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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Hendra Sudrajat

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Hendra Sudrajat

Rector of the Dua Lima Nusantara (Dumantara) Research Institute
and Lecturer of Law Magister Program Islamic University Syekh-Yusuf

Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim inhabitants in the world which has affected the national political dynamics. President and Vice President General election as one of the simultaneous election in 2019 has become a seizure momentum of Muslim voters between both President and vice president candidature Mahruf Amin- Jokowi Widodo, and Prabowo Subianto - Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno. This condition could lead to Muslim polarization when it is neglected in democracy and constitutional context. This study will focus on the figuration Muslim distribution aspiration in President and Vice President general election so that it would not cause friction as well as legal implementation in general election to make this as the integrated election in the digital era. Research methods that will be used in this study are normative law and qualitative study with the used of analytics approach as well as study case approach to study the case of Muslim votes legality and the election validity in President and Vice President general election in the digital era.

Coreligionists Politics, Election legality in the digital era

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Selection Model of Building Demolition Method Based on Expert System
Oryza Lhara Sari (a*), Tri Joko Wahyu Adi (a) and Abdul Munif (b)

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Oryza Lhara Sari

(a) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Civil Engineering Department, Indonesia
(b) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Informatics Engineering Department, Indonesia

Demolition needs special attention because the planning process is complex and has high risks (Yeheyis, Hewage, Alam, Eskicioglu, & Sadiq, 2013). In decision making, practitioners are faced with various conditions that influence the choice of demolition methods. This study aims to develop an optimal model for building demolition methods according to building characteristics. Identification of criteria is done by in-depth literature review and interviews with practitioners who have carried out demolition in Indonesia. The five criteria used in this study are health and safety, the presence of hazardous materials, the shape and size of the structure, requires structural engineers and workplace security. Furthermore, neurofuzzy is used to make the optimum demolition method decision. Fuzzy is used to integrate quantitative and qualitative variables while the Neural Network is to make decision making rules. For validation the model uses 13 building condition that have been demolished and use case studies. Simulation results show that the proposed model is able to make accurate decisions on the selection of demolition methods.

demolition, demolition method, building, expert system, neurofuzzy

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Nur Azizah Indriastuti1 Rahmi Fahmawinda2

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Nur Azizah Indriastuti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The marriage rate of women who get married at a young age in Indonesia is still high. The high rate of marriage at a young age can cause various problems in marriage, this is due to the lack of preparation before women decide to get married. One of the readiness of women before deciding to get married is readiness in carrying out roles. More important role readiness is prepared by women because it deals with wifes duties which are more in the domestic sector such as doing housework, accompanying husbands and caring for children. The purpose of this study was to describe the readiness of women who were married at a young age in carrying out new roles after marriage in the Bantul Regency area of Yogyakarta. This research uses qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Data collection is done by interview and observation. Participants totaling five people were determined by purposive sampling. The validity of the data uses source triangulation and checks the data back to the participants. Analysis of data by comparing between categories, marked, and described descriptively. The results showed that not all participants had readiness to carry out new roles after marriage. There are things that prevent participants from carrying out roles.

Keywords: Readiness, Marriage, Women, Young Age, Roles

International Conference on Nursing


Self-Assessment on Students Writing Activities Using Cultural Language Learning Approach
Hermayawati Hermayawati

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Hermayawati Hermayawati

Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

This article portrays self-assessment on writing (SAW) activities of the second semester students of English Education using Cultural Language Learning Approach (CLLA). CLLA is in this case, an approach for English Teaching by utilizing traditional cultures as the materials. In this case, the selected human puppets (HP) stories are accessed from the YouTube as both media and teaching materials. This is intended to prevent the HP from extinction. The study employed accessing, understanding, rewriting and assessing (AURA) procedure. Results of activities conducted by 30 participants are compiled to obtain the primary data in the form of paragraph writing assignments and the SAW results. The secondary data is in the form of classroom observation regarding the SAW activities using the defined scoring rubrics. The first data is analyzed using Triangulation Design Convergence Model of McMillan and Schumacher, while the latter is analyzed using scoring rubrics. The analysis results of both quantitative and qualitative data are compared and interpreted as the findings that are expected to be beneficial both practically and theoretically for the next relevant practitioners and researchers.

