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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

Page 16 (data 451 to 480 of 1038) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

How mobile application can increase moslem worship activities
Eri Satria, Dewi Tresnawati

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Corresponding Author
Eri Satria

Department of Informatics
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl. Mayor Syamsu no 1 Garut, Indonesia

Independent learning about moslem worship activities can be done using technology assistance. The purpose of this research is to design android based application about procedures about circumcision prayer for worship activities doing by moslem. Application development use multimedia development life cycle method proposed by Imam Syafii. The result of this research is design and application about circumcision prayer, it show information about circumcision prayer activity with multimedia features which help user to master the material learned. We hope this application can be an alternative learning tools for moslem to learn procedures of praying.

moslem, multimedia, syafii,

Computer Science


How vocational high-school students understand geothermal energy
Wahyudi(a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi(a*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika(b), and Basori(a)

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(a) Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
(b) School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 Chome-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

Indonesia has the highest potential of geothermal energy in the world with 30 GW. However, the utilization ratio is low with around 5% only. This situation occur since there are several geothermal energy targets failed to be achieved. The development of geothermal energy have several problems and one of them is rejection in the community when geothermal development begins. To overcome this situation, an increase in community understanding of this technology usage needs to be conducted. Therefore, the objective of this study is to discover public understanding by exploring the knowledge of vocational high school students about geothermal energy. This is conducted because they are young people who are part of the community. Their knowledge plays an important role in selecting energy sources for the country in the future. This study uses a triangulation strategy model that combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Respondents were students in Indonesia with a case study in Karanganyar Regency, Central of Java. Knowledge is measured by an indicator of the level of understanding of geothermal technology.

Geothermal Energy, Energy Policy, Knowledge, Vocational High School

Mechanical Engineering


How will Personality Combined with Motivation Affect Student Learning Outcome of Ecosystem Course
Supriyatin, Diana Vivanti Sigit, Friska Matdalena

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Supriyatin Supriyatin

Departement of Biology Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, Indonesia

Learning outcome someone is determined by two factors, namely internal factors and external factors. Personality and motivation including internal factors that affect student learning outcome. This research aims to determine the correlation between personality and motivation with student learning outcome. Participants in this research are students of XI grade majoring in science from 13 Senior High School Jakarta. This research was held on August until September 2018 with 121 students of XI grade majoring in science chosen by simple random sampling. This research used survey technique through correlative study. A correlation analysis revealed that personality and motivation were significant relationship with student learning outcome. Personality and motivation simultaneously provides a considerable contribution with student learning outcomes.

motivation, personality, student learning outcome.



Hybrid Multiple Criteria Decision and Fuzzy C-Means for Procurement
Edi Mulyana, Jumadi, Anggit Bayu Pratama, Agung Wahana

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Corresponding Author
Edi Mulyana

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Determining the needs of each item of a product that has many types is something that is difficult to do if done manually. If this happens it will be a problem in decision making by management. As experienced by Cileunyi Collection Store where as of October 2018 the number of goods reached 2,469 types / Stock Keeping Units. (SKU). Production staff find it difficult to analyze how much production needs of each item so that it influences the decision-making by management in determining capital decisions and storage space that must be allocated. In this study will explaine the proposed decision support system in the form software application to assist the process of clustering goods and provide recommendations for the procurement of goods based on predetermined criteria in the Cileunyi Collection Store. Two algorithmic approaches, Multiple Decision Making Criteria (MCDM) and Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) are used. The MCDM algorithm is used to determine the order or priority in multi-criteria analysis and the FCM algorithm is used to cluster with the same membership. The results of study indicate that the MCDM algorithm and the FCM algorithm can provide recommendations for the procurement of goods with various specified criteria. Based on the calculation of the accuration of both algorithm, the MCDM algorithm reaches 90% and the FCM algorithm reaches 90%.

production needs, decision support system, procurement, MCDM algorithm, Fuzzy C-Means algorithm.

