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Polemic in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Indonesia
Rina Agustin Indriani1, , Dody Darsono2 , and Asnan Furinto3

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Corresponding Author
rina agustin Indriani

1Environmental Sanitation Technical Development Expert, Ministry of Public Works and Housing, 12190 Jakarta, Indonesia
1Doctoral Student, Bina Nusantara University, 12190 Jakarta, Indonesia
2Staff, Directorate Environmental Sanitation Development, Ministry of Public Works and Housing 12190 Jakarta, Indonesia
3Faculty Member, Business School, Bina Nusantara University 11530 Jakarta, Indonesia

Solid waste management is a common challenge to many cities across the world. The municipal waste management is capital-intensive, there are numerous alternative options that can be applied to address waste management problem. Uncontrolled dumping of waste on open dumps or landfills has become one of the most common methods of disposing waste in Indonesia. Many cities are faced the environmental degradation because uncontrolled process. Many research have been conducted about solid waste management, however, there is still limited studies which specifically focus on open dumps/landfills. This present study discusses about waste management in existing open dumps/ landfills as specific example and polemic against the potential up-gradable as consideration so that landfills transform to be a more sustainable disposal option. The paper describes a strategy and methodology to transformed existing landfills into fitting component such as urban landscape or converted into energy through enhancing its environmental significance and sustainability.

Municipal Solid waste, uncontrolled process, open dumps,environmental degradation

Civil Engineering


Predicting the Area of Influence of Access and Egress of Commuter Train Based on Survey Data of Travel Behavior Characteristics
A Susanti1, RAA Soemitro2, and H Suprayitno2

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Corresponding Author
Anita Susanti

Civil Enginering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia

The existence of a stretch of the Commuter Train Service in The City is very limited. The limitations of The Commuter Train Service, require Operational Planning for Commuter Train Service in Underserved Area. Areas that have not been served by public transportation are Areas Outside The Area of Influence. The influence area is the area where the Commuter Train Passenger feels comfortable by walking or using other modes when heading and leaving the train station. Urban mass transit planning requires data about the area of influence in terms of the use of modes used. These data include travel behaviour characteristics consisting of networks and modes used to go or leave the station. This study aims to obtain data to predict the area of influence of Access and Egress of commuter line Surabaya-Lamongan based on the travel behaviour characteristics survey. The interview survey was conducted on 311 SULAM Commuter Train Passengers and analyzed using the Chi Square Statistical Test. The results of the research can be stated that the area of influence for commuter Access and Egress is 3 Km. The benefits of the research results can be used as a New Pathway for Commuter Train Services in Unserved Area.

Prediction, Area of Influence, Access, Egress, Commuter Train Prediction, Area of Influence, Access, Egress, Commuter Train Prediction, Area of Influence, Access, Egress, Commuter Train Prediction, Area of Influence, Access, Egress, Commuter Train

Civil Engineering


Priority Factors For Local Road Sustainability Efforts Under Community Based Management in Slum Areas at Pasuruan City
Ayu Rahmaniyah (a*), Hitapriya Suprayitno (b), Eko Budi Santoso (c)

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Corresponding Author
Ayu Rahmaniyah

(a*) Students of Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Sukolilo, Surabaya, 60111, Indonesia
(b) Civil Engineering Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
(c) Regional and Urban Planning Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

The Pasuruan City Government has carried out activities to improve the quality of local road infrastructure in slum areas through the NUSP program, in order to realize the target city without slums in 2020. The sustainability of this local road function is strongly influenced by the sustainability of infrastructure assets management stages starting from the planning and construction, operation, and maintenance that conducted by the Utilization and Maintenance Groups (KPP). This study aims to determine the priority factors for the development of the sustainability of local road functions in slums with community-based management in Pasuruan City. Determination of priority factors is carried out by assessing the suitability of the sustainability factors through the assessment of questionnaires to the KPP, while the priority factor for the development of sustainability with the method of Borda analysis is based on the experts assessment. The results of this study indicate that in the operation stage the factors that need to be prioritized are the physical condition of the infrastructure, the management quality and the strengthening of institutional capacity. Whereas in the maintenance stage, it is necessary to prioritize the management quality, monitoring and evaluation, and coordination with the government.

Local Road; Sustainability Functions; Priority Factors; Community Based Management

Civil Engineering


Probabilistic Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of Rock Slope Subjected to Seismic Loading
Himatul Farichah (a*), Dio Alif Hutama (b)

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Corresponding Author
Dede Nasrullah

(a,b,c) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Surabaya

Being located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, Indonesia has to cope with the constant risk of earthquakes which often trigger landslides in mountainous area, causing significant and even catastrophic damage. This paper presents probabilistic stability and sensitivity analysis of rock slope subjected to seismic loading based on Generalized Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Two approaches namely Limit Equilibrium Method (LEM) and Finite Element Method (FEM) were utilized using computer programs of Rocscience Slide and Phase2, respectively. The Generalized Hoek-Brown parameters such as, σci, GSI and mi were distributed normally with their coefficients of variation (COVs) of 0.25, 0.125 and 0.1, respectively. The different seismic loadings were then subjected to the rock slopes and the probability of failure (Pf) was evaluated for each slope. Eventually, the results of Pf obtaining from LEM and FEM were compared and the most decisive parameter in slope stability were evaluated in sensitivity analysis.

