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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

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On The Total Vertex Irregularity Strength of Comb Product of Cycle and Other Graph
Rismawati Ramdani

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Rismawati Ramdani

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Let G be a graph and k be a positive integer. A total k-labeling of G is a map f from vertex set union edge set of G to integers 1,2,3, until k. The vertex weight v under the labeling f is the sum of the label of v and the label of edges incident with v. A total k labeling of G is called vertex irregular if there are no two vertices with the same weight. The total vertex irregularity strength of G is the minimum k such that G has a vertex irregular total k-labeling. Let G and H be two connected graphs. Let o be a vertex of H . The comb product between G and H in the vertex o is a graph obtained by taking one copy of G and cardinality of G copies of H and grafting the i th copy of H at the vertex o to the i th vertex of G. In this paper, we determine the total vertex irregularity strength of come product of cycle and other graph.

Comb product graph, cycle, the total vertex irregularity strength, total vertex irregular labeling.



OPTIKU : Pocket Book about Optics Concept Based on Android
H Y Suhendi*, D Mulhayatiah, W Setya, N Fitriyanti

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Corresponding Author
Herni Yuniarti Suhendi

Pendidikan Fisika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


Teaching materials are one of the factors to support the achievement of learning objectives. This is related to the use of appropriate and varied teaching materials in the learning process can increase learning motivation and can reduce the passivity of students. This study aims to produce an android-based digital pocket book product that is feasible for learning. In addition, to find out the increasing interest and ICT skills of students. This research is a research development (R & D) with 4D models. Media validity analysis technique uses (Content Validity Ratio) CVI. Techniques for analyzing increased interest and ICT capabilities use standard gain. The results showed students learning interest had increased in a limited test with a standard gain of 0.450 (moderate) and a broad test of 0.638 (moderate) while the student learning outcomes had increased in a limited test with a standard gain of 0.732 (high) and a broad test of 0.866 (high) . It can be concluded that OPTIKUs pocket book is suitable for widespread use.

pocket book, optics concept, android



Optimal Control Solution for Rabies Disease Transmission within Free-ranging Dog Population
Eti D. Wiraningsih1, a), Z. Jamaludin2,b), A. P. Ramadhan2,c), M. Misbach2,d) and Asep K. Supriatna2,e)

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Eti Wiraningsih

1Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, State University of Jakarta, DKI-Jakarta, Indonesia
2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung-West Java, Indonesia

a)Corresponding author: etidwi[at]

This paper considers deterministic model for transmission dynamics of rabies virus in the free-ranging dog population. The endemic equilibrium is found and its existence depends on the value of the basic reproduction number. The effect of vaccination in susceptible dog population is considered on the model. We then present the effective reproduction number in the present of the vaccination. Further we developed the formula to obtain the optimal vaccination to eliminate the endemic equilibrium, via the Pontryagin Maximum Principle. Some numerical example are presented to show the properties of the optimal control solution.

Rabies mathematical model, effective reproduction number, optimal control.



Optimal distribution route to minimize transportation costs in the soft drink industry
Anita Christine Sembiring, Agus Sanjaya, and Willyanto S

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Anita Christine Sembiring

Universitas Prima Indonesia

Minimum mileage and maximization of utilities will help the product distribution process to be optimal. Soft drink companies in the city of Medan have problems in distributing products to consumers who are not on time. This is related to the lack of regulation of product distribution channels by the company. Therefore this research was conducted to optimize product distribution routes in order to minimize distribution costs. With the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) method, it will combine several closest distribution routes and improve the route sequence. Then the development of sub-routes that are formed from the travel time and utility of transportation equipment used. Formation of sub-routes is still done manually while increasing the order of sub-routes is done by using the Software Quant System (QS) version 3.0. and produce minimum mileage on each sub-route. 6 sub-routes are carried out in one week and are served by 1 transportation car with a capacity of 220 crates. The proposed sub-route is 171 km shorter than the available sub-routes, thus shortening the travel time by 302 minutes to transport the product and save transportation costs of Rp. 68800, - (per week).