CLLA, SAW, human puppets, data, triangulation

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Sensitivity of Car Follower to the Moving Warning Signs
Sodikin, Ahmad Munawar, Bagus H. Setiadji

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Sodikin Sodikin

Department of Civil Engineering, Veteran Bangun Nusantara University, Sukoharjo, Indonesia
Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

Sensitivity and response for car followers is known from the speed and acceleration of the vehicle that follows the vehicle in front of it. The study was conducted using a test vehicle equipped with a hidden camera and operated with the IonRoad Augmented Driving Professional program. To determine the difference in sensitivity, vehicle test is installed with a warning sign that has been previously designed. The study was carried out vehicle test on the traffic flow on the arterial road and collector road with two conditions. First condition, the vehicle test was installed a warning sign on the back and the second condition the vehicle test uninstalled the warning sign. The relative speed and relative distance for each time unit between the vehicle test installed and uninstalled warning sign with the follower vehicle show a significant degree of difference. So it can be concluded that the installation of warning sign material on the back of the vehicle test affects the sensitivity of follower vehicle.

sensitivity, car follower, moving warning signs

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Sentiment Analysis using Recurrent Neural Network in indonesian language
Lilis Kurniasari (a*), Arief Setyanto (b)

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Lilis Kurniasari

a) Magister Teknik Informatika, AMIKOM Yogyakarta
Jl. Ring Road Utara, Condong Catur, Sleman, Yogyakarta
b) Magister Teknik Informatika, AMIKOM Yogyakarta
Jl. Ring Road Utara, Condong Catur, Sleman, Yogyakarta

This study aims to measure the accuracy of the sentiment analysis classification model using deep learning and neural networks. This study uses the algorithm Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and word2vec. No previous research has used this model to analyze sentiments written using Indonesian language so that the level of accuracy is unknown. The research began by making a classification model of sentiment analysis. Then test the model through experiments. In this study, we use two classification (positive and negative). Experiments are carried out using training data sets and test set data sourced from the Travelokas website. The result show that the model shows outstanding results and reaches about 91,9%.

Sentiment Analysis, Deep Learning, RNN, word2vec

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Service Innovation in the Indonesian Tourist Village Industrial Cluster: Lesson learned from rural village area development
1) Lalu M. Furkan 2) Agusdin 3) Luluk Fadliyanti

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Lalu M. Furkan

Universitas Mataram

Tourism industry plays significant role in the regional economic development in developed and developing countries. This paper clarifies to what extent the Indonesian tourist village industrial cluster have embraced service innovation practices. The qualitative research approach was undertaken in the cluster area. In-depth face to face interview among key informants were implemented in the cluster area. Thus, the triangulation technique was used for explaining the data analysis. This research found the service innovation among the Indonesian tourist village industrial cluster were contributed by the collaboration of the government-university-industry partnership. The collaboration among many different institutions in the cluster area might produce new service concept, new delivery concept and new customer interface which is supported by the ownership of the technology optional in the tourist village industrial cluster. Further result of the new product or services, processes, material, market and organizational were also explained on the paper

Service innovation, cluster, small-and medium-sized enterprises

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Service Management of Customer Complaints in the Tourism Industry in Yogyakarta (Case Study at Sindu Kusuma Edupark Yogyakarta Tourism Forum 2018 - 2019)
Kristina Andryani, S.Sos., M.I.Kom.

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Kristina Andryani

Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

The world of tourism is currently growing rapidly, this is believed by the many regions that have begun to develop their tourism potential in order to present interesting treats for migrants who want to release fatigue in the midst of busy work, especially for millennials now. the need for lifestyle and the need for social media, making travelers hunt interesting and unique photo spots. One of the attractions used in providing services to travelers is Sindu Kusuma Edupark Yogyakarta by formulating a problem how management handles customer complaints in order to continue to provide the best service so that this tourism vehicle still exists in the tourism industry and can compete with vehicles that similar in the Yogyakarta region. The research method used in this case is observation and in-depth interviews with the tour manager to deepen the data collection process and can produce the right analysis. The results of this study are expected to be able to implement a systematic procedure and plan for handling customer complaints, so that anyone who becomes a manager can still refer to established and tested procedures.

management, services, customer complaints, tourist rides

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Bambang Jatmiko (a), Faiz Burhanuddin P (a), Tri Indah Mulyani (a)

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(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Brawijaya, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, 55183 Indonesia

The purposes of this study are: (1). To test and prove empirically the influence of service quality provided by the government on restaurant taxpayer compliance; (2). To test and prove empirically the effect of tax sanctions imposed by the government can encourage restaurant taxpayer compliance; (3). To test and prove empirically the effect of tax knowledge on restaurant taxpayers on restaurant taxpayer compliance. The problem in this study: a decrease in income differences from 2012 to 2014 and began to rise again in 2015. If seen from the target determined by the local government restaurant tax revenues have revenues above the target set by the government. While the research method uses surveys, with sampling techniques namely accidental sampling, namely taxpayers are found in every restaurant and restaurant in the Bantul Regency area. The population in the study amounted to 531 restaurant taxpayers, the number of samples are 121 restaurant tax payers. The results of the study are as follows: (1). Service quality has a significant positive effect on restaurant taxpayer compliance; (2). Tax penalties have a significant positive effect on restaurant taxpayer compliance; (3). Knowledge of taxation has a significant positive effect on restaurant taxpayer compliance.

