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Abstract Topic: Biology Education

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The Student Knowledge of Infectious Diseases Related to Immune System
Cut Putri Maghfirah (a*), Saefudin (b), Didik Priyandoko (b)

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Cut Putri Maghfirah

a) Magister Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Abstract. Education plays important role to form attitude related to the health. When immune system does not work properly it allows microorganism to attack. In the reality most of high school students do lack of knowledge about infectious diseases. With regard to this issue, the current study was carried out to examine student knowledge about infectious diseases related to immune system. The samples of this study was eleventh grade students of SMAN 5 Banda Aceh. The method that used in this study is observation method. Data of student knowledge about infectious diseases was obtained from essay test, whereas the data of student motivation and ability to receive information were obtained from the test that provides yes or no question. The data were analysed by percentages correction and analysis. According to the data the result are all students have low knowledge about infectious diseases whereas the students have good motivation to learn biology and good ability to receive biology information. Based on this study the conclusion is the students in eleventh grade have low knowledge about infectious diseases that has no relation with student motivation and the ability to receive information.

Infectious diseases knowledge; Student motivation; Receiving information ability

Biology Education


The Students Ideas about Species Concept: A Semantic Network Analysis
Ai Nurlaelasari Rusmana (a), Rahmi Qurota Aini (a), Yustika Syabandari (a), Minsu Ha (a), Sein Shin (b), Jun-Ki Lee (c*)

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Ai Nurlaelasari Rusmana

a) Division of Science Education, Kangwon National University
1 Gangwondaehak-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, 24341 Republic of Korea
b) Division of Biology Education, Chungbuk National University
Chungdae-ro 1, Seowon-Gu, Cheongju-si, Republic of Korea
c) Division of Science Education, Chonbuk National University
567 Baekje-daero, Jeonju-si, Republic of Korea

Even though species is the central concept in biology, the history of species and the existence of different species concept is rarely discussed in biology instruction. Whereas, the teacher can employ the plurality of species concept to enrich discussion in the classroom. Therefore, knowing the students- perception of species is essential to plan compatible teaching strategies for species. The open-ended question was administered to 548 Indonesian high school students. Initially, the semantic network analysis was performed to explore the ideas of species in students- response. To investigate the students- idea development, further analyses were conducted to observe the co-existence of normative and naïve ideas about species. Five species concepts were found which species as the lowest taxon in taxonomy (A1), species as the type of animal and plant (A2), species as the basic classification of living thing (A3), genetic species concept (A4), and morphological species concept (A5). Of five species concepts, we found naïve ideas were more robust among responses and some of them were co-existed with the normative ideas. Since the students learn the species mainly from biology instruction, it is suggested that pedagogical effort need to be well-taken in facilitating students to be more enlightened about the species.

High school student; Ideas co-existence, Network analysis, Species concept, Species pluralism

Biology Education


The Utilization of Video Animation Media for Improving Students- Understanding of Biotechnology Subject on Enzyme Lipase Production through Genetic Engineer Technique
Baiq Repika Nurul Furqan, Imam Syahputra Yamin

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Baiq Repika Nurul Furqan

Bandung Institute of Technology
University of Indonesia

The introduction of Biotechnology subject started in SMP (9) and deepen in SMA (12). One of the subjects discusses modern biotechnology product through Genetic Engineer technique to produce lipase enzyme. Students of SMA knowledge on this subject are still limited since the source of information used by the teacher in explaining the subject is generally based on the textbook and delivered through lecturing method. The use of learning media with virtual-technology based is expected to provide an illustration of information which can make it easier and more attractive to understand. In this study, two medium is created, including text and video animation for introducing the students about enzyme lipase production through recombinant technique. To test the superiority of video animation media, the test is done to SMA students in Lombok through the same questions given to test students understanding of the subject, yet video animation and text are offered to give explanation. The evaluation shows that video animation could improve the average outcomes, be more informative and interesting, also be easier to understand that information through text which is shown in advisability test by Biology teachers and students responses. Thus, video animation media can be used as Biotechnology learning media.

biotechnology, genetic engineer, enzyme lipase production, video animation

Biology Education


The Validity and Reliability of Science Virtual Test on Levels of Organization and Cell Transport Topics (SVT-LOCT) to Assess Junior High School Students Science Process Skills
Wafa Hanifah (1*), Nuryani Rustaman (2*), Lilit Rusyati (1*)

