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Indicators for Measuring Green Waste: A Bandung Perspective
Indrawati1a, Fendi Andriawan1b, Saravanan Muthaiyah2c, Dodie Tricahyono1d

1Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
2 Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

aIndrawati[at], bfendi.andriawan[at],
c saravanan.muthaiyah[at], ddodie.tricahyono[at]


The influence of urbanization is population density in a city, with uncontrolled density will cause several problems including garbage problems. The waste problem must be resolved immediately by starting waste management with the concept of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle (3R) which is commonly applied in a city that uses the green city concept. One of the dimensions of green city is green waste containing the determination of waste reduction targets, strategies to improve the quality and coverage of cleaning services. The purpose of this research is to find out variables and indicators to measure the level of green waste for the contact of Bandung. The method used in this research is an exploratory qualitative method. The steps taken to answer the research objectives are conducting literature studies and interviews with resource persons by applying the quadruple helix concept, namely Government, Academic, Business Player and Citizens with a total of 16 people. Based on the literature study, this research found 5 variables and 21 indicators to measure green waste. The variables and indicators are confirmed to the resource persons and the result shows there are 3 indicators that have an average value of less than 60%, hence, the indicators should be eliminated for this study. The confirmation process also found 4 new indicators with an average value of 87.5%. Thus, this research proposes a model for measuring green waste with 5 variables and 22 indicators. The five variables are environment control, financial sustainability, operational management, public participation and awareness and institutional and policy framework. Further research is recommended to test and measure the green waste index of Bandung by using the model produced in this research. The variables and indicators can also be used as reference to measure green waste in other cities in Indonesia.

Keywords: Sustainability, Solid Waste Management, Green City, Green waste, Reduce Reuse, Recycle

Topic: Smart City


Conference: Conference on Managing Digital Industry, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (CoMDITE 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Indrawati Indrawati)

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