Probability of Failure, Rock Slope Stability, Seismic Loading, Generalized Hoek-Brown.

Civil Engineering


Ida farida, Andri Krisdian, Eko Walujodjati

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ida farida

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Program Studi Teknik Sipil
Jl. Mayor Syamsu No 1 Jayaraga Tarogong kidul Garut Jawa Barat Indonesia

The proportion of concrete material affects the strength of concrete. The innovation of a mixture of waste red bricks can be used in concrete. The research method used experiments in the laboratory with normal concrete compressive strength compared to the composition of the mixture of red brick waste in the proportion of 25% and 50% based on SNI. The research objective was to find out the limits of the proportion of the design strength of normal K-200 concrete and by adding red brick waste as a fine aggregate substitute. The results of the use test with 25% and 50% of red brick waste are able to achieve the strength of the plan with reference to a normal concrete comparison so that the material is feasible as a substitute material. The addition of 50% waste is able to reach K-200 but compared to an additional 25%, there is a decrease in strength at 7 days at 16.7%, age 14 days by 20%, and age 24 days at 36.8%. Recommendation for the limit of the proportion of adding red brick waste to 25%.

age of concrete, fine aggregate, K-200, normal concrete, red brick, the strength of concrete

Civil Engineering


Reinforced Concrete Beam Behavior with Strengthening of CFRP Lamination in The Seawater Environment
1). Ujang Ruslan*, 2). Ahmad Solih, 3) Giovano Ader

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Giovano Ader

Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Along with technological developments, the use of concrete was applied not only on land but also in extreme environmental areas such as seawater areas. The strength of concrete structures in the environment will decreases with the duration of exposure to seawater. This encourages the importance of developing effective repair and strengthening methods that can be relied on at economical costs. One of the most popular ways to repair structures is to use CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) materials. This research was conducted with an experimental method, namely reinforced concrete beams were given a monothonic load with two point loads to determine the ulitimit load capacity of the beams and then compared to the increase with the variable CFRP layer which the ends were anchored with CFRP U-wrap and given seawater immersion behavior. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of reinforcing CFRP laminates on concrete in the seawater environment and its collapse patterns so that it can be directly applied to be a solution in retrofitting structures in the marine environment, such as by repairing reinforced concrete beams on piers and bridges in the marine environment.

lamination, CFRP, seawater environment

Civil Engineering


Repair of Clay Shale Soil by Stabilization Method Using a Cement Binder
A M Fathurrohman, Syahril, A K Somantri

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Azmi Meilanie Fathurrohman

Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012, Indonesia

Clay shale is a type of clay that is easy to expand when it comes into contact with water because of the montmorillonite mineral it contains. The effect of water also causes a decrease in strength in the clay shale. As a result of the clay shale behavior, some buildings become damaged or landslides occur on the slope. The soil stabilization method with a cement binder is one solution to improve the detrimental properties of the clay shale. The selected cement content variations are 20, 30, and 40%. Cement Water Factor 35% for all variations. Laboratory testing is carried out at 0, 7, 14, and 21 days. Tests carried out in the form of specific gravity, swelling, atterberg limits, unconfined compressive, cation exchange capacity, X-Ray Difraction (XRD), and Scanning Electron Mycroscope (SEM). Tests show that the most optimum mixture is 30% clay shale-cement (CS-C30). CS-C30 produces changes in clay shale parameters including an increase in compressive strength without any decrease, and a reduction in the expansive nature as indicated by the decrease in the value of swelling pressure, and cation exchange capacity. Changes in these parameters are suspected because it already does not contain montmorillonite in CS-C30 based on XRD.

clay shale, expansive, cement, soil stabilization, binder

Civil Engineering


Revenue Components of Road Construction Operations Based on Economic Feasibility Analysis
Ida Farida, An An Anisarida

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Corresponding Author
ida farida

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Program Studi Teknik Sipil
Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1 Jayaraga Tarogong Kidul Garut Jawa Barat Indonesia

Regional development is closely related to the provision of infrastructure, namely the road network with the hope of creating a positive impact. Roads as a means of connecting, open access, play a role in the smooth movement of people and goods and have the potential to increase economic activity. The purpose of study is to analyze the economic feasibility of road construction. The method used refers to Pd.T-15-2005-B. Components analyzed the economic feasibility aspects of road construction are based on differences in vehicle operating costs and time values arising from differences in transportation costs on the new road and existing road BKBOK. The results of the study took the form of specific recommendations and were a solution to the need for work to be carried out by examining the extent to which the level of feasibility, especially from the economic and financial aspects. The economic indicators used are Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, and Benefit-Cost Ratio. The indicator provides a scale that compares the benefits and costs of each alternative proposed, specifically each indicator has different characteristics. In general, all of these indicators need to be examined to more clearly describe economic events during the planning period.