Service Quality, Tax Sanctions, Tax Knowledge, Taxpayer Compliance

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Shares Waqf an Alternative Financial Instrument in Improving The Communities Welfare: Evidences in Indonesia
Ayu Yuningsih, Yunida Een Friyanti

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Ayu Yuningsih

Islamic University of Indonesia

Waqf is a means in distributing wealth in order to bring economic welfare to communities. Waqf is not only assosiated to the land intended for educational institutions, cemeteries, worship places, and others, but also it can be used as a source of strength to actualize communities welfare and triggered the empowerment of potential economic sectors. The greater and more diverse the waqf assets managed by nadzir appropriately and professionally, the more benefits obtained. Consequently, it will strengthen waqf as an improving factor in the economic sector and communities welfare. According to waqf law, shares are a moving objects that can be used as object of waqf. The main objectives of the current study are to explore the conceptual framework in improving the shares waqf and to identify the uniqueness of the shares waqf in Indonesia. In addition this study investigated the contribution of this type of shares towards communities welfare. This study used qualitative method based on the document analysis of relevant references. The interesting finding of this study indicated that the proper implementation of shares waqf is very beneficial in people economic welfare.

Share Waqf, Communities Welfare, Indonesia

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Sharia Peer to Peer Lending for Small and Medium Enterprises
Rio Adhitya; Serlika Aprita

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Syadan Ismail

Universitas Sriwijaya, Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang

Financial Technology: Online lending bussiness is getting a bad perspective generated by the conflict of the default loan. Fintech gets the access easily to the unbanked small and medium enterprises (SME/UMKM) those are one of some factors of the default while another reason is the very high interest. Does this fintech gives some advantages to the SME-s business yet waiting for the bank services which is have less priority, rigid and complex rules by the regulator? This article is going to disscuss the role of Financial Techology: Peer to Peer Lending for SME in a safe and halal ways. Keywords: Financial Technology, Peer to Peer Lending, Crowdfunding, Small and Medium Enterprises, Halal Loan

Financial Technology, Peer to Peer Lending, Crowdfunding, Small and Medium Enterprises, Halal Loan

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Shariah Guideline on Value-based Intermediation (VBI) Implementation in the Light of Maqasid Shariah Analysis
Muhammad Izzam Bin Mohd Khazar (a), Ruqayyah Binti Mohamad Ali (b) Nurul Atiqah Binti Yusri (c)

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Muhammad Izzam Bin Mohd Khazar

Shariah Management, Maybank Islamic Berhad Malaysia

Value-based intermediation (VBI) has been introduced by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) as the next strategic direction and growth driver for Islamic banking institutions. The aim of VBI is to deliver the intended outcome of Shariah through practices, conducts, and offerings that generate positive and sustainable impact to the economy, community and environment which is aligned to Maqasid Shariah in preserving the common interest of society by preventing harm and maximizing benefit. Hence, upon its implementation, VBI will experiment the current Shariah compliance treatment and revolutionise new policies and systems that can meritoriously entrench and convey the objectives of Shariah. However, discussion revolving VBI in the light of Maqasid analysis is still scarce hence further research needs to be undertaken. The idea of implementation of VBI vision into quantifiable Maqasid Shariah measurement is yet to be explored due to the nature of Maqasid that is variable. The contemporary scholars also have different views on the implementation of VBI. This paper aims to discuss on the importance of Maqasid Shariah in the current Islamic finance transactions by providing Shariah index measurement in the application of VBI. This study also intends to explore basic Shariah guidelines and parameters based on the objectives of Shariah; preservation of the five pillars (religion, life, progeny, intellect and wealth) with further elaboration on preservation of wealth under five headings: rawaj (circulation and marketability); wuduh (transparency); hifz (preservation); thabat (durability and tranquillity); and adl (equity and justice). In alignment with these headings, Islamic finance can be innovated for VBI implementation, particularly in Maybank Islamic being a significant leader in the IFI market.

Islamic Financial Institutions, Maqasid Index, Maqasid Shariah, Sustainability, Value Based Intermediation

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Shear Strength Parameter of MSW Embankment Due To Decomposition Process
Muhammad Akmal Putera (a*), Ahmad Rifai(a**), Fikri Faris(a)

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Muhammad Akmal Putera

a) Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
**ahmad.rifai[at], Corresponding Author.

