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The Impact of Using Google Translate in the Heutagogy Education Era on the General English Course at Serang Raya University (UNSERA)
Minhatul Maarif (a*), Rizal Fauzi (b)

a) English Education Department, STKIP Syekh Manshur, Jl. Raya Labuan No.Km. 5, Kadulisung, Kaduhejo, Kabupaten Pandeglang, Indonesia 42253
b) Comunication Sains, Universitas Serang Raya, Taman Dranong Serang, Jl. Raya Cilegon No.KM. 5, Drangong, Taktakan, Kota Serang, Indonesia 42116


This study explains the impact of using Google Translate in the heutagogy education era on the general English course at UNSERA. This research uses qualitative research methods, through documentation, observation and interviews. The results showed that the lack of confidence and ability of students to general English made them look for short ways to complete lecture assignment by using the translation engine Google Translate. Google translate is chosen because in addition to being easy to apply and the sentence structure it produces also approaches accuracy. That makes students fully believe in google translate to complete lecture assignments. In fact, the translator will only translate what they wrote without correcting the words. So, the results obtained are exactly what they wrote. Because of the ease of the translation process through the internet, students are reluctant to bring dictionaries and rely more on their mobile phones. This makes its own space in the process of increasing capacity in students and will become a habit that is difficult to avoid.

Keywords: Heutagogy education, Education 4.0, google translate

Topic: What are the topics?


Conference: The 2nd Conference on Issues in Social and Education Research (ICISER 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Minhatul Maarif)

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