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Combination of E-Readiness Models to Assess Based on System Approaches at Cooperatives in Indonesia
Khaerul Manaf 1,Cecep Nurul Alam 2, Aedah Binti Abd Rahman 3, Beki Subaek4, FaizM Kaffah5

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Corresponding Author
Khaerul Manaf

1,2)Department of Informatics, Faculty of Science and Technology State Islamic University Sunan Gunung Djati
3)Department of Information Communication Technologhy AEU, Malaysia
4)Department of Information System, Sangga Buana YPKP Unversity Bandung, Indonesia
5)Department of Information System, Informatics and Business Indonesia University
Bandung, Indonesia

The 4.0 industrial revolution, on the one hand, will open opportunities for the domestic product market to compete internationally and vice versa. Business competition is so tight, the existence of free markets and advances in information technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, transportation, and communication are rapid, giving changes quick on the economy. The way to adapt to the outlook and the ability to project change in the environment and be able to determine the right strategy for this change is a must for organizations that are committed to survival as in Cooperatives in Indonesia. Regarding this problem, there are several e-readiness models that have been developed to test readiness or ability to provide platforms, comparisons, and estimates including TRAM (Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model) and several variables namely business content and institutional contexts that influence the model. The TRAM model is a combination of the TRI 2.0 (Technology Readiness Index 2.0) and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) models. Each model developed has its own objectives intended to guide IT improvement efforts by providing benchmarks for the progress of comparison and evaluation, so it covers various aspects that can help organizations succeed in the readiness to implement IT.

E-Readiness ,Cooperatives, TRAM, Business content, Institutional context ,TRI 2.0, TAM.

Computer Science


Comparative Analysis of Decision Tree Algorithms: Random Forest and C45 for Airlines Customer Satisfaction Classification
Wiyoga Baswardono (a*), Dede Kurniadi (a), Asri Mulyani (a), Dudy Mohammad Arifin (b)

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Corresponding Author
Wiyoga Baswardono

a) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia
b) Department of Industrial Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia

This article aims to a comparative analysis of decision tree algorithms between random forest and c45 for airlines customer satisfaction classification. The comparative study predicts both algorithms have better accuracy, precision, recall AUC (area under the curve) for analyzing data set of customer satisfaction on airlines, which are useful for later if have some same kind set of data set and problem. In this particular comparative analysis, first, need to select the dataset and transform so it can be used for data mining technique classification after choosing the algorithm to analyze the data set. The analyzing of the dataset it will through validation, testing and also result for each algorithm used. Then will compare the result from each algorithm, to determine which algorithm are best to use in this particular dataset or problem for customer satisfaction for airlines. The results of the comparative analysis are the best alternative algorithm choice for use in airline customer satisfaction classifications.

comparative analysis; classification; algorithm; deccision tree; customer satisfaction

Computer Science


Comparative analysis of Naïve Bayes , K-Nearest Neighbor and K-Means Clustering Method in Weather Forecast
Yulian Findawati1, Ika Ratna Indra Astutik2, Arif Senja Fitroni3, Indrawati4

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Yulian Findawati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

Weather forecast in an area is unpredictable. This is due to the fact that human factors cannot predict it. However, by presenting previous weather reports or data, science can be used as a reference to see weather forecast patterns . The weather forecast is by applying data mining using the algorithm Naive Bayes , K-nearest Neighbor (K-NN), and K-Means Clustering. Bayesian Classification is a statistical classification method that is useful for the process of determining the probability of a class membership. K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm is a classification algorithm based on the similarity between one data and another data. K-Means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm that, as the name hints, finds a fixed number (k) of clusters in a set of data. Data used in the last 3 years (starting 2014-2017) which is daily weather data from the website of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency. Daily weather conditions consist of rainfall, irradiation, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, maximum humidity, minimum humidity, maximum air pressure, minimum air pressure, wind speed and wind direction. While the weather forecast label is not rainy, light rain, moderate rain, heavy rain and very heavy rain. Analysis using Rapid Miner tools

Weather Forecast, Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbour, K-Means Clustering

Computer Science


Undang Syaripudin, Rahmat Zaenal, Maulana Fauzi Al Duri, Esa Firmasnsyah, Ali Rahman

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Undang Syaripudin

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

The Big Five is one of the methods known in the world of psychology to interpret a persons personality, especially to find a relationship between personality and work environment. The Big Five consists of openness (O), conscientiousness (C), extraversion (E), agreeableness (A), and neuroticism (N). This study aims to predict the level of agreeableness in the classification of The Big Five. The method used in detecting this level of agreeableness is using the Certainty Factor and Naive Bayes algorithms. The results obtained in a comparison of the level of accuracy in personality prediction, the Certainty Factor algorithm get results of 80% and Naive Bayes get 90%. From these results it can be concluded that the Naive Bayes algorithm is better at predicting personality.

The Big Five, Certainty Factor, Naive Bayes

Computer Science


Mohamad Irfan, Nur Lukman, Abdul Aziz Alfauzi, Jumadi

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Mohamad Irfan

Departement of Informatics Engineering UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics of the population working in the agricultural sector continued to decline from 39.22 million in 2013 to 38.97 million in 2014, the number dropped back to 37.75 million in 2015. According to the MIT G-Lab Team (global entrepreneurship program) concludes five factors that make it difficult to raise agricultural productivity to compete in the domestic market, namely the low education of farmers in dealing with pests, the difficulty of access to finance for rural areas, lack of skills, lack of access to information and lack of application of agricultural technology. Chili plants are plants that are very susceptible to pests so BPS noted a decrease in chili production reaching 25%. Information about chili pests is collected so that it becomes a database that can be used to identify disease pests using the data mining method. The use of data mining algorithms is expected to help in the identification of pests and diseases in chili plants. In this study comparing the performance classification techniques of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and C4.5 algorithms. The attributes used consist of Leaves, Stems, and Fruits. By using each training data and testing data as many as 30 data. The results of the study were conducted, based on the accuracy of SVM, which was 82.33% and C4.5 89.29 %%. The final result of this study was that the accuracy of the C4.5 method was better.