Distribution route; Traveling Salesman Problem; Utility

Industry Engineering


Optimal Invesment Portfolio using Linear Algebra
Basuki *1, Sukono*2, D. Sofyan*3., S.S. Madio, *4, N. Puspitasari*5

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Corresponding Author
Basuki Basuki

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut *1, 3, 4, 5
Universitas Padjajaran Bandung *2

In this paper we discuss the issue of linear algebra on the investment portfolio optimization models. It was assumed that stock returns are analyzed have a certain distribution, so that the mean and variance and covariance between the separation can be determined. Return of some stock used to form a vector averaging, and the number of shares used as the basis to form a unit vector. While the variance of each stock as well as the covariance between stocks, is used to form a covariance matrix. The investment portfolio was formed consisting of several stocks, in order to maximize the expected return and minimize risk. The portfolio optimization was performed using linear algebra approach. The result is a formula used to determine the optimum composition of the portfolio weights. The resulting formula is very useful for the analysis of the investment portfolio optimization.

linear algebra, Optimal Invesment Portfolio



Optimization Analysis Of Route Determination And Trash Distribution Policy In Garut City
Dedi Sadudin Taptajani

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Dedi sadudin Taptajani

Department of Industrial Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Distribution is an important aspect of the delivery process. So it is an activity that is useful to launch goods distribution activities from upstream to downstream. According to Philip Kotler (1997) Distribution is a group of organizations that create a process of distribution activities of a good or service, the distribution of trash from the Temporary Disposal Site (TPS) to the end in the optimal Final Disposal (TPA) is a step to Accelerate the arrival of trash to the final dump. presents an extension of the ant colony technique to solve the optimization case of the shortest route by taking into account the distance, capacity and grouping of the optimal depot using the ant algorithm model as the first step of optimization, The ant colony algorithm is adopted from the behavior of ant colonies known as the ant system (Dorigo, 1996 ). Naturally, ant colonies are able to find the shortest route on the way from the nest to the food sources Ant colonies can find the shortest route between the nest and the source, of food based on footprints on the trajectory that has been passed. This paper presents an extension of existing ant colony techniques to solve some of the trash removal problems from some Temporary Disposal Sites (TPS) to end up in the Final Disposal (TPA). so that in the process of taking garbage to each TPS, each vehicle brings waste with optimal capacity, without any empty vehicle, when the vehicle reaches the Final Disposal (TPA) with the shortest route consideration. Based on the results of simulation and evaluation studies using a model approach, it has been shown that the ant colony optimization technique proposed in this paper leads to more optimal results than the method.

Distribution, optimization, ant colony algorithm, simulation, evaluation

Industry Engineering


Optimization Design of CAI for Computer Programming Languages to Improve Student-s Competence
M Sukardjo, Lipur Sugiyanta, Yuli Supriyanto

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Corresponding Author
Moch Sukardjo

Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jln. Rawamangun Muka Raya, Jakarta Timur, 13220

Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) for computer programming was rare. In order to improve student-s competence, general design of CAI should be optimized. Optimized design produced proper CAI learning media targeted for Vocational High School (SMK). The product implemented in certain SMK to verify effectiveness and efficiency of learning media in the field. The research used Research and Design method. Research population was SMK-s students.

CAI, programming language, student-s competence

Electrical Engineering


Optimization Of Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES) Using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
Mohammad Noor Hidayat, Ilham Pakaya, Budhy Setiawan, Awan Setiawan, Rahmad Santoso

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ilham pakaya

State Polytechnic Of Malang

The instability of energy resources and correseponding cost of the system are the main two problems for designing the hybrid solar-wind power generation systems. The configuration of the system must have a high reliability on the power supply avaibility but with a minimum cost. The purpose of this paper is to find the most optimum or balanced configuration between technical reliability and total annual cost for the PV module number, the wind turbine number and the battery number. Apropriate strategy of load management is needed by adjusting the potensial energy resource to the load power demand. Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) is a method to determine the ratio of power generation unavailability by the system configuration which used as technical analysis. Annualized Cost of System (ACS) is a method to determine the total annual cost the project lifetime which used as economical analysis. The result from the simulation showed that Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm can be an alternative method to find the best configuration with a low number of LPSP and ACS. Since, PSO has a better efficacy and faster time to find global optimum than other algorithm.