Computer Science


Hybrid Principal Component Analysis and K-Nearest Neighbor to Detect the Catfish Disease
D S Maylawati (1),(2),(*), R Andrian (1), S Sunarto (1), M Wildanuddin (1), A Wahana (1)

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Corresponding Author
Dian Saadillah Maylawati

(1) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
(2) Faculty of Information and Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Cathfish cultivation in Indonesia is a very promising business opportunity with a big profits. Every year, market demand continues to increase. However, this is contrary with the lack of catfish farmers knowledge, so that catfish yields are not optimal. This is because, for certain types of catfish such as Sangkuriang catfish, it is easy to contract certain diseases. This study aims to create an automated system that capable of detecting catfish disease based on its symptoms with image recognition techniques. Early detection of catfish disease can help to find out the causes and prevention, so that the yield remains optimally. The method that used in this study is Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for feature extraction in images combined with K-Nearest Neigbor (KNN) with Euclidean Distance to classify catfish diseases among others: white spots, edema (abdominal swelling), jaundice, and bent spinal disease (scoliosis and lordosis). Based on the results of the experiment using 30 images data for training and 20 images data for testing, 18 image data is classified correctly. This result proves that PCA and KNN able to detect catfish disease well with percentage of accuracy around 90%.

Catfish, Data Mining, Euclidean Distance, Image Recognition, KNN, PCA

Computer Science


Hypertension risk factors among patients visiting Community Health Centre 1 in South Denpasar
Kesuma Yudha Anak Agung Gede; Semadha Wayan

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Dewa Ayu Putri Sri Masyeni

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa

Hypertension becomes an alarming problem in almost all parts of the world, especially developing countries like Indonesia.In Bali Province cases of hypertension in 2014 became the second sequence of the top ten diseases with a total of 114,421 cases.This study describes risk factors associated with hypertension in patients who visited public health center I south of Denpasar. Case control study is used as research design by using 84 samples (42 cases : 42 control). Data are collected through interviews with a questionnaire of IPAQ, food recall and physical examination of blood pressure. Sampling technique is using consecutive sampling. Data analysis was done gradually including univariate analysis, bivariate analysis using chi-square test, and multivariate analysis using logistic regression test in SPSS program. Multivariate analysis indicated an adjusted odds ratio as follows: salt intake ≥ 6 grams of salt per day (OR: 4,718; 95% CI: 1,6248-13,707), family history of hypertension (OR: 4,156; 95% CI: 1,487-11,612) and physical activity (OR; 4,143 95% CI: 1,486-11,551). While the independent variables that are not proven as risk factors for hypertension are gender (OR: 0.817; 95% CI: 0.338-1.974) and age (OR: 1,370; 95% CI : 0,259-7,249).. The results of this study is expected to be an input for public health center I south of Denpasar that the of promotive and preventive programs of disease is needed to reduce the occurrence of hypertension in the work area of public health center I south of Denpasar. Key Words : Hypertension, Risk Factors. Public Health Center.

Hypertension, Risk Factors. Public Health Center.



ICMLS Version 3.0 as a Prototyfe of Bio-communication Model for Revolutionary Human Numerical Competences on Vocational Education Practices
Deni Darmawan and Alain Kiyindou

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Corresponding Author
deni darmawan

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia and Bordeaux Montaigne University-France

The research focusing on the development of "ICMLS version 3.0 (Integrated Communication Mobile Laboratory Simulator)" is a study that aims to produce human learning innovations that have shifted from Human Communication to Human Numerical. Prototype ICMLS 3.0 has integrated artificial intelligence with aspects of creativity supported by a model of findings of Bio-communication. Through R & D research and development methods, ICMLS version 3.0 products are produced through the support of industrial partners so that the quality and quantity can be felt by all SMKs in the world. This Prototype can accommodate practicum and student competency test. The results of the experimental results of Vocational students from 8 Vocational Schools have been shown to increase the average student competency test in 10 competency tests from 75.13 to 85.53.

ICMLS; Mobile Laboratory; Vocational High School; Computer network Engineering.

Computer and Communication Engineering


ICT-based Al-Quran Phonology Learning
T Supriyadi, J Julia, P D Iswara, A Abdussalam

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Tedi Supriyadi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This research seeks to analyze the process of ICT-based Al-Quran phonology learning by using MTT Tahsin application. To Indonesian people, whose mother language is not Arabic, they need to learn the Al-Quran phonology to avoid letter sound interference in Al-Quran reading. The research method conducted the following stages: (1) search and download MTT Tahsin application; (2) explain the application features; (3) learn Al-Quran using the application; and (4) evaluate the learning process. The subjects of this research were students with Java culture background, consisting of 14 male students and nine female students of a university in Sumedang Regency. The findings are: (1) MTT Tahsin application was equipped with trans-literacy feature and explanation of hijaiyyah letters characteristics, hence, it assisted the students to comprehend the pronunciation; (2) The application is equipped with makhroj (place from which the sound of a letter originates) pronunciation with all marks, hence, it assisted the students to comprehend makhroj pronunciation; (3) The learning process could be done wherever and wherever; and (4) the evaluation of learning process showed that MTT Tahsin application could minimize the phonology interference in Al-Quran reading practices. To conclude, Al-Quran learning using MTT Tahsin application could improve phonology mastery for Java people.

