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Solution For Using Security Technology In Travel Services
I Dwiguna1,*, S H Nurulfajriyah2, M Yusup3

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Irfan Dwiguna


The purpose of this research is to develop technology so that it can be used in transportation modes, one of which is "Travel" transportation. The method used in this security technology is the action research which aims to develop new knowledge products to solve problems with direct application in the real field. The results of this security solution research proved to be effective and efficient in helping travel parties to monitor employees , the location of vehicles and passengers who were given a sense of security, comfort and trust in choosing the travel service. This is because passengers often feel restless because of lack of security facilities, therefore a security system is needed that can be a security and comfort solution for passengers. It is expected that the application of this system can be applied by travel service providers and other public transportation.

Security technology, Travel Service, Transportation

Computer Science


Strategic Planning To Improve the Competitiveness of Educational Institutions
Sri Rahayu;Rinda Cahyana;Leni Fitriani

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Sri Rahayu

Department of Informatic Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Given the global competition that is increasing with the rapid information technology that has penetrated the world of information technology strategic planning education is a mandatory solution that must be considered by Muhammadiyah 2 Kadungora Vocational School located in the region. The focus of this research is to analyze the entire business process at Muhungadiyah 2 Kadungora Vocational School, and design strategic IS / IT. This research begins by explaining the external and internal business environment of Kadungora Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational School to determine the five power models and institutions that define success. Next is an analysis of the external and internal situation of IS / IT to find out the world technology trends and the current portfolio of application institutions. The next step is the strategy process (SI, IT, and SI / IT management), then the last level is to determine the future SI / IT applications of Muhungadiyah 2 Kadungora Vocational School. The results achieved are recommendations for the IS / IT application portfolio that must be owned by Kadungora Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational School


Computer Science


Ultach Enri (*), Jajam Haerul Jaman, Muhammad Rizky Ananda

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Ultach Enri

Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang 41361, Indonesia

Skills Competency (UKK) is part of government intervention in ensuring the quality of education in the Secondary Vocational School aims to measure the achievement of a certain level of competency in students- appropriate competency skills. The C4.5 algorithm is the algorithm for classification learning machine learning and data mining that generate either a decision tree, each attribute selection is used in determining the best criteria for classifying the tuple. Feature selection is done to reduce irrelevant features and reduce the dimensions of the features in the data. The purpose of the research is to find out how competent the students- in their vocation as well as new strategies for educators in providing a more effective learning. Students- competency expertise data from department of computer engineering and networks in SMK TI Muhammadiyah Cikampek will be used. Overall the results of the validation of the model experiments that have the best influence is supplied with a set of test accuracy values of 96.875%, and 13 optimal attributes are selected. The utilization of the feature selection is to reduce the size of the input data that will be managed on processing and analysis. Therefore, in this study the C4.5 algorithm with feature selection can provide good and effective results.

C4.5 Algorithm, Data Mining, Feature Selection

Computer Science


Study of DRMF and ASM Facial Landmark Point for Micro Expression Recognition using KLT Tracking Point Feature
Rosa Andrie Asmara,Priska Choirina,Cahya Rahmad,Awan Setiawan,Faisal Rahutomo,Rizqi Darma Rusdiyan Yusron, Ulla Delfana Rosiani

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Priska Choirina

State Polytechnic of Malang

Micro-expression recognition is one of the popular researches in analysing expressions on the face. Micro-expression is a facial movement that occurs in a short time and is difficult to identify manually by human eyes. In general research, facial landmarks are used to form a large size ROI for each facial feature for the feature extraction process. In this study, we utilize certain points in the face to trace the subtle motion of the face for the introduction of micro-expressions in the sequence of onset images to offset. The method of determining the landmark points to be compared is the Discriminative Response Map Fitting method and the Active Shape Model method. This research proposes to use 19 points in the area of the eyebrows, eyes, and mouth. To measure the subtle motion tracking of facial features in each frame tracking is done using the Kanade Lucas Tomasi method. The features obtained are the differences in coordinate values between frames, magnitude, and theta. We evaluated the method proposed in CASME2 and SAMM showed that using naive bayes is 74.6% and neural network is 63.5% classification accuracy in SAMM. In CASME2 using naive bayes is 79.6% and neural network is 61.1% classification accuracy.