Hybrid Generation; Optimization; LPSP; ACS; Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

Electrical Engineering


Optimization of utilization Pedestrian Trails and Urban Green Lines
Adi Susetyaningsih; Ida Farida

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adi susetyaningsih

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Pedestrian and green lanes are needed to enhance the comfort of activities of urban communities. Pedestrian pathways are important to support population circulation while the green lane functions to beautify the city and maintain air quality in cities. Nevertheless, the condition of pedestrian and green lanes in urban areas is often not well maintained so that their utilization is not optimal. This can be seen from the improper use of pedestrian paths, damage to supporting facilities and the death of plants planted in the green lane. This study identified the characteristics of pedestrian paths and green lanes in the center of Garut and evaluated the use of pedestrian paths and green lanes in cities. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The perception of the community of pedestrian users was analyzed from the results of the questionnaire. Responden was chosen randomly from pedestrian and green lane users along Ahmad Yani road which is the center of Garut. The condition of the pedestrian path along the Ahmad Yani road from the Asian crossing to the Holy Bunderan was damaged in several points so that it disturbed the comfort of pedestrians. Circulation of pedestrians is also disturbed because some pedestrian spaces are actually used by street vendors to sell. The pedestrian facilities along Ahmad Yani Road are still incomplete and some of them are in damaged condition. Facilities that are damaged and not as needed are benches, lack of trash bins and non-lit lighting. Plants in open space which is a green path are in poorly maintained condition and even many die. Community perceptions of the importance of the existence of pedestrian lanes and green lanes also influence the awareness of the user community to help maintain and maintain pedestrian paths and green lanes in urban cities.

pedestrian pathways, green lines, public perception

Civil Engineering


Optimizing Machining Time for CAD / CAM Milling Programming Using the Taguchi Method
Mulyadi (1*), Wahyu Alfiansyah (2), Ali Akbar (3), Rachmat Firdaus (4)

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Corresponding Author
Mulyadi Bin Sati"i Ramikan

(1,3,4) Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
(2) Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Jalan Raya Gelam 250 Candi, Sidoarjo 61271, Indonesia

The CNC milling machining process is a very important process in manufacturing products because it affects the profitability of the production process. CAD / CAM programming software tools speed up the process and predict production process time. This study uses CAD / CAM simulation of HSM operations and uses the Taguchi method which is a method that can optimize process variables to get a good response. Process variables chosen are Speed, feed rate, depth of cut, step over, stay on surface and radius link. The type of tool used is an endmill with a diameter of 20 mm SECO Jabro-Solid-JS554 standard. The results of the study stated that the HSM machining simulation process that had a greater influence on machining time was feeding 680 mm / minute and 5 mm depth of cut. The experimental results confirm the ideal time produced is 34.25 minutes.

CNC milling, CAD / CAM, feed rate, depth of cut, Taguchi method, HSM

Mechanical Engineering


Optimum dosage and application of NPK fertilizer for corn in drylands of Dompu Indonesia
Zaenal Arifin, Lolita Endang Susilowati, Bambang Hari Kusumo, Sukartono, Ismail Yasin

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Zaenal Arifin

University of Mataram

Corn farmers on dry land tend to use inorganic fertilizers in excessive amounts to increase corn production without considering the right dosage and the application method. To obtain the right dosage and the better application method, a study has been conducted to investigate two packages of fertilizer doses and placement methods which were tested on dry land of Dompu, Indonesia. Research to test the three types of fertilizers (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) in corn was tested in five sub-district locations in Dompu (1 ha in each location), namely Huu, Pajo, Woja, Kempo, and Manggalewa sub-districts. There were two fertilization packages tested in this study; (1) Urea 300 kg/ha and PONSKA 300 kg/ha given 2 times by row placement, and (2) Urea 300 kg/ha and PONSKA 400 kg/ha given 1 time by broadcasting. The results showed that the first package of treatment produced significantly higher dry weight of corn seeds (12.26 tons/ha) compared to the second package (7.98 tons/ha). In addition, the leaves of the corn plant in the first package treatment were still green at the time of harvest which can be a source of animal feed, compared to plants in the second fertilizing package that have dried and are brown in color.

Corn, fertilizer, NPK, application, dryland, Indonesia

Environmental Engineering



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Corresponding Author
Astri Yuliawati

a)Biology Education Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati, Indonesia
b)Departement of Forest Resource Conservation and Ecotourism,Bogor Agricultural University. Indonesia

Three main objectives of conservation are protection, preservation and sustainable utilization. Timor deer is one of Indonesian wild animal that has many benefits and high economic value. But the current timor deer population continues to decrease with population decline rate of 10% in each generation. It caused by harvesting without considering sustainability. Therefore it is necessary to manage the population for timor deer, so it can be available for sustainable use. Optimum sustainable population is a threshold population size for sustainable harvesting. The purpose of this study is to estimate the optimum sustainable population size so timor deer can be utilized sustainably in the future. The method used was projecting the actual population by using Leslie matrix (Density Dependence) so that population growth can be seen. The optimum sustainable population is the size of the population with the highest growth rate. The time used for this population projection is 100 years. Based on the results of this research, the optimum sustainable population size for timor deer in the pananjung Pangandaran nature reserve and natural park is 751 individuals and the optimum sustainable population size will be achieved in 2047.

