Indonesia Conference Directory

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Prototype Design of Automatic Plant Watering Equipment with Soil Moisture Detection System Based on Arduino Uno Microcontroller "Case Study of Chili Plant"
Aswin Rosadi (a*), Ahmad Fauzan (b), Winarno(c)

Computer Engineering Lecturer, Engineering Faculty, Muhammadiyah of University Surabaya


Indonesia is an agrarian country, and most of the populations livelihood is in the agricultural sector. One of the results of agricultural commodities is chilli. The chili is a vegetable commodity that cannot be separated from the daily needs of the community. In the process of planting chili plants, water requirements greatly affect the growth of chili plants. However, along it was with the occurrence of delays in watering, especially in the dry or hot season. Watering chili plants based on soil moisture was one way to treat chili plants properly. Using the arduino uno microcontroller was as the main controller for the automatic chilli watering program. The program received input from the sensor soil moisture. The soil moistures were a sensor that worked to determine soil moisture, so when the soil was under certain humidity conditions it can water the chilli plants automatically.

Keywords: Automatic watering plants, soil moisture, arduino uno, chili

Topic: Electrical Engineering


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Dede Nasrullah)

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