The Strategies of Orange Farming Development in Karangcengis Village Bukateja Subsdistrict Purbalingga Regency Syarifah Ashmi Izzatunnisa¹⁾, Sulistyani Budiningsih²⁾, Pujiati Utami³⁾
University Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
This study aimed to figure out the internal and external factors, development strategies, alternative strategies, and priority strategies that could be applied in developing orange farming in Karangcengis village, Bukateja district, Purbalingga regency. The descriptive method was used in this study which was carried out by survey technique. The data were analyzed by using SWOT analysis (IFE Matrix, EFE Matrix, SWOT Matrix, QSP Matrix). The results indicated that the main strength was that farmers had the ability to cultivate oranges, and the weakness was less quality of the oranges because of the old orange trees. The opportunity was that the marketing of oranges has reached outside the region, and the threat was that the farmers were easy to get replacement goods. The alternative strategies included utilizing market opportunities by increasing productivity and increasing the quality of oranges, expanding marketing areas and attracting new consumers, optimizing the role of government by rejuvenating orange trees through local extension workers, increasing technical capabilities in orange cultivation, increasing supervision in maintenance of orange trees, improving technology to optimize productivity. Strategy priorities that can be applied in the efforts to develop orange farming in Karangcengis village, Bukateja district, Purbalingga regency by mastering market opportunities and increasing supervision in maintaining orange trees.
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