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The Influence of Talent Management and Motivation on Performance of Batik Artisans in Trusmi Batik Centre Cirebon
Maryani, Herni Suryani*, Rakhmia Nalibratawati, Luthfi Setiadiwibawa, Dodi Tisna Amijaya

Universitas Winaya Mukti


The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of talent management and motivation on the performance of batik artisans in Trusmi Batik Centre Cirebon. In the era of globalization where environmental conditions change rapidly and competition is high, the existence of machinery, capital, and other supporting facilities do not directly bring the organization to have a competitive advantage. Strong organizational excellence in the long term will be realized if the organization is able to produce the needed talent. Talent is a distinguishing factor in performance, meaning that people who have superior talent will contribute more to the organization. Therefore these talents must be managed properly so that the organization or company becomes an organization that has sustainable development and distinctive competence. The batik industry, especially handmade (written) batik, in the Trusmi Batik Center Cirebon is a very high value cultural property and needs to be preserved, especially after Indonesian batik is designated as a world heritage. The existence of handmade batik is very influenced by the craftsmen who are talented people in their fields. Therefore these talents must be managed because successful organization depends on their ability to steadily develop the talents without stopping. Managing the best people in the company is the key to winning competition in the future, because the real warfare will be on the quality of the talents from one organization to another organization. It will be started with identifying the existing problems in the Trusmi Batik Center. The method used is a library study and collecting secondary data through field surveys using interview techniques, and use 72 respondence. The results of the study which are in the form of data on the influence of talent management on motivation and its implications to the performance are expected to be an input for the development of Trusmi Batik especially related to the application of management. This research use the quantitative method by conducting a survey using questionnaires to decision makers in Batik Trusmi. The survey research data are processed using path analysis to elaborate the research hypothesis.

Keywords: Talent management, motivation, performance

Topic: Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management


Conference: The 4th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Herni Suryani)

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