Micro-Expression;Feature Point; Active Shape Model (ASM); Discriminative Response Map Fitting (DRMF); Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi (KLT)

Computer Science


Rosa Andrie Asmara, Farihin Lazim, Faisal Rahutomo, Rudy Ariyanto, Cahya Rahmad, Usman NurHasan, Izzil muhiqqin

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Farihin Lazim

State Polytechnic Of Malang

Image reconstruction of traffic signs serves to improve the image quality of traffic signs that are blocked by leaves or tree branches so that it can facilitate the process of detecting and recognition traffic signs. Inpainting is one of the image restoration methods to reconstruct images that have been damaged or the removal of unwanted objects where the area to be restored is based on information around the area. Criminisi introduces an inpainting method with an exemplar-based approach that combines the structure-oriented and texture-oriented scheme. While Hung popularized the Criminisi method and combined it with contour construction (bezier curve). The researcher tried to compare the two methods by using a number of images of traffic signs, one of them by using images with a size of 123 x 116 issuing the results of Mean Squared Error (MSE), the criminisi method gets results from MSE 69,70 while the hung method gets results from MSE 68,04 . Based on the reconstruction process of both shows the average hung method is smaller than the MSE results which means the closeness of the reconstruction results with the original image is closer to the hung method than the criminisi method.

traffic signs, image reconstruction,image recognitions, curve bezier.

Computer Science


Study of Ruangguru Appplication Based on Human Computer Interaction Principles and Paradigm
D.D. Bhakti(1.1), D. Rahadian(1.2*) , P. Sidiq(2) , Y. Nugraha(2)

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Corresponding Author
Demmy Dharma Bhakti

(1.1) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(1.2*) Department of information technology education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(2) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia


This Ruangguru application study aims to determine the relevance of application functions based on the principles and paradigms of Human and computer Interaction (HCI). In this study, the aspects evaluated included aspects of human, technology, usability, and ergonomics. The interest in studying the Ruangguru application is based on several sources stating that Ruangguru is believed to be the best education platform. So from that sentences, it was examined several aspects to determine the extent of the relationship between the Ruangguru application and HCI principle. After the study was conducted, the Ruangguru application was assessed to have fulfilled these aspects. So its no wonder the Ruangguru application is used as an online learning center among Indonesian students.

Ruangguru application, HCI

Computer Science


Study On The Utilization of Leveled Fuzzy Logic for More Precision Results
Jamaaluddin Jamaaluddin; Emy Rosnawati

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jamaaluddin jamaaluddin

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

The use of Fuzzy logic in the forecasting process, problem analysis and decision making of a process are often used. The development of this fuzzy logic by widening the foot of the membership function as interval fuzzy type 2, fuzzy signature or carried out hybrid between fuzzy logic and other artificial intelligence systems or hybrid algorithm has also got quite good results. At this time, a multilevel fuzzy logic method is proposed. This multilevel Fuzzy Logic is interesting behind the input of a process in fuzzy logic which is the output of the previous fuzzy logic or the output of a fuzzy logic analysis is input into the next stage of fuzzy logic. This multilevel fuzzy logic can be done up to several levels of depth according to the variables to be analyzed. If the final analysis has the equation X(i) + Y(i) = Z(i), then the value of X (i) can be the result of Z(i-1), where Z(i-1) is the result of the Fuzzy Logic X(i-1) + Y(i-1), by performing multilevel fuzzy Logic is expected to have the value of forecasting errors or problem analysis and decision making will be better and more precise.

Fuzzy Logic, Multilevel Fuzzy Logic, Interval Fuzzy Type-2

Computer Science


Success Model for Measuring Information System Implementation: Literature Review
Beki Subaeki (a*), Aedah Abd Rahman (b), Syopiansyah Jaya Putra (c), Cecep Nurul Alam (d)

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beki subaeki

a) Department of Informatic Engineering, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung, Indonesia
* bekisubaeki[at]
b) Department of Information Communication Technologhy AEU, Malaysia
c) Department of Information System, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, Indonesia
d) Department of Informatic Engineering, Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung, Indonesia

Researchers have done research on information systems before; because, the breadth of studies about IS. [1], [2] is an example of a study on how to measure Information System Success by testing instrument factors. Some researchers can produce different judgments regarding the success of implementation of IS; this is because the first definition of success of each researcher is changed, the two perspectives on success assessment, the three variables used, the four implementations in different environments. Several models can be used as references to assess the success of IS, Delone and McLean are examples that are widely used as references, which use six variables in measuring IS implementation. From the model used, later there will be a gap in determining the model, and this becomes an opportunity for the development of the model as follows. The development of models to measure information system success can be done by adoption, adaptation, and combination. This is legitimately valid as long as the development of the model is accompanied by supporting theories. The purpose of literature review can provide an overview of related to the method of previous researchers. Then it can be used as a framework for solving problems.

success model, delone and mclean, is success, information system.

