Preliminary study on birth weight performance of Bali Banteng cross in UPT-PTHPT Livestock and Animal Health Service of South Sulawesi Province
Muhammad Gassing1, Lellah Rahim1, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong1*, Nurlina Saking2, Set Pasino2 dan Mayrawaty Arifin2
1 Animal Husbandry Study Programme, Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University. Makassar South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
2 UPT-PTHPT Dinas Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
Keywords: Bali cattle, Banteng cross, Birth weight performance, Genetic improvement
Topic: Breeding and livestock production
Conference: The 2nd Iternational Conference of Animal Science and Technology (ICAST 2019)
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