This research presents resulf of changes material of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) embankments by decomposition process on engineering properties and shear strength parameters. It can be grouped by three cluster which has determined by ages of MSW. This research located on Piyungan MSW Embankment Yogyakarta. In situ test by standard penetration tests (SPT) and material sampling by test pit. The objective is to analyses the characterizations of engineering properties and shear strength parameter due to decomposition process. Engineering properties was determined by unit weight, water content, organic content and specific gravity. Also Shear strength parameter was determined by Triaxial test. Unit weight increased from the fresh embankment to the oldest embankment about 20.4%, also the results of shear strength parameter showed that cohesion value increased about 26.8% and the results of friction angles value increased about 9.8%. The due to decomposition process on MSW embankment which has the oldest embankment can be decomposed to improve engineering properties and shear strength parameter more than the fresh MSW embankment. Decomposition effects was indicated by organic content has been decreased about 35.6% from the fresh of MSW embankment to the oldest embankment. In accordance with the result of the laboratory analyses could be influence the slope stability analysis of waste embankment.

Shear strength parameter; engineering properties; municipal solid waste; decomposition

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Shifting Journalistic Ethics in the Internet Age, Case Study: Violation of Journalistic Ethics in Journalistic Products and Journalist Behavior in Online Media
Rani Dwi Lestari

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Rani Dwi Lestari

Mercu Buana University Yogyakarta

The internet era has contributed greatly to the dynamic development of journalism. The consequences of the presence of the internet in journalism change at least two basic things, namely the presentation of journalistic products and the behavior of journalists. The internet has given rise to new media platforms, namely online media and changing information dissemination to be faster and more massive. The internet also affects journalist behavior in the field in the process of searching, processing and disseminating information. On the one hand, journalistic ethics as signs that regulate journalistic products and journalist behavior has shifted in the era of internet journalism. The Journalistic Code of Ethics is considered to only regulate the ethical side of conventional journalism practices and does not cover online journalism. This is what makes many violations of journalistic ethics in online media. This study aims to find out how the shift in journalistic ethics in online journalism. This research will also describe how forms of journalistic ethics violate in online media both in terms of journalistic products and journalist behavior. The results of this study are expected to provide input to the articles in the Journalistic Code of Ethics to be applied not only in the practice of conventional journalism but also online journalism.

Internet, Journalism, Online Media, Journalistic Ethics, News

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Simulation Study of Effect of Resonator Length and Stack Wire Mesh Porosity to The Acoustic Power of Thermoacoustic Engine With Delta EC
Rinasa Agistya Anugrah

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Rinasa Agistya Anugrah

Departement of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Vocational Program, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Jalan Brawijaya Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia

Thermoacoustic engines convert heat energy into pressure amplitude sound waves, that is used to drive bidirectional turbine by replacing streaming fluid flow such as wind turbine. The increasing interest in thermoacoustic technology of its potentiality of no exotic materials, low cost, and high reliability is compared to mechanism wind turbine system. The simulation set up in Delta EC has been built based on the linear thermoacoustic model and simple design parameters. The engines produce acoustic energy at the temperature difference of 315 until 993 K imposed along the stack of the system. The work illustrates the influence of porosity of stack wire mesh screen with resonator length on the acoustic power of thermoacoustic engine using air as a working fluid. That can be infered in the results obtained from the simulation are in good agreement with the theoretical result from an experimental study.

Thermoacoustic Engine; Delta EC; Stack Wire Mesh Porosity; Resonator Length; Acoustic Power

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Simultaneous Election in Indonesia: Problems and the Future Agenda
Septi Nur Wijayanti, Faishal Aji Prakosa

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Septi Nur Wijayanti

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

In April 2019, Indonesia started a new model of election, that is simultaneous election. The silmutaneous election is expected to resolve the problem of ineffeciency of separate previous election. However, the implementation of the simultaneous election seems not easy. The research aims to evaluate the working of the simultaneous election 2019 and recommend future agenda of the simultaneous election in Indonesia, whether it is still needed or not. This is a normative legal research which uses constitutional, statute and case approach. The result of research shows that there are some problems of the simultaneous election. First, structuring the national elections simultaneously seems not easy. Second, there is no a stable political party-s coalition design which may produce a more qualified election. Third, in practice, due to lack of maturity, the simultaneous election has produced more social and political conflicts in the society. For the future agenda, the research recommends that first, there is a need to have a better management of election in the future. The weakness and the strenghts of the simultaneous election needs a further assessment. Second, It also need a better model of political partys design of coalition to produce a better qualtiy of elections. Third, there should be a massive political education to promote a better political climate of democracy in the future.

simultaneous election, management of election, political party-s coalition design, political maturity

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Sirah Nabawiyah Criticism On Radicalism Content In IS (Islamic State) Propaganda Media
Ajid Thohir, M. Affan

