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Perception of Craftwomen toward Stagen-Based Innovation Products
Dian Retnaningdiah (a*), Retno Ika Sundari (b), Djandjang Purwo Sedjati(c), Titiana Irawani(c)

a)Management Department, Economic, Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty, Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, Jl Siliwangi (Ringroad Barat) No 63, Gamping Sleman, Yogyakarta 55292, Indonesia
b)Accounting Department,Economic Faculty, Universitas Widya Mataram Yogyakarta, Ndalem Mangkubumen KT III/237 Yogyakarta 55132, Indonesia
c) Textile and Metal Craft Departement, Faculty of Fine Arts, Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta, Jl Parangtritis Km 6,5 Sewon Bantul 55188, Indonesia


This study is aimed at investigate to what extent the awareness or willingness of artisans in the village Argosari toward 9 innovation products made of stagen. Descriptive analysis is employed to reflect the data obtained from the process of identifying HR and products. Chi-square analysis was used in this study to find out that innovative products from stagen materials were favored / favored evenly or not by artisans. The findings of this study indicate that the proportion of respondents answers to the 9 innovation products: food pads, purses, multipurpose boxes, room dividers, curtains, tissue boxes, pillowcases and the place where the questionnaires around the average result showing Agree (S) and Strongly Agree ( SS). The total score obtained by each factor is still close to the perfect value, so in general it can be concluded that respondents tend to have a good perception on the products. The results of the chi-square calculation of each factor indicate that the proportion of respondents answers is not evenly distributed, so the results support the conclusion that respondents tend to have a good perception of the 9 products. This shows that the hypothesis is proven, in the sense that the 9 products are in demand by artisans

Keywords: Craftwomen; Stagen; Innovation Products

Topic: Economics


Conference: 1st Borobudur International Symposium (BIS 2019)

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