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International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Parenting (ECEP 2019)

Event starts on 2019.11.04 for 4 days in Jakarta |

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8 Breakthrough in Successful ECCE Program Implementation
Syifa Andina, Lusi Margiyani

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Syifa Andina

Save The Children

A story of ECCE practitioners in the Atambua, Belu district, a border of Indonesia and Timor Leste and in Jakarta, the Capital City. The experience of all stakeholders in ECCE; teacher, government representatives, trainers, the project staff, parents, and the children themselves has been summarized in this paper to provide a tips for the other practioners and key steps in achieving success and sustainable ECCE program. Some of the tips are committment to change and visioning.

ECCE program, sustainable, visioning, successful implementation

Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education


A Home-Visit Program: Harmonizing Childcare and Parents
Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani

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Wahju Dyah Laksmi Wardhani

Uniersitas Muhammadiyah Jember

This is a conceptual review of what developes a harmonious relationship between parents and childcare in terms of sustaining a routine program for children of 1 to 3 years old, known as a home-visit program. The home-visit program is a part program in daycare which takes the responsibility to educate children of working parents. This review aimed at describing a point of view of the home-visit attempt to harmonize the sustainability of childcare program at home. The attempts to improve the effectiveness of the program were reviewed from previous studies and theoretical framework about the significance of the program continuity at home where childcare hardly holds a control over. The result of the present review is a conceptual construct of an effective home-visit program which involves fundamental values like healthy lifestyle, toilet training, and daily skills for children of 1 – 3 years old.

Keywords: home-visit program, childcare, fundamental values

The First 1,000 Days in Life


A Study of Working mother parenting practice in Purbalingga District
Asih Nur Ismiatun (a), Yoyon Suryono (b)

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(a) Ikip Siliwangi Bandung
Jalan Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Cimahi 40526
(b) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Jl. Colombo No.1 Yogyakarta 55281

Mothers plays an important role in children parenting since they were born, which is very important in the family. However, today with the many demands of life such as economic needs make many mothers have to work and must reduce togetherness with their children. This study aims to analyze how working mothers do parenting for their children. It was conducted in Purbalingga district and involving 100 working mothers with different job backgrund, different levels of education and living environment. A qualitative approach with description analysis was used in this study. Data was collected by giving 22 items of instruments to determine the quality of care for working mothers. This study identified the quality of working mothers based on indicators of time together with children, quality of care, application of discipline and punishment. The results show that parenting of working mothers included in good category. The reduced time because of mothers work makes mothers have to be more creative in making quality time with children and schools can be an alternative for providing education.

parenting, working mother

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Access and Participation in Quality Education via Pancasila Shaped Online Interregional Indonesia Teachers Conversations
Christine Pheeney

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Christine Edith Pheeney

Charles Darwin University

The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals rally attention to the need for all children to have equal access and participation in quality education around the globe. In Indonesia, Pancasila provides socio-cultural guidelines to appropriate to context. Pancasila précised as ‘Unity in Diversity- recognises Indonesia-s diverse constituency and specifies deliberative inquiry within interdependent relations to achieve unity. This paper introduces a doctoral study of a Pancasila inspired approach to teacher learning. Twenty-three teachers representative of Indonesia-s diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds in dispersed locations were involved in a six-week program. Deliberative inquiry was scaffolded by Conflict Resolution Education Module video materials and a community facilitator, in online synchronous and asynchronous forums. Analysis of teacher reflections show maturation of teachers- ‘Unity in Diversity- conceptions were achieved via experiential learning in conversation. The online interregional interaction activated horizontal networks, responsibility and classroom application at an affordable cost, with capacity for broad utilisation and methodology for extension of other pertinent foci. The approach offers input to rethink and reconceptualise teacher professional development strategies for peaceful national development.

