The Impact of Using Google Translate in the Heutagogy Education Era on the General English Course at Serang Raya University (UNSERA)
Minhatul Maarif (a*), Rizal Fauzi (b)
a) English Education Department, STKIP Syekh Manshur, Jl. Raya Labuan No.Km. 5, Kadulisung, Kaduhejo, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Indonesia 42253
b) Comunication Sains, Universitas Serang Raya, Taman Dranong Serang, Jl. Raya Cilegon No.KM. 5, Drangong, Taktakan, Kota Serang, Indonesia 42116
Keywords: Heutagogy education, Education 4.0, google translate
Topic: What are the topics?
Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)
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