Computer Science


Support Vector Machine for Diagnosis Autism Spectrum Disorder in Toddlers
Intan Nurma Yulita, Aditya Rizky Fadillah

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Intan Nurma Yulita

Padjadjaran University

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that affects communication and behavior. ASD can be seen in children since toddlers. The knowing toddler has ASD is very important. It can anticipate as early as possible to minimize the worsening of ASD. It can be done by early detection. The mechanism is recognizing patterns form existing data to build detection models. The system can be built using machine learning mechanism. It has been widely used to help diagnose medical data. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a method in machine learning. This study implemented it in the data which came from 1054 ASD patients. The study also compared the method to other machine learning methods. The results were obtained that SVM accuracy is higher than others. The SVM obtained an accuracy of 99.90%. It shows that SVM promising tool for the diagnosis of ASD.

Autism Spectrum disorder, Machine Learning, Support Vector Machine, Toddler

Computer Science


Synchronization of learning management systems with store-and-forward communication using ship to support e-Learning at rural islands.
Alwin Melkie Sambul, Agustinus Jacobus, Alan Riyaldi

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Alwin Melkie Sambul

Universitas Sam Ratulangi

One of the challenges for the people who live in the rural islands of the developing countries is the lack of access to education. Although ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is increasingly regarded as an essential tool to support learning activities in rural areas, the availability of telecommunication infrastructure in such areas is still problematic, primarily because of high implementation cost and low revenue. This study aimed to develop an e-Learning model for the community in the rural islands which utilize ship to deliver to and receive data from the island using store-and-forward communication technique over a transient long-range wireless link established when the ship is at a certain distance from the island. Here we focused on the design of a synchronization method between databases of multiple learning management systems (LMS) between the ship and the island. The design has been implemented and tested using Moodle installed on low-power Raspberry Pi computers. The result showed that our design is suitable to be used in such requirements, hence making it a feasible solution to support ICT-based learning for the people in rural islands.

Database synchronization; learning management system; store-and-forward; e-Learning; rural islands

Computer Science


The 3-D Animation of Radiation Concept using Augmented Reality Technology
Fauzi Bakri, Handjoko Permana, Hapsari Prada Kencana, Dewi Muliyati

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Fauzi Bakri

a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Radiation concept in Nuclear subject in Physics Learning include some devices, such as: Geiger Muller counter, Wilson cloud chamber, scintillation detector. The aim of this research is to visualizes the radiation concept from that devices using augmented reality technology. The result show the 3-D animation can: describe the mechanism of the Geiger muller counter detector to detect radiation; describe the mechanism of Wilsons fog chamber detects radiation; and describe the mechanism of the scintillation detector tool to detect radiation. All the markers developed get a decent value to be used as a medium for learning physics about radiation concept.

Augmented Reality technology, radiotion concepts, 3D Animation

Computer Science


The 3-D Augmented Reality Animation on Radioactive Concept
Handjoko Permana Hapsari Prada Kencana, Fauzi Bakri, Dewi Muliyati

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Handjoko Permana

a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

Augmented Reality is a technology that can provide positive perceptions of lessons, improve learning experiences, and improve learning achievement. It visualizes the phenomenon obtained by the results of laboratory research. This research was to design and develop the marker of radioactive concepts. The stages consist of determine the instructional needs and goals, develop the markers, and evaluate from peers. We generate two markers for this concept: radioactive light penetration and radioactive light beam by electric field. The markers were developed based upon the identification of instructional needs and expected to assist in the achievement of the instructional objectives. The peer assessment results indicate that the marker design on radioactive concepts supports the physics learning through technology-rich environment.