Teacher Learning, Pancasila, Unity in Diversity, Social Justice, Peace Education, Cultural Heritage, Local Wisdom, Transnational, Indonesia, Collaborative Inquiry

Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education


Addressing Language Development Barriers: A Pedagogical Approach for Young Children with Speech Delay
(a) Dewi Fitriani (b)Agus Prayogo

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Dewi Fitriani

(a) Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

(b) Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo

Speech delay is considered prevalent in young children and becomes significant attention among early childhood educators since it may affect the communication and social skills of children. To deal with this problem, a pedagogical approach is carried out to facilitate educators in helping young children with such hindrance. This study aims at investigating the pedagogical approach employed by the teacher to address the speech delay. A descriptive qualitative study is used to examine the implementation through interviews and observation. Educators from identified schools with speech delay pupils were selected to participate in the study. The findings revealed a series of pedagogical treatments utilized for resolving the speech delay started from classroom management, teacher-s modelling, small group opportunity, big group opportunity, teacher-s scaffolding, and referral system.

pedagogical approach; speech delay; young children

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Ratu Yustika Rini

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Ratu Yustika Rini

Graduate School Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This paper tries to explore the feminism construction of fathershood in the family. Using postdevelopmental understanding, this paper seeks to understand how feminism develops in becoming a father, this paper is based on a case study conducted in 2016 for one month. The findings of this study reveal that the construcibility of feminism in the family lies in patriarchal discourse. This paper argues that there are many meanings attached to the fatherly patterns that have built feminism in the family environment. It not only functions as a symbol of feminism, but also acts as a patriarchal marker. This finding also shows that the discourse perpetuates the patriarchal legacy. So, it is highly recommended, so parents can build the construct of feminism, and be able to understand various meanings of feminism in a comprehensive and applicable way.

Feminism, fatherhood

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Becoming Orphans Caregivers: Free or Forced Choice, How Do They Perceive It?
Tina Hayati Dahlan

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Tina Hayati Dahlan

Educational Psychology Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Not all of the children entrusted to orphanages are truly orphans; some of them still have parents/close family. In general their parents/family entrust children to be taken care in orphanages in order to obtain access to education. In this case, the role of orphanage caregivers is crucial for orphans- lives; however, becoming caregivers cannot be separated from stressful situation triggered by internal or external factors. The article presents the results of a qualitative study conducted with one male and four female caregivers engaged in an Islamic orphanage in Indonesia; the female caregivers were used to be the orphaned in the orphanage. The information was gathered through in-depth interviews and the analysis was content driven without imposing preconceived theoretical limits. This article seeks to understand the background on becoming orphans caregivers and how the caregivers perceive it. Findings of this study reveal that the background of ‘obligation to serve- underlies caregivers- attitude and behavior toward their role and nurturing situation. However, the caregivers perceived their role and nurturing situations as a process of learning to be a better person and worth a worship, and they admitted the importance of parenting program for them in order to be more effective in playing their role in the orphanage. The implication of the findings provides a basis for the researchers to develop a draft of mindful parenting program to be implemented in Islamic orphanage in related to caregivers nurturing skills and orphaned children well-being.

Caregivers, orphanage, nurturing, mindful, well-being

Parenting Class in Early Childhood Education Centres


Best Practices Integrated Parenting In Indonesia
Fitriana Wuri Herarti

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Fitriana Wuri Herarti

ChildFund International in Indonesia

ChildFund-s Integrative Parenting Program in under-resourced communities aims to empower parents and primary caregivers with knowledge and practical skills to support their infant, children, and young adolescents to build a strong foundation in life. Its goal is to establish good relationships between parents and their children. This program delivers the eight quality standards of ChildFund-s parenting program for parents with children from 0 to 14 years old. The approach is two-fold: Responsive Parenting for 0 to 5-year old-s and Positive Parenting for parents of children above five years old. Child protection and disaster risk reduction are key in both approaches. ChildFund reached 2,550 caregivers through 229 community facilitators in 8 districts. Our best practice study shows an improved relationship between parents and children and a decrease in harmful practices at home. Early stimulation at home is taking place with children under five. Children reported that they feel comfortable sharing what is on their mind and take action without being judged or punished by their parent.

integrative parenting, child protection, disaster risk reduction

Parenting Class in Early Childhood Education Centres


Building-Blocks: Children Reflections on Gender
Marina Trie Ramadhany Gunawan, Hani Yulindrasari, Vina Adriany

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Marina Trie Ramadhany Gunawan

Postgraduate of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia (naramadhany.gunawan[at]

Lecture of Postgraduate of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia (haniyulindra[at]

Lecture of Postgraduate of Early Childhood Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia (vina[at]