ICT, Al-Quran, Phonology, Learning

Computer Science


Ideal Gas Model of Bose-Einstein Condensates Confined in the Parabolic Trap
Teguh Budi Prayitno, Esmar Budi, Riser Fahdiran

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Teguh Budi Prayitno

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

By using the one-dimensional canonical partition function, we modeled an ideal gas-like form of a set of Bose-Einstein condensates confined by a three-dimensional anisotropic parabolic trap. The model itself was constructed by taking the eigenenergies of the one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation in the longitudinal direction and enabling the harmonic volume as the inverse cube of average geometric trapping frequency to substitute the available volume. In this paper, we showed that the condensates form an ideal gas represented by its equation of state and have similar mature to Einstein solid-like model with corrections both in the low and high temperatures in the internal energy formulations.

Bose-Einstein condensation, Gross-Pitaevskii equation, quantum oscillator



Identification and Implementation Hybrid Fuzzy Logic and PID Controller for Speed Control of BLDC Motor
Izza Anshory(1),(2), Imam Robandi(2), Wirawan Wirawan(2), Jamaaluddin Jamaaluddin(1),(2)

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Corresponding Author
Izza Anshory

(1)Department of Electrical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Indonesia
(2)Departmen of Electrical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia

One of the problems in the optimization process in the Brushless Direct Current (BLDC) speed control system is to obtain a mathematical model in the form of a transfer function. The purpose of this study to mathematically model BLDC motors in transfer functions, and optimization using Proportional, Integral and Derivative (PID) controllers, and fuzzy logic to tune PID controller parameters. The first method used is the process of identifying input and output data from the BLDC motor physical system. The input and output data of the test results simulated to form a mathematical model. The mathematical model of BLDC motor used as the basis for carrying out the optimization process with open loop systems, PID controllers, and fuzzy logic. The results of the research on the optimization process of the BLDC motor speed control system with the fuzzy logic methods obtained the best value for rise time value of 1.25 seconds, settling time value of 382.10 seconds, and peak time is 382.2 seconds.

Electric bicycle, BLDC motor, system identification, fuzzy logic, PID controller

Electrical Engineering


Identification causative factor of project delay N212-400 product PT. Dirgantara Indonesia
agung satryo, sri widiyanesti

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sri widiyanesti

telkom university

This research object on PT. Dirgantara Indonesia is the aerospace industry that focusing on production light aircraft or remote airplane, one of product PT. Dirgantara Indonesia N212-400 that have five ordered by Phillipine and Veitnam had a delay project. In this qualitative research with research approach is case study approach in identification causative factor of project delay, with the purpose of study is descriptive research and the process data validity and reliability using triangulation method. The data analysis in this research is the productivity of project, potential failure mode of the project using FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and fishbone diagram to determine the cause and effect the project delay. Result of the productivity during the project N212-400 is 40% and 40% productivity in aerospace industry is in the below average of aerospace industry that are 70% - 80%. By using fishbone and FMEA is identify the cause of delay and the potential failure of delay project N212-400 the main factor of project delay based on fishbone and FMEA is machine and material process. Both of key factor have high score of RPN (Risk Priority Number) that is 810, and this process should be give priority improvement.

