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Analysis of methods for determining the characteristics of a single spatial electromagnetic field
Khalikov Abdulhak

Tashkent Institute of Railway Enginering


Introduction. Objective reasons are necessary for the birth of new theories and new ideas in science. If in some field of knowledge we would have, for example, an ideal theory that would answer absolutely all questions, then hardly anyone would have the desire to change this theory, somehow complement and improve it [1]. If we turn to the modern theory of electromagnetism as a concrete scientific theory, then this theory is completely permeated with all sorts of contradictions and paradoxes. Some paradoxes have their own names: “paradoxes of unipolar induction”, “secrets of unipolar induction”, “paradox of unipolar motor”, “paradox of rail motors,” “paradox of Goering”, “paradoxes of transformer” [5]. Up to now, almost no serious attempts have been made to change or supplement the well-known theory of electromagnetism. The reason for this was not only the contradictions and paradoxes of electromagnetic theory, but also the abstract mathematical formalism applied by Maxwell to describe various electromagnetic phenomena through electric and magnetic fields. Over time, the positive advantages of electromagnetic theory, which, undoubtedly, were, overshadowed its shortcomings and weaknesses. Contradictions and paradoxes in the theory began to be considered as only strange and harmless exceptions in the harmonious theory [1]. Mathematization of the theory played a significant role. The consequence of excessive mathematization of this theory turned the electromagnetic theory from the physical to the mathematical one. The theory of motion in time, the energy of rotation is in many ways similar to Einsteins theory of relativity. In fact, this theory of relativity has a dual character. The first peak of the theory is the peak of human knowledge; the second is the theory of movement in time. In this case, it is not necessary to know this theory, since the theory of motion in time allows you to look at the theory of relativity from the new side and makes it simple and clear [4]. The theory of movement in time is an effective tool for the knowledge of nature. The theory of motion is inextricably linked with the gravitational field. The non-explosive part of electrodynamics and gravity leads to the creation of a single spatial field, which Einstein dreamed of. The aim of the work is to combine all the fields: electric, magnetic, electromagnetic into a single electromagnetic theory of the spatial field. With the help of a single spatial electromagnetic field, such phenomena as the production of fine materials that cannot be obtained by any separators, and if possible, only with a large amount of electricity, are easily explained. Recently, more and more attention has been attracted to research in the field of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, where they work with objects whose dimensions are commensurate with the correlation radius of a physical phenomenon

Keywords: Unified spatial electromagnetic field, electric, magnetic, gravitational, wave equations.

Topic: Bioenergy


Conference: International Conference on Bioenergy and Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Technology (ICONBEAT 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Abdulxak Khalikov)

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