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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

Page 21 (data 601 to 630 of 1038) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Modeling the Potential Accidents at the Guarded Railroad Crossing Line Surabaya-Lamongan
FP Luthfiyani (a*), H Suprayitno(b)

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Corresponding Author

a) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya
* fitria.luthfiyani[at]
b) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Traffic safety at railroad crossings considered poorly understood by the road users. A good safety understanding at railroad crossings is necessary to prevent potential accidents. This condition is possibly achieved if factors causing the accidents are clearly known. This study aims to find out factors with potentially causing accidents in a railroad crossing, especially related to traffic volume, vehicle queue length, past year accidents, and land use around the railroad crossing. Data were collected from the data inventory survey, which was then analyzed using regression analysis. The results found three equations types based on the land use, respectively as: Type 1 (Railroad Crossing-Local Road /Collector) Y = 0,97 + 2,819x1 + 0,042x2; Type 2 (Railroad Crossing-Public Facilities) Y = 0,693 + 4,4x1 + 0,006x2; Type 3 (Railroad Crossing-Approaching Intersection) Y = -0,209 + 3,14x1 + 0,018x2. This study can be used in other location depending type of equation. This study was benefited to design the policy as well as the layout of railroad crossings in order to minimize the potential accidents in the railroad crossing areas.

Railroad crossing, accident, factors of accident

Civil Engineering


Modelling of The Number of Malaria Sufeffers in Indonesia Using Bayesian Generalized Linear Models
Vera Maya Santi(a*), Anang Kurnia(b), Kusman Sadik(b)

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Corresponding Author
Vera Maya Santi

a) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
b) Department of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor

Generalized Linear Models (GLM) has been used for modeling various types of data where the distribution of response variables is an exponential family. Common examples include those for binomial and Poisson response data. The GLM regression model determines the structure of the explanatory variable or covariate information, where the link function specifically determines the relationship between the regression model and the expected value of the observation. Bayesian techniques can now be applied to complex modeling problems where they could not have been applied previously. This method is a simpler model than traditional frequentist techniques. Estimating the regression model parameters is done by using Bayesian GLM. In this paper, we study conducted modeling for the number of malaria sufferers in Indonesia using the Bayesian GLM approach with several prior distributions. There are 6 independent variables that have a significant effect on the regression model, that is population density, Gini ratio, proper sanitation access, healthy zoning, integrated control and total sanitation. Based on Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and standard error, the Bayesian GLM estimation results for Cauchy and Normal prior distribution will converge to the same value as that obtained by GLM.

Malaria, Generalized Linear Models, Regression Parameter, AIC, Standard Error, Bayesian GLM.



Modification of the Maxwell Model for Calculation of Stress Relaxation and Creep Behavior for Polyester Yarns
Mustamina Maulani (a), Cahaya Rosyidan (a*),Lisa Samura (a),Valentinus Galih Vidia Putra (b)

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Corresponding Author

a) Petroleum Engineering Department, Trisakti University,
Jalan Kyai Tapa no 1, Jakarta 11440, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Tekstil Bandung, Jalan Jakarta
no.31, Bandung , 40272, Indonesia

Textile materials, especially yarns formed from polymers such as polyester during deformation, have viscoelastic properties, namely a combination of elastic and viscous properties. Several studies have been conducted to model viscoelastic on textile materials, especially yarns. In this study, modeling is done by fitting data through experiments which are then modeled with a theory of the modification of the Maxwell model as a reference in making predictions through the data fitting method. The results of the data fitting prediction in the form of exponential curves have a regression value that approaches the experimental curve (R^2 = 0.999 and 0.999).

Viscoelastic ; data fitting ; Maxwell Model

Material Science


Modified cooperative learning methods in teaching computer programming laboratory course for electronics engineering students
Andriani Parastiwi, Ekojono, Anugrah Nur Rahmanto

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Corresponding Author
Andriani Parastiwi

Politeknik Negeri Malang

Modified cooperative learning is a class-based active learning strategy, where students work on problems posed by lecturers, first individually, then in small groups, and finally as class discussions. This method allows students to express their reasoning, reflect on their thoughts, and get immediate feedback about their understanding. In this study, an investigation of the quantity and quality of student involvement was conducted in the Computer Programming Laboratory course in the electronics engineering department. Lecture material is prepared to support cooperative learning as well as class observations of students conducted by cooperative learning in the course. The pattern of student involvement was observed using the student behavior observation form that was developed and validated. Data triangulation was done with student perception survey data. The results showed that matching timing varied depending on the topic with an average of 20 minutes for the concept presentation by the lecturer. Student involvement is very high in the form of writing and discussing groups and classes. Triangulation of student perceptions states that students feel actively involved fully in the learning process.