Aerospace, Delay Project, Fishbone Analysis, Productivity, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Industry Engineering


Identification of Cardiovascular Risk Factors among Hajj Pilgrim from Bali
NW Widhidewi, S Masyeni, A Eka Pratiwi

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Corresponding Author
Ni Wayan Widhidewi

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Bali

Almost 2 million Muslims from more than 183 countries conduct Hajj to Mecca, Saudi Arabia every year. This event carries significant public health challenges not only infectious disease transmission but also exacerbation of non-communicable diseases. Although the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) was not high, it confers high mortality rate. The aim of this study is to identify major risk factors of cardiovascular event among Hajj pilgrims from Bali in 2018. A cross sectional study was conducted in Western Denpasar Community Health Center, where the Hajj preparations take place. Demographical data, history of preexisting medical illness, physical examination, laboratory, electrocardiogram (ECG), thorax x-ray results were collected. CVD risk defined as the finding of at least one of the parameters (age ≥ 55 years old, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia, ECG or x-ray abnormalities). A total of 99 participants were enrolled in the study. Among them, 97 (98%) participants had at least one CVD risk factor. Significant findings of Hajj Pilgrimage with CVD risk implicate that the CVD risk factors identification are profoundly recommended to avoid mortality and morbidity related to cardiovascular event during Hajj-period.

Hajj pilgrim; risk; cardiovascular disease



Identification of Glibenclamide in Antidiabetic Jamu by High Performace Liquid Chromatography Method: Study in Purwokerto, Indonesia
Pri Iswati Utami (a), Dede Firman (a), Asmiyenti Djaliasrin Djalil (a*)

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Corresponding Author
Pri Iswati Utami

a) Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
Jalan Raya Dukuhwaluh, Kembaran, Purwokerto, Indonesia

Adulteration of synthetic pharmaceutical drugs in jamu is prohibited by law in Indonesia. Glibenclamide is one of the drugs commonly added to jamu. The purpose of this study was to obtain a valid high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for qualitative and quantitative analysis of glibenclamide in antidiabetic jamu. HPLC separation was carried out with a Kromasil 100 C18 column (150 x 4.6 mm i.d, 5 μm particle size) using methanol: water (75:25) v/v as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min, UV detection was set at 301 nm. There was no potential interference from other compounds at the glibenclamide retention time (retention time of 5.10 minutes). The method has good linearity (r = 0.9936) in the range 10-50 mcg/mL. The detection limit of the method was 6.21 mcg/mL while the quantitation limit was 20,71 mcg/mL. The relative standard deviation (RSD) of intraday precision was 1.923%. The average recovery using standard addition method was 100.65 ± 16.89%. The application of the HPLC method for the analysis of five antidiabetic jamu samples obtained from the market in Purwokerto showed that glibenclamide was detected in one sample with a level of 1.88 ± 0.25 mcg/g.

antidiabetic jamu, glibenclamide, HPLC, validation



Identification of Supporting Factors of Local Food Products Towards The Global Market Competition
Andri Ikhwana, Fitri Purwa Alinda

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Andri Ikhwana

Department of Industrial Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Local food products that have been known as icons of a region are faced with global market competition so that they are required to have competitiveness in fighting for the global market with the hope that business activities that rely on local identity are not lost and displaced by the arrival of various products that can replace product functions and roles on global competition. This study aims to identify the factors that support the sustainability of the local food product business so that it can compete in the global market and determine the strategies that must be done. To support this research activity, the method used is the analysis of factors supported by 100 respondents conducted using the accidental sampling method involving various groups of respondents. Based on the results of the study, it was found various factors that support the sustainability of local food product businesses, namely: lifestyle factors, individual factors, promotion factors and places, and product identity factors. Furthermore, so that the business activities of local food products can survive and be sustainable, the strategies that must be carried out are product innovation, intensive promotion, and determining a strategic sales location.

local food products, global markets, factor analysis

Industry Engineering


Identification of the inhibiting factors for skilled labour in the construction sector to obtain competency certification
Irika Widiasanti (a*), Doddy Rochadi (a), Agung Fridestu (a) and Lenggogeni(a)

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Corresponding Author
Irika Widiasanti

(a) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

The purpose of competency certification can be seen from two complementary aspects, namely to assess a persons ability and expertise in his profession and come out to give confidence to the user that the competence of labour fulfills the requirements in carrying out the task. However, the number of construction labour certified is only about 3% of all construction labour in Indonesia. This study aims to identifying inhibiting factors of competency certification in the perspective of construction labour, especially skilled labour. This study uses a quantitative model with descriptive analysis. This research was conducted on skilled labour in three high-level building projects. The research design used in the form of surveys with data collection methods through questionnaires, observation, and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the factors that hinder skilled labour in obtaining competency certification are 1) Complexity of the implementation of competency certification, 2) The high cost of competency certification, 3) There is no difference in certified labour wages, 4) The certificate does not guarantee quality work

competency certification, inhibiting factors, skilled labour

Civil Engineering


Immersion Cooling for The Next Cooling Technology for Data Center: A Review
Ilham Wahyu Kuncoro(a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi(a,*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika(b), Indah Widiastuti(a), Miftah Hijriawan(a), and Kukuh Mukti Wibowo(a)

