Improvement Generative Growth of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) using PGR Application and Prunning in IPB Gunung Gede Teaching Farm Ade Astri Muliasari*1, Ratih Kemala Dewi2 ,Hidayati Fatchur Rochmah3
College of Vocational Studies, Bogor Agricultural University
The availability of technologies such as pruning and plant growth regulators are important, because it may increase crop yield. Pruning coffee plants is intended to stimulate generative growth that increases productivity to reach optimal and continuous production all year. PGR makes it possible to exploit the production potential of plants. Pruning management combined with the PGR in coffee plants is expected to improve flowering and berry growth. The research was conducted for 7 months since October 2017-April 2018 at Gunung Gede. A split-plot design with 2 treatment factors, pruning was placed as the main plot consisting of 2 levels, namely without (P0) and with pruning (P1). The PGR application was placed as a subplot, consisting of 3 doses, namely without PGR (Z0), and concentrations of 0.3 ml/l (Z1) and 0.4 ml/l (Z2). The results showed, the pruning treatment significantly influenced microclimate, number of branches, B0, B1 and B2, number of berry sets, and berries. Pruning treatment has a very significant effect on microclimate, plant height, number of branches, number of coffee fruits, yields/crops, and productivity. Interaction between pruning and PGR significantly affected plant height and B0. The best dosage for PGR treatment has not yet been found.
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