BOK, BKBOK, costs, economic feasibility, road construction, transportation

Civil Engineering


Risk Management Maturity of the Supervising Consultant on Quality and Time Performances in Construction Building
Fitri Suryani(a), Hari Nugraha Nurjaman(a), Irika Widiasanti (b*), Inra Jayalangkara R(a)

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Corresponding Author
Irika Widiasanti

(a) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I Jakarta
Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro No.74, Jakarta 10430, Indonesia
(b) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Construction of buildings has a complex type of work. Detailed work does not only refer to the technical specifications and drawing plans that have been set, but there are also construction norms and work steps that need to be understood by the Supervising Consultant in achieving project objectives. There are often problems with quality and time control, so the ability to manage risk from the Supervising Consultant needs to be known and analyzed. Based on this analysis, it can be determined the level of risk maturity of the Supervising Consultant in overseeing the implementation of building construction. The purpose of this study is to obtain the maturity level of the Supervising Consultant in managing risks related to quality and time performances. This study uses descriptive analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to get category in risk control. The results of the study indicate that the Enterprise Risk Maturity criteria assessor obtained maturity level 4. This means that the Supervising Consultant has a supervisory system on the implementation of risk management, the principles have been implemented and accompanied by periodic improvements in terms of control.

Risk Management Maturity

Civil Engineering


Road Infrastructure Asset Management Strategy
Katharina Priyatiningsih ᵃ, Mei Sutrisno ᵇ

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Katharina Priyatiningsih

Lecturer of Asset Management Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012
ᵃStudent of Management Science Doctorate Program-
School of Post Graduate - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
E-mail : katrinpry[at] ; katrinapry[at]

ᵇ Lecturer of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Bandung 40012
E-mail : meisutrisno[at]

The development of the economic sector is determined by services to the public through reforms that aim to place public satisfaction through the management of road infrastructure assets. Some research on road infrastructure assets still requires a deepening of studies related to the delivery of public services related to asset management systems. The purpose of this study is to find an appropriate road infrastructure asset management strategy through an integrated asset management system and asset management policies that can provide public satisfaction. This comprehensive approach to management strategies ensures that the performance of service provider assets is in line with the expectations of stakeholders including road users. This descriptive qualitative research is based on the perspective of road users as respondents, consisting of vehicle drivers from 50 transportation companies (people or goods) through interviews and observations. The results show aspects of asset performance based on the users perspective there are five aspects, namely productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, use of resources and institutions and this performance is integrated in the asset management system related to policies from the management authority through service delivery namely quality and mobility, risk and use and maintenance of resources. The conclusion of this research is that road infrastructure asset services can be improved through the concept of road infrastructure asset management strategies in an integrated management system with five aspects of performance and more directed towards asset management policies related to the provision of road infrastructure asset services.

Asset Performance, Asset Management Strategy, Road Infrastructure Assets

Civil Engineering


Rock Slope Stability Analysis Using Slope Stability Rating (SSR) Method in Landslides Prone Area of Nupabomba Village Donggala
Muslimin U. Botjing(a*), Nunik Rezkiarti Janat(a), Teguh Hilmansyah(a), Asrafil(a), Zubair Saing(b)

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Corresponding Author
Faujia Umasugi

(a)Faculty of Engineering Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia

(b)Civil Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Maluku Utara, Ternate, Indonesia
E-mail: muslimin[at], zubairsaing[at]

Nupabomba village roads frequently undergo landslides, so that detain transportation access flow pattern as a result of rock slope stability problem which has become the landslides trigger. Furthermore, to find out landslides prone area slope stability level, an analytical study using scientific approach is required to reveal this question in the study area. The slope elevation in this area is ± 75 meters, with an average slope angle of 60o, where its lithology consists of Schist, Greenschist, Filite, and Granite. Some of these rocks have different weathering levels (e.g., slightly - high weathering) and there are lots of discontinuity. Moreover, its geological strength index (GSI) value showed around 15-75 with the surface shape of blocky and disturbed. Besides, the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) value was obtained based on the compressive strength carried out in the field, and slope stability rating (SSR) values have gained the range of 9-81.

Rock Slope Stability Analysis; Slope Stability Rating

Civil Engineering


Rowe Cell Testing to Determine Peat Soil Consolidation Parameters
Mulyadi Yuswandono (1), Agus Suyono (2), Rabiya (3)

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Corresponding Author
Rabiya .