The purpose of this article is to discuss the gender construction process that is carried out through blocks learning media. The researcher examines the blocks learning media which always considers to stimulate early childhood development, using the perspective of postdevelopmentalism. This article uses a directed ethnography research method, for about 2 months in kindergarten in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. Researchers found that children used blocks as one of the platforms to meet their understanding of gender. In this study, boys and girls make an understanding of what boys can do and girls cant do. This discusses making gender stereotypes about boys and girls. The stereotype can be one of the causes of the unequal access received by children. This of course also has implications for the lack of development or development skills developed in early childhood. Based on the findings of the researchers, the researchers found that teachers could have a higher awareness about the use of instructional media, one of which is a block for early childhood that is more gender equitable

Blocks, Gender, Children, Picture

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


Care for the children care for the future: Eco-literacy for enhancing the community ecological awareness.
Maulana Surya Kusumah

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Maulana Surya Kusumah

Departement of Sociology,
University of Jember
Jember, Indonesia

The social practice in ecological governance conduces to damage the environment. This activity is not continuously a permanent behavior. Assigning children as an agent of change and being the purpose of environmental awareness actions is very useful. Based on the results of the study, the agent deconstructs community habit by utilizing an awareness-raising action. Interestingly in this action, children become targets of eco-literacy. This research applies the life history method to reveal the process of deconstruction taking place in the process of social awareness. As a method of a constructivist perspective, the research subjects are actors in the eco-literacy process. This research examines the entire process and the involvement of actors in the action strategy. This eco-literacy process goes through four stages of activity, namely increasing the imagination of the environment, instilling ecological value, constructing environmental awareness, and presenting actions based on socio-ecological ingenuity.

eco-literacy, values, awareness, socio-ecological Ingenuity, conservation action.

Early Childhood Education Philosophies


Character Building in Childhood Through Story Telling About Folklore
Ana Mentari (a*), Nopiana (b), Hermi Yanzi (c)

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Corresponding Author
Ana Mentari

a) PPKN, Universitas Lampung
Jalan Sumantri Brojnegoro No. 1 Gedong Meneng
Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
b) PGPAUD Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung
Jalan Sumantri Brojnegoro No. 1 Gedong Meneng
Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia
c) PPKN, Universitas Lampung
Jalan Sumantri Brojnegoro No. 1 Gedong Meneng
Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35141, Indonesia

The Indonesian nation must be built by prioritizing character development because this character building will make Indonesia a great, advanced, and glorious, dignified nation. The rapid progress and sophistication of technology now, which makes habits begin to be abandoned. Children now prefer to play gadgets and play stations rather than traditional childrens games, whereas traditional childrens games are not just games but also teach about many lessons such as practicing patience, cooperation, responsibility, tolerance, and caring among others. So it is necessary to plant characters early in early childhood, with the hope that good character can be well embedded early on. Character is not formed by learning in class, but it requires habituation. Through storytelling it is hoped that children will recognize, understand and be able to feel the values contained in the story, so good character values will be embedded in the child. The habit of telling stories or storytelling about folklore needs to be done at school, especially at home, so that communication between teachers, parents, and children can be established in instilling the character of children.

Early Childhood; Character Building; Story Telling; Folklore

Character Education for Early Year Children


Hikmah, Sofia Hartati, Yenina Akmal, Sri Koeswantono, Karnadi

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Hikmah Munawaroh

Jakarta State University

Children born in 2010 until now are Alfa generation children. The Alfa generation is in the midst of advances in information technology at the golden age. Alfa generation children from an early age are familiar with the world of technology and the internet, also known as the native digital generation. So that children who are now studying in playgroups, kindergartens and elementary schools today are alpha-generation children who are Karab with IT who are able to access and absorb various information. Besides school parents also play a role in the social development of childrens emotions. For this reason, a learning model that can optimize childrens emotional emotional abilities is needed. The social problems of children today are quite worrying, we can see from various media that lately shows the amount of violence and bullying that the perpetrators and victims are children. for that we need preventive measures that need to be done on children from an early age. Technology and information are increasingly developing so that it impacts on the swift flow of information that is easily accessed by children without being filtered so that it becomes a model and is imitated by children. schools today still focus on cognitive development and minimal application of social development and at home parents have limitations. A model of social emotional development intervention in schools is needed that involves collaboration with parents. This study aims to evaluate the application of emotional social learning models by involving parents. Based on the results of evaluations conducted at eight PAUD institutions in East Jakarta located in 8 sub-districts, the average success of the program was 85.87%. Based on the data above, it can be concluded that the program can be implemented well and successfully