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Corresponding Author
Ilham Wahyu Kuncoro

(a) Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
(b) School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology

The development of the world internet usage continues to increase from time to time. It is recorded that 46% of the worlds population has become internet users and generates data traffic of 8 zettabytes every day. This increase has triggered the growth of data center infrastructure as processing, storage and communication system in the digital world. The data center itself has contributed 1.5% of total world electricity consumption and is expected to continue to increase. With the proportion of energy use in the data center, it covers 52% of electrical energy for information technology (IT) equipment, 38% for cooling and 10% for supporting equipment. One of the problems faced by data centers is the cooling of information technology (IT) components that are relatively large in energy, this has been a separate concern in several years of research. This paper describes cooling models that have the potential to improve the efficiency of using energy data centers. There have been many studies using several methods in order to find the most effective way to transfer heat data centers, one of them using the immersion cooling method. Immersion cooling promises energy efficiency improvements in the data center, using dielectric fluids that have high heat capacity. Several types of fluids and immersion cooling methods are identified and discussed in this paper.

Electricity Consumption, Cooling Methods, Energy Efficiency, Immersion Cooling

Mechanical Engineering


Acep Ahman Hidayat, Ali Rahman, Resi Mustifa Wangi, Rahmat Zaenal, Rifqi Syamsul Fuadi

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Acep Ahman Hidayat

Department of informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung, Indonesia

The creativity of an online store owner who develops a business in a retail business in determining a marketing strategy will affect his competitive ability with other online stores. However, services that are in accordance with costumers attitude is a stuff that should be awared by shop owners in order to improve not only customer satisfaction but also store income.The method used in this study is Market Basket Analysis to know customers attitude by analyzing data from sales transactions to show customers attitude toward one sold item and the others. Research aimed that it is necessary to have a system that can help to form a combination among products using the association rule method, the algorithm used to analyze this method is apriori and fp-growth algorithm. Result from data analysis test using monthly sales transaction data of cosmetics in Breiliant Store during November 2018 . It could be concluded that a combination of products which have strong support and confidence were Original Liquid Bleaching Seeds, Harva Peeling Gel and Castor oil. It had support value of 8.8% and 30% confidence value, with a filtering time of 0.036 seconds.

data mining, Association Rule, Apriori algorithm, FP-Growth algorithm.

Computer Science


Implementation Copula to Multivariate Control Chart
Tika Endah Lestari*, Shafira Khoirun Nisa, Fiella Pramysilia Citra, Gemintang Segara Asri

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Corresponding Author
Tika Endah Lestari

Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University


Multivariate Control Charts is an effective tool in Statistical Process Control to identify either an out-of-control process or in-control process. Hotelling T2 control chart is a quite popular and widely used technique in this field. However, its performance is deteriorated when the underlying distribution of the quality characteristics is not following the multivariate normal distribution. Multivariate control chart usually recommended a procedure in the phase-in Hotelling T2 control chart although there is difficulty in interpreting the signals from multivariate control charts more work is needed on data reduction methods and graphics techniques. Basically, the multivariate control chart refers to the theory of prediction interval. Therefore, its called predictive multivariate control charts. We aim to construct what so-called predictive multivariate control chart both classical in this part in the phase-in Hotelling T2 and Copula-based ones. We argue that appropriate joint distribution function may be well estimated by employing Copula. A numerical analysis is carried out to illustrate that an Application Copula-based Multivariate control chart outperforms than bivariate control chart and others.

