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Abstract Topic: Biophysics and Medical Physics

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A Study on the Effect of Noise in Inferential Process of Deep Learning for Medical Image
Mohammad Haekal (a*), Freddy Haryanto (b), Idam Arif (b)

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Mohammad Haekal

a) Biophysics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Nuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Noise is an inherent property of medical imaging and could affect the interpretation of medical images either by human or computer. In deep learning study for medical images, the noise is usually introduced during the training phase of the algorithm in order to make the system able to distinguish the image features in the inferential phase despite the existence of noise. Early hypothesis stated that without the introduction of noise in the training phase, the deep learning system could not distinguish the feature well enough which resulted in lower accuracy in the segmentation. However, due to the classification of the feature that the computer “understands” is unknown in deep learning, this study aimed to evaluate whether the inferential phase of image with noise could still be performed without the introduction of noise in the training phase. The noise will be added artificially in the original test data which would be inferred by the system based on the training of normal (without noise) image. The results would then be compared by using Dice’s Similarity Coefficient (DSC) between the test data with and without noise.

medical image segmentation, deep learning, automatic segmentation, noise analysis

Biophysics and Medical Physics


Analysis Of PQRST Wave Patterns on Normal Heart using Student Experiment Cobra4 Electrocardiograph
Dessy Amirudin (a*), Siti Nurul Khotimah (b)

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dessy amirudin

a) Master Program in Physics Teaching, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

This study aims to analyze the PQRST wave pattern of a normal heart including amplitude (A), time duration (t) and frequency (f) in each of the P, Q, R, S and T waves in the sitting and lying position. Furthermore, this study will create a module Operation of the student experiment cobra4 electrocardiograph instrument. The main system used was a set of student experiment electrocardiograph instruments. The study was conducted in two stages. These were recording the electrical activity of the heart at normal extremities and recording the electrical activity of the heart at the exchanged electrode lead. Each stage recorded two positions such as, sitting and lying position. In each position, the recording was implementing three different ways for the skin electrodes contact (i) direct contact, for example, it was not using gel and sensor gel, (ii) using gel and (iii) using gel and gel sensor. Before the activity was carried out, the operator installed a software measurement for data recording. The output of this recording was a complex PQRST heart wave pattern displayed on a PC. The data that has been displayed was then extracted using Ms.Excel and OriginPro 2016 32bit software. The conclusion from the results of this study is the position does not affect the results of hearts electrical activity recording. The results showed that sitting and lying position data were not much different. The example was taken from subject A. When the normal extremity in sitting position, the value of the amplitude interval (A), the duration of time (t) and frequency (f) of each wave were the P wave ((A): 19.00 mV - 51.76 mV, (t): 0.08 s - 10.11 s, and (f): 65.32 Hz - 92.37 Hz), Q wave ((A): 7.20 mV - 25.00 mV, (t): 0.03 s - 0.04 s, and (f): 65.48 Hz - 92.51 Hz), R wave ((A): 363.00 mV - 439.78 mV, (t): 0.06 s - 0.09 s, and (f): 65.59 Hz - 92.48 Hz), S wave ((A): 8.40 mV - 29.00 mV, (t): 0.03 s - 0.06 s, and (f): 66.45 Hz - 91.73 Hz), and T wave ((A): 58.63 mV - 162.61 mV, (t): 0.21 s - 0.24 s , and (f): 65.47 Hz - 92.63 Hz). Meanwhile, the value of the amplitude interval (A), time duration (t) and frequency (f) of each wave in subject A when lying position were P wave ((A): 29.57 mV - 59.71 mV, (t): 0.09 s - 0.14 s, and (f): 67.22 Hz - 83.71 Hz), Q wave ((A): 7.15 mV - 25.00 mV, (t): 0.03 s - 0.04 s, and (f): 66.41 Hz - 83.97 Hz), R waves ((A): 268.00 mV - 443.00 mV, (t): 0.07 s - 0.09 s and (f): 66.92 Hz - 83.49 Hz), S waves ((A): 10.40 mV - 23.00 mV, (t) : 0.03 s - 0.05 s, and (f): 67.08 Hz - 83.96 Hz), and T waves ((A): 68.64 mV -174.00 mV, (t): 0.21 s - 0.28 s, and (f): 67.15-83.70). The PQRST wave pattern displayed in the normal extremity leads for each position produced normal heart waves. However, if the electrode lead was exchanged, the PQRST heart wave pattern in each position was reversed. In the final stage of the study, it created a student experiment cobra4 electrocardiograph instrument module.