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Wafa Hanifah Zulkarnain

(1*)International Program on Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia
(2*) Department of Biology, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung, 40154, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to analyze the validity and reliability of science virtual test to assess junior high school students- science process skills on levels of organization and cell transport topics, SVT-LOCT. The final design of the instrument was administered to 118 students of 7th graders from two schools in Kabupaten Bandung, Indonesia. The three steps to validate SVY-LOCT are content analysis of levels of organization and cell transport topics, expert judgment and readability test, and trial test (small group try out and larger test). SVT-LOCT was judged through education, content, media, and language by experts and readability test was conducted by teachers and students. The validation resulted in 31 test items that represent eight skills of SPS to assess students- science process skills in levels of organization and cell transport topic. The reliability of SVT-LOCT was considered as high with Cronbach alpha = 0.753 with correlation of XY = 0.65, meaning that the instrument is sufficient to assess students- science process skills.

science virtual test, validity, science process skills, levels of organization

Biology Education


TPACKing competence of prospective biology teachers in welcoming 21st century learning
Nia Nurdiani

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Nia Nurdiani

Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Pasundan

This study aims to determine the TPACKing capabilities of prospective biology teachers to anticipate the demands of 21st century learning. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) is a framework that integrates information technology knowledge in Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) in a certain learning context, while TPACKing is is the process of building TPACK knowledge for classroom learning purposes. This research was needed as a first step in determining the importance of developing a structured training program in building TPACKing capabilities of prospective biology teacher students. This study was conducted by survey method using an instrument to assess the knowledge of TPACK components in the form of a questionnaire on 48 final-level students of biology education study programs at a private university in Bandung, Indonesia. The results of the study show that respectively 56.55%, 72.22%, 65.47% and 68.45% prospective biology teacher students have sufficient knowledge in Technology Knowledge (TK), Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) and Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK); on the contrary, 69.17% and 65.00% respectively they do not have adequate Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK). Thus an effort is needed to build TPACKing capabilities of prospective biology teacher students through a structured training program.

TPACK, TPACKing, Prospective Biology Teachers



Understanding Water Quality Management and Clean Water Scarcity Through A Field Study at Water Treatment Plant of PDAM Intan Banjar
Nida Humaida*

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Nida Humaida

Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, The State Islamic University of Antasari Banjarmasin
Jalan A. Yani KM. 4,5 Banjarmasin 70235, Indonesia

In the past, people didnt think they would pay for every m3 of clean water, but now they do. To understand water quality management as a part of Live Environment lecture from Department of Biology Education at the State Islamic University of Antasari Banjarmasin, 31 students did a field study at the Water Treatment Plant from Intan Banjar Water Supply Utility in South Kalimantan. A qualitative approach was used through an interview to the head of the production division, staffs at the Water Treatment Plant, and by collecting some feedback from the students. In response to the relation between the clean water scarcity and the potential increase of the clean water price in the future, 45% of students disagreed if the price of clean water provided by the water supply utility increased, although they were aware of the impacts of climate change theoretically, while 55 % of students accepted that if the price of the clean water raised, they must safe water. A lecture strategy based on the current impacts of climate change is needed to raise awareness that people access to clean water is not unlimited any more and to understand the importance of sustainable use to natural resources.

clean water; climate change; quality; supply utility

Biology Education


Use of Metacognitive Regulation to Increase Achievement Student in Microbiology Course
E Erlin1, A Rahmat2, S.Rejeki2

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Euis Erlin

1 Biology Education Study Program, FKIP Galuh University, Jl. R.E Martadinata No. 150, Ciamis, 46215, Indonesia.
2 Science Education Study Program, Postgraduate School, Indonesian Education University, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

The aims of this study to examine the influence use of the metacognitive regulation to achievement student in microbiology learning. The subject matter learned are Role of Microbes in Health and Microorganism Ecology on food. Quasi-Experimental with the type of Non-equivalent Control Group Design were used in this research. Students involved in the study were 27 Biology Education students. There are two classes used in this study, namely the class using the metacognitive regulation as an experimental class consisting of 14 students and the non-metacognitive regulation class as a control consisting of 13 students. Learning is done using the method of discussion. In the experimental class discussion is assisted with questions about subject matter. The instrument used was the concept mastery test and self-reflection questionnaire. The results of the study showed that there were differences in the increasing of student achievement between those using metacognitive regulation and non-metacognitive regulation. In learning with a metacognitive regulation obtaining an increase in the average criteria score (g = 0.59), while the non-metacognitive regulation learning obtained an increase in the low criteria score (g = 0.26).

