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Employer Branding Strategy to increase Employee Engagement (Study at Private State-Owned Enterprises in Indonesia)
Suci Fika Widyana, Tjutju Yuniarsih, Disman, Eeng Ahman

Politeknik Pos Indonesia
Doctoral Program of Management, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Indonesia has begun to apply the concept of employee engagement in every organization, including State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). Research shows that the higher employee engagement drives organizational performance. The companys growth depends on how the ability of human assets are able to adapt the changes of business environment, to create new ideas, to innovate and to develop products, which lead to the companys competitive advantage.The author perceives that engaging is used as one of the basic emerged organization such as in one of the State-Owned Enterprises- phenomena in Indonesia. In business competition, a company does not only need employees who have high job satisfaction but also a strong employer branding to increase employee engagement due to customer satisfaction. The methodology of this study used descriptive survey methode. The technique analysis used was a questionnaire.The results of the study show that employer branding and job satisfaction have a positive effect on employee engagement. The author concludes that job satisfaction is the mediator for employer branding to create employee engagement, increasing employer branding will improving employee engagement directly.

Keywords: employer branding, employee engagement, job satisfaction

Topic: Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Conference: The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2019)

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