Developing the Two-Tiers Multiple Choice Test Based on Content, Construct and Language Feasibility in Identifying Students High-Order Thinking Skills Suyedi Hendra Yanto1 and Herbert Sipahutar2a Syahmi Edi2b
1Student of Biology Education Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan 2aLecturer of Biology Education Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan 2bLecturer of Biology Education Postgraduate, Universitas Negeri Medan
Abstract. The aims of this study were to find out the content, construct, and language feasibility of the two tiers multiple choice test that have been developed. The research has been conducted in May to June 2018. The trial test was carried out to the eleventh grade students of SMAN 15 Medan in Medan City, North Sumatera. This type of research is a Research and Development (R & D) referred to Borg & Gall model (1987). The data obtained was adjusted to the objectives and development models used so the type of data to be collected in this development is quantitative description data as the main data, collected through items or two tiers multiple choice instruments that students have answered using scoring guidelines from Bayrak (2013). The results showed that the validation of material/content feasibility indicators assessed by material/content validators indicated that the assessment score obtained was 10, the average score was is 3.33, with a very feasible category. The validation of construct feasibility indicators assessed by the construction validators indicated that the assessment score obtained was 33, the average score was 3.44, with a feasible category. The validation of language feasibility indicators assessed by language validators indicated that the assessment score obtained was 15, the average value was 3.75, with a very feasible category. Based on the average score of indicator assessed by the validator teams consisting of 3 indicators; material/content, construct and language feasibility obtained the average value of 4 with a very feasible category.
Keywords: Two-Tiers Multiple Choice Test, High-Order Thinking Skill, Human Circulatory System
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