Sustain Yield, Timor deer, Conservation



Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in geothermal power plants
Miftah Hijriawan (a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi (a*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika (b), Danar Susilo Wijayanto (a), Ilham Wahyu Kuncoro (a), Bayu Rudiyanto (c)

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Corresponding Author
Miftah Hijriawan

a) Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University
Jalan Ir. Sutami No.36 A, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
b) School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1 Okayama, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan
c) Renewable Energy Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember
Lingkungan Panji, Jember 68124, Indonesia

Organic Rankine Cycle is a technology that convert low-temperature heat sources into a mechanical energy, and it can be used to produce electrical energy in a closed system. The heat sources can be received from renewable energy such as geothermal, solar, and biomass. Furthermore, the ORC system can also be used to increase energy efficiency in the industry by utilizing the waste heat produced. Therefore, there are two classification of the ORC system namely a heat recovery system and binary power plant. Recently, the ORC system has made a thrive in the geothermal power plant. The ORC system can be applied to resources with low to medium temperature characteristics (<90°C - 150°C). This paper will present an overview of the implementation, model, and innovation of ORC system technology in geothermal resources.

ORC, geothermal, heat recovery system, binary power plant

Mechanical Engineering


OUR SIGN(AGE) : a semiotics study of campus visual identity
Restu Minggra (a*), Tutin Aryanti (a), Trias Megayanti (a), Indah Susanti (a)

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Corresponding Author
Restu Minggra

a) Department of Architectural Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi No. 207 Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Various types of buildings and several additional facilities and other elements in the landscape of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) campuses are constantly diversified growth, which derived a lot of problems in the visual environment and create all sorts of visual confusion. The right application of signage as an architectural solution that offered to solve that problem, must also well designed and reflect the visual identity of UPI that should be meaningful and recognizable. This study focuses on perceptions of academic communities toward the significance of the visual identity of UPI as an academics institution. A survey questionnaire was administered to all academic communities at the UPI, and the data were analyzed using the theory of Semiotics. The result of this study is used as a foundation for signage designs- decision that carried more than communicative, but also part of brand-identity development that strengthens the definition of UPI as the modern and future-minded educational institution.

signage; semiotics; visual identity; brand identity



Overview of Drug Availability and Influencing Factors in Several Low, Lower and Upper- Middle Countries: A Systematic Review
(a)* Elmiawati Latifah, (b) Susi Ari Kristina,(c) Sri Suryawati,(b) Satibi

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Elmiawati Latifah

(a) Doctoral Program in Pharmaceutical Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(a) Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, Magelang
(b)Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
(c)Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Drugs are vital to saving and improving public health. However, medicines are often not available at the facility because stocks run out or in particular, pharmaceuticals are not available due to a shortage of supplies. Implementation of pharmacy services should ensure safe, quality, usable and affordable availability drug. A systematic review was conducted to identify related studies. Electronic databases used to identify relevant studies are, ScienceDirect, Plos, PubMed and Google Scholar. This study is limited to English and publications from 2007 to 2017. The electronic database search earned 33 articles while only six studies met the criteria for review. There is the relatively low availability of drugs in some developing countries and the average availability of generic drugs is better than Innovator Brand drugs, especially in the public sector. Most of the factors that may affect drug availability are related to government policies to improve drug access and lower prices so that national drug policy review in each country is required. Overall, the method used to measure the availability of drugs using a refer ence method used by WHO Health Action International. The availability of drugs in low, lower and upper middle countries still need to be improved by increasing drug access and enhancing prices by using appropriate government policies. The WHO HAI method is effectively used to measure the availability of drugs by using the core drug and supplementary drug references by the established reference.

Drug Availability, Overview, Influencing Factors, Several Low, Lower and Upper-Middle Countries.

