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When It Start? Tracking Back International Law in Indonesia
Eka An Aqimuddin (a*)

a) Faculty of Law, UNISBA


International law was assumed as a set of rule that regulate inter-nation relationship. In other words, international law existence shall be preceded by the existing of states. Indonesia, as nation state, proclaimed its independence on August 17th 1945. It means before proclamation, international law never exist in Indonesia territory. This proposition makes author interested to explore more deeply practice of international law in Indonesia. The article use interdisciplinary method which are legal normative and history. Legal normative used to seek the interpretation of international law and history will use to look up evolution international law practice in Indonesia.

Keywords: International Law, Indonesia, History

Topic: Law


Conference: Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Eka An Aqimuddin)

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