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A Study of Working mother parenting practice in Purbalingga District
Asih Nur Ismiatun (a), Yoyon Suryono (b)

(a) Ikip Siliwangi Bandung
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi 40526
(b) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No.1 Yogyakarta 55281


Mothers plays an important role in children parenting since they were born, which is very important in the family. However, today with the many demands of life such as economic needs make many mothers have to work and must reduce togetherness with their children. This study aims to analyze how working mothers do parenting for their children. It was conducted in Purbalingga district and involving 100 working mothers with different job backgrund, different levels of education and living environment. A qualitative approach with description analysis was used in this study. Data was collected by giving 22 items of instruments to determine the quality of care for working mothers. This study identified the quality of working mothers based on indicators of time together with children, quality of care, application of discipline and punishment. The results show that parenting of working mothers included in good category. The reduced time because of mothers work makes mothers have to be more creative in making quality time with children and schools can be an alternative for providing education.

Keywords: parenting, working mother

Topic: Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Conference: International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Parenting (ECEP 2019)

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