Social emotional learning model, parent involvement, early childhood education

Character Education for Early Year Children


Character Education in Dendang Saluang (Ethnographic Study at Early Childhood in Kawasan Saribu Rumah Gadang, Solok Selatan Regency )
Isa Hidayati, Kamtini

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Isa Hidayati

Universitas Negeri Medan

This study aims to describe dendang saluang as one of the strategies to develop character of early childhood in Kawasan Saribu Rumah Gadang, Solok Selatan. This type of research is qualitative with an ethnographic approach. Analysis of the data used is the Spradley model. The research data was obtained by observation, documentation and interviews. Based on the results of the data analysis, dendang saluang is traditional sound art by parents and teacher when their child going to sleep or when the child is playing. There are two types of dendang saluang are dendang saluang with standard lyrics and singing with free lyrics. Character values that exist in dendang Saluang include religious, Honesty, Discipline, Tolerance, Confidence, mutual cooperation, Respect and courtesy, Responsibility, Hard Work, Leadership and justice, Creative, humble, dan caring for the environment.

Character, Early Childhood, Dendang Saluang.

Character Education for Early Year Children


CHARACTER EDUCATION IN EARLY CHILDREN (Program Evaluation at Ibnu Sina Kindergarten, Bandung Regency)
Taufik Mustofa, Rina Syafrida, Iqbal Amar Muzaki

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Taufik Mustofa

University of Singaperbangsa Karawang

Evaluative research is conducted to find out the effectiveness of character education implementation in the context of input or improvement to PAUD organizers. As applied in Ibnu Sina Kindergarten, Bandung, which already uses a character education approach. This study uses an evaluation method with a qualitative approach. With the evaluation method the researcher is expected to be able to give an assessment of the implementation of the Character Education approach in Ibnu Sina Kindergarten which incidentally uses Character Education. The results of the research were allegedly able to provide the effectiveness of quality character education programs and quality, as well as being able to provide an assessment of the management of the program, the advantages and disadvantages of the implemented program. Based on the results of research conducted, it was found that the Approach to Learning Character Education applied at Ibnu Sina Kindergarten had a positive impact on learning outcomes and the progress of students development.

Education, Character, Early Children

Character Education for Early Year Children


Child growth awareness: an important role for reaching the optimal first 1000 days in life
Jeslyn Tengkawan (a*), Ayu Anandhika (a), Titi Pambudi Karuniawaty (b), Ristania Ellya John (a,b), Zulfikar Ihyauddin (a), Kezia Jessica (a)

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Corresponding Author
Jeslyn Tengkawan

a) Yayasan Capella Project Indonesia
Taman Surya 5 Ruko Avenue Blok KK1 No. 57
Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat 11730, Indonesia
b) Mataram University, Faculty of Medicine

Background and Aims: Monitoring child growth plays an important role in detecting child-s growth abnormalities and monitoring child-s nutritional adequacy. This study aimed to measure the completeness of growth chart in maternal and child health book and evaluate cadres. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in three stunting villages in Lombok Tengah. We evaluated 59 cadres and nutritionists and 205 maternal and child books. Results: We found 100% of WHO growth charts, including weight for height/length, height/length for age, and head circumference for age graphs in maternal and child health books were not filled. Out of 59 participants, 23.7% was never participated in height/length measurement and only 13.6% did a head circumference measurement at least once. 94.9% never filled or plotted WHO curves in maternal and child health book with the most reasons are did not know how to fill (64.4%), and 28.8% did not know that the growth chart can be filled and plotted. Implication: Prior studies showed that routine child growth monitoring should be done especially for children younger than 2 years. We suggest that government should socialize more about the importance and the urgency about child growth and development awareness to all parents and healthcare practitioners.

child health; growth assessment; awareness; 1000 days

The First 1,000 Days in Life


Wulan Patria Saroinsong, Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Sriwidayati, Eka Cahya Maulidiyah

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Wulan Patria Saroinsong

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Abstract-- This study has the purpose to obtained that parent perceive on the digital advancement era in the meantime its impact on childrens social skills. In 4.0 Era, the younger generation is prompted to use gadget more often. it happen in this digital era when Children play with gadgets sitting or lying down at home and worse of all, apart from lacking in physical activity, and they only communicate with the apps screen rather than with their parents. In addition, the parents are crucial in nurturing preschoolers during the early stage of their development. In order to find out the prevalence of parents perceive on childrens social skills, The survey study has applied using the parents and their children in East Java as the participants. This study revealed that gadget excessive uses give the worse impact on childrens social skill and physical growth. Most of parents perceive gadget has decrease children social skill but they couldnt overcome the excessive gadget on their children. Regarding the implications, this survey has implications in early childhood activity through physical as well as social activity. Additionally parenting has the crucial implications in order that to be aware and taking actions to make the time management for children activity and explore their social ability.

