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e-Parenting Consulting in Early Childhood Education Institutions
Ernie Isis Aisyah Amini, Syamsul Mujahidin, Fauziyah Syahrawati

BP PAUD & Dikmas NTB


e-Parenting Consulting (e-Tingting) is an application developed by Early Childhood Education and Society Education of West Nusa Tenggara (BP-PAUD & Dikmas NTB) in 2018 with the aim of providing services in the form of parenting and online consultation for parents developed based on the Education Institution. Through this application, parents are expected to be able to access parenting materials, interact and consult directly with teachers regarding child development from all aspects of development. Each education unit has its own consulting service that focuses on the parents of each student by involving the teacher at the school as an admin and counselor. As an application, e-Parenting Consulting has gone through a process of conceptual testing and operational testing in three locations, namely TK N Pembina Labuapi, TK N 3 Gerung and TK IT Anak Sholeh. The success of application is obtained through the results of measurements of the attractiveness of the model script, the attractiveness of the application, the feasibility of the model and the effectiveness of the model. The e-Parenting Consulting application is expected to be a solution for parents and Early Childhood Education institutions in obtaining services in the form of materials and care consulting easily without being bound by time and space.

Keywords: Electronic Parenting, consulting and early childhood education Institution

Topic: Parenting Class in Early Childhood Education Centres


Conference: International Conference on Early Childhood Education and Parenting (ECEP 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Ernie Isis Aisyah Amini)

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