cooperative learning, computer programming, eengineering

Electronics Engineering


Modified Union Feature Selection Method on Hadist Translation Text Clustering
Arief Fatchul Huda, Nanda Priatna, Qonita Ummi Safitri

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Arief Fatchul Huda

Faculty of Science and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung

The high feature space (dimension) is one of the main issues to be considered in the text clustering process. Therefore, various dimensional reduction methods have been introduced in various researches for selecting informative sub feature. Each method of reduction uses a different strategy to select sub feature, and the results are different even if using the same data set. Typically, union methods and intersection methods are used to combine selected sub feature with different reduction methods. The union method selects all feature and intersection only selects the general feature (slices) of the feature under consideration. So, the union approach causes the an increase in feature dimensions and the intersection approach causes the loss of some important feature. Therefore, in order to take advantage of a method and reduce its weaknesses, in this research proposes new approach, i.e modified union. This approach applies the union methods to select top ranking feature and applies intersection methods to the rest of the feature. In this case, feature selection uses the term variance (TV) and document frequency (DF) methods to calculate the relevance value of each feature. The effectiveness of the proposed method is tested on the data set of Hadith Shahih Bukhary. The results clearly show that the proposed method improves clustering accuracy over other methods with DB index is 2.7.

clustering, feature extraction, hadith, Modified Union

Computer Science


Modular panel house design with prefabricated production technology
E S Soegoto, R Subarjat and T Valentina

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Eddy Soeryanto Soegoto

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The aims of this study to acknowledge the needs of an efficient home of a modular panel house with a low cost and has a comfort factor. This research method uses descriptive quantitative method, with research subjects describing the modular panel house design with its criteria. With the modular panel house building method will be easier with low costs compared to conventional because the industrial process is carried out with prefabrication, and pay attention to ecological factors in the building. This fabrication house is designed with a low cost but on the other hand the lack of attention to thermal comfort factors thus influences the lack of interest of the community in this production house. The modular panel house design with manufacturing methods that takes into account the thermal comfort aspects and ecoarchitectural values will increase the interest of the community towards homes that are efficient and effective in supporting housing needs.

Modular Panel House, Thermal Comfort, Prefabricated, Ecoarchitecture.



Molecular Docking Study of Antocyanidins to Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor as Anti Lung Cancer
Riska Prasetiawati, Rahmawati, Benny Permana, Shendi Suryana, Novriyanti Lubis

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Corresponding Author
Riska Prasetiawati

Universitas Garut

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among another types. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) is a potential target in cancer cells thats belong to Tyrosin Kinase receptors, which responsible for the growth of various parts of the cell. Anthocyanidin is an aglycone of anthocyanin which has antiproliferative activity based on its antioxidant properties. The aim of this study was to find natural metabolites compound from anthocyanidins as a candidate for anti lung cancer through interaction with EGFR and obtain predictive activity, absorption, distribution and toxicity of anthocyanidin compounds. All compounds were optimized with Autodock Tools then simulated in molecular docking and predicted its absorption, distribution and toxicity. Gefitinib, a well known of EGFR inhibitor was taken as the standard for comparative analysis. Malvidins physicochemical properties qualified on Lipinskis Rule of Five, and show its good bioavailability. Molecular docking simulation showed the lowest binding energy of Malvidin to the receptor. Prediction of absorption and distribution showed Malvidin had Caco-2, HIA and Protein Plasma Binding in sequence is 1.7590 nm.sec-1; 83.1034% and 94.9441%. It is also mutagenic but non carcinogenic. Based on these data, Malvidin has the potential to be an anti-lung cancer candidate through EGFR inhibition.

molecular docking, malvidin, toxicity, ADME, lung cancer



Monitoring Electrical Energy in Electronic Energy Audits through Internet of Things Technology
Muhammad Priyono Tri Sulistyanto1, Kurriawan Budi Pranata2, Arif Nur Afandi3, Siti Sendari3

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Priyono Tri Sulistyanto

1 Informatics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
2 Physics Education Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Malang

