Implementation Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 32/2016 On The Sustainability Economic Dimension of Floating Net Cage of Grouper Fish Farmers (Case Studies at Klatakan Village, Kendit Sub-District, Situbondo District) David Hermawan1, Afan Arfandia1, Ganjar Adhywirawan Sutarjo1
Department of Fisheries Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Science University of Muhammadiyah Malang
This study aims to determine the effect of the implementation Minister of Marine and Fisheries Regulation No. 32 of 2016 on the sustainability index value of the economic dimension of KJA grouper fish farmers and policy recommendations that are in line with the economic dimension aspects of KJA grouper fish farmers. The research case study was conducted in Klatakan Village, Kendit District, Situbondo Regency. This study uses the Rapfish method to find out the index value of the sustainability of the economic dimension by using eight attributes of the economic dimension, namely Profit, Price, Trends Production, Buyers, Subsidy Levels, PAD Contributions, Labor Absorption and Worker Income. Then determine the score and assessment of each attribute so that it can be analyzed using Rapfish to find out the sustainability index from the economic dimension of KJA grouper fish farmers and to know the lever attributes used in making policy. The results showed that the economic dimension sustainability index of KJA grouper cultivator after the implementation of Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation No. 32 of 2016 was in the category of "Poor Sustainability" with an index value of 45.67% with three attributes that exceeded the average value which can be used as a principle that must be considered in making decisions to develop policy strategies namely Production Trends (7.31), Buyers (5.61) and Prices (4.58). This gives the conclusion that the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries regulation number 32 of 2016 gives less sustainable impacts and needs the responsibility of the relevant government to review the policy and requires good cooperation between the government, farmers and Fisheries BUMN to increase national grouper production.
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