Pre-service Mathematics Teachers Skills: Analyze of Geometry Thinking, Logical Thinking, Habits of Mind and Resilience in Mathematics Tri Nopriana (a*), Siska Firmasari (b)
(a,b) Pendidikan Matematika, Universitas Swadaya Gunung Djati, Jl. Perjuangan No. 01, Cirebon 45131, Indonesia
Good candidates for mathematics teachers are those who have good thinking skills especially in mathematics, good habits of mind and the ability to survive under pressure. Those skills are reflected in the level of geometric thinking, the level of logical thinking, the scale of habits of mind and resilience in mathematics. The purposes of this study were to analyze the achievement of the level of geometric thinking, the level of logical thinking of pre-service mathematics teachers, describe the habits of mind and student resilience in mathematics. The research subjects consisted of 30 mathematics education students at FKIP Swadaya Gunung Djati University (UGJ) as pre-service mathematics teachers who would practice by teaching in schools. The instruments in this study were: (1) van Hieles geometrical thinking test developed by The Cognitive Development and Achievement in the Secondary School Geometry Project (CDASSG), (2) the logical thinking test (TOLT) designed by Tobin and Capie, (3) The Habits of Minds Scale, and (4) Mathematical Resilience Scale with 4 categories of Likert models. The results of the study were that pre-service mathematics teachers achieved: (1) the level of van Hieles geometrical thinking at the stage of informal deduction, (2) the level of logical thinking at the formal thinking stage, meaning pre-service mathematics teachers were able to solve problems related to proportional reasoning, variable reasoning, correlational reasoning, and combinatorial reasoning. Furthermore, on the soft skills, pre-service mathematics teachers have (3) habits of mind in the good category with an average achievement of 74.5%, this is also seen in achievement (4) the resilience in mathematics who have a good category with an average achievement of 73.6%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that overall the pre-service mathematics teachers in FKIP UGJ have good abilities in geometrical and logical thinking, the habits of mind and resilience in facing mathematical problems.
Keywords: van hiele gemetric thinking, logical thinking, habits of mind, resilience in mathematics.
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