Energy conservation, especially electricity, can be done by conducting an energy audit. Energy audit activities can analyze and find energy-saving opportunities from energy use. This study developed a prototype of a wireless electrical energy monitoring system on a laboratory scale to monitor the use of electrical energy from both electrical equipment using a microcontroller as a sensor node. These nodes have installed several sensors, namely the current sensor, humidity sensor, temperature sensor and light sensor. The protocol used in communication between nodes and servers is the HTTP protocol in the Internet of Things design that can communicate using internet network intermediaries. Data on the server can be monitored in realtime using the application on the client side.

electricity monitoring; electronic energy audit; internet of things

Computer and Communication Engineering


Morphology and Impedance characteristics of the nanostructured polyaniline films synthesised with different electrodeposition potentials
Setia Budi, Raka deswara, Amir Mahmud, Yusmaniar

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Setia Budi

Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta Timur 13220, Indonesia

Nanostructured films of polyaniline were successfully synthesised using electrodeposition technique on stainless substrates. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction investigation indicated that the electrodeposited polyaniline was an emeraldine phase. The influence of electrodeposition potentials on morphology, Brumauer-Emmet-Teller surface area and impedance values of the films were determined based on a scanning electron microscope, surface area analyser, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements, respectively. The films were composed by nanofiber polyaniline with diameter range from 10 to 60 nm. An increase of electrodeposition potential reduced the polyaniline diameter that produced high surface area films which resulted in high specific capacitance and low impedance values. This work shows the role of electropolymerization potential in controlling the necessary properties of the electrodeposited polyaniline films.

nanostrcutured film, polyanilin, electrodeposition potential, BET surface area, impedance

Material Science


Mud GasPlay: New Approach of Hydrocarbon Play

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Geology Department, FTKE, Universitas Trisakti

A new thinking of gas play in Tawun formation East Java Basin is a result of an integrated research of mud volcano from surface to subsurface data, overpresured and Hele-Shaw analog modeling. The presence of methane gas seepage in the mud volcano proves the existence gas associated with mud and overpressured zones. Analysis of C isotope of samples of gas seepage of mud-volcano indicate thermogenic methane gas at the level of thermal maturity equivalent to the peak of petroleum formation. The overpressured mud zone has a potential to be an unconventional gas reservoir with high gas storage capacity. Mud-gas-play is defined as the accumulated gas which is trapped in the overpressured zone. Gas accumulations have a tendency to be concentrated upper part of overpressure zone. Type of the reservoir and how the gas storage are the differences from the conventional of gas play concept. Reservoir geometry of mud-gas-play is a chamber shaped which cross sediment layer. Gas is trapped in rocks with very low bearing capacity which have high pressure. Two mechanisms of gas trapped in overpressured shale are dissolved and adsorbed. The gas storage capacity of the mud based on adsorption analysis at temperature 65 degree celcius ranges from 812 scf/ton up to 3,217 scf/ton. The unconventional gas reservoirs of overpressured mud zone is proposed as a new hydrocarbon play: mud-gas-play (MGP).

mud volcano, overpressured, adsorption, mud gas play

Material Science


Multimedia Development of Carved Slippers to Improve Student Skills in Craft and Entrepreneurship Subjects
Rina Febriana Hendrawan (a*), Nazmaini Musfiriyah (b), Dewi Suliyanthini (c)

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Corresponding Author
Rina Febriana Hendrawan

a) Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia

This study aims to develop learning media for craft and entrepreneurship subjects. After undergoing preliminary research on students needs for this particular subject, the authors consider technology-based learning media to needed in the process of learning carved sandals. This research was developed based on Borg and Galls research model as the main design, and ASSUREs instructional design as a sub-design in developing instructional media in the form of DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) entitled Tutorial Carved Sandals. Based on the results of the expert validation test it was concluded that the product was feasible to be used as a medium with a yield of 3.55 or 88.75%, and was very well used as a learning medium in large group trials with a return of 3.43 or 86%. This DVD has tested in 3 secondary schools in Central Jakarta in learning Crafts and Entrepreneurship in making handicraft products with the inspiration of non-objects culture.

multimedia DVD, hand-carved sandal, ASSURE

Industry Engineering


Multimedia for Increasing Basketball Dribble Learning Outcomes
Hartati, Silvi Aryanti, Giartama

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Corresponding Author
Hartati Hartati

Physical Education and Health of Teacher Training and Education Science Faculty,
Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia
Email: hartati[at], silviaryanti[at], giartama[at]