Parent Perceive, digital advancement, early childhood, social skills

Digital Advancement in Early Childhood Education and Parenting


Children-s Perception of Sally-s Character in Animation “Upin and Ipin”: A Gender Perspective
Fitri Rofiyarti

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Fitri Rofiyarti

Universitas Narotama

Understanding of gender in the child development process is constructed strongly by their environment, including the media that they consumed every day. Upin and Ipin, a remarkable animation from Malaysia as one of favorite animation in Indonesia can-t be denied has big influences to their audiences. In spite of their educative and humorous stories, this animation provokes an anxiety when Upin and Ipin shows a character named Kak Sally or Saleh, a male who has an attitude like a female. Portrayed in that ‘female like- behavior, Upin and Ipin displays well another phenomena related to gender to the children within Kak Sally-s character. Through qualitative method, this research will interview 4-6 years old children and analyze their perception to this kind of different behavior related to the gender issues and the implication like how they will treat their peers who behave like Kak Sally in the real life.

gender, perception, animation

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


children-s perception on their parents- parenting practice
(1*). Beatriks Novianti Bunga, Angelikus Nama Koten, Theodorina N. Seran, M.Pd, Kristin Margiani, 2. Indra Yohanes Kiling

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Beatriks Novianti Bunga

1. Early Childhood Education Department, Nusa Cendana University of Nusa Cendana, East Nusa Tenggara.
beatriks.bunga[at] id
2.Psychology Department, University of Nusa Cendana, East Nusa Tenggara

Common parenting practices in Kupang city is harsh parenting. This type of parenting put less focus in understanding children-s opinion, feeling and hope. This study aims to explore children-s perception on their parents- parenting practice with three main objectives, what do they parents do when they do something wrong, what causes their parents to do that and what is their feeling and hope for their parents. Participants in this study recruited from 12 kindergartens in Kupang City. Data collection were done in two months using interview session on 52 boys and 68 girls aged five to six years old. Data were analysed using thematic analysis technique. Results shown that there are three main reactions from parents when their children made a mistake, that is physical punishment, verbal punishment, and permissive punishment. The antecendent of these responses identified are internal factors from the children (e.g. children refuses to eat or sleep) and external factors (e.g. parents under influence of alcohol, conflict between parents). Fathers, mothers and even other caregivers such as grandmothers are identified to be involved in harsh parenting. Children admitted several negative feelings such as feeling sad, alone, afraid and also often expressed their emotions in crying. There are six hopes from children for their parents, they long for physical contact, verbal expression, non verbal expression, spending time together, gifts and also they want nothing at all. Based on this study, parents in Kupang City could use more knowledge and skills to understand young children and how to discipline them without resorting to harsh parenting practices.

Parenting, Children Perception

Early Childhood Education and Parenting in Preparing School Readiness


Developing Games and Activities on Fair Gender: Critical Reflection on Early Childhood Learning
Dr. Iin Purnamasari, S.Pd., M.Pd.

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Iin Purnamasari

Departement of Elementary School of Teacher Education Faculty of Education University of PGRI Semarang, Indonesia

Basically, the learning done in early childhood education is to play. However, about the game, not just any game. Games performed in early childhood learning need to pay attention to the shape and principles of the game, the goal for the game used in learning for early childhood according to the needs of children. The principle of the game is productivity, activity, effectiveness and efficiency, creativity, educating and fun, as well as the suitability of the shape of the game with the characteristics of children aged 0 – 6 years. Games used in early childhood learning should be able to stimulus the child to develop an active attitude to him. The introduction of gender concept is the first step to give a child sexual education. It needs to be given early where the child is experiencing golden age. In addition, early childhood children also have an interest in the differences about men and women. The introduction of gender difference should be done precisely, considering that gender education will be stored in the childs long-term memory. This will affect the formation of behavior and personality when adults. This paper will reflect critically on how early childhood learning is based on games and gender fair activities for children.