1) School of Civil Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Bandung
Gegerkalong Hilir Street, Bandung 40012, Indonesia
2) School of Civil Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Bandung
Gegerkalong Hilir Street, Bandung 40012, Indonesia
3) Master of Applied Science in Faculty of Civil Engineering, The State Polytechnic of Bandung
Gegerkalong Hilir Street, Bandung 40012, Indonesia

Peat soil is a soil that has strong low shear, high water content, large traction, and low carrying capacity. Many constructions are built on peat soil that has problems that are a big decline over a long time. To find out whats happening, go through consolidation testing. Testing of peat soil consolidation using Rowe Cell. The advantages of this Rowe cell can know the saturation value of the sample soil tested. Besides, it can measure the water pressure of pores at the beginning and end of each phase of consolidation. The research was used in peat soil in Rawa Pening, Semarang. Because of the construction of many buildings built in the area. From the results of the research obtained the value of soil ability (Cc) and the coefficient of speed consolidation (Cv). For the Cc value of peat soil is an average of 0,50 and Cv value of 167,99 cm2 per minute. As for the average cavity of soil pore (e) amounted to 14,81. The value of 14,81 is know the size of the soil cavity and density. This is all to know the parameters and factors that occur at the time of consolidation.

Peat Soil; Rowe Cell; Large Decline; Consolidation of Peat Soil

Civil Engineering


Satisfaction toward Online Micro Transportation: Application, Service, or Value?
Dwi Suhartanto, Mochamad Duddy Studyana, Agustinus Februadi, Alouysius Michael, Nugroho Hardiyanto

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Dwi Suhartanto

Politeknik Negeri Bandung,

Introduction The development of internet technology has enabled transportation firms to create online platform. This platform offers benefits for passengers and transport service providers, causing the expansion of the number of the online transport service providers resulting in fierce competition. In this competitive industry, finding what the leads to customer satisfaction is essential. Aim of the study This study proposes to gauge how the mobile application quality and service quality directly and indirectly influence passenger satisfaction toward online micro transportation. Method This study uses a survey of 331 customers of online micro transport services from Bandung region. The passenger satisfaction model, including three determinants (application, service, and value), was examined using SmartPLS modelling software. Result The results show that the coefficients (β) of application, service, and value indicate the significant of these factors in influencing passenger satisfaction. However, looking at overall impact, the application is much more important compare to service and value factors. Conclusion This study offers an empirical evidence on the prediction of passenger satisfaction in online micro transportation. This result extends the existing theoretical passenger satisfaction and managerial practices to develop a better application as a key to survive in this transportation industry.

Online micro transportation, Passenger satisfaction, Service quality, Perceived value

Civil Engineering


Sediment Control Analysis Due To Erosion and Sediment in Cipunagara Watershed Using SWAT Model
Eka Nur Fitriyana (a*), Odih Supratman (a), Mardiani (a)

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Corresponding Author
Eka Nur Fitriyana

a) Civil Engineering Program, Indonesia University of Education
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi no. 207, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

Soil erosion is a problem that often occurs in watersheds. The results of erosion will enter the river as sediment. The amount of erosion and sediment are parameters that describe the critical level of a watershed. Cipunagara watershed is one of the most critical watersheds in Indonesia. Therefore we need a study of sediment control due to erosion and sediment. This study aims to determine the level of erosion in Cipunagara watershed, find out sediments in Cipunagara River, and determine the sediment control structure that can be applied in Cipunagara River. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive method with modelling on SWAT. The analysis was performed using secondary data in 2005-2014. Modelling in SWAT divides Cipunagara watershed into 33 Sub Watersheds. The highest erosion value during years data occurred in Sub-watershed 18 of 654,402 tons/ha/ year with very severe erosion criteria and the lowest in Sub-watershed 5 of 1,075 tons/ha/ year with very mild erosion criteria. The highest sediment value is in River 25 which is 1754758.30 tons/year, and the lowest in River 7 which is 7174.40 tons/year. Sediment control in Cipunagara watershed can use check dams that place on River 18 and River 25.

Erosion; Sediment; SWAT model; Cipunagara watershed

Civil Engineering


Slope Stability Analysis Using Geo Slope/W Program and Simplified Bishop Method At the Cliff of Krueng Teungku Seulimum District, Aceh Besar Regency
Sahal Abdil Kadir

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Sahal Abdil Kadir

Masters in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Syiah Kuala University
Jl. Sheikh Abdurauf No. 7, Kota Banda Aceh 23116, Indonesia
Tel: +62 811 6810 991 E-mail: sahal.abdil.kadir[at]

Aceh Besar is one of the areas prone to flash floods and landslides. On January 2, 2013 there was a flood and landslide at Tebing Krueng Teungku in Seulimum District. The collapse of a slope can be caused by an increase in the shear stress of the soil mass or a decrease in the shear strength of the soil mass to withstand the forces that are mobilized due to the soil mass and the presence of external loads. Based on these problems, we need an analysis that can provide solutions to slope problems by repairing or strengthening. Calculations were performed using the Geo Slope/W Program and Simplified Bishop Method on the Krueng Teungku cliff at Points A-01, B-02, and C-03. In the calculation phase of the Geo Slope/W Program, the Safety Factor (SF) values are 1,087, 1,041 and 1,158. In the calculation using the Simplified Bishop Method the SF are obtained namely 1.033, 1.017, and 1.106 where these values do not meet the safety factor requirements of SF>1.25. Therefore it is necessary to make efforts to strengthen the slope to avoid landslides such as installing gabions or retaining walls in accordance with the conditions on the ground.