This study aims to determine the increase in basketball dribble learning outcomes of physical education and health students in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Multimedia used is based on macro flash. This research is a classroom action research aimed at determining the effectiveness of basketball dribble learning. The subjects in this study were physical and health education students. Classroom action research was conducted using 2 cycles. The results of the study in cycle 1 showed that there was an increase in student learning outcomes in the first test. There were 4 students (10%) in the good category, 14 students (35%) were in the adequate category, and the lower category was initially 22 students (55%). The results in cycle 2 are that there is a significant increase from 4 students (10%) in the good category to 36 students (90%), and 4 students (10%) in the sufficient category. The findings in this study are multimedia macro flash-based learning can improve student learning outcomes in basketball dribble learning. The implication of this study is that multimedia macro flash-based learning can be used as a medium of learning choice to improve basketball dribble learning.

multimedia, basketball dribble, classroom action research

Sport Science and Technology


Rini Puspitaningrum1*, Apriliana1, Kheista Japri 1, Erfan Handoko2

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Rini Puspitaningrum

1Dept. of Biology, Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jalan Rawamangun Muka 13220. Jakarta Indonesia
2 Dept of Physics. Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jalan Rawamangun Muka 13220. Jakarta Indonesia

Myoglobin has an important role in maintaining the oxygen homeostasis within living tissues. Therefore, the existence of myoglobin is very important to be studied in hypoxia tolerant animals, in this case the Brazilian turtle (Trachemysscriptaelegans). This study aims to detect myoglobin expression in the heart, kidney and lung of Brazilian turtle using the myoglobin primers Myoturtle_F2 and Myoturtle_R1. This study was performed using the RNA total of the heart, kidney, and lung of Brazilian turtles, and using various primer concentrations and annealing temperatures. This study was conducted at the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of FMIPA UNJ from June to August of 2010. Through 2% agarose gel electrophoresis, a myoglobin band of 114 pb had been detected in the kidney of normoxic Brazilian turtle. In the lung of the Brazilian turtle, myoglobin was not detected which might be caused by the low myoglobin concentration within the organ.

myoglobin, hypoxia tolerant, Brazilian turtle (Trachemysscriptaelegans)



Nano-bentonite as a low-cost adsorbent for removal of mercury in aqueous solution
Muhammad Zaki (a), Arif Maulana (a), Firda Tirtayani (b), Pocut Nurul Alam (a), Husni Husin (a,b)*

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Corresponding Author
Husni Husin

a) Department of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
b) Graduate School of Chemical Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia

Study of the mercury (Hg II) removal from aqueous solution has been investigated by adsoprtion using a low-cost bentonite nanoparticle. The nano-bentonite adsorbent was prepared by heating method at temperature of 400 Celcius. The activation was carried out by immersing natural bentonite in sodium hydroxide. The resulting powder was heated in the present of nitrogen gas as an activator agent. The bentonite sample was characterized by means of Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD). The prepared bentonite had a heterogeneous surface with a particle size of 300 nm. The nano adsorbent was tested in the absorption of synthetic Hg(II) solution which concentration varied from 5 to 120 ppm with 0.1 gram absorbent and volume of 100 ml. The adsorbed amount of Hg(II) was analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS). The adsorption capacities were fully fit with Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models. It was found that the adsorption process followed the Freundlich isotherm model with and adsorption capacity of 6.086 mg/g. Therefore, we conclude that nano-bentonite can be a potential low-cost adsorbent for removal of mercury in water.

Bentonite; Mercury solution; Adsorbent; Freundlich Isotherm

Chemical Engineering


Narrow Band Power Line Communication(NB-PLC) Frequency Band Review Under Residential Load Noise
KGH Mangunkusumo, Nur Widi Priambodo, Kemas M Tofani, Guntur Supriyadi

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Kevin Gausultan Hadith Mangunkusumo

PLN Puslitbang (Research Institute)

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is the foundation of the Smart Grid system. One of the most important parts of AMI is smart meter communication. Power Line Communication (PLC) technology utilizes the existing power line network for communication media between smart meters and Data Collector Units (DCU). One of the biggest challenges of communication using PLC is the noise level due to residential loads. In this study, laboratory test set up to measure noise caused by PV rooftop and residential loads are described. The measured signal is analyzed to find out the PLC frequency band with a low noise level. Experiments in the field are conducted to determine the performance of the PLC. Laboratory test measurement result shows the FCC band (150-490 kHz) is outside the range of PV rooftop and residential load noise. On the other hand, the Cenelec A (35-90kHz) frequency range is in the range of noise signal. Therefore, NB-PLC G3 using FCC frequency band is proposed to achieve robust data communication and lower noise level. G3 PLC FCC band are tested in the real field residential area, the experimental results show 97.62% successful rate within one week data collection.