amplitude (A), time duration (t), frequency (f) and student experiment cobra4 electrocardiograph

Biophysics and Medical Physics


Characterization of natural organic composite based on pineapple leaf fibre and epoxy resin as fibre board
Abiyoga Noeriman (a*). Widayani (a). Damar Rastri Adhika (b). Triati Dewi Kencana Wungu (a). Ahmad Fauzan Bagaskoro (a)

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Abiyoga Noeriman

a) Physics Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
b) Industrial Technology Department, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Nowadays, environmental issue become one of interesting issue to talk about. Everything that human done connects with their environment. One of the example is using daily product to sustain their live, such as wood for housing or furniture. Wood board that is made by cutting tree is the concern, because the need is increasing. On the other hand, we have to maintain the forest. Concerning this issue, developing fiber-based composite board can be an alternative. Pineapple leaf fiber – epoxy resin composite with varied compositions have been prepared in Biophysics lab, Physics Department of ITB, using a simple mixing method followed by hot pressing ( 0.22183 MPa, 100°C) for 3 hour. The main characterization of the composite is the mechanical properties. Other characterization represented the quality of a board such as density and water absorption level, also will be carried out.

Composite; Fibre board; Pineapple fibre; Tensile

Biophysics and Medical Physics


Chromosomes Imaging using Photonic Jet Phenomena
Dziban Naufal (a*), Andri Abdurrochman (a), Riksa Parikrama (b), Dewi Syarah Sofiati (a), Ayi Bahtiar (a)

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Dziban Naufal

a) Department of Physics, Universitas Padjadjaran
b) Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran

Our study about chromosomes imaging using DAPI stimulating light and soda lime glass microspheres whose diameters are spread from 35 μm to 120 μm shows that the magnification power of this system is 3 to 5 times. Images of chromosomes that colored with DAPI beneath the microspheres are observed have a size 3 to 4 times larger than the actual chromosomes. In addition, using microsphere lens approximation, the magnification power of chromosomes image without DAPI is 3.8 to 12.6 times whereas the magnification power of DAPI-stained chromosomes is 3.7 to 4.8. The spherical lens approximation does not show any variation of magnification even though the microsphere’s diameter is changed. Experimentally, there is an evident that microspheres can improve the performance of microscope in chromosomes imaging. This system is potential to engineer the optical microscope by applying photonics jet phenomenon.

photonic jet; microsphere; chromosome; DAPI; magnification

Biophysics and Medical Physics


Estri Trimayanti (a*), Siti Nurul Khotimah (b), Indra Wibowo (c)

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Estri Trimayanti

a) Master Program in Physics Teaching, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
b) Nuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
c) Physiology, Animal development, and Biomedical sciences, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Exposure of electric fields and magnetic fields affect sperm quality. Analysis of sperm quality is still one of the most important tools for evaluating a mans fertility. This sperm quality can affect fertilization. Sperm quality includes several aspects including motility or motion and viability. The purpose of this study was to determine the motility, viability, and type of charge of mice sperm (Mus muculus) through the study of exposure to electric and magnetic fields in ex vivo conditions. Observations were carried out in the time span (∆t) for sperm without influence and that affected the electric field. Sperm of mice is diluted with a solution of Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) and then put into a hemasitometer placed between two iron plates connected to a DC voltage source. The distance between the two plates d = 7.0 cm and the magnitude of the voltage varied, namely ΔV = 0 (control), V = 12.5 V, and V = 25.0 V. The magnitude of the magnetic field from the solenoid used is B = 4.7 x 10-4 T. Sperm observed using a fluorescence microscope then recorded using NIS Elements software. Furthermore, sperm movement is analyzed using Tracker software. Sperm without electric field (ΔV = 0) has a viability of 60 minutes longer than sperm that is affected by the electric field (ΔV = 12.5V and ΔV = 25.0V) which has a viability of 30 minutes. Sperm moves randomly almost in all directions if without the influence of the electric field, but sperm tends to move to the positive plate if it is under the influence of the electric field. Normal sperm quality is characterized as having zigzagging sperm that is fast and 25%. From the results of this study the results showed that fast zigzag motion had a velocity of v> 37 µm / s. The maximum rate decreases with increasing observation time. Whereas in the influence of the magnetic field the sperm moves in a clockwise direction. Based on the direction of sperm movement it can be seen that sperm are negatively charged.

