Analysis of the Mount Tunggangan Wildlife Reserve Area Arrangement, Sragen, Central Java Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) With Ecological Sensitivity and Ecological Pressure Approaches Abob Farizal(a*), Azis Nur Bambang (a), M. Arief Budihardjo (a)
a) Magister of Environmental Sciences, Diponegoro University Jalan Imam Bardjo SH no. 5, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia *bobafariz1[at]
Conservation forest area has the highest protection function of other forest areas and is a buffer zone of life. However, at present the condition is that many have experienced damage, extensive reduction, or fought over by various parties who wish to utilize the area for other purposes. One of the strategies and efforts made by the Government is through the spatial distribution approach, which is known as the zoning or block concept. In this regard, this study conducted an analysis of forest planning from the Mount Tunggangan Wildlife Reserve (MTWR) in the Sragen Regency, Central Java Province. Despite its status as a conservation forest area, the MTWR is inseparable from threats and pressures. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the classification of ecological sensitivity and ecological pressure on MTWR forest areas for the determination of the area blocks. In this study using the method of spatial analysis with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with a tiered quantitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the MTWR forest area is divided into three management blocks, namely protection blocks (74,68 ha), utilization blocks (27,73 ha) and special blocks 0,07).
Keywords: Zonation/Block, SM Gunung Tunggangan, GIS, Ecological Sensitivity, Ecological Pressure
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