games, activity, gender fair, learning, early childhood

Gender Issues in Early Childhood and Parenting Education


a) Atin Fatimah, b) Kristiana Maryani

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atin fatimah

a & b) Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

The purpose of this research is (1) to develop mobile learning for early childhood, (2) to measure the effectiveness of mobile learning implementation for early childhood. Data analysis techniques using Milles and Hubberman and t-test to measure the effectiveness of "golden age"mobile learning. Based on validation result, score of material test result is 3, 00 and result of media test 3,31, while based on field trial result got score 3,30. Scores of small group trial results on ten children obtained score Mean 65,5 Median 72 and Standard Deviation 16,9. Furthermore, based on the results of broader group trials as part of product improvements made to thirty children scores Mean 70.2 Median 72 and Standard deviation 0.33. In other words, that the development of mobile learning for early childhood in media courses and learning resources at the university sultan ageng tengayasa this produce a pretty good product.

Model Development, Mobile Learning, Children

Digital Advancement in Early Childhood Education and Parenting


Development of Animated Video as Learning Media on Early Childhood Education
Farida Kurniawati

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Farida Kurniawati

Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia

This study aims to develop animated videos for early childhood education based on psychological analysis approach (Schnotz & Lowe, 2003), characteristics of early childhood and cognitive theory of multimedia learning. The development of the videos was carried out through several stages. The first stage begun from preparing storyboards containing video content which was then poured into animated video by an animator. The second stage was the experts- judgement of the suitability of the animated video with the purpose of the study, the characteristics of the child and the duration of the animated video, also the clarity of the characters and the narration delivered in the animated video. In the third stage, the video was presented to two children who are in accordance with the characteristics of the study participants to find out the child-s opinion related to the animated video. The results shown that children were able to focus on the animated videos that last for 2 minutes 15 seconds. In addition, children were able to answer questions related to video content, indicating they understood the information provided in the video. The results revealed that animated video can be used as a learning medium; especially children aged 5-6 years.

animated video, learning media, early childhood education

Digital Advancement in Early Childhood Education and Parenting


Development of Snakes and Ladders Game (Disaster Response) as Earthquake Mitigation for Children 5-6 Years in Palu City
Besse Nirmala (a*), Andi Agusniatih (b)

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Corresponding Author
Besse Nirmala

(a) Tadulako University
Early Childhood Education
Palu, Indonesia
(b) Tadulako University
Early Childhood Education
Palu, Indonesia

This study aims to produce of snakes and ladders games with feasible to increase understanding of children related to earthquake disaster mitigation. Snakes and ladders games will be applied to children aged 5-6 years in Palu city. This research is a research and development according to Borg and Gall. Steps include research and data collection, planning, product development, initial field trials, revising the results of initial field trials, main field trials, refinement of product results of the main field test, trial run, improvement of the final product. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and questionnaries. Data analysis in the form of quantitative descriptive. The results showed that the assessment of the material validators get an average of 3.63, media validators get an average of 3.8, and disaster validators get an average of 3.75 (feasible category). In the initial field trials, it averaged persentage 78% and was included in the feasible category. The main field trials get an average persentage of 83%. Operational field trials get an average persentage of 87% included in the feasible category. It can be concluded that the game of the ladder snake as earthquake disaster mitigation is appropriate to use.

Snake and Ladders Game; Educational Game Tools; Earthquake Disaster Mitigation; and Early Childhood

Access, Participation and Quality of Early Childhood Education


Digital Parenting Services: University Integrated with Society
Kartika Rinakit Adhe, Wagino, M. Syahidul Haq

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Kartika Rinakit Adhe

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

This research aims to make progress in the area of parenting by building an online service system. This service integrates parenting information in the surrounding society. Services in the form of websites that can be opened by the public and contain information. The method used in this research is research and development with ADDIE type. The sample consisted of 50 lecturers, students, and parents. Trials are conducted with small trials as well as large trials onwards. The results of this study were carried out starting from the assessment of products and materials and then testing the service that was done. The feasibility assessment by material experts obtained a score of 93.18% with both criteria and categories Worthy. Eligibility assessment by media experts obtained a score of 93.75% with good criteria and feasible categories. Assessment of the feasibility of small group trials received a total score of 53.61% and large group trials received a total score of 68.56%. The implication of this research shows that digital parenting services help the public understand the parenting that will be applied to children.

digital parenting services

Digital Advancement in Early Childhood Education and Parenting


Disaster Mitigation in Early Childhood Education
Ina Winangsih, S.Pd., Dr. Euis Kurniati, M.Pd.