Management Science


PASSING practicum tool for concept of elasticity and Hookes law on springs arranged in series and parallel
H Y Suhendi*, E K Yuningsih, D Mulhyatiah, S Nurhasanah

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Corresponding Author
Herni Yuniarti Suhendi

Pendidikan Fisika UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


This study aims to analyze the feasibility of learning media Passing (String Series Parallel) for material elasticity and hooke law. The method used in this study is ADDIE developed by Robert Marie Branch. The stages are Analysis (Analysis), Design (Design), Development (Development), Implementation (Implementation), and Evaluation (Evaluation). The steps of this study are: 1) Curriculum analysis, analysis of the results of interviews and questionnaires of students, and analysis of literature studies, 2) Designing learning media Passing, 3) Realizing Passing practicum tools 4) Conducting expert validation tests 5) Product revisions. The results of the study obtained a tool validation value of 90.47% with a feasible category. This study concluded that Passing is feasible to be used as a learning media in the material of elasticity and hooke law.

practicum tool, hooke-s law, learning media, ADDIE



Passive Flow Control on 90-Degree Square Elbow by Varying the Circular Turbulator Gap
Randi Purnama Putra, Sutardi, Wawan Aries Widodo, Rizkia Putra Pratama

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Randi Purnama Putra

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

The ducting system has considerable energy losses in channeling cold air in a tall building. At the square elbow 90-degree, the pressure drop due to friction loss, separation loss, and secondary flow. An increase in pressure drop can increase the amount of energy consumption needed. The method identified in reducing this energy loss is by using passive flow control. This study aims to identify the characteristics of the fluid in the ducting with variations in the circular turbulator gap. The variation of the gap between circular turbulator and 90-degree inner elbow (g/Dh) is 0.01 - 0.05. The ducting model used is a square duct with a hydraulic diameter of 125 mm. The results showed that the addition of circular turbulator g/Dh = 0.02 reduced the pressure drop by 20.52 percent. The use of circular turbulator on the 90-degree inner elbow causes the phenomenon of separating and reattaching. The shear layer deflected from the circular turbulator meets the free stream momentum so that it has high turbulence intensity. This fluid momentum reattaches the curved surface of the 90-degree inner elbows and can resist wall shear stress.

Passive Flow Control, Square Elbow, Circular Turbulator, Pressure Drop

Mechanical Engineering


Path Analysis of Hemoglobin level and Working Memory with Learning Outcome in Cell Subject Matter
Rusdi(a)*, Sri Rahayu (a), Dwi Ayu Oktaviani (a)

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Corresponding Author
Dwi Ayu Oktaviani

a) Biology Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, State Univesity of Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka RT 11 RW 14, Jakarta Timur, Indonesia, 13220

The purpose of this study was to identify direct and indirect effect from hemoglobin level and working memory to learning outcome of cell subject matter. The samples of this research were 52 male students. This research was conducted at SMAN 22 Jakarta in July-August 2018. The level of hemoglobin was measured by cyanmethemoglobin method from HemoCue device, working memory was measured by questionnaire, and learning outcome by achievement test. Data was analysis with path analysis. The results showed that there was direct effect from hemoglobin level to working memory, direct effect from hemoglobin levels to learning outcome, and direct effect from working memory to learning outcome. There was indirect effect from hemoglobin levels to learning outcome through working memory. The effects were highly significant. It can be concluded there were direct effect from hemoglobin level and working memory to learning outcome.

Hemoglobin, learning outcome, working memory



Cica Yulia1 *, Isma Widiaty1, Hasbullah2, Sugeng Rifky M, Delita Septia R

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Corresponding Author

) Home Economic Education Department, Technology and Vocational Education Faculty, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
2) Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The typical food of an area is increasingly forgotten, this applies to the current generation. The reason is that information related to a regions food is suspected to be forgotten with the rise of media information related to modern foods such as junk food and fast food. This change is supported by the latest advances in digital technology that are growing rapidly. Information can be accessed easily through various digital media and applications. In addition, other factors causing the unknown food of a region due to traditional food knowledge are also low especially in adolescents. One area that has quite a variety of traditional food is West Java or known as Sundanese food. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions and levels of adolescent acceptance of web-based applications Digipedia Edu Makugiz which contains traditional Sundanese food and drinks as a nutritional education media for adolescents. The research subjects were adolescents range in age 15-18 years, having smartphones and access to the internet. The method of this study was a cross sectional study with a purposive sampling design, ie teenagers in the city of Bandung were subjected to 215 adolescents who participated in this study. The research data consisted of subject characteristics (age, sex, parent ethnic origin, education, parents work), traditional food and beverage of West Java province knowledge, perception and use of web applications Digipedia Edu Makugiz. This web-based application has been published with the domain Data analysis used Ms.Excel to analyzed average and standard deviations, and assess knowledge of traditional West Java food and drinks and the perception and acceptance of web applications Digipedia Edu Makugiz. The results of the study that knowledge of traditional West Javanese food and beverages in adolescents, perceptions and acceptance of web-based applications, Digipedia Edumakugiz, are good but only need improvement in content presentation and application attributes so that applications are more fun and could increased the knowledge of traditional West Java food and beverages information.

