Study of agronomic characteristics of Robusta coffee in land conditions at the peoples coffee plantations in Temanggung Yohana Theresia Maria Astuti*1, Enny Rahayu2, Tri Nugraha Budi Santosa3, Dian Pratama Putra4, and Agus Solifudin5 Faculty, Institut Pertanian Stiper, INDONESIA (E-mail: astuti_maria2000[at], ennyrahayu000[at], nugrahatri[at], dianswn93[at] 5coffee enterpreuner, Temanggung, INDONESIA (E-mail: agussolifudin18[at]
Background: Coffee is one of the main agriculture comodity in Indonesia. The area of coffee in Indonesia reaches 1,227,787 ha which includes smallholder plantations covering 1,179,769 ha (96%) with production of 599,902 tons (94%), state plantations covering 22,525 ha (2.0%) with production of 19,922 tons (3.2%), and private plantations covering an area of 25,493 ha (2.0%) with a production of 17,715 tons (2.8%), bringing the total production to 637,539 tons (Anonymous, 2018), which is spread throughout the provinces in Indonesia. Temanggung is one of the peoples coffee plantation centers in Central Java, with an area of 9,262.02 owned by around 36,222 farmers. However, the condition of the land and the relationship with agronomic characteristics of Robusta coffee in Sucen village are unknown. Aims This research aims to study the condition of the land, its relation to the character of the coffee plant in the people coffee plantation in the Sucen Village, Gemawang District, Temanggung. Materials and Methods The research was carried out at a community coffee plantation in Mandang, Sucen Village, Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia. Research was conducted using descriptive methods. Observation of performance with 30 samples was conducted by random sampling technique in 3 clones. Land suitability analysis was carried out at 3 observation points. Conclusion:The result showed that vegetative character of BP 409 clones is better than BP 288 and BP 358. However, the highest production was obtained at BP 288. Land suitability in Temandang Mandang Village remains in the inappropriate criteria, which can be improved through land conservation and balanced fertilization. Acknowledgement: Thank you for students of Agriculture Faculty of Instiper students namely Bobby Rifkia Putra, Regan Ophelia, Surya Nugroho, Muhammad Ferly, Dani Syahputra, Deni Wahyu Anggara, Lambang Tri Wibowo, Gusfian, Arifin, Akhyar, for contributions in this research as technical team. References Anonymous. (2018). ‘Statistik Perkebunan Indonesia (Tree Crop Estate Statistics Of Indonesia) 2015 – 2017-. Direktorat Jendral Perkebunan. Jakarta.
Keywords: Robusta Coffee, Temanggung, vegetative and generative characteristics
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