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The Application of Environmental Resource Economics on Welcoming Sustainable Development
Denizar Abdurrahman Miraj, Evita Febriani, Wijayaning Puspo Arum

Department of Islamic Economics
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Airlangga


Environmental problem is a very complex matter, and human beings as leaders on earth are forced to preserve the resources and take responsibility on the sustainability of the ecosystem. This research provides information using library research that is sourced from related literature and research that have been conducted in the past. The aim of this research is to know about the application of environmental resources economics on welcoming sustainable development. A sustainable application points to policies that have been made by human beings as leaders on earth, in form of government system such as government economic policy that is used for a better, sustainable development.

Keywords: Islamic environmental resource economics, economic policy, political policy, caliph

Topic: Normative Environmental Economics


Conference: International Conference on Sustainable Environmental Development and Economical Growth (ISEDEG 2019)

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