the goals of a company or entrepreneurial business. The method used is a qualitative method with three methods of data collection, they are observation, interview and documentation. This research shows that employee performance appraisal is very necessary in a company, business or entrepreneurial organization. Performance appraisal can spur the success of a business in a company.
Performance Appraisal, Business, Human Reseach Development, Employee
Management and Islamic management
Corresponding Author
Karmawan Karmawan
Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf
The purpose of this study is to analyze the settlement of Islamic civil cases through mediation by analyzing the factors that determine the success and failure of cases resolved through mediation in the jurisdiction of the Banten High Court. This research is a kind of descriptive legal research using a qualitative approach. The type of data used is primary data and secondary data. Data sources used are primary data sources and secondary data sources. The results of this study include; 1) The failure factor; the parties did not want to make peace, the lack of knowledge of judges, and the role of advocates did not support peace; 2) success factors; the good faith of the parties, the type of dispute is easy, and the mediating judge helps reach an agreement. The conclusion of this research is that the more settlement of cases through mediation, the higher the level of justice perceived, and the fulfillment of the principle of justice that is simple, fast and low-cost promoting justice in society. Keywords: Success, failure, and Mediation,
Success, failure, and Mediation
Law perspectives and Islamic law
Corresponding Author
uswatun hasanah
Graduate School, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
managed properly, productive waqf can be used as a new strategy to alleviate poverty and create prosperity for the community and can support economic stability. Productive waqf in Indonesia has been approved by national law and MUI. This is a positive opportunity to develop the economy and education better but there is still little understanding of the importance of productive waqf for development; therefore, a stimulus is needed so that the management of waqf can be developed productively supported by financial technology.
Productive Waqf, Startup, Financial Technology
Financial technology and Islamic finance
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