adolescents, nutrition education, traditional food, web based applications

Computer and Communication Engineering


Performance Analysis of Light Emitting Diode, High Pressure Sodium and Metal Halide. Case Study of Street Lighting In Bandung.
Ibnu Malik Al Hamas, Ade Gaffar Abdullah, Dadang Lukman Hakim

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Ibnu Malik Al Hamas

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

LED lights have been widely applied to street lighting in every country, but not a few still using conventional lamps. This paper presents the results of evaluating efficiency and photometric performance from street lighting lamps. The level of illumination and uniformity ratio will be calculated to make a quantitative comparison between LED lights and conventional lamps according to Indonesian National Standards. conditions in the field will be simulated using DIALux software. the results of this paper are to find the most effective and efficient type of lamps and will be useful for the Public Works Agency in making decision on the selection of the new lamps technology for street lighting, determining the type of lamp depends on needs, light quality, and energy saving.

Street Lighting; Energy Saving; HPS MH and LEDs; Photometric Performance;

Electrical Engineering


Massus Subekti, Daryanto, M. Rif-an

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Massus Subekti

Electrical Engineering Study Program, Engineering Faculty, State University of Jakarta

This research for performance analysis of ocean water power plant to get design optimization based on research scenarios. The method used is experiment, by conducting a prototype analysis of the initial calculations to be included in the modeling simulation. through research scenarios to get the most optimal prototype performance. The results showed that (1) the greater the pontoon volume used, the greater the pontoon force produced, the pontoon force was not affected by the size of the pump diameter. (2) the larger the diameter of the pump used, the greater the discharge of water produced, the water discharge is not affected by the small volume of the pontoon, (3) the magnitude of the lift system to seawater is not affected by the size of the pump diameter but the size of the pontoon volume, the greater the pontoon volume used, the greater the lift power, (4) the greater the pontoon volume used, the turbine power The result will be even greater with the diameter of the pump, the larger the diameter of the pump used, the greater the turbine power produced. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the optimal size uses 6 pontoons and 12 inch pump diameters.

Analysis, Ocean Waves, Renewable Energy, Leading Regions, Outermost Areas, Underdeveloped

Electrical Engineering


Performance Evaluation of Cisauk Water Treatment Plant, Cisauk Sub-Districk, Tangerang
Mega Sari Ayu, Rositayanti Hadisoebroto, R Ratnaningsih*

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Ratnaningsih Ratnaningsih

Environmental Engineering Departement, Faculty of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract Abstract. Cisauk Water Treatment Plant (WTP) is one of the water treatment plants operated by PDAM Tirta Kerta Raharja, Tangerang District, which supply drinking water for Cisauk and Suradita Subdistricts with a capacity of 50 L/sec. This research was conducted to evaluate the performance of each units on Cisauk WTP and compare the quality of water produced with the drinking water standard of PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010. Evaluation of WTP process is conducted by analyzing the quantity and quality of produced water, and then calculate of criteria design for each unit. The processing unit consists of intake, hydraulic coagulation, hydraulic flocculation, sedimentation I and II, filtration and ground reservoir. The coagulant used was NUSACHEM with dose of 35 mg/L and the disinfectant used was gas and liquid chlorine at dose of 3-5 mg/L. Based on the WTP evaluation, not all units fullfill the design criteria based on SNI 6774 of 2008. However, the quality of the water produced fulfill the drinking water quality requirements of PERMENKES No. 492 of 2010.

Water Treatment Plant, Performance Evaluation, Design Criteria, Drinking Water

Environmental Engineering


Performance of 0-14 Weeks-aged Super Free-range Hens that are Fed by Fermented Coconut Pulp Flour-Contained Ration
Ni Ketut Etty Suwitari , Luh Suariani, Ni Made Yudiastari, I Nyoman Kaca, Yan Tonga

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Ni Ketut Etty Suwitari

Program studi Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Warmadewa

The research was carried out at the Basic Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University with a level of use of fermented coconut pulp, namely R0 (ration that contains no fermented coconut pulp, R1 (ration containing 5% fermented coconut pulp flour), R2 (ration containing 10 % fermented coconut pulp) and R3 (rations containing 15% fermented coconut pulp). Each combination of treatments was repeated three (3) times, and each replication consisted of 4 super female free-range chickens. Variables observed included: 1). Age of chicken growth includes the weight gain and final weight of super free-range chicken, 2) Percentage of carcass and non-carcasses for super free-range chicken, 3) Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR, 4) Feed consumption, and 5) B / C ratio. From this study it was found that the giving of coconut pulp flour was fermented up to 10% (R2) significantly (P <0.05) could increase weight gain and final weight and B / C ratio of 14 weeks super female free-range chicken, and flour dregs fermented coconut to the level of 10% also decreases ration consumption and the conversion of ration for super female chicken 14 weeks old.

