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Nurul Romadhona, Yani Triyani, Titik Respati, Wida Purbaningsih

a) and c) Public Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Bandung Islamic University
b) Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Bandung Islamic University
d) Histology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Bandung Islamic University Tamansari 22, Bandung, Indonesia, wida7089[at]


Various efforts have been made by the government to reduce the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) which is still high in Indonesia, ranging from prevention and treatment, but still has not reached the target. Good knowledge and affective of TB patients are expected to reduce TB transmission. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between knowledge and patient attitudes regarding TB. This research method is the Spearman correlation test, with 60 respondents of tuberculosis patients coming to the clinic at one of the hospitals in Bandung Regency, Indonesia. The study was conducted in March 2018. The results of this study found the characteristics of the respondents most women, the most age in the range 18-35 years, the level of higher education, and many who work. Correlation test obtained r value of 0.771, with p 0.014 which means that there is a strong significant correlation with a positive direction. Conclusion The higher the patients knowledge, the better the patients attitude regarding tuberculosis. Attitude is one of the factors that determine a persons behavior. In determining attitudes, knowledge of a particular subject / object is needed. A persons knowledge can be influenced by several factors, including the level of education.

Keywords: attitude, knowledge, tuberculosis

Topic: Public Health and Occupational Health


Conference: Medical and Global Health Research Symposium (MORES 2019)

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