Multivariate Control Chart, Copula, Predictive Control Chart

Industry Engineering


Implementation K-Nearest Neighbour for Student Expertise Recommendation System
Ichsan Taufik (a*), Yana Aditia Gerhana (a), Ade Irpan Ramdani (a), Mohamad Irfan (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ichsan Taufik

a) Informatic Engineering, State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A.H. Nasution No. 105, 40614, Indonesia

The ability of students to determine their chosen field of expertise is still subjective, many students choose the field of expertise because their classmates choose the field of expertise not by considering their abilities and interests. This research uses the KNN classification method to determine areas of expertise that are in accordance with student expertise. The KNN method was chosen because it is a method that uses supervised algorithms where the results of new query instances are classified based on the majority of the categories in the KNN whose purpose is to classify test data based on training data. This system was tested using the confusion matrix method and the results were 98.30% of the total student data sample of 30 people.

expertise, KNN, confusion matrix, recommendation

Computer Science


Implementation of Advanced Encryption Standard for File Security in Stego-Object
Sy. Yuliani(1,2), Aldy Rialdy Atmadja(1,*), Y S Nurjanah(1), Deny Fauzy(1), Rio Guntur Utomo(1)

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Corresponding Author
Aldy Rialdy Atmadja

1Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
2Faculty of Information and Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia

Security issues and data confidentiality are very important in the digital and internet era today. Important files circulating on the internet, both in the form of documents, images, and videos need to be supported with good security. This article aims to secure files by utilizing steganography technology, both in encryption and decryption of the file. The method used is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which is applied to Stego-Object. Experiments are done on document files with extensions .doc, .xlsx, .pdf, and .txt, also on image files with extensions .jpeg, .png, and .bitmap. The experimental results show that AES can encrypt and decrypt quite effectively without changing the quality of files both images and documents. This research can develop for video files.

Security, Encryption, Advanced Encryption Standard, document

Computer Science


Implementation of Analytical Network Process Method To Get Recommendations for Submission and Acceptance of Badminton Athletes Scholarships at Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung
Rian Andrian(1)(2), Rifqi Syamsul Fuadi(2), Rifa Fahrudin(2), Ali Rahman(2), Mohamad Wildanuddin(2)

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Corresponding Author
Rian Andrian

(1) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
(2) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

Pathways admissions line independent achievement sport especially badminton was held at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati in Bandung aims to help athletes who want to proceed to a higher level and change the paradigm of athletes on the importance of continuing education to a higher level in accordance with the criteria specified. The process of determining the acceptance still uses the old system with penginputan in Microsoft Excel that sometimes cause confusion. To help determine a candidate independent of badminton accomplishment line it then required a decision support system. Methods that can be used for decision support system by using Analytical Network Process (ANP), with this method of calculation is done by doing a comparison between the criteria and alternatives will then produce supermatriks, then do the weighting process will determine the athletes who deserve to go to UIN Sunan Gunung Djati in Bandung. This research uses the 9 prospective registrants (alternate) as a sample after a comparison calculation manually and the application of the methods itself then acquired a relative error of 0%. So the system has been made is said to be worth used relative error sebeb less than 50%.

Badminton Athletes, Scholarships, Decision Support System, Analytical Network Process Method, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Computer Science


Implementation of Augmented Reality (AR) Android Based in Learning
Aprinaldi (a*), Yulia Rahmawati (a), Mumu Komaro (a)

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Corresponding Author
Aprinaldi Aprinaldi

Study Program of Technological and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No 229, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


Augmented reality is a technology that offers the ability to combine the virtual world with the real world. During its development, augmented reality is divided into two, which is desktop based and mobile (android) based is now being used as a media in learning in terms of science. The presence of augmented reality provides a solution for learning that is abstract and complex. We collect several journals related to augmented reality from a variety of sources, and acquired as many as 57 articles in the span of eight years between 2010 and 2018, and 28 of them in accordance with this research topic. We found a variety of research methods used to obtain the data for the implementation of augmented reality as a learning media, methods used include observation, questionnaires, surveys, pre-test and post-test, interview, video recording, and documentation. The resulting impact also varied, ranging from student motivation, student performance, student understanding, and also the effectiveness of AR in learning.