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Ajid Thohir

UIN Sunan Gunang Djati Bandung

The emergence of IS (Islamic State) as one of the most deadly terrorist groups in the world has added problems to the Muslim world. IS is running an aggressive offensive terror war throughout the world. IS also invites all Muslims to follow their path through their propaganda media in the internet. This condition has actually demanded criticism of the material of radicalism that they spread through the internet. Departing from this problem, the following article is Sirah Nabawiyah ciriticism to the radicalization content in IS propaganda media. Its objective is to refute the claims of IS that their radicalism is based on the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The expected implication of the resulting study is a scientific argument that can be used as a socialization material to counter radicalism in the name of Islam. The method used in this study is literature research with a historical approach. The source of Sirah Nabawiyah used in this study is Sirah Nabawiyah from the classical period such as Sirah nabawiyah Ibn Ishaq adn Al Maghazi Ma-mar ibn Rashid. Whilst, the sources of IS were obtained from IS-s propaganda magazine named Dabiq and Rumiyah. The result of the study concluding that radicalism conception of IS is completely different from the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). So, based on Sirah Nabawiyah, IS claims that they followed the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not true

Sirah Nabawiyah, prophet Muhammad (PBUH), radicalism, propaganda media, Islamic State

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Sistematic Review Relationship between Pregnant Women Weight Fetal Weight Age at Pregnancy Gravida Status with Birth Weight
liliek pratiwi

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Liliek Pratiwi

Muhammadiyah Cirebon University, faculty of health science

Abstract Background A persons nutritional condition is influenced by her nutritional status during the womb. In other words, the nutritional status of pregnant women is very influential on their own health and as a predictor of pregnancy outcomes for mothers and nutritional status of newborns (Senbanjo et al, 2013). This is due to fetal food intake can be through the umbilical cord that is connected to the mothers body (Indreswari et al, 2008). Various maternal and child health efforts are carried out to reduce mortality. One of them is obstructed fetal growth which must be known while still in utero so that the clinician can be more stringent in monitoring and planning the delivery method to reduce the risk of perinatal death. The increase in maternal weight during pregnancy is directly related to the weight of the baby and the risk of giving birth to low birth weight increases with a lack of weight gain during pregnancy. This shows a significant relationship between the increase in body weight of pregnant women and the weight of the baby born. (handayani, 2013). From several studies, it is still not known what factors most influence the birth weight of the baby, so in this study sistematic review was carried out as a strong first step for other researchers in developing this research. Method A systematic review through journal reviews of the relationship between maternal weight, fetal weight, age at pregnancy, status of Gravida with birth weight Result and Discussion Based on the analysis of the article it was found that the relationship between maternal weight, fetal weight, gestational age, gravida status and birth weight. Several studies have reported an increased risk of low birth weight (LBW) among offspring (generally defined as women <20 years). The number of births for women 35 years and over is increasing in both high-income countries and middle-income countries. Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain this. Biological mechanisms for increasing infant birth Low birth weight (LBW) in teenage mothers <20 years can be explained as follows. Blood circulation to the cervix and also to the uterus in adolescents is still not perfect so this can interfere with the process of channeling nutrients from the mother to the fetus she contains. Nutrition of pregnant adolescents also plays a role because adolescents still need nutrients to be shared with the fetus they contain compared to adult pregnant women who do not need nutrients for growth (Johanes, 2009 in Rahardjo et al, 2011). Teenage mothers are inherently at risk for birth outcomes that are compromised because biological factors are considered. A large US sample shows that unfavorable birth outcomes for adolescent mothers compared to older mothers occur at several levels due to biological factors (Fraser, Brockert, & Ward, 1995; Chen, et al., 2007). However, additional research shows that this difference does not exist among African-American women because of higher average exposure to social and environmental losses compared to whites (Geronimus, 1987; 1996). This explanation shows that unfavorable birth outcomes among teens compared to older mothers are the norm, from which African American mothers deviate as a result of lower socioeconomic status (SES). The role of social loss in understanding the risks of compromised young mothers from birth outcomes is examined, especially those related to the selection of disadvantaged teenagers to give birth to children. Thus, the way the age of young mothers is associated with unfavorable birth outcomes is considered, both cross and in racial / ethnic groups Conclusion This study has not been able to find a relationship between the weight gain of pregnant women on the weight of the baby born. According to assumptions, this happens because there are still other factors that are not yet known exactly where these factors can affect the weight of the baby born.