Augmented Reality, radioactive concepts, 3D Animation

Computer Science


The 3-D Visualization of Simulation The Granular Particle on Porous Surfaces
Dewi Muliyati, Dadan Sumardani, Diah Ambarwulan, Ella Fitriani, Sparisoma Viridi

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Diah Ambarwulan

a) Department of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia.
b) Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia.
c) Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jl. Ganesa No. 10, Bandung 40132, West Java, Indonesia.

Granular particles have wide applications in various industrial fields, one of which is the beauty industry. One important part of this industry is the character of powder-size interactions with porous skin surfaces. This interaction can be modeled by the interaction of granular particles with a porous surface. Simulation that has been done can visualize the process of granular attachment on a horizontal porous surface. This simulation is 3-dimensional visualization using uFlex assets on unity software. The surface system is arranged in 3 pore sizes. Each surface is tested using 5 granular particle sizes. The results showed that the particles entering the porous surface system were influenced by the falling speed, porous hole diameter, coefficient of granular restitution and collision between granular particles.

granular particle, porous surfaces, uflex unity assets

Computer Science


The 3d simulation of Lorentz Force based on augmented reality technology
Fauzi Bakri, Dadan Sumardani, Handjoko Permana, Dewi Muliyati

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Fauzi Bakri

Physics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Visualization of abstract concepts will facilitate the understanding of physics concepts. The concept of abstract Lorentz styles can be simulated in three dimensions with augmented reality technology. A simulation is produced which displays the Lorentz style concept by making changes to magnetic field variables and flowing currents. The simulation has succeeded in providing a description of the relationship between the magnetic field and electric current which is directly proportional to the Lorentz force.

physics simulation, lorentz force, augmented reality

Computer Science


The Application of Augmented Reality (AR) in Learning English Phonetics
I Nugraha (a)*, A R Suminar (a), D W Octaviana (a), M T Hidayat (a), A Ismail (b)

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irsyad nugraha

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract EFL learners tend to ignore the importance of understanding English phonetics in spite of its significance in language acquisition process. The failure of using and understanding English phonetics leads to mispronunciation issues which in turn impede both oral and written communication. Concerned with this issue, the research developed the use of augmented reality (AR) technology to facilitate English phonetics learning processes. The technology combined virtual objects and video clips in more attractive and interactive learning environment. This study described the steps and procedures of developing augmented reality as English Phonetic learning media and disclosed how the students utilized this media in their learning processes.

Designing Augmented Reality, Phonetics, Education Regulation, and Government objectives

Computer Science


The Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for Batik Detection Based on Textural Features
1)Anita Ahmad Kasim;2)Muhammad Bakri;3)Anindita Septiarini

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Anita Ahmad Kasim

1)Departemen of Information Technology, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia

2)Department of Architecture, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia

3)Department of Computer Science, Mulawarman University, Samarinda, Indonesia

The problem in this research is the difficulty in distinguishing batik motifs from non-batik motifs for people who do not understand batik motifs. The classification of batik motifs can be done by processing digital images of batik motifs using artificial neural network methods for the classification of batik image motifs. This study aims to utilize artificial neural networks to distinguish batik motifs and non-batik fabric motifs. Several important steps are needed, namely the process of acquiring batik and non-batik images, pre-transforming batik and non-batik images to gray scale forms, texture feature extraction in gray scale images and detection of motifs using networks artificial nerve. Image acquisition is done by collecting batik and not batik images from several different motifs. The preprocessing process is done by changing the image size to 256 x 256. Sixteen texture features are used, namely Angular Second Moment (ASM), contrast, correlation and Inverse Different Moment (IDM) with 45 ° angle intervals, namely 0 °, 45 °, 90 ° and 135 °. Processing data sets is divided into 70 percent as training data and 30 percent as testing data. Artificial neural network models used in this research use the Backpropagation learning algorithm by comparing the Scaled conjugate gradient algorithm (trainscg) training method and the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (trainlm) training method. The results obtained for the accuracy of the batik detection model using the Scaled conjugate gradient algorithm (trainscg) training method were higher with an accuracy value of 86.7%, compared to the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm (trainlm) method by 73.5%.

batik,textura features,ANN

Computer Science


The Augmented reality application for simulating electromotive force concept
Fauzi Bakri, Dadan Sumardani, Dewi Muliyati

