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The Readiness of Hotel in Bandung Towards Sharia-Compliant Hotel
Abdul Kudus (a*), Fadya Jati Matrika (a), Alifah Pupuh Pujiawaty (a)

a) Department of Statistics, Bandung Islamic University, Jl. Ranggamalela No. 1, Bandung 40116, Indonesia


Halal tourism became a new trend in business tourism, especially for international tourist from middle east and muslim countries. The hotel was an important component of business tourism. Hence, for establishing halal tourism, it needs all supporting components including hotel which were sharia-compliant. The Indonesian Ulama Council has stipulated fatwa on the implementation of halal tourism in Indonesia which included the implementation of sharia-compliant hotel. It consists of seven clauses on the implementation of the sharia-compliant hotel. This paper aims to identify the readiness level of hotel in Bandung towards sharia-compliant hotel. The survey was conducted involving sample consist of 33 hotels. The hotel representative was asked to state the agreement of his hotel with seven clauses of sharia-complaint. If the response was "Agree" or "Strongly Agree" then the hotel was defined as ready towards sharia-compliant hotel. The result of research showed that more than 50% hotels in Bandung were ready towards sharia-compliant hotel. All hotels have already fulfilled the requirement of no facility for pornography and indecent action. Even though only 53% hotels which comply with the requirement of association with sharia-compliant financial institutions, but the compliance of five rest clauses were on the range from 62% up to 97%. Overall, there are 88% of hotels ready towards sharia-compliant hotels with at least four clauses already fulfilled.

Keywords: Halal tourism; Sharia-compliant hotel readiness; Bandung; Indonesian Ulama Council fatwa

Topic: Management


Conference: Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Abdul Kudus)

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