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Efforts to Improve Students Mathematical Reasoning Ability in Class VII of Junior High School 3 Tarogong Kidul in Quadrangle and Triangle Material
Yanti Yulianti

IKIP Siliwangi Bandung


This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which is conducted in three cycles, each cycle is held 2 x meetings, and each cycle is carried out 5 x 40 minutes. The purpose of this study was to improve mathematical reasoning abilities and learning activities of class VII students of Tarogong Kidul 3 Junior High School on Quadrangle and Triangle material through efforts to improve actions taken from cycle to cycle. The subjects in this study were seventh-grade students of Tarogong Kidul Junior High School 3 in even semester of the school year 2018 - 2019 which numbered 32 people. Data collection techniques in classroom action research are observations of students mathematics learning activities, the value of learning outcomes, obtained from the students final tests conducted at the end of each cycle, interviews, and documentation. The data in this study used mathematical reasoning tests for each cycle and were analyzed using qualitative. For analysis used descriptive statistics to describe mathematical communication skills in solving mathematical communication problems after learning, and the percentage of mastery learning obtained by students in each cycle. Data from observations of student mathematics learning activities and interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study reveal that mathematical reasoning abilities and learning activities of class VII students of Tarogong Kidul Junior High School 3 in Quadrangle and Triangle material have increased from cycle to cycle through efforts to improve actions taken.

Keywords: Mathematical Reasoning Ability, Student Learning Activity, Quadrangle and Triangle

Topic: Mathematics Education


Conference: International Seminar on Applied Mathematics and Mathematics Education (ISAMME 2019)

Plain Format | Corresponding Author (Yanti Yulianti)

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