NB-PLC, FCC band, Cenelec A band, Noise, Residential load, PV rooftop

Electrical Engineering


National Road Infrastructure Performance Assessment Model, Case Study: Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional VIII Surabaya
Yoga Pradana (a*), Tri Joko Wahyu Adi (b), and Herry Budianto (b)

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Corresponding Author
Yoga Pradana

(a) Students of Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Enviromental & Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Sukolilo,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia
* dana.yogapradana[at]
(b) Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Civil, Enviromental & Geo Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Sukolilo,
Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

This study aims to determine factors influencing performance assessment of road infrastructure and design proposals for non-toll road performance assessment models. As of now, there has been a performance assessment of road infrastructure, but not yet implemented consistently. It also still needs some improvement by using variables and other variable indicators that have not been used, especially for roads that have been built, operated and maintained. The design of the road infrastructure performance assessment model is done by selecting variable indicators based on literature reviews and expert interviews. Then filtering out variables using relative important index (RII) and weighting variables using pairwise comparisons. As a model validation, the project data for several national road segments in East Java were made as case studies, thus the results were represented in the form of web spiders for an easier interpretation. The model simulation results show that roads in Indonesia are already good in technical and economical aspects, but still need improvement on social, environmental and management aspects. This model can be used as one of the basic considerations for improvements in enhancement of road performance in Indonesia.

Road Performance Assessment; Triple Bottom Line; Sustainable Development

Civil Engineering


Natural Disaster Topic Selection using Decision Tree Classification
Ade Sutedi

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Ade Sutedi

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Social media like Twitter used as a reference for popular and trusted news today. This condition caused users shared out the information to another about anything around them. This opportunity could be useful information about natural disasters that occur in certain condition related to their locations. This study aims to select the topic that related to the natural disasters that occur in Indonesia based on Twitter user timeline. The topic will use as a reference to ascertain events, conditions of victims and location, and positions of disaster locations. For the validity of disaster information, the data takes from the official Twitter account of @BNPB_Indonesia and @infoBMKG. The data extracted and divided into two main classes, then grouped into types of disasters and locations, and determine the position of location that can be used as a safe point after disasters. In this, study a decision tree classification was used to assist the topic selection process related to natural disaster events.

Social Media, Natural Disaster, Decision Tree, Classification

Computer Science


Neighborhoods Geographic Information System to Prevent Home Robbery
Muhammad Ihsan (a*), Dede Sugandi (a), Asri Ria Affriani (a), Shafira Himayah (a)

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Corresponding Author
Muhammad Ihsan

(a) Departement of Geography Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Setiabudhi No.229,Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to apply a geographic information system to analyze the vulnerability of home robbery in neighborhoods. To support the research, we use the Scoring Method with a two parameter overlay using the Geographic Information System. The results showed that the Geographic Information System in the neighborhoods can visualize the neighborhood map, based on the analysis conducted, there are 10 houses that have the potential for home robbery, because based on the Vulnerability analysis, the 10 houses belong to the category of vulnerable categories (categories 4-5) . Based on these results, the information from this study can be used as a reference and study material in maintaining the security in neighborhoods.

Geographic Information System, Neighborhoods, Home Robbery

Information Engineering


Neuroprotective of Dunaliella salina on Fruit Fly Model of Parkinsons Disease Exposed to Paraquat
Mohamad Agus Salim(1), Muhammad Subandi (2), Yeni Yuniarti(3)

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Mohamad Agus Salim

(1) Biology Department, Science and Technology Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
(2) Agrotechnology Department, Science and Technology Faculty of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
(3) Mathematic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Microalgae of D. salina possesses multiple pharmacological properties which are mainly attributed to the active compounds such as polyphenol, chlorophyll and B-carotene. However, the utilization of D. salina as a neuroprotective agent in Parkinsons disease is still questionable. In present study, we observed the potential neuromodulatory effects of D. salina extract against the toxicity exposed to paraquat in fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Male wild-type fruit flies were concomitantly induced by paraquat (3.5mM) and D. salina methanolic extract (200 ug/mL) in their diet during 4 days of observation. Paraquat fed fruit flies had exhibited a higher incidence mortality and the worst influence on locomotor phenotypes (negative geotaxis) when compared to the control. D. salina extract treatment showed protection ability against these deleterious effects of paraquat. Though, paraquat exposure caused a marked increase in malondialdehide (MDA) content as indicating increase lipid peroxidation process in brains of fruit flies. Meanwhile, paraquat toxicity was also related to a significant decrease on dopamine level in head of fruit flies, which were attenuated by D. salina extract treatment. Our results conclude that D. salina extract significantly reduced the toxicity of paraquat compounds exposed to fruit flies and proved the usefulness of this model as a potential therapeutic strategy for symptoms that appear in Parkinsons disease.

