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Sri Lestari, Makruf, Hadi Djamal

Universitas Islam As Syafiiyah
Universitas Negeri Jakarta


LECTURER HR MANAGEMENT IN ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY AS-SYAFI-IYAH PONDOK GEDE (Case Study of Human Capital Studies) The concept of human capital embraces the added value that employees make to the organization. Human capital is one of the most important elements of intangible assets in a university. Therefore the university must improve the quality of human resources in the face of challenges, in order to achieve their vision and mission. In this study aims to examine how big private universities are in managing HR properly and effectively. So much the role of HR in universities should management pay special attention to HR. To get quality human resources, it can be done starting from planning, organizing, directing and supervising if done well, it will get good quality of human resources, so that the universitys vision and mission are achieved.

Keywords: Human Capital, Planning, Organizing, Direction, Supervision

Topic: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues


Conference: The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2019)

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