Potential Analysis of Low Economic Value Fish in Lamongan Regency Indonesia Choirul Anam1), Noor Harini2), Damat2), Ahmad Wahyudi 2), Yuli Witono3), Nita Kuswardhani3), Moh. Azus Shony Azar4)
University of Muhamadiyah Malang, Indonesia1) 2); University of Jember 3); Darul Ulum Islamic University, Lamongan 4)
Abstract. Lamongan Regency as one of the minapolitan areas in East Java. Marine sector fisheries production has increased every year. In fishing operations carried out by fishermen not only fish with high economic value but many fishermen who accidentally catch fish with low economic value commonly referred to as trash fish. Identification of trash fish potential is done by location quotient (LQ) method. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of low commercial value fish species in Lamongan Regency. The processed data included primary and secondary data. Data were processed using the LQ method and analyzed descriptively by way of compiling data into tables. The survey results showed that there are 10 types of low commercial value fish in Lamongan Regency, namely Juwi, Peperek, Puso, Lemuru, Beloso, Kapasan, Tembang, and Lidah fish. The results of the LQ method showe that there are three types of fish that have the potential to be made of high economic value products, namely Peperek fish (11.36), Juwi fish (2.35), and Tembang fish (2.32). TPI that has the potential in terms of fish productivity to be developed is TPI Weru. The typology of fishermen in TPI Weru has less experience working as a fisherman than other TPI but the level of education is higher and the age of fishermen is younger so that it affects the productivity of fish catches. The highest amount of income is found in the fishermen of TPI Brondong. The fishing gear used in catching fish are payang, net, purse seine, fishing line, dogol.
Keywords: low economic, trash fish, method of location quotient
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