Augmented Reality, Android, Learning

Computer and Communication Engineering


implementation of blended learning model assisted of as an effort to face industrial revolution 4.0
1)Firman Aziz, 2)Diki Wahyudi, 3)Kemal Musthafa, 4)Aghnia Fadila

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Corresponding Author
Firman Aziz

1)Department of Communications, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

2)Department of Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

3)Department of Indonesian Language Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

4)Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jalan Dr Setiabudi No 229 Kota Bandung, Indonesia

This study aims to determine the application of the assisted blended learning learning model of the application at UPI and to know the mastery of blended learning learning assisted by the application at UPI. The research method uses quasi experiments with quantitative approaches. The study population was all students who contracted the general course of Indonesian Language Education in odd semester 2018/2019, while the study sample was 80 students or two classes (control and experiment). The research instrument used in-depth observations and open questionnaires. The study was conducted for one month starting 1-29 December 2018. The results showed: 1) the implementation of the blended learning learning model assisted by the application proved to provide positive results as much as 91% of students liked blended learning and 2) as many as 86% of students were able master the assisted blended learning learning application at UPI. Assisted learning of blended learning in the application is proven to be able to be applied to students so that this learning is a solution in facing the era of industrial revolution 4.0.

Learning, Model of Learning, Blended Learning, SPOT.UPI.EDU, Industrial Revolution

Computer and Communication Engineering


Implementation of Content Business Process Reengineering Framework in an Information System
yoyok seby Dwanoko(a), Rini Agustina(b)

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Corresponding Author
Yoyok Seby Dwanoko

(a)Information System Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Jl.S.Suproadi no. 48,Malang 65148, indonesia

(b)Information System Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
Jl.S.Suproadi no. 48,Malang 65148, indonesia

The Accounting Information System at the Drinking Water Users Association (HIPPAM) is a system that manages the financial flow of the organization. In general, this information system manages customer data, water usage transactions, reports that are needed on a web-based system. This system has been running for 3 years. The development of information systems is currently growing rapidly, where mobile applications can manage data on an information system that allows application developers to switch to mobile platforms. The purpose of this study is to produce a re-engineering data document at each stage of the Reengineering Software framework. This study uses the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) method that focuses on the reengineering framework of accounting information systems at HIPPAM. In general, previous research was only carried out at the BPR stages, namely business definition, process identification, process evaluation, process specification and design, Prototyping, Refinement and Instantiation. In addition to implementing the framework, the results of this study also produce standard document content produced at each stage in the BPR. The results of this study are the implementation of the content of the BPR framework that is expected to be used as a reference in similar research going forward.

business process reengineering, framework, information system, BPR

Information Engineering


Implementation of Haversine Formula for School Location Tracking
Popon Dauni, Muhammad Deden Firdaus, Riky Asfariani, Muhammad Indra Nurardy Saputra, Acep Ahman Hidayat, Wildan Budiawan Zulfikar

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Popon Dauni

Departement of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia

The School Location Information Application is an application developed to produce various information and that can be seen and distributed so that it can be useful to support school searches and their locations. Making a School Location Information Application is done by collecting data, with stages of analysis, design, and implementation. This application is made based on Android for clients using the Java programming language and the server made web based for processing data using HTML and PHP accompanied by SQL as the database manager. The Haversine Formula method is used to determine the distance between the users location and the location of the school in the city of Bandung. The results of the development of the School Location Information Application are expected to be able to overcome all problems and as a support to facilitate the search for schools with available information and school locations that are closest to the users location in the City of Bandung.

Android, haversine formula, school

Computer Science


Maulana Hasan Mud-is, Busro

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Busro Busro

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

One of the Android Application usability is to improve the quality of Academic Information System. Users will be interested to see when the initial appearance of an Android Application is visually comforting. Various ways have been done to improve the quality of Android Applications display with the aim of generating users and Android Application visitors satisfaction during surfing in the Android Application. This research use Kansei Engineering method which involved user emotional strength to get design materials that had strong influence in the design concept of Android Application. Kansei Engineering Type I is using KEPack methodology. It contains stages from research process until producing the new product which is suitable with the concept of emotion Android Application users. The new product is a recommendation from Android Applicationis proposal matrix. This research process use 17 Kansei Word and 12 specimen as a sample of Android Applicationis . Kansei Word is selected from words which is related to Android Application display. While as sample of specimens or Android Application is selected based on the differences of characteristics between each Android Application. This study involved 35 participants. Questionnaire results from participants will be processed by using multivariate statistical analysis that is Coefficient Correlation Analysis (CCA), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Factor Analysis (FA) and Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis. As a result, this procedure will produce a recommendation of E-Learning display design.

Android Application, Kansei Engineering, KEPack.