sperm, motility, viability, charge of sperm

Biophysics and Medical Physics


Effect of Mixing Times on The Characteristics of Silicone Oil Synthesized with The Addition Polymerization Process
Wiendartun & Waslaluddin

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Wiendartun Wiendartun

Department of Physics Education FPMIPA UPI

Silicon Oil, which is commonly used in vitreoretinal surgery, is known as Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS). Silicone oil is used as a substitute for vitreous humor in vitreoretinal surgery. Silicone oil is needed in Indonesia and must be produced with sufficient quality and quantity for domestic needs, currently vitroretinal surgery still uses silicone oil imported from abroad. In this study, PDMS has been synthesized using an addition polymerization process with a polymerization chain growth mechanism, with the monomer octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane, the initiator of Pottasium Hidroxida and the hexamethyldisiloxane chain terminator. The duration of mixing varied from 20 minutes, 30 minutes and 40 minutes, to study the effect of time on PDMS characteristics. The PDMS synthesis we produce is between 65.30% and 86.71% with various viscosities in the range of 900 m.Pa.s and 5000 m.Pa.s. FTIR spectroscopic measurements were found that all synthesized samples were found to have functional groups and structures similar to commercial silicon oil. UV-Vis and refractometer measurements, all samples have transmittance close to 100% and refractive index between 1.3589 and 1.4059. The effect of the length of time on the PDMS gel is on the viscosity the longer the mixing time the higher the viscosity, this mixing occurs at 170oC, stirred using a magnetic stirrer with 300rpm and the concentration of 1M Pottasium Hydroxide. In this study the propagation stage to form a gel began to form in 20 minutes.

addition polymerization, chain growth mechanism, polydimethylsiloxane

Biophysics and Medical Physics


Post-disaster effect on radiation safety in multihospital radiological unit: a one-year post-earthquake observation report in Lombok
Galih Restu Fardian Suwandi(a,b*), Mohammad Haekal(b), Ika Bayuadi(c), Leonard Airell Craig(c), Arif Fahmi(d), Nurul Zia(d,e), Fauzia Puspa Lestari(a,b), Siti Nurul Khotimah(a,b), Supriyanto Adi Prawiro(c), Freddy Haryanto(a,b)

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Corresponding Author
Galih Restu Fardian Suwandi

a) Nuclear Physics and Biophysics Research Division, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung
b) Biophysics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung
c) Medical Physics and Biophysics Laboratory, Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia
d) Indonesian Association of Physicists in Medicine Chapter Bali-Nusa Tenggara
e) Medical Physicist, Harapan Keluarga Hospital, Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat

A series of earthquakes that hit Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, in the span of August - September 2018 had caused a massive destruction and major damage especially in the structure of buildings including the radiological unit in the hospitals around the Lombok island. The damage in radiological unit building structures could cause a radiation leak in the surrounding areas and endanger the radiation safety of the hospital personnel. Many efforts were taken from the hospital itself and the government to immediately repair the damages in the structure. This study aimed to reports analysis the damage caused by the earthquake to the building structure and the efforts that were taken to repair the damages one year after the events. The measurements of exposure around the buildings were also performed to assess the results of the building renovation. The results were then compared with the radiation exposure measurements report prior to the events. A series of recommendations was then offered based on the results analysis regarding the enhancement of the shielding.

earthquake, exposure, radiological, shielding

Biophysics and Medical Physics


Simulation of Microtube Irradiation on the Beam Tubes of G.A. Siwabessy Reactor for In-Vitro Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
Rasito, Zaki Suud and Sidik Permana

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Rasito Tursinah

Nuclear Physics Laboratory, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganeca 10, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: rasito20[at]

The BNCT in-vitro test using a microtube irradiated on the neutron beam of the RSG-GAS beam tubes has been simulated. The simulation was performed using a PHITS computer code by modeling a microtube containing boron solution which was placed 5 cm in front of the beam tubes. Inside the beam tube was installed a beam shaping assembly (BSA) using 80 cm of MgF2 as a filter to reduce fast neutron and gamma fluences. Microtube containing 1.5 mL of boron solution with boron enriched 10B of 90%. The microtube dose i.e alpha dose, 7Li dose, proton dose, and gamma dose were calculated for each variation of boron concentration from 0.1 - 20 ppm. The simulation of microtube containing 1 ppm boron solution shown that irradiation of BSA-S5 neutron beam can be produced at a dose of 20 Gy with the shortest irradiation time of 2.5 hours.

microtube, beam tubes, RSG-GAS, in vitro BNCT

Biophysics and Medical Physics


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