Brand Image in The Selection of Refill Perfume Hernandi Sujono (a), Heny Hendrayati (b)
(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Dr.Setia Budi No.229 Bandung 40154 Indonesia hernandi[at] (b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Dr.Setia Budi No.229 Bandung 40154 Indonesia henyhendrayati[at]
Refill perfume products still in great demand by various groups, especially the millennial generation. But in reality, there are still refill perfume brands that have not shown the brand image of perfume refills on the market. The purpose of this research is to find out the brand image of foreign brands and local brands and to find out the factors that make up the selection of perfume refill among the millennial generation. The population in this study is refill perfume users in Cimahi City. The sampling technique used was random sampling, The limits for sample using the age of respondents. The age of respondents between 17 years to 25 years. Limitation of the age of respondents to obtain relatively homogeneous data. The samples taken in this study amounted to 138 respondents. The data collection technique of this study uses questionnaires and interviews. Processing data in this study using confirmatory factor analysis with the help of SPSS statistical tools. The results of the study show that the brand image of foreign perfume brands is better known than domestic/local brands. Attributes that are used as a factor in choosing a perfume, especially among the millennial generation, are quality, safety, and packaging design, with results that indicate that the forming factors for the selection of refill perfume are closely related to quality, safety and packaging design.
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