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Readiness Analysis of Higher Education Accreditation Data
Ardhin Primadewi(a); Mukhtar Hanafi(b); Dimas Sasongko(c); Agus Setiawan(d); Endah Ratna Arumi(e); Sunarni Sunarni(f); Setiya Nugroho(g); Emilya Ully Artha(h)

Engineering Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
Jl. Mayjend Bambang Soegeng
Mertoyudan, Magelang


The globalization era of Industry 4.0 makes e-business a benchmark for the development of higher education governance. Higher education as one of the educational products prioritizes convenience, speed, safety and comfort in service. The implementation of e-business planned systematically and directed can increase the capacity and competitiveness of universities. Accreditation of Higher Education is one of the parameters of university success in increasing capacity and competitiveness. University Accreditation is also a mechanism to ensure quality and quality assurance in higher education. This research using comparative functions, mapping and hamonization functions to be able to know the depth of information. These three concepts can look for gap analysis related to university accreditation data. This study confirms the availability of data on university information systems as a major factor in university accreditation. In particular, this research ensures what data is not yet available, while data is the top priority. The standard used in this study is 9 standards BAN-PT. Furthermore, mapping is carried out according to business processes and data entities that are mapped vertically and horizontally. The data used in this study are data on the universitys information system OLTP database (as many as 40 tables from 368 tables). The results of this study are the certainty of data that still does not exist and must be pursued immediately to complement university accreditation. From the results of horizontal and vertical mapping, it can be seen that data is not available if the data is not directly connected to the service.

Keywords: Accreditation Higher Education, BAN-PT, Readiness analysis

Topic: Information Engineering


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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