Dunaliella salina ; Fruit fly ; Paraquat ; Parkinson



Arif Parabi(a) , Ranty Christiana(a), Dina Octaviani(b), M.Zalviwan(b), Endang Noerhartati(c*)

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Corresponding Author
Arif Parabi

a) Department Civil Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering at Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
b) Department Management, Faculty Of Economy at Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak, Indonesia
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
c*) Departement of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of , Engineering, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Jl. Dukuh Kupang XXV/ 54 Surabaya, Indonesia
* endang.18006[at][at]
c) Postgraduate Student, Department of Education Management, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Jl Kampus Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia

The research purpose is to find out about neutralization, coagulation and filtration processes in peat water. Water is an environmental component that has a considerable role and the requirements in terms of quality and quantity. The presence of water in peatland areas is less profitable, because peat water is surface water from peat soil with striking features because it is brownish red in color, contains high organic matter, tastes sour, pH 2-5 and has a low hardness level. This research method uses experimental design and the variables are the processes of neutralization, coagulation, and filtration of peat water. Descriptive statistical analysis is an analysis carried out to assess the characteristics of a data. The results of the research were from the initial test obtained pH = 4.32. There are some changes from all parameters starting from dark black water color (1088 PtCo) to 179 PtCo, high turbidity (13.2 NTU to 6.55 NTU, high iron content (1.68 mg / l) to 0.26 mg / l, high chromium (0.093) mg / l to 0.023 mg / l), low acidity (pH) (4.32) to pH 5.57 and high sulphate (744 mg / l) to 24 mg / l.

Neutralization; Coagulation; Filtration; Peat Water

Environmental Engineering


News Recommendation System using Collaborative Filtering Method
A Wahana1, D S Maylawati1,2,*, B A Wiwaha1, M A Ramdhani1, A S Amin3

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Corresponding Author
Agung Wahana

1Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Indonesia
2Faculty of Information and Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia
3Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia

In the era of Internet of Things (IoT), various facts, news, and up-to-date information are presented online that can be accessed quickly, anytime, and anywhere. However, sometimes the news which dislayed is not up-to-date or not in accordance with the interests of the reader. This study aims to build a system that can recommend the latest news, which is most often accessed, and that is in accordance with the interests of the reader. The method that used in this study is Collaborative Filtering (CF) to rank news as the best recommendation for readers. Based on the results of experiments conducted on 19 examples of news, the percentage of accuracy results of the recommendations was around 84.2% compared to the manual calculation. This shows that CF capable to provide news recommendations good enough

Internet of Things (IoT), recommend the latest news, Collaborative Filtering

Computer Science


Nominal Banknotes Reading Tools for the Blind
Aditya Ramadhan Islami*, Ade Gafar Abdullah, Aip Saripudin

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Aditya Ramadhan Islami

Departemen Pendidikan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung, Indonesia


Limitations of blind people to see the problem in terms of communication so they just rely on their sense of touch and hearing to determine the nominal money he has, often blind also rely on other people they trust to provide information. From the background of this problem researchers want to create a research by making a nominal reading devices banknotes. In the making of this style uses a sensor that functions as a sensor TCS3200 color reader on money and nano Arduino microcontroller as a data processor, then the output of sound. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of the percentage of the nominal reading devices for the visually impaired banknote design and build and to know the advantages and disadvantages of tool design and build it. Based on test results obtained percentage accuracy rate of 93.21, but still there are some flaws in the design and build tools such as; the tool can not distinguish genuine money with counterfeit money, as well as the success of their money reading deeply affected by the physical condition of the money

Tools nominal read; Visually impaired; TCS3200 sensors; Arduion nano; Color sensors

Electronics Engineering


Non-solvent investigation on polyvinylidene flouride (PVDF) membrane composed by green solvent: membrane kinetic study
Nasrul Arahman; Afrilia Fahrina; Fachrul Razi; Sri Mulyati

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Nasrul Arahman

Chemical Engineering Department
Universitas Syiah Kuala
Banda Aceh Indoensia

Immersion-precipitation method was conducted to prepare polyvinylidene &

triethyl phosphate (TEP), green solvent, physicochemical characteristic, Hansen solubility parameter.