Metacognitive regulation, concepts mastery, discussion method

Biology Education


Validity of Modul Based On Project Based Larning in Learning Media Subject
Diana Susanti (a*), Vivi Fitriani (a), Liza Yulia Sari(a)

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Diana Susanti

a. Department of Biology Education, STKIP PGRI West Sumatera, Jl. Gunung Pangilun, Padang 25173, Indonesia

Learning Media subject push the students to produce the media that used in learning proccess. But no one the student used the learning material. It made the student not creative to make the design or create the media. To solve this problem, it need to develop the learning material based on projeci based learning, because in Media learning subject the sutents must design or create the media that used in learning. Modul help the students learn indenpendently and make the student learn how to design and create the good media that used in learning proces . The purpose of this research is to produce modul based on project based learning in Leaning media that valid. Models and procedure of development was developed with four-D model, this research was develop phase. Stands of develop phase to validated at STKIP PGRI West Sumatera from lecturer. Data obtained to determinine modul derived from validation sheet. Average validity of modul was 97,35%. The result of the observation showed that modul very valid. Based on the results, this research can be concluded that the Develop of modul based projeci based learning in learning media subject is very valid.

Project Based Learning, Modul, Validity

Biology Education


Virtual Laboratory for Enhancing Students Understanding on Abstract Biology Concepts and Laboratory Skills
Wakhid Nur Udin(a*), Murni Ramli (b), and Muzzazinah (c)

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Wakhid nur Udin

a,b,c) Magister of Biology Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36, Kentingan, Surakarta 57126 Indonesia.

Abstract. A virtual laboratory is an approach that has been widely used in biology learning but remains a challenge for countries that are still experiencing obstacles in technology. Biology has some abstract concepts which are difficult to be understood by simple explanation, or even difficult to be practiced in a traditional laboratory. The challenges of virtual labs in the biology needs to be analyzed to capture what the characteristic of biology topics which are generally designed with virtual labs and what the impact of virtual labs to students conceptual understanding and their laboratory skills. To track those queries, the systematic review was carried out on research articles published in academical journals within 2010 to 2018. A total of 23 empirical articles were analyzed. Cell or molecular biology and introduction biology are the most widely topics used in the virtual labs. While, understanding the biological concepts is the most studied variable, and virtual labs worked significantly on it. Some studies examined students affective and skills, and the virtual labs are also effective. However, only a few studies examine the learning process. Most biology virtual labs are developed by Adobe Flash Player application with 3D animation. This article suggests further research to develop a biology virtual lab that is more inquiry-based, and measures students understanding of abstract concepts, and science process skills that have not been widely studied.

Virtual Laboratory, conceptual understanding, laboratory skill, Undergraduate biology.

Biology Education


Visual Reading Strategies and Its Relation to Plant Morphology Comprehension of Senior High School Students
Luthfi Azmi (a*), Adi Rahmat (b), Amprasto (b)

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Luthfi Azmi

a) Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

One of several factors that influence students successfully when understanding the various concepts contained in the diagram is the use of effective visual reading strategies. The results of previous studies prove that students comprehension of the diagram is still low, although diagrams are often used to facilitate students in understanding concepts. This is a descriptive study involving 20 high school students in Bandung. The research aims to analyze the relation between visual comprehension strategies and students comprehension toward plant morphology diagrams. The students are asked to analyze the morphological diagram of magnoliophyte plants for 15 minutes. The strategies emerge from students will be analyzed and categorized into low-level strategies, high-level strategies, and metacognitive strategies Then the students will be given questions to measure the level of comprehension after learning a morphological diagram of Magnoliophyta plants. The results showed that many students do a more low-level strategy that tends to memorize, to rereads diagrams, and to text signaling. It suits to the level of students comprehension about plant morphology that is still in the low category. The outcome shows that knowledge of plant morphology possessed by high school students was still at the level of memorization.

Visual reading strategies, Diagram comprehension, Plant morphology

Biology Education


VLab vs Real Lab Protein Content Test in Food Sample
Ervina (a*), Bambang Supriatno (b), Riandi (c)

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Ervina Ervina

a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
b) Departemen Pendidikan Biologi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
c) Departemen Pendidikan IPA, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This study aims to compared virtual lab with real lab. The experimental research design was used in this study. Compared two different treatments in the experiment testing the protein content in food materials. This study resulted in differences in results between laboratory trials by virtual lab procedures with virtual labs. This research was also conducted on real laboratories that produce differences (1) facts showed in virtual laboratories and real laboratories, (2) the process of changes that occur in experiments. The virtual lab can-t present all objects/event that appears in the real lab. In conclusion the real lab more potential to appeared concrete and relevant facts than virtual lab

VLab; Real Lab;

Biology Education


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