Pregnant Womans Weight Fetal Weight Age at Pregnancy Babys Birth Weight

International Conference on Nursing


Slips of the Ear in Perceiving Indonesian in Quiet Situation
Saffanah Fathin (a*), Masitha A. Syukri (b)

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Saffanah Fathin

a) a graduate from English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga
b) English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga
Jl. Airlangga No.4 - 6, Gubeng, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia

Slip of the ear refers to listeners- inability to perceive the intended messages of the speaker correctly. Noise can be a major factor in causing slips of the ear. However, even in quiet situation, slips of the ear still happen. This study aims to discover types of slips of the ear and find out the most frequent type appeared in perceiving Indonesian as first language. This study examines slips of the ear in quiet situation experienced by 30 students from Faculty of Humanities Universitas Airlangga. The data of slips of the ear used in this study were obtained from the data collection of Syukri (2015-2017). The writer uses Bond-s (2005) classification of slips of the ear, which are based on linguistic knowledge and consists of 14 types, to analyze the data qualitatively. The results showed that there are 5 types of slips of the ear appeared in quiet situation which include vowel misperception, consonant misperception, word boundary misperception, morphological misperception, and semantical misperception. The most dominant type of slips belongs to morphology misperception with the percentage of 47.46%. It is shown that bilingualism might affect listeners in perceiving speech in quiet situation.

quiet; slips of the ear; speech perception

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Mahanon binti Muhammad1, Mohd Rozaidi bin Ismail2

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An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review on coagulant process in Water Treatment Plant consists primarily of inert materials and was categorized as chemical sludge. Aluminium sulphate used as a coagulant for majority of water treatment processes, therefore the sludge commonly referred to as alum sludge. The water quality parameters are based on the Water Quality Index (WQI) and Interim National Water Quality Standard for Malaysia (INWQS). The parameters are Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, PH, Suspended Solids and Aluminium Sulphate. The objectives of this research such as, i) To monitor the coagulant process in the treatment plant, ii)To determine the water quality parameters of sewage sludge, and iii)To monitor the associated changes within the tank in relation to the application of EM.

Sludge, Coagulant, Effective Microorganisms (EM), Aluminium sulphate

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Wahyu S. Winurseto1,2, Agus Taufik Mulyono1, and Latif Budi Suparma1

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Wahyu S. Winurseto

1Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Grafika No. 2, Kampus UGM, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
2Balai Besar Pelaksanaan Jalan Nasional VII, Directorate General of Highways, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Jl. Murbei Barat I, Sumurboto, Semarang 50269, Indonesia

As age increases, the pavement will increase in condition. If there is no preventive preservation, damage will occur. Cracks on flexible pavement is a condition that occurs because of the uneven distribution of stresses due to the load on the pavement. Causes damage to weaker material, which then develops into other parts. To overcome cracks, several types of treatments that can be done are: Crack Treatment; Surface treatment; Crack Repair; Pavement Rehabilitation. One type of treatment that is often used in preservation of flexible pavement cracks is pulp seals. The slurry seal is a stable mixture of fast, fast emulsion asphalt, fine aggregates with fast gradations, fillers, and air. The advantage of slurry seal is that it is more cost effective, increases the age of reinforcement, and can be applied quickly. The application of slurry seal in flexible pavement preservation can increase pavement age by up to 8 years. Some types of slurry seals are also superior types of treatment that can overcome damage in various types.

flexible treatment preservation, slurry seal

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Smart Contracts Implementation in Islamic Finance: A Shariah Parameter Synthesis
Muhammad Izzam Bin Mohd Khazar (a), Nik Azizu Bin Nik Abdullah (b)

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Muhammad Izzam Bin Mohd Khazar

Shariah Management, Maybank Islamic Berhad Malaysia

A smart contract&

Smart Contract, Block chain Technology, Aqd, Shariah, Digital Signature

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Aam Slamet Rusydiana (a), Lina Marlina (b)

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Lina Marlina

a) Researcher at Sharia Economic Applied Research & Training (SMART) Indonesia. aamsmart[at]
b) Lecturer at Siliwangi University. Also Phd student at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Indonesia. linamarlina[at]

Every single effort or process taken by Islamic bank to maximize output should also uphold Islamic values, so that maqashid sharia (maslahah-sharia objectives) would be authomatically achieved. There were some research conducted to measure Islamic bank performance using maqashid sharia framework. However, these studies were not explicitly addressing the issue of cost-saving strategies within the framework of efficiency measurement. It is therefore this paper aims to have financial and social efficiency in one assessment framework that is social-financial efficiency quadrant (SFEQ). Hence, in order to measure efficiency level of Islamic Banking Industry this study use Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Free Disposal Hull (FDH) method and employ Banxia Frontier Analyst 3.1 for data analysis. Within the SFEQ framework, the study revealed that Sharia Panin Bank and Sharia Bukopin Bank are excellent since both are within the first quadrant.Whereas Sharia Maybank, and BCA Sharia are considered good at the second quadrant; Bank Sharia Mandiri (BSM), Bank Muamalat, Bank Rakyat Indonesia Sharia (BRIS), Bank Negara Indonesia Sharia (BNI) and Mega Sharia are fair at the third; and Victoria Sharia, and Bank Jabar Banten Sharia (BJB) are poor at the fourth sequentially. It is urge for Islamic bank that are in low level of social efficiency to have a critical policy to keep in line with the five factor of maqashid sharia apart of having efficiency in order to reach maslahah.