Computer Science


Jumadi, Agung Wahana, Demas Putri Utami, Cepy Slamet

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Jumadi Jumadi

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Every factory based on production, always try to find the best way to get high profit from their capital that spent on production processes. The Konveksi Zom T-Shirt is a factory that produces jacket, shirt and t-shirt. This factory, use simplex method to predict composition and number of items to get maximum profits from available capital. Based on simplex method with parameters; Rp. 2.000.000 as capital, 3.000 minutes as time production, and 6 pcs as minimum productions. This method get result with composition and number of items; 15 pcs of jacket, 6 pcs of shirts, and 22 pcs of t-shirts. The profit of production uses this method can increase 3,5% of profits from conventional method. Finally, this method can be used to support on deciding composition and number of item in productions to get a maximum profit.

Linear Programming, Optimation, Simplex method

Computer Science


Implementation of Mobile Art Application (MATA) as a Media for Handling Cases of Aggression in Children
Usman Nurhasan, Hendra Pradibta, Satrio Binusa Suryadi, Kadek Suarjuna Batubulan, Rawansyah

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Information Technology Department
State Polytechnic of Malang

Children who are physically hurting others intentionally is a behavior that showed a lack of ability to manage conflict, less control in managing emotions, or lack of ability to convey the desired appropriately. Teaching children to resolve conflicts is a strategy that can be used to create more adaptive behaviors. Children are taught how to resolve conflicts with some of the approaches that suit the environment will grow into adults who are better to cope with emotional problems, especially with other people in the neighborhood. The problem-solving strategy in this research used technological approaches, MATA which is the development of Android-based media where children with aggressive behavior problems can be used MATA as a tool to express emotions through art. Children can freely express their thoughts and feelings visually through color scratches; they can also see the results of their work in three dimensions. The method used in this research is the experimental method. Determination of the research subjects with a purposive sample previously granted WPS Aggression Questionnaire and choose a subject with aggression medium-high categories, the number of subjects in this study were five children each in the control and experimental groups. Results showed that the experimental group experienced a decrease in the level of aggressive behavior than the control group.

Aggression, Behaviour, Android

Computer Science


Implementation of Mobile Sensor Communication System on Multicell Networks
Mufid Ridlo Effendi (a*), Ilman Firdaus (b), Afaf Fadhil Rifai (c), Eki Ahmad Zaki Hamidi (d), Nanang Ismail (e)

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Corresponding Author
Mufid Ridlo Effendi

a) Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung, Indonesia
b) Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung, Indonesia
(c) Department of Instrumentation,
Control and Power Engineering
Bandung State Polytechnic of Manufacture
Bandung, Indonesia
(d) Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung, Indonesia
(e) Department of Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Science and Technology
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Bandung, Indonesia

A monitoring technology for large area with low-cost and high efficiency is highly demanded. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is the solution for a monitoring technology. However, not all monitoring must be continuous, there are some monitoring that can be carried out periodically. Therefore it is possible to invent a mobile sensor communication system on multicell networks. This research aims to implement a WSN system by collecting data from mobile sensors on multicell networks. The focus of research is on the design of mobile sensor communication with low-cost device as transceivers, namely NodeMCU. The design is implemented using 4 NodeMCU units, 3 of them are functioned as access points, while 1 unit is employed as a client connected to the sensor. The experimentation was conducted by varying transmission distances of sensors with and without barriers. Moreover, handover and blankspot areas are also included accordingly. The result of experimentation shows that the usage of low-cost devices has still possibility to built monitoring mechanism on multicell networks eventhough the transmission power was significantly influenced by the availability of barriers.

Blankspot; handover; mobile sensor; multicell networks; NodeMCU; Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

Electrical Engineering


Implementation of String Matching Fuzzy in Anatomy Quiz and Quiz Based on Android
Maulana Firdaus, Maulana Hasan Mudis, B. Busro

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Corresponding Author
Busro Busro

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Encyclopedia anatomy is an android application to introduce anatomy, equipped with a search feature, multiple choice quizzes and guess image quizzes. Due to some anatomical term is uptake from foreign languages and frequently typing errors by smart phone user, then search feature in this application implement fuzzy string matching method which use levenshtein distance algorithm. However, the results obtained are still not accurate, then added method of splitting and indexing so the results are more accurate and search process fast enough. Due to more simple than book and supported by a good appearance, this application is able to get a positive response from the users.

Anatomi, Typing Errors, Fuzzy String Matching, Levenshtein Distance, Splitting, Indexing

Computer Science


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