Chili pest, algorithm, SVM, C4.5

Computer Science


Arip Solehudin(a*), Purwantoro(a), Fahmi Yuda Fauzi(a), Munir(,b)

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Corresponding Author
Arip Solehudin

a) Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang, Karawang 41361, Indonesia
*arip.solehudin[at], purwantoro.masbro[at], fahmi.yuda15047[at]
b)Department of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Technology development is currently experiencing a fairly rapid increase, Therefore at the high school in Karawang intends to hold a grade promotion test using the Computer Based Test (CBT). However, in its implementation there are problems one of which is the server load. This is caused by user requests that exceed the servers capabilities. To overcome these problems, we use web server load balancing using haproxy. But the use of web server load balancing, often experience data inconsistencies per server. Therefore, database replication is also used that can guarantee data consistency in web server load balancing. This research uses descriptive approach with PPDIOO network system design method. There are 2 load balancing algorithms compared, namely round robin and least connection. Based on the httperf test results, throughput parameters of the two algorithms obtain the same average value of 99.5 Kb / second. In testing the response time parameter the least connection algorithm is superior at 6.9 ms compared to round robin which has an average value of 7.2 ms, but in testing the CPU Utilization parameter the round robin algorithm is superior at 23.7% compared to the least connection algorithm at 24.3%.

Computer Based Test, web server load balancing, database replication

Computer Science


Comparison on Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor for Online Transportation using Sentiment Analysis in Social Media
Aldy Rialdy Atmadja, Wisnu Uriawan, Ferdinand Pritisen, Dian Saadillah Maylawati

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Corresponding Author
Aldy Rialdy Atmadja

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A H Nasution 105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia

Nowadays, online transportation is one of the transportation that is increasingly preferred by people. It becomes important because people need transportation to be more effective and efficient. However, sentiment analysis is necessary to improve the quality of services on online transportation. Sentiment analysis includes the process of extracting opinions, sentiments, evaluations, and emotions of people about online transportation services on Twitter social media. To get more accuracy in classification, the opinion is taken in large amounts and classify into positive and negative class. There are several steps that use sentiment analysis. Data collection, preprocessing data, POS Tagging, and opinion classification use the Naive Bayes Classifier method, compared to the accuracy of the K-Nearest Neighbor method. The results of the comparison of Naive Bayes Classifier and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithms uses 565 data tweets from Twitter, divided 500 trained data, and 65 test data. The result showed that the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm had achieved the accuracy rate of 66.15%, and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm produces the accuracy rate of 67.69%. From the results, the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm perform better accuracy in sentiment classification than Naive Bayes Classifier.

Online transportation, Sentiment analysis, Twitter, Naive Bayes Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor

Computer Science


Comparison Weighted Product, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting and TOPSIS for selecting Multiple Intelligences on children
Moh Ahsan (a*), Meme Susilowati (b), Abdul Aziz (a)

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Corresponding Author
Moh Ahsan

a) Informatics Study Program, Fakulty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi, No. 48 Malang Jawa Timur 65148, Indonesia. *ahsan[at]
b) Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sain dan Teknologi, Universitas Ma Chung Malang, Jl. Villa Puncak Tidar Blok N No. 1, Dau, Malang, Jawa Timur 65151
Jawa Timur 65151

Multiple intelligence is intelligence possessed by every human, among these intelligences are linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence, naturalist intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, logic-mathematical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and kinaesthetic intelligence. Various ways are carried out by researchers to find out intelligence such as through numbers, pictures, music, words, physical and social-emotional activities. The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support system to determine intelligence on children by using the Weighted Product method, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting and TOPSIS. Comparison of the four methods used to find the best results among the methods used in determining childrens intelligence. The Weighted Product method has the highest preference value of 0.176400366 namely Kinaesthetic Intelligence, Analytical Hierarchy Process Method has the highest preference value 0.690048152 Kinaesthetic Intelligence, Simple Additive Weighting Method has the highest preference value 0.890555556 Kinaesthetic Intelligence and TOPSIS method has the highest value 0.134598738 namely Musical Intelligence. To evaluate the suitability of the right decisions in determining intelligence, the results of these methods are compared with the results of the decisions of a psychologist to produce a valid decision. The results show that the four methods that have been compared and the results of experiments validated by experts show that the intelligence suitability of children with the Weighted Product method, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting has the right preference value with the highest value of each result obtained. It can be concluded that the decision of the decision support system is valid and successful represents expert judgment

Multiple Intelligence; decision support system; children

Computer Science


Computer Support Strategic Planning in Collaborative IS-Business Strategic Alignment
Asep Wahyudin, Riki Winardi Garna, Rani Megasari

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Asep Wahyudin

Department of Computer Science, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Aligning systems and information technology with organizational business strategies requires accurate strategic planning that can provide knowledge about the strengths that must be utilized, the shortcomings that must be minimized, opportunities that must be maximized, and what obstacles are faced by an organization