Financial Efficiency, Social Efficiency, DEA, FDH, Social-Financial Efficiency Quadrant (SFEQ), Islamic Bank

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion



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Anisa Dwi Makrufi


This paper centrally focuses on developing social emotional based learning to strengthen the character of students in facing challenges in this era. The development of learning models in improving and strengthening the character of students requires collaboration from various parties. Based on the results of observations made, one of the problems that occur in educational institutions is the difficulty of a teacher applying a learning model that fits the needs of students in the digital era like today. The demands of the age and increasingly fierce competition require students not only to be proficient in terms of knowledge but also social and emotional skills in interacting with each other. The lack of awareness of teachers and parents in understanding learning methodologies - especially in this industrial era 4.0 - is of particular concern to the author. The focus of the subjects in this study were students with a birth span between 1995-2004 or a familiar one called generation Z. Generation Z is a generation after the Y generation, known as the millennial generation, where they are accustomed to technology. Moreover, this generation lives in the industrial era 4.0 which all leads to digitalization and automation. While recent studies have given analysis that one of the challenges that will be faced by the Z generation in the present era is the demand to think and act fast. So, the 4C criteria: critical thingking, creative, communication and collaboration should be the main study in the learning process in school. My constructive argument is on the aspect of the ability to be able to collaborate and communicate, someone needs social emotional intelligence. This is the main cause because this intelligence is one of the factors that play an important role in facing global competition. Of course, it is a joint task in developing social emotional learning (SEL) among the community, especially in generation Z. The development of SEL requires collaboration between various parties, namely parents at home, educators in schools, the community and government (in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture).

Social Emotional Learning (SEL), Z Generations, School

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Social Media and Political Engagement in Singkawang Chinese Ethnic Youth
Hasbullah Azis (a*), Prof. Drs. Pawito Ph.D (b), Drs. IGN. Agung Satyawan SE., S.Ikom., M.Si, (b)

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Hasbullah Azis

Communication Science, Faculity of Social and Political Sciences, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia

The development of recent research on the use of social media and political engagement suggest a strong tendency for relations, that political engagement is optimistically influenced by the use of social media. This research tries to contribute to giving a view related to the extent of the role of social media in political engagement. Having the focus of Singkawang youth Chinese born in Western Kalimantan Indonesia, the study attempt to examine which social media e.g Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook have contributed most on the growth of political engagement. In addition the forms of political engagement will also be explored in this research. Using multiple approach, this study began with a survey, to collect various types of data regarding the intensity and scope of their internet. Then, in the next stage, in-depth interview were conducted, to gather views on the forms of political engagement from the participant

Social Media; Political Engagement; Youth; Chinese Etnic

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Social Media Practices in Diverse Society
Wulan Widyasari

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Wulan Widyasari

PhD Student at Medienpaedagogik
Christian Albrechts Universitaet zu Kiel

Lecturer at Communication Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This research propose to analyze how social media practices take its role in diverse society using online ethnography. Using practice-based theory and the notion of affordances, I analyze how LGBTQ issues take turn between two different group of accounts, the pro LGBTQ and the anti LGBTQ. The data is collected using observation and in-depth interview. The first observation data is gathered in the period of March 2016 until July 2018 by looking at the pro LGBTQ and the anti LGBTQ Facebook accounts. Finally, the in-depth interview is being used to obtain focused and interactive information about the LGBTQ issues. The result shows, even though the issues discussed is the same but the discussions that occur can be very different between both groups. Furthermore, Facebook users can have different opinions, not only because they belong to different groups, but also because of their way of doing with their Facebook account.

social media practices, practice-based theory, affordances, Facebook, LGBTQ

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Putri Maulina (a*), Arfriani Maifizar (b)

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Putri Maulina

(a*)Department of Communication Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Teuku Umar, Meulaboh, Indonesia.

(b)Department of Sociology Studies, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Teuku Umar, Meulaboh, Indonesia.