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Ina Winangsih

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Natural disaster happens quite frequently in Indonesia. The Government has attempted to tackle natural disaster by developing disaster mitigation mainstreaming plan in almost every aspect of the country-s development fields, including in education. it is however early childhood education remains overlooked in the discussion pertaining the natural disaster. Using a literature review approach, this paper aims to elaborate why early childhood education needs to be included in the nation-s disaster mitigation mainstreaming program. The finding of this paper is expected to illuminate how education, early childhood education program should be designed in order to be responsive with the natural disaster.

Disaster Mitigation, Early Childhood Education

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Disaster risk reduction education through storytelling for preschool children: A case study of storytellers local community in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara
Yulia Hidayati

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Corresponding Author
Yulia Hidayati

BPPAUD DIKMAS Nusa Tenggara Barat
Jalan Galah Mada 173, Mataram, NTB, 8316

yuliahidayati1507[at]; yhid0001[at]

This paper presents a study on the disaster risk reduction education (DRRE) through storytelling for preschool-aged children by the local storytellers- community in Lombok. The conceptual framework used is narrative inquiry through the three commonplaces of sociality, temporality and place (Conelly and Clandinin, 2006). By exploring a case study as methodology, this writing draws on the case of two storytellers who were actively demonstrating their skill for the aims of DRRE. The data was collected through the semi-structured interview and the analysis of storytelling video in their YouTube channel. The findings demonstrated that storytelling to improve disaster awareness shaped collaboratively through the three aspects of narrative inquiry. The way that story made, and its performance delivered depends on the children background, language and local values will act as valuable insight to further enrichment, together with the notion of using fun ways of delivering DRRE, namely, singing, props exploration and story-acting. Storytelling appears to be an effective technique to improve disaster awareness among young children. Thus, the mutual alliance between the government as the policymaker, the practitioners as those who engage in the practice and the academics as those who investigate the concepts, is expected.

Disaster Education, Early Childhood, Storytelling, Narrative Inquiry

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


Do we need a Standard on Parenting Education?
Syifa Andina, Fitriana Herarti

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Syifa Andina

ARNEC, Child Fund

How left behind are we as the highest population of parent in Southeast Asian countries with other countries in terms of parenting program? A review of the parenting education curriculum documents from several parenting programs in Indonesia, implies there are important elements in the parenting education curriculum that are not yet possessed by the parenting education curriculum in Indonesia, such as gender and mental health. The design and delivery of the program also show inconsistencies. This paper will present examples of the standard curriculum and design of a parenting education program for the parent of young children. However, do we really need a standard for parenting education that is often considered as informal education?

parenting education, gender, mental health, curriculum, design, delivery

Parenting Class in Early Childhood Education Centres


Does pre-school education in Indonesia meet the quality standers?
Abdulkhaleq Al-rawafi

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Abdulkhaleq Ali Al Rawafi

Thamar University, Yemen
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung

Assessment of Early childhood education is essential in the sense that it helps teachers to understand the childrens developmental progress in learning and it helps caregivers to determine how well they serve a better education. This study is designed to observe and assess the preschool education in Subang, Indonesia to determine whether the Indonesian children receive a quality educational environment. There are five kindergartens participated in this study. The instrument consists of sixteen criteria, namely emotional climate, social interactions, skills development, discipline strategies, instructional activities, general, language, literacy, mathematics, science, interactions with parents, cultural responsiveness, safety, materials, physical arrangement, and adaptation for children with disabilities. The researcher carries out the observation and the assessment by using the check list ‘Yes- if the dimension meet the determined criteria and ‘No- if the dimension does not meet the criteria.