Chemical Engineering



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Throughout the year of 2016, a number of mainstream mass media in Indonesia reported several recurring refinery unplanned shutdown. As a result, the disruption of nationwide fuel production was unavoidable. This particular study aims at finding qualitative correlation between the refinery unplanned shutdown and the optimized refinery utilization occurred in Indonesia. Question arose over whether the technology installed in the refinery had reached the end of its usage lifetime, or perhaps the management lacked of details in terms of management planning that later fuelled the unwanted incidents. The method being applied in this study is qualitative approach using a non-linear multivariable regression. As the result, a non-linear multivariable regression that incorporates multivariable in an effort to help discover the presumably overlooked information of the past performance as means of management control and to monitor the current refinery utilization performance. In the end, recommendation for improvement as far as the refinery utilization can possibly be achieved in the near future. The conclusion of this particular study is the recommendation for refinery decision maker to improve the scheduling of refinery turnaround and optimize the utilization as well.

Keywords: Unplanned shutdown. Refinery turnaround, qualitative approve, non-linear multi variable regression, refinery utilization.

Management Science


Novelty Luther-Sutopo Method for Game Development
IP Satwika (a*), Wahyu Untoro (a), AAA Putri Ardyanti (a), Wawan Sujarwo (b)

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Anak Agung Ayu Putri Ardyanti

STMIK Primakara
Jl. Tukad Badung No.135, Renon-Denpasar, 80226
a)*satwika[at], wahyuuntoro54[at], putri.ardyanti[at],
b) Balai Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Eka Karya Bali - LIPI
Jl. Kebun Raya, Candikuning, Baturiti-Tabanan, 82191

Luther-Sutopo is a method used to create multimedia products. The stages in the Luther-Sutopo method are divided into 6 stages, namely the concept, design, collecting materials, assembly, testing and distribution. The Luther-Sutopo method was successfully used to create multimedia products such as movies, videos or interactive multimedia applications such as games. But in a book written by Hidayat and Astari, they argue that the maintenance stage is a stage that can make the game said to be successful in its distribution. From the case study of making the Bedugul Forest game it was found that there were some changes to the Luther-Sutopo method. These changes are the occurrence of repetitive assembly and testing processes until no errors are found in the game. The next change is at the maintenance stage, a new maintenance stage can be done if a system error is found in the game that has been distributed and the emergence of new Android devices that are not supported by the game.

Luther-Sutopo Multimedia Method, Game Development, Education Game

Computer Science


Numerical Studies of Influence Angle of Attack of Configuration Fairing Flap Track types Naca 4412 and NACA 6412
Handrico Ramelan Pratama

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Handrico Ramelan Pratama


Stability control is one of the important factors in flight, wings of the world known function change of air that flows into a lift and drag. Fairing Flap Track is known to increase the stability controls on the wings. This research discuss our results to see configuration the Fairing Flap Track to wings, fairing inspired by Sailfish fins and Blue Shark fins. This studies of configuration influence of fairing flap track on angle of attack 0 degree to 35 degree of the speed 100 km/h type Naca 4412 and NACA 6412. This research is knowing coefficient drag, coefficient lift and lift to drag ratio using software computational fluid dynamic (CFD). The results of simulation studies it is knowing that after mounting the fairing that the value coefficient of lift and coefficient of drag of the NACA 6412 of the higher than types of NACA 4412. The second model of airfoil and fairing knowing decrease the value coefficient of lift on 20 angle of attack. Shifting the point of stagnation toward lower side due to angle of attack. Fairing Flap Track has a major influence on the reducing drag caused by the effect of compressible.