The development of communication and information technology requires generations of Muslims to support the new Islamic social movement towards the virtual world, especially in Aceh. This study wants to examine how the transformation of Muslims social movements in Aceh from public space to digital space. The subject of this study is the Millennial Muslims of "Subuh Lover Generation Community" (GPS) as part of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaah in Aceh. The study method used is descriptive qualitative analysis, which describes systematically the way of social transformation in the digital space and social media as a contemporary Islam movement. While the theories that used in this study are the Media Ecology Theory of Marshall McLuhan to explain how the media influences the change of society; and the Social Movement Theory to explain how the transformation of Islamic social movement in the public space into the digital space. The results of study show that Islamic social movements was related to the change of media using in Millenial Muslim society as part of empowerment dakwah Islam in Aceh.

New Media, Social Media, Islamic Communication

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Sociocultural analysis of autoethnography of Indonesian graduate students in acquiring a second language
Yohanes Nugroho Widiyanto

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Yohanes Nugroho Widiyanto

Graduate School, Widya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya

The turn of the 21 century also marks the turn in Second Language Acquisition in which socio-cultural approach has enriched this trans-disciplinary field of study which had been dominated by cognitive approach. This new approach has opened not only a new direction in terms of theoretical framework but also more diverse methodological elements of research. A novel breakthrough of research design in SLA is Self-study (Bullough and Pinnegar, 2001) in which a learner interrogates his/her process of acquiring a second language. This study invited 11 (eleven) graduate students of English teaching program to reflect their journey of learning English. Each of them was required to write an auto-ethnography (Canagarajah, 2005) by connecting their lived experiences with SLA theories. The analysis of the participants- autoethnographies reveal the diversity of cultural background of the participants who come from monocultural to pluricultural backgrounds has shaped the way they encounter English as a foreign language. While many participants support the role of motivation (Gardner, 2010) in learning a second language, some of them also start to embrace the construct of identity (Norton, 2010) as a significant factor. The critical moments that the participants experienced that mark their awareness to reach their goal to be a competent speaker of English are explored to reveal the complexity of how a second language is acquired. The diverse settings from Islamic boarding school (pesantren) to living abroad contrast how , sociocultural sociocultural approach in SLA has opened a new horizon of both theoretical and practical consequences.

autoethnography, motivation, identity, graduate students

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Soil Chemistry Evalution and Implementation of Apple Rejuvenation Technology on Dry Land in Batu, East Java
Buyung Al Fanshuri, Anang Tri Wiratno, Oka Ardiana Banaty, Sutopo

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Buyung Al Fanshuri

Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute

Apple is subtropical plant that well adapted in several regions in Indonesia. One of them is Batu city in East Java province. Nowadays, Batu city has a problem due to decreasing of apple area land, more than 16 % in the last decade. There are many factors, two of them are plant age and soil condition. Therefore, it was required a research to evaluate soil chemistry and implement apple rejuvenation technology on dry land. This reasearch was conducted from May to December 2015 at five apple areas ; Bumiaji, Tulungrejo, Sumbergondo, Punten and Bulukerto. A survey method was done to address first purpose. Soil sample was taken by purposive sampling method and was analyzed in laboratorium to measure soil characteristics. Laboratorium analysis showed soil metal content very low and under critical value. However, soil pH and organic matter content were not under ideal condition, strong to medium acid and 30 % of area were low organic content (< 2%). Second studied was implementation apple rejuvenation technologies on dry land; high quality seed, simple drip irrigation and soil amelioration.

Apple, Soil amelioration, Rejuvenation, Dry land, Soil chemistry

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Soil Stabilization By Using Lime Based on Curring Time
Norseta Ajie Saputra (a*), Magfira Ade Widia (b)

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Norseta Ajie Saputra

a) Muhammadiyah University Of Palangkaraya jalan RTA. Milono Km. 1,5,Palangka Raya 73111, Indonesia, norseta.ajie[at]
b) Muhammadiyah University Of Palangkaraya jalan RTA. Milono Km. 1,5,Palangka Raya 73111, Indonesia, magfira.a90[at]

Soil is an important element in the base structure of highways. In certain types of soil has low capacity such as clay soil. Soil stabilization is an effort to improve soil conditions to be better based on the characteristics possessed. The characteristics that are the main parameters are CBR (California Bearing Ratio). Stabilization of the CBR values of clay can be carried out chemically. The stabilitazion way is done by mixing clay soil and Dolomite lime with variations 2%, 4%, 6% on volume of test object. In addition, ripening of test sample by different times, they are 1, 3, 5, and 7 days. From all test samples, they compare clay soil without mixing lime variation, the following will do stabilization. Based on the research, it was found that CBR value of clay soil 5.56%. After mixing 2% lime of CBR value 6,27%, 4% of mixing, Dolomite lime of CBR value 7,60% and 6% mixing, lime of CBR value 5,51%. After stabilization by Dolomite lime based on curing time. The Highest CBR Value is found on lime variation 4% with 5 days of curing time. CBR value is 8,67%

Stabilization, CBR, Dolomite lime, Curing

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


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