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Anwar Sadat

Department of Governace Science, Faculty of Soscial Science and Politic Science
University of Muhammadiyah Buton, Jl. Betoambari No. 36,
Baubau City, Indonesia


Collaborative Governance in sustainable economic development has close relationship with people participation and the government itself. The problem that occurs in this context is viewed from the concept of Collaborative Governance that is the lack of contextual system inspected from the changing conditions of the legislation, the drive of leadership elements that greatly affect to the economic development, and the dynamics of collaboration which are unfavorable to all parties that makes sectoral egos still occur. The concept of Collaborative Governance as an alternative basis is considered capable to realize acceleration and implementation as a model to increase economic development in Buton by continuing to prioritize conservation efforts and program sustainability through institutional strengthening by establishing Regional-Owned Enterprises, MSMEs and cooperatives organized by local communities. To achieve economic development success, all program planning, implementation and development evaluation must involve the community, because the need to develop their territory will utilize and assess the success or failure of sustainable economic development in the region. The method in this study used qualitative methods by combining primary and secondary data. In the Development of Economic Development in Buton Regency, there is still a very low level of community participation that still occurs the differences perception in strengthening sustainable economic development and regional development.

Keywords: Collaborative Governance, Development, Sustainable

Topic: Government Studies


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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