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Fauzi Bakri

Physics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Electromotive force can be simulated using unity. The process of voltage formation can be visualized by showing the movement of the coil in a magnetic field. The resulting three-dimensional visualization can make the electromotive force process abstract into reality with Augmented Reality technology. A simulation is produced which displays changes in the number of turns, magnetic fields and generator playback times. The simulation has succeeded in providing an interesting description of the ratio of variables to the magnitude of the electric force generated in the generator.

physics simulation, electromotive force, augmented reality

Computer Science


The Counting Game uses the Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method
Ekojono Ekojono, Rizkyna Cahyaningrum, Kadek Sarjuna Batubulan, Anugrah Nur Rahmanto

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Ekojono .

Politeknik Negeri Malang

Learning to count on elementary school students must be trained in how to memorize, many practice questions are done repeatedly. This counting exercise needs to be stimulated so that students have the motivation to learn, this kind of training is mostly done by the teacher to students by giving questions in turns in one class as if the students are in a game playing condition. Counting exercises can be applied in the form of games with applied counting operations learning to train students to count quickly. The approach with attractive application visualization is expected to be able to help the learning of elementary school level students, especially class 1. Tsukamoto Method, in each rule is represented using a fuzzy set, using a monotonous membership function. To be able to determine the value of crisp output or firm results. By using the Unity 3D game engine that is capable of making 2D games, the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method is used to determine the final game score. Tests that have been done show that the results of the questionnaire that game 2d on the functionality aspect get a result of 3.97 on a scale of 5.

game, count Fuzzy Tsukamoto

Computer Science


The Design of Sign Language Electronic Dictionaries for Children with Hearing Impairments
D.D. Bhakti(1*), D. Rahadian(2) , P. Sidiq(3) , Y. Nugraha(3)

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Corresponding Author
Demmy Dharma Bhakti

(1*) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(2) Department of information technology education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(3) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia


Communication is difficult for children with hearing impairments due to the limitations of their hearing senses. In addition to communicating using natural cues they can also use the Indonesian Language System Dictionary (Dictionary SIBI) published by the Ministry of Education in the form of print. Dictionary Electronic sign language is starting to be used a lot, of course electronic dictionaries are more effective and flexible compared to dictionaries in general (print). A more effective electronic dictionary is used in searching for the signals sought and because they are efficient and easy to use. This journal discusses how to build / design the design of an electronic sign language dictionary application for deaf children.

Communication, Deaf Children, Indonesian Language System Dictionary (SIBI)

Computer Science


The efficient multiplier GF(2^8) is formed by the NAYK algorithm
Muhamad Nursalman

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Muhamad Nursalman

Department of Computer Science Education, Faculty of Math and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Efficient multiplier in Finite Field is needed in its implementation in the cryptography field. The NAIK algorithm provides fast steps and efficient solutions in forming the desired multiplier. The formation of an efficient multiplier GF(2^8) will be formed with the NAYK algorithm without being constructed from the smallest values, but directly from the value 8 itself. In comparison with the results of the Generalization of Karatsuba Algorithm, the NAYK algorithm provides a more efficient solution.

Efficient multiplier, Finite Field, GF(2^8), NAYK Algorithm, Generalization of Karatsuba Algorithm

Computer Science


The Evaluation of EGovernment in Local Government of Indonesia
Gugun Geusan Akbar (a*), Dede Kurniadi (b), Ikeu Kania (a), Pupung Pundenswari (a)

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Gugun Geusan Akbar

a)Department of Public Administration, Universitas Garut, Jalan Raya Samarang 52A, Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan. Mayor Samsu No. 1 Garut 44151, Indonesia

Currently, the industrial revolution 4.0 enforce everything to change, including the way government gives service to public. This research aims to evaluate the quality of local government website in order to give public service in Indonesia. The research method used is empirical studies with formulation model design using eGovqual attributes. It is used in order to analysed the quality of public service website of 27 Local Government in West Java Province as the highest population in Indonesia. The result of this research showed that most of the local government website is still weak in its functional, trust and ease of use. The assessment results showed detailed structural descriptions of what needs to be improved on the website to improve its usefulness. The suggestion is the expectation of this research that can help effective website development in order to improve public service quality.