Performance, Carcass, Super Free-range chicken, Coconut Dregs, Fermentation



Performance of Super Females Native Chickens of Age 0-14 weeks that are fed with fermented coconut pulp flour
Ni Ketut Etty Suwitari , Luh Suariani, Ni Made Yudiastari

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Corresponding Author
Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas warmadewa

ABSTRACK Coconut pulp is a waste food ingredient from the manufacture of coconut oil and VCO. The disadvantage of feed ingredients derived from waste is the low quality of the feed ingredients. Therefore, it is necessary to do processing technology, namely fermentation which is useful to improve the quality, digestibility and shelf life of these feed ingredients. The research was divided into two stages, namely 1) collecting coconut pulp, drying it, pressing it and then fermenting the coconut pulp produced. 2) Research on the maintenance of super female native chickens whose purpose is to prepare hens as producers of native chicken eggs. The research was carried out at the Basic Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University with a level of use of fermented coconut pulp, namely R0 (ration that contains no fermented coconut pulp, R1 (ration containing 5% fermented coconut pulp flour), R2 (ration containing 10 % fermented coconut pulp) and R3 (rations containing 15% fermented coconut pulp). Each combination of treatments was repeated three (3) times, and each replication consisted of 4 super female native chickens. Variables observed included: 1 ). Age of chicken growth includes the weight gain and final weight of super native chicken, 2) Percentage of carcass and non carcasses for super native chicken, 3) Feed Convertion Ratio (FCR, 4) Feed consumption, and 5) B / C ratio. From this study it was found that the giving of coconut pulp flour was fermented up to 10% (R2) significantly (P <0.05) could increase weight gain and final weight and B / C ratio of 14 weeks super female native chicken, and flour dregs fermented coconut to the level of 10% also decreases ration consumption and the conversion of ration for super female chicken 14 weeks old. Thus for the maintenance of super female native chickens it is recommended to provide fermented coconut pulp flour up to the level of 10%

Performance, Carcass, Super Native Chicken, Coconut Dregs, Fermentation



Performance Test of a Single Pole Detection Algorithm using the Confusion Matrix Model
Muhammad Yusro 1), Eka Suryana 2), Kalamullah Ramli 3), Dodi Sudiana 4) and Kun Mean Hou 5)

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Muhammad Yusro

1,2 Universitas Negeri Jakarta
3,4 Universitas Indonesia
5 University Clermont Auvergne, France

This study aims to examine the single pole detection algorithm using a confusion matrix model which is a specific table that makes it easy to visualize the performance of an algorithm. The algorithm tested is the YuRHoS pole detection algorithm, a new algorithm developed by researchers to detect pole objects or not. Methods used is by calculating three aspects of algorithm performance in machine learning, namely sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. The value of the three aspects of performance depends on four variables, namely true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative. The calculation process is done by matching the pixel detection region with the ground-truth region. The test results for ten different single pole images found that the YuRHoS pole detection algorithm is better than other algorithms on two measurement aspects, namely specificity, and accuracy. Excellence aspects of specificity obtained because of its ability in detecting the object instead of a pole. Excellence aspects of accuracy indicated because more accurate in detecting a pole. As for sensitivity aspects, both the detection algorithms are having the same reliability in correctly predicting a pole.

pole detection algorithm, single pole, confusion matrix, machine learning, pixel matching

Computer and Communication Engineering


Personal Hygiene Behavior of Students in Cooking Practices at Culinary Vocational Schools in Bandung Raya
Rita Patriasih

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Rita Patriasih

Cullynary Education Study Program. FPTK. UPI

Food processing needs to pay attention to health principles so that the food produced is not only nutritious but also healthy and safe to eat. Healthy food should not harm the body. For that the application of sanitation and hygiene is an absolute thing in the implementation of food by a food handler. One form of the application of the principle of hygiene sanitation is personal hygiene behavior. The importance of this is related as an effort to prevent contamination of food. The researcher wanted to know the personal hygiene behavior of Vocational School students during cooking practices. The study used a cross sectional design with desktiptif analysis. Data collection is done by observation. Respondents were 161 students of the School of Culinary Vocational School in Bandung Raya, namely SMKN 9 Bandung, SMK 3 Cimahi, Baleendah 2 Vocational High School and SMK IT Nurul Imam. The results of the study revealed that there are 13 indicators of personal hygiene behavior practices that must be applied by students when cooking. The practice that should receive more attention is to get used to always washing hands properly before and after touching food. In addition, an attempt to refrain from talking too much when processing food. The use of double bress, headgear and apron has been carried out mostly well. While the habit of using nect tie needs to be increased so that it becomes an important concern for students.

cooking personal hygiene practice.