Slope Stability, Safety Factor, Geo Slope/W, Simplified Bishop Method

Civil Engineering


Smart Infrastructure Application in the Development of Indonesia Economic Corridor
Mohammed Ali Berawi 1,2, Ghefra Rizkan Gaffara 2,3, Humay Sidqi 1

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Ghefra Gaffara

1 Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 16424
2 Center for Sustainable Infrastructure Development, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia 16424
3 Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11510

The great potensial for Indonesia to grow rapidly due to the demographic factor later in 2045. These developments very closely related to economic growth. But, due to the fact that Indonesia is an archipelagic country, the division of development areas into six corridors, namely Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali-Nusa Tenggara and Papua-Maluku Islands that has been implemented in the Masterplan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia-s Economic Development (MP3EI) became the best solution. One of the most important factors that contribute to country-s economic growth, is the industrial sector support. To make an equitable that industrial development, it-s necessary to create a development theme in each corridor through several stages of analysis that generated 1) Sumatra as National Plantation and Processing Industry Corridor, 2) Java as Cyber Technology Innovation and Service Center Corridor, 3) Kalimantan as National Energy Reserves and Processing Corridor, 4) Sulawesi as National Aquaculture and Processing Industry Corridor, 5) Bali-Nusa Tenggara as National Ecotourism Center Corridor, 6) Papua-Maluku Islands as National Ore Mining and Processing Corridor. However, for sustainable industrial development, infrastructure development is needed as a development catalyst. To enlarge the impact of the industrys development on economic growth, it takes an unusual infrastructure. That is smart infrastructure that has some principal if applied in industrial sector, such as sustainable, integrated, smart energy and adaptive, that were designed by using benchmarking modification, that need investment cost.

Corridor, Division, Economics, Growth, Smart Infrastructure

Civil Engineering


Soil Characteristics Analysis based on the Unified Soil Classification System
Daryati (a), Irika Widiasanti (a*), Erna Septiandini (a), Adhi Purnomo (a), M Aghpin Ramadhan (a), Kusno Adi Sambowo (a)

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Corresponding Author
Irika Widiasanti

(a) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to determine the physical properties and mechanical properties of soil. The study used the experimental method. Soil samples were taken from Cikarang Baru area with field investigations through sondir, boring and SPT tests. Data obtained in the form of disturbed and undisturbed soil. Furthermore, the soil is tested in the laboratory which includes physical testing and mechanical testing. Testing soil samples through laboratory procedures in accordance with the ASTM standard (America Society for Testing and Materials). Based on the test, it was found that soil samples have the characteristics of being of medium to low type while the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) is fine grain soil, high plasticity and cohesive of clay, and high expansive soils.

expansive soils

Civil Engineering


Stabilization of Clay Using Slag and Fly Ash with Reference to UCT Value (Case Study : Jalan Kadusentar, Pandeglang District – Banten)
Woelandari Fathonah (a*), Dwi Esti Intari (a), Enden Mina (a), Rama Indera Kusuma (a), Mahfudoh (a)

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Corresponding Author
Woelandari Fathonah

a) Civil Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Cilegon, 42435, Indonesia

Expansive soils have low soil bearing capacity so thats causes problems in buildings. One ways to repair soil bearing capacity is improve the strength of original soil with chemical stabilization methods using slag and fly ash. The research goals were to find out the effect of adding slag and fly ash with reference to unconfined compressive strength value and physical properties of the soil before and after stabilizing with slag (10%, 20% and 30%) and fly ash (20%) and to know classification soil on jalan Kadusentar, Pandeglang District - Banten based on USCS classification. The results of this study obtained original soil types including the MH category is non-organic clay with high plasticity. The UCT value of original soil was 1,407 kg/cm2. Addition of slag and fly ash increased the value of unconfined compressive strength and can improve the physical properties of the soil by decreasing the value soil plasticity index. The maximum UCT value is the percentage of 20% fly ash and 10% slag of 8,393 kg/cm2 including hard consistency with unconfined compressive strength values greater than 4 kg /cm2 with curing time for 14 days.