EGovernment, Local Government, EGovqual

Computer Science


The Experiment of Text And Number Combination Forecasting
Faisal Rahutomo, Muhamat Maariful Huda, Rosa Andrie Asmara, Awan Setiawan, Amalia Agung Septarina

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Muhamat Maariful Huda

State Polytechnic of Malang

In foreign exchange money trading, historical data are publicly available continuously. This historical data such as opening, highest, lowest, and closing rate are important variable to predict the future of rates movement. The available data is not only historical trading itself, but also from news release and expert analysis from expert trader. This kind of data contains text and number. This paper proposes in forecasting the rates by combining text and number data. The combination of text mining technique with several time series method i.e: simple moving average, weighted moving average and exponential moving average. Research period for this experiment is between 1st December 2018 and 31st January 2019. The currency pair are EURUSD, USDJPY and EURJPY. Forecasting results with some time series method were compared with combined time series forecasting method and naive bayes classifier. The experiment results show that combined time series method with naive bayes classifier delivered better accuracy level.


Computer Science


The Fuzzy Mamdani Implementation to Predict Blood Stock Needs in Blood Transfusion Unit of Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) in Bandung District
Elis Ratna Wulan, Gitarja Sandi, Shahira, Muhammad Deden Firdaus, Yogi Saputra

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Elis Ratna Wulan

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Blood stock needs in blood transfusion unit of Palang Merah Indonesia in Bandung district are decreasing due to several things. To resolve this problem, a method to predict future blood stock needs is needed. With Fuzzy Mamdani method, the prediction results can be grouped into categories, those are stock in stock and fixed stock. Based on system testing and manual testing carried out in this study, it was found that Mamdani fuzy had a high enough level of accuracy of 88.88% to predict blood stock needs in Blood Transfusion Unit of Palang Merah Indonesia in Bandung district.

Fuzzy, mamdani, transfusion, blood, predictions, stock

Computer Science


The implementation of the Depth-First Search algorithm on learning computer assembly 3D simulations in vocational education.
Yana Aditia Gerhana (a), Undang Syaripudin (a), Agit Trinadi (a)

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Yana Aditia Gerhana

a) Departement of Informatics Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Games and simulations have become one of the most effective learning models. This study aims to implement the Depth-first Search Algorithm on computer assembly 3D simulation learning models. The development framework uses Luthers multimedia development model. The object of this study were 40 vocational education teachers in West Java. Technology acceptance model (TAM) is used as a framework for measuring teacher acceptance of the learning model developed. The measurement results, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) has a significant effect on Perceived Usefulness (PU) of 70.2%, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and Perceived Usefulness (PU) have a significant effect on Atitude Towards Using Technology (ATUT) of 82.5% , Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Atitude Towards Using Technology (ATUT) significantly influence Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU) of 81.6%. Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Atitude Towards Using Technology (ATUT) have a significant effect on Behavioral Intention to Use (BITU) of 80.2%.

Learning Media, simulation, Depth-First Search, TAM

Computer Science


The Influence of Digital Payments on Public Spending Patterns
B Kurniawan, S F Wahyuni, and T Valentina

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Bobi Kurniawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of writing this paper is to analyze the effect of developing digital payments on current patterns of public spending. The method used in the writing of this paper is a descriptive method, where this method is intended to describe events related to digital payments and public spending patterns, and supported by theoretical foundations both from abroad and domestically. Digital payment is a payment system that uses internet facilities as an intermediary. The results of this study indicate that digital payments have an effect on public spending patterns. Many people feel helped by the existence of this digital payment because with the existence of digital payments the public feels easier in making transactions. This can be seen from the number of people who make transactions using e-money every day. Therefore, many patterns of public spending change, from those who initially shop at direct retail stores (offline), now shop through applications (online stores) or what we often know as e-commerce.

Digital Payments, Public Spending, and Transactions

Computer Science


The Introduction of Solar System Using Augmented Reality Technology
Dewi Tresnawati, Dini Destiani Siti Fatimah, Sri Rahayu

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Dewi Tresnawati

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut

Current technological developments have had a huge impact on education, one of which is Augmented Reality technology. In this study, innovative and alternative media learning was made to understand the types of planets in the solar system. The solar system is one of the material in natural science subjects in elementary schools. This media learning combines picture cards and virtual reality. Markers found on the card will be captured by the camera of the mobile device, processed and animated pieces will appear on the mobile screen in realtime. By using the concept of combining the real world, real images on the card and virtual, the application can stimulate imagination and a sense of desire and motivation to learn more and more. Planet estimates are made using the 3D Blender application, and the Augmented Reader process is created using Unity and Vuforia Software Development Kit. Based on the results of testing betha using the Likert scale, 86% of the 30 respondents stated that the application developed was very effective as a medium for the introduction of the planet.