Environmental Engineering


Phase Transition in One-Dimensional Hydrogen Chain: a Dependence on Basis Orbitals, Cutoff Radius, and Doping
Teguh Budi Prayitno, Riser Fahdiran

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Teguh Budi Prayitno

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

We demonstrated the dependence of the phase transition in the one-dimensional hydrogen chain on the basis orbitals, cutoff radius, and doping. For reducing the computation, we employed the so called generalized Bloch theorem, where the one hydrogen atom was used. For the nondoped case, we provided a strong dependence of the phase transition on the basis orbitals and the cutoff radius, which yields ground state either the antiferromagnetic state or the ferromagnetic state. When the doping was considered, the spiral ground state appeared between the antiferromagnetic state and the ferromagnetic state. In that case, we showed that the doping induced the spiral ground state.

Phase transition, Hydrogen chain, Spiral state



Phenophysiology of the formation and fall of flowers in overcoming efforts fruit-set failure in siam citrus plants
Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati (a*), Ida Bagus Komang Mahardika (a), Made Sri Yuliartini (a)

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Ni Putu Anom Sulistiawati

a) Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali.
* E-mail: anomsulistia[at]

This study is entitled: Phenophysiology of the Formation and Fall of Flowers in an Effort to Overcome Fruit-Set Failure in Siam Citrus Plants. In this study the design used was a randomized block design, by observing how the stem position and the season affected the fall and forming flowers which finally affected the percentage of fruit-sets formed. Interaction between the location of flowers and the growing season showed a non-significant effect on the formation of flowers on the citrus plant. The average value between intervals and gadu shows no significant difference with each number of flower fall, namely: 152.57 (florets and 151.44 (florets). Percentage of fruit-set at the position of the upper, middle and lower stems shows differences which is not real, the most fruit-set formed is the top stem as much as 92.75% followed by the middle stem namely: 92.52%) and at least the percentage of fruit-set formed is the rootstock which is: 91.30%.

Deciduous fruit, deciduous flowers, endogenous, environmental, and fruit-set



Physical condition-based practice models of traditional games for children disabled elementary school age
I Wayan Repiyasa; James AP tangkudung; Hernawa; Sandey Tantra Paramitha

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I Wayan Repiyasa

S.3 Pendidikan Olahraga Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Jakarta

This research has the goal of producing products such as exercise books and models in the physical condition of child disability. in this study using Borg and Gall method consists of ten steps and Research subjects are elementary students in SLB B PTN Bali. The model consists of 4 models with 40 items which have several times through the expert evaluation, testing and revision. This research uses pretest and posttest with significance level 0,05. The result of physical game exercise based on traditional game for children with disability between pretest and posttest obtained result tO = 9.595 bigger than price tt = 0.000 (at significance level 0,05), hence null hypothesis rejected. So it can be concluded that there are significant differences between pretest and posttest results-based endurance exercise traditional games for children disabilities. Judging from the results of the physical condition of the model-based practice of traditional games for children of primary school age disabilities are effectively used to improve the results of the childs physical condition.

Model Exercise; Physical Condition; Child Disability; Traditional Games.

Sport Science and Technology


Physics Education (PhyEdu): Media for Physics Learning
Sudi Dul Aji, Rahmad Dwi Aprianto, Muhammad Nur Hudha

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Sudi Dul AJi

Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi no 48, Malang 65148, Indonesia

This study aims to develop and test the feasibility of learning media in the form of Android-based Physics Education to improve students critical thinking skills in mechanical wave material. This research belongs to the Research and Development (R & D) research category with a research design using a 4D model consisting of define (design), design (develop), develop (development) and disseminate (dissemination). Validation is carried out at the develop stage by involving media experts and material experts. The study produced an Android-based physics learning media in the form of Physics Education (PhyEdu) with the results of validation obtained feasible to be tested but needed improvement in the appearance of the media.

Android; Learning Media; Physics Education (PhyEdu)

Computer Science


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