Clay, Stabilization, Slag, Fly Ash, UCT

Civil Engineering


Stakeholder Management in Sustainable Rural Electrification Program: A Review
Sabrina Nurul Hidayah (a), Ayomi Dita Rarasati (a*)

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Sabrina Nurul Hidayah

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

Renewable energy utilization is recognized as a way to increase energy access for rural and remote areas. However, such efforts are not only depending on the economic and technological aspects but also the support of the society and respective stakeholders. Some studies have focused on managing stakeholder in a wide scope of energy projects but on the other hand, studies in relation to rural electrification project schemes seems to be lacking. To help understand the wider scope of rural electrification, this paper analyses a range of past and current research development on this domain and places the literature on the framework of stakeholder management. The review indicates that stakeholder management in relation to rural electrification program is identified under three major themes such as stakeholder influence, stakeholder identification and classification, and stakeholder involvement.

Stakeholder management; Rural electrification; Renewable Energy

Civil Engineering


Strength Properties of Fly Ash Geopolymer Mortar Incorporating High Calcium Class C Fly Ash and Zeolit
Arie Wardhono

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Arie Wardhono

Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Kampus Unesa Ketintang, Surabaya 60231, Indonesia

The use of fly ash as cement replacement material in geopolymer is able to overcome the environmental problems caused by the cement production process. One type of fly ash that is widely used is class C fly ash which has a high calcium content. However, the main issue of this materials is the low silicate content which is required in forming geopolymer matrix. The use of zeolite which has a high silicate content is one alternative to overcome this problem. This research aims to identify the effect of zeolit addition in strength of high calcium class C fly ash geopolymer mortar. The ratio of zeolit to fly ash was 5% : 95%, 10% : 90%, 15% : 85%, 20% : 80%, and 25% : 75%, respectively. The specimen was developed using the blended 12 molar NaOH and sodium silicate at room temperature. The results showed that the combination of 95% fly ash and 5% zeolit gives the highest compressive strength. The zeolit significantly affects the strength development rate of geopolymer and accelerates the setting time rate. This can be concluded that the mix of class C fly ash and zeolite can provide an alternative in geopolymer production at room temperature.

Geopolymer mortar; High Calcium Class C fly ash; Zeolit; Strength properties; Setting time

Civil Engineering


Nawir Rasidi (a*), Taufiq Rochman (b), Sumardi (c), Fadjar Purnomo (d)

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Nawir Rasidi

a,b,c, d) Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Malang
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Malang, 65141

Lightweight interlocking brick is one alternative to replace conventional clay brick through combustion. This study relates to the design of the proportion of interlocking light brick mixtures as well as concrete sand and foam agent in various percentages and found the optimal percentage of foam agent by testing cylindrical specimens casted for 28 days compressive strength and finally testing each others lightweight brick shear strength lock in full scale model. The final report provided the results of investigative experiments in which compressive strength, water absorption and density were investigated using the optimal percentage of the proportion of foam agent, sand, cement, and aggregate mixture. The results of the experiment are compared to ordinary clay bricks. In conclusion, the concept of lightweight interlocking brick system has been widely used as a replacement of the conventional clay brick system where it has been utilized either as load bearing or non-load bearing brick system. The results show that the brick with foam agent is lighter, more durable aggressive environment and better strength for use in the walls of the building so that it can be mass produced by the brick industry.

interlocking, lightweight brick, compressive strength, proportion

Civil Engineering


Study Flood Routing Mamak Dam and Evaluate the River Mamak to Convey the Flood Design, Lombok, Indonesia

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In the Mamak River, there is the Mamak Dam which functions as flood control, micro hydro power plants, irrigation, fisheries and tourist attractions. However, flooding is still common in the Mamak River. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Mamak Dam in controlling the volume of flooding that enters and the capacity of the Mamak River to deliver the design flood. The investigation was carried out with a survey at the study site and collected secondary data in the form of a design flood, a longitudinal and cross section profile of the Mamak River, capacity curve and equation of discharge at the overflow of the Mamak Dam. The methodology carried out was in the form of routing floods through reservoir by routing floods through the level pool routing. The profile of the Mamak River uses unsteady flow with the of HECRAS 4.1 software. The conclusions from this study are: 1). Mamak Dam can extend the peak flood time from 5 to 6 hours to 10 to 12 hours; reducing the flood of Mamak Dam between 107.51 m3 / s to 232.96 m3 / s or equivalent to 60.44% to 41.75% according to the return period of the flood discharge. 2). The flood discharge that comes from the overflow of the Mamak Dam is not able to be fully flowed by the Mamak River resulting in flooding, both annual flooding and for 25 years return period. 3). To overcome this flood, the flood dikes planned to vary in height from 0.81 m to 3.2 m

Flood routing; HECRAS 4.1; Mamak Dam; Mamak River

Civil Engineering


Study of Clay Soil Characteristics Using Volcanic Ash and Tailing as Subgrade
Syahril (1), Andri Krisnandi Somantri (2), Achmad Abrar Haziri (3)

