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Implementation of Tradition and Religion by Artifact Project on Javanese Keris of Surakarta Gayaman Warangka Sunggingan
Adityo B. Hardoyo

Visual Comunication Design, UNIKOM
Jl. Dipatiukur No. 102-116, Bandung 40132


Abstract— In 2005, UNESCO give to Indonesia recognition for Indonesia keris as a Masterpiece of Oral and Intagible Heritage of Humanity. Keris is traditional dagger who can found in apart of some islands in Indonesia, specialty in area who establish kingdom, kasultanan, and kasunanan. By classification, keris classified as dagger weapon, by function, keris usually not used for dagger weapon. Keris usually use for ceremony event. Keris artifact lot of meaning of tradition and religion. Generally, keris is divided into three part, hulu or handle, bilah or blade, and warangka to protect keris bilah. In this research of keris from Surakarta, researcher making artifact project to implementation meaning of tradition and religion by making sunggingan on warangka gayaman Surakarta style. Sunggingan usually adapted on puppet shadow from Surakarta and Yogyakarta. Conclusion in this research are create an implementation of graphic visual sunggingan on warangka keris Surakarta by enamel paint.

Keywords: keris, warangka, sungging, gayaman Surakarta

Topic: Visual Communication Design and Interior Design


Conference: International Conference on Business, Economics, Social Sciences, and Humanities (ICOBEST 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Adityo Baskoro Hardoyo)

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