assessment, preschool education, quality standers, Indonesian education

Character Education for Early Year Children


Widya Ayu Puspita

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Widya Ayu Puspita

BPPAUD dan Dikmas Jawa timur

ABSTRAK PEMBELAJARAN PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH, SEHAT DAN AMAN (PHBSA) DI PAUD INKLUSIF Widya Ayu Puspita Pamong Belajar BP PAUD dan Dikmas Jawa Timur Perilaku hidup bersih, sehat dan aman (PHBSA) merupakan sikap, pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang terkait dengan berbagai upaya untuk menjaga kebersihan, kesehatan dan keselamatan diri serta lingkungan. Model pembelajaran Perilaku Hidup Bersih, Sehat dan Aman (PHBSA) di PAUD Inklusif merupakan program pembelajaran untuk membiasakan anak di kelompok bermain, baik anak pada umumnya maupun anak berkebutuhan khusus. Pembiasaan tersebut diintegrasikan dalam seluruh aktivitas sepanjang hari dan dikuatkan pada tema-tema tertentu yang terkait. Sasaran dibatasi 2 – 4 tahun atau yang berada di satuan kelompok bermain (KB) inklusif. Untuk anak yang berkebutuhan khusus, rentang usia tidak dibatasi 2 – 4 tahun, tetapi yang terpenting adalah berada di kelompok bermain. Implementasi model sangat didukung oleh keterlibatan aktif pendidik sebagai perancang kegiatan dan pengelola yang melakukan monitoring kegiatan sekaligus pengendali mutu pembelajaran. PBSA terdiri atas beberapa perilaku, antara lain mencuci tangan, menggosok gigi, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, konsumsi makanan sehat dan seimbang, buang air besar dan buang air bersih pada tempatnya, serta menjaga kebersihan lingkungan. Pada model ini difokuskan pada mencuci tangan, menggosok gigi, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, konsumsi makanan sehat dan seimbang. PHBSA ditanamkan sejak dini melalui keteladanan, pembiasaan dan pengkondisian, sehingga menjadi kebiasaan positif yang menetap dan tampak dalam perilaku sehari-hari anak. Penanaman sejak dini sangat penting karena pada masa ini terjadi proses pembentukan karakter, yang akan menjadi dasar bagi kepribadian anak kelak, termasuk perilaku hidup bersih, sehat dan aman. Keteladanan terwujud dari contoh perilaku positif yang ditampilkan oleh orang dewasa di sekitar anak secara konsisten. Pembiasaan dilakukan sepanjang waktu, setiap hari, baik di satuan PAUD, maupun di rumah, sehingga terjadi kesinambungan, dan semakin kuat.

Kata Kunci Perilaku hidup bersih, sehat dan aman, pendidikan anak usia dini

Curriculum and Pedagogy in the Early Years


e-Parenting Consulting in Early Childhood Education Institutions
Ernie Isis Aisyah Amini, Syamsul Mujahidin, Fauziyah Syahrawati

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Ernie Isis Aisyah Amini

BP PAUD & Dikmas NTB

e-Parenting Consulting (e-Tingting) is an application developed by Early Childhood Education and Society Education of West Nusa Tenggara (BP-PAUD & Dikmas NTB) in 2018 with the aim of providing services in the form of parenting and online consultation for parents developed based on the Education Institution. Through this application, parents are expected to be able to access parenting materials, interact and consult directly with teachers regarding child development from all aspects of development. Each education unit has its own consulting service that focuses on the parents of each student by involving the teacher at the school as an admin and counselor. As an application, e-Parenting Consulting has gone through a process of conceptual testing and operational testing in three locations, namely TK N Pembina Labuapi, TK N 3 Gerung and TK IT Anak Sholeh. The success of application is obtained through the results of measurements of the attractiveness of the model script, the attractiveness of the application, the feasibility of the model and the effectiveness of the model. The e-Parenting Consulting application is expected to be a solution for parents and Early Childhood Education institutions in obtaining services in the form of materials and care consulting easily without being bound by time and space.

Electronic Parenting, consulting and early childhood education Institution

Parenting Class in Early Childhood Education Centres


Early Childhood Education in Java, Indonesia : Study or play ?
Bouchra Eddraoui

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Bouchra Eddraoui

Ibno Zohr University: Polydisciplinary Faculty of Ouarzazate

Early Childhood Education : Study or play ? Play is a necessary component of brain development for children. When playing, the children test out new knowledge and theories. This study aims to look at the importance of early childhood education and to what extent the playing improves the learning of the children. The study employs a qualitative approach to study the perception of 10 educators working in childcare centers in Java, Indonesia with regard to children-s learning through playing. Results showed that the educators acknowledged the importance of play-based learning in the early childhood education and that the children learn better when they are actively engaged in playing and the learning is done implicitly. Key Words: Early childhood Education, Educators, Indonesia

Early childhood Education, Educators, Indonesia

Leadership, Teachers and Educational Personnel


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