Angle of attack, coefficient drag, coefficient lift and lift to drag ratio

Mechanical Engineering


Nutrient fulfilling status for bali cows in Bali in season differences
I Dewa Nyoman Sudita

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I Dewa Nyoman Sudita

Faculty of Agriculture Warmadewa University Denpasar Bali

This study aims to determine the amount of nutrients given in feed for bali cows in Bali in different seasons. The study used a survey method through observations on 27 livestock groups in Bali by measuring the amount of feed given, diversity of feed ingredients, and sampling of feed ingredients for analysis. Measurements were made three times, namely in the rainy season (February-March), mid-dry season (June-July), and the peak of the dry season (September-October). The results showed a decrease in the type and diversity of feed ingredients in the ration, while the amount of ration given (kg/day of fresh weight) was almost the same (33.17; 33.15; and 32.82 kg). The total protein available in the ration was decreased in the rations given, namely: 706.52 g (rainy season), 648.65 g (mid-dry season), and 611.37 g (peak dry season). While the total energy tends to increase according to successive seasonal changes: 12,650.70; 13,820.18; and 13,974.21 kcal ME. From this study it can be concluded that although there is a decrease in the type and diversity of feed ingredients in the rations given to bali cows according to the season in Bali, but the amount of protein and energy above the basic livelihood needs of livestock.

Fulfillment of protein and energy, bali cows



Pande Ayu Naya Kasih Permatananda(a*), Ni Wayan Ari Sawitri (b), Nyoman Gina Henny Kristianti(b)

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Pande Ayu Naya Kasih Permatananda

(a) Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Warmadewa, Denpasar, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia

Malnutrition is the primary cause of morbidity and mortality in children. The term of malnutrition includes a state of undernutrition and overnutrition. The purpose of this study is to assess the nutritional status of children age in local village, Bali. This research was a cross-sectional descriptive study with 60 subject which were kindergarten students in Bali and with 60 respondents which were the mother of the subjects. The data collecting technique of this research was purposive sampling, with using questionnaire for respondents and direct measurement for the subjects. Most of the respondents were in normal category based on anthropometry index. We also found the prevalence of overnutrition were higher than undernutrition. Undernutrition status was found more in children with less nutrient intake, normal nutrition status was found more in children with good nutrition intake, while overnutrition status was more dominant in children with high nutrition intake. Measurement of nutritional status for children is very important as anticipation data for further research and basis for making public health programs.

nutritional status; children age 4-6 years old; nutritional intake



Nutritional Status Women of Reproductive Age Group with Vegetarian Diets in Badung
Made Rusti Rama Yanti, IGP Wiadnjana

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Dewa Ayu Putri Sri Masyeni

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa

Vegetarian diet has become a popular diet among people. However, the diet is known to cause the lack of some nutrients such as protein, iron, and B12, which has the implication on ones nutritional status. When the bodys metabolism is high as in times of growth, menstruation, pregnancy and lactation, and women of reproductive age group with vegetarian diets are vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies. The study is aimed to identifying nutritional status women of reproductive age group with vegetarian diets in Badung Regency. The method used in this study is descriptive quantitative, with cross sectional approach. Nutritional status based on Body Mass Index (MT), Upper Arm Circumference (LILA), and Hemoglobin (Hb) level. Data analysis in the form of frequency distribution table and narrated. The result of measuring the nutritional status obtained is most women of reproductive age group with vegetarian diets have good nutritional status. Can be seen based on IMT as much as 67.3%, based on LILA as much as 87.3%, and based on Hb as much as 38.2%. Nutrition problems found on the basis of IMT were 32.7%, among them less nutrition, more and obesity. Based on LILA obtained only 12.7% who have less nutrition, and based on Hb levels found most who experienced anemia as much as 61.8%. From these results it is necessary to note the intake of foods and types of food consumed for nutritional needs are met. Foods derived from iron and vitamin C that facilitate the absorption of iron.

Vegetarian, Nutritional Status, Body Mass Index (BMI), Hemoglobin Level (Hb), Ligkar Arm Up (LILA)



Obtaining pareto front with NSGA-II in multi-attribute automated negotiation
Aodah Diamah

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Aodah Diamah


In multi-attribute automated negotiation, maximizing negotiation outcome can be regarded as a multi-objective optimization problem. The objectives are to maximize each negotiator gain expressed as their preferences. A negotiation outcome is evaluated based on the outcome distance to the Pareto front of all the possible negotiation solutions. Pareto front is the collection of solutions that can no longer be improved in one objective without compromising another objective. Therefore Pareto front plays an important role in examining negotiation outcomes. In cases where possible negotiation solutions are too large, it is computationally inefficient to find this front exhaustively by comparing all solutions. To this end, evolutionary algorithm has been used to approximate Pareto front. In this paper we aimed to obtain Pareto front using an evolutionary algorithm called non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA II). Results using two different negotiation settings show that Pareto front obtained with NSGA II are very close to the true Pareto front.

Pareto front, genetic algorithm, multi-attribute negotiation

Computer Science


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