Augmented Reality, Learning Media, Planet, Solar System

Computer Science


The Most Optimal Performance of the Levenberg Marquarth Algorithm Based on the Number of Neurons in the Hidden Layer
Hindayati Mustafidah, Chintia Permata Putri, Harjono, Suwarsito

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Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

The training algorithm is the main driver in artificial neural networks. The performance of the training algorithm is influenced by several parameters including the number of neurons in the input and hidden layers, epoch maximum, and the size of the learning rate (lr). One of the benchmarks for optimizing the performance of training algorithms can be viewed from the error or MSE (mean square error) produced. The smaller the error, the more optimal the performance. The test conducted in the previous study obtained information that the most optimal training algorithm based on the smallest error produced was Levenberg Marquardt (LM) with an average MSE of 0.001 and using 10 neurons in the hidden layer. In this study, the LM algorithm was tested using variations in the number of neurons in hidden layers, namely 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 neurons, and used the same parameters as previous study. This study uses a mixed method that is developing computer programs and quantitative testing of program output data using statistical test. The results showed that the LM algorithm had the most optimal performance using 9 neurons in the hidden layer at the level of lr 0.5 with the smallest error of 0.000137501.

neuron, hidden layer, learning rate, Levenberg Marquardt, error

Computer Science


The study of radicalism in the International Database ranges from 2018-2019
Nuria Reny Hariyati

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Nuria Reny Hariyati

Akademi Farmasi Surabaya

International databases are currently abundant, one of which is a database on the study of radicalism in international journals. This study aims to explore the study of international journals related to the theory, methodology, and practice of radicalism. The method used in this study is qualitative. The data source used is data from online international journals. The results and discussion of the study indicate that categorization is as follows. Radicalism in the field of politics, radicalism in the field of education, radicalism in the cultural field. Radicalism in politics occupies 61 percent, radicalism in education occupies 29 percent, and radicalism in the cultural field occupies 10 percent. Thus, it is concluded that the highest radicalism is in the political field.

radicalism, database, international journal

Computer Science


The TIGER Society Framework in the scope of Information Technology Infrastructure
Rinda Cahyana

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Rinda Cahyana

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Jl Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, 44151, Indonesia

The tourism industry activities in the information society are related to interactions between tourism actors and information technology in a variety of services. The TIGER society is centered on the tourism industry business (T) and other accompanying industries (I) with full support from the government (G). Its service quality is influenced by the education process (E) and service development, based on local wisdom in the form of religious values and norms (R). This research aims to create a TIGER society framework in which resources fill the layers of information technology infrastructure. Research provides examples of TIGER society resources using the framework.

Information Technology; Resources; Society; Tourism

Computer Science


Dedy Rahman Prehanto, Aries Dwi Indriyanti, I Kadek Dwi Nuryana, Ahmad Syahrul Mubarok

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Dedy Rahman Prehanto

Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Determining possible technology used in calculating customer buying interest is important for the company as it relates to marketing strategies and policies. The Naïve Bayes Classifier is a possible method to measure customer buying interest. This study aims to analyze the accuracy of this method in calculating customer buying interest of internet token. Data were obtained from past sales and then analyzed using the Naïve Bayes Classifier to predict future opportunities by defining the class of attributes. The classifications used were operator, internet quota, token active period, and product price. This study found that the Naïve Bayes Classifier was provably accurate in calculating customer buying interest as well as comparing the prediction with actual results aside the data training. Results showed that this method successfully classifies 10 products of 858 transactions as data training and 10 products of 115 transactions as data test. Here indicates that all data test and data training analysis showed eight of the tenth meaning that eight of ten predictions were correct or it had 80% accuracy. This study is expected becoming a reference in analyzing data sales and predicting future sales conditions, so it will help to determine appropriate strategy of product development.

naïve bayes classifier, internet token sales

Computer Science


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