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Achmad Abrar Haziri

1) Departement of Civil Engineering Lecturer of Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung 40012. Email: syahril_polban[at]
2) Departement of Civil Engineering Lecturer of Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung 40012. Email: andri_krisnandi[at]
3) Departement of Civil Engineering Graduate Student of Politeknik Negeri Bandung. Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung 40012. Email: ahmad.abrar.mtri18[at]

Soft clay is soil that need microscopic to sub microscopic size originating from the chemical weathering of rock compilers. Clay soil is very hard in a dry state and is plastic at moderate water content. At higher water contents the clay soil is sticky (cohesive) and very soft. Soil stabilization is an effort to improve the quality of the soil by using certain materials to increase soil strength. Soil stabilization is the process of mixing soil with certain materials to improve the technical properties of the soil and is an attempt to change or improve the technical properties of the soil to meet certain technical requirements of the soil carrying capacity. This research is an experimental study to determine the carrying capacity of clay soil stability using volcanic ash deposits and tailings instead of cement. The research variables are volcanic ash deposits which is locked of 8% and tailings with the variation of 4%, 5%, 6% and ripening for 3 days, 7 days and 14 days. The benefits of this experimental study are expected to get the carrying capacity of the soil from stabilized soil greater than the carrying capacity of the original soil by the unconfined compression test (UCS).

Soft clay, volcanic ash, tailing, stabilization, compressive strength.

Civil Engineering


Athaya Zhafirah (a*), Andri Krisnandi Somantri (b)

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Athaya Zhafirah

(a*) Department of Civil Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(b) Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Bandung 40559, Indonesia

The basic strength parameter that is important for use in designing pavement is the modulus of subgrade reaction (k). Increase in value of modulus subgrade reactions can be obtained by soil improvement using PVD (Prefabricated Vertical Drain). The method used to obtain the modulus of subgrade reaction value is a plate load test using plates with a diameter of 304.8 mm in soil conditions without PVD and with PVD with a distance of 100 mm and 150 mm. The results obtained from the plate load test are pressure and settlement data. The plate load test results are then graphed between pressure and settlement. The modulus of the subgrade reaction is based on a pressure of 69 kN/m2 which determines a certain settlement. The most significant increase in modulus of subgrade reaction from soil conditions without PVD was found in the condition of soil with 100 mm PVD, which is 80.73%. Whereas the condition of soil with 150 mm PVD has an increase of 56.24%. Based on this, soil with PVD with a closer distance gives a more significant increase in subgrade modulus of reaction.

clay; PVD; modulus of subgrade reactions; plate load test; experimental

Civil Engineering


Study on Displacement and Strain of Concrete Cubes Using Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
Nadia Putri Wijanarko, Bastian Okto B. S., Essy Arijoeni

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Nadia Putri Wijanarko

Universitas Indonesia

Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is a new, cutting edge technology employed the study full-field displacement of materials- surface concrete applied to hard concrete specimens. DIC uses the help of digital images that was recorded sequentially during testing period. Principally, DIC tracks down pattern imposed on the surface within the sequence of images. There had never been a research conducted using the method in Indonesia using conventional tools. This research proves that such thing is possible. The component and steps to DIC are extensively discussed in the research; speckle pattern, method of record, images produced, and data computation. Through this research, the behavior of how displacement and strain develops when concrete is subjected to compressive testing can be studied. The results of the research were analyzed quantitatively using the digital images and its computation based on computer software used. Additionally, provided that this was a preliminary research, there are many aspects and suggestions found from this research that will be applicable for future researches.

Digital Image Correlation, DIC, Concrete, Digital Image, Strain, Displacement

Civil Engineering


Substructure Reinforcement Study of Cisomang Bridge at Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi Toll Road, West Java Province, Indonesia
Hendry (a), Andri Krisnandi Somantri (a), Aditia Febriansya (a*), Muhammad Dicky Nurhadi (a)

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Aditia Febriansya

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Bandung, Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir, Ds. Ciwaruga, Bandung 40012 , Indonesia

At the end of 2016, a significant displacement occurred at P2 pier of Cisomang Bridge at Purwakarta-Bandung-Cileunyi Toll Road KM 100+700, West Java. The shift of pier is caused by the movement of soil under the substructure that has been indicated since 2012. P2 pier is constructed over clay shale which has characteristics when in dry condition, the soil has high shear strength, but when the soil absorbs water or expose in open air, the soil loses its strength. P2 pier displacement results in extreme structural damage, so immediate handling is needed to stop the shifting of the pier. Analysis and reinforcement study are carried out using finite element method. Based on analysis, it is discovered that the existing slope stability safety factor of P2 pier is 1.09, indicating that the soil movement can occur if the clay shale is disrupted. Reinforcement is designed to mitigate the shift of the P2 pier by adding 38 pile foundations to the existing foundation configuration. Each pile have diameter of 1.2 meter with a depth of ±30 meter across the existing slip circle. Reinforcement increases the slope stability safety factor to 1.25, indicating that the P2 pier after reinforcing is in safe condition.

Bridge, Substructure, Pier, Foundation Reinforcement, Clay Shale

Civil Engineering


System for Estimating Lahar Disaster Status using Machine Learning Method
Ratih Indri Hapsari1*), Bima Ahida Indaka Sugna2), ErfanRohadi2), and Rosa Andrie Asmara2)

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Ratih Indri Hapsari

1) Department of Civil Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang
2) Department of Informatics Technology, State Polytechnic of Malang
*) ratih[at]

Lahar disaster is a debris flow event following volcanic eruption that is triggered by intense rainfall. This disaster induces a potential losses that include casualty, damage or loss of property, and environmental disruption. In this study the system of lahar vulnerability assessment is developed. The target area is a river is Merapi volcano Indonesia. Naive Bayes Classifier Method is applied to classify areas or flood-prone zones or safe. In this study, the database and the interface is created using MySQL and PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. The determining factors are spatially distributed rainfall intensity from X-band weather radar, topographical factor, and soil type. This research has produced a flood disaster status determination system on the slopes of Merapi with an accuracy rate of 84.6%, from the results of taking 10% of the training data. The output of this system is an information system shown in vulnerability map that provides information about the status of susceptible zones to lahar flow.

Lahar, Naive Bayes Classifier, Merapi Volcano

Civil Engineering


Technological Capability of Indonesia Medium Contractor
Bayu Kusuma (a*); Biemo W. Soemardi (b); Krishna S. Pribadi (b); Sonny Yuliar (c)

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Bayu Kusuma

a) Post Graduate Student School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia
c) Faculty of School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia

The role of construction activities in national development is very important as its contribution to the economic growth in Indonesia. The contractor, as the actor who manages large amounts of construction activities resources has an important role to play. In line with Indonesia increasing construction capitalization, it indicates that the ability of Indonesian contractors needs to develop, especially the technological capability to deal with existing dynamics. This study investigates how contractors place technological capabilities as an important part of their corporate strategy in facing the dynamics of the construction industry so that corporate performance can be achieved. This will involve the development of technological capabilities where contractors conduct technological learning (exploration, acquisition, internalization) so that their technological capabilities increase. The investigation focused on medium contractors and data were collected through the questioner survey. The results of the survey are used to mapping the development of technological capabilities carried out by contractors. This study found that medium contractor did not place the development of technological capabilities as a strategic part of the company. The results of these discussions are expected to provide benefits in helping the regulator and construction companies in Indonesia to improve the performance of construction industry.

Contractor, Technological Capabilitiy, Indonesia

Civil Engineering


The Assessment and Management of Cruise Port for Tourism Destination Development in Bali Island
Nyoman Budiartha RM

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Nyoman Budiartha Raka Mandi

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University.
Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Badung 80361, Bali, Indonesia

Bali island has several ports, and three of them are used ships- layover. Those ports are: Benoa port in the southern of the island, Celukan Bawang port in the northern part, and Padangbai/Tanah Ampo port in the eastern part; with most of tourism activities are concentrated in the southern part. Disadvantageous management and competition between those ports raised the question and challenge for the cruise port and its nearest vicinity. A cooperation is required to enable those ports to compete more effectively, in attracting tourists and supporting the island-s tourism destination development. This study employed a set of semi-structured interviews (SSI) and the spot field observation in assessing the port-s management for tourism destination-s development. The result of this study is expected to contribute in providing useful information for tourism destination development and for the industry itself, which are constantly growing and attractive for international tourists.

cruise port, management and competition, cooperation, tourism destination development

Civil Engineering


Yackob Astor (1), Angga Marditama Sultan S. (2), Wahdiah Zunda Utari (3)

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Wahdiah Zunda Utari

Bandung State Polytechnic
Gegerkalong Hilir Street, Bandung 40012, Indonesia

Oily-Sludge is a waste that occurs in processing, distributing, and storing petroleum. On the other hand, Buton Asphalt in Buton Island has a natural asphalt content that is not less than 650 million tons, with Buton Asphalt content varies between 10-35% which is equivalent to 170 tons of oil asphalt (Department of Public Works, 2010). The problems faced by the asbuton pavement as a binder is the quality of asphalt concrete produced cannot yet compete the oil asphalt pavement as a binder. In this study, a test is conducted to identify the behavior and characteristics of Marshall and dynamic stability on the mixture of Asphalt Concrete – Wearing Course (AC-WC) with the use of asbuton as binder and OS as the rejuvenation material of asbuton. The variation of asphalt content used are 4,5%, 5%, 5,5%, 6%, and 6,5%. Based on the result of the test, the dynamic stability value of asphalt and asbuton mixture that has been rejuvenated has a higher value than the mixture without asbuton.

asbuton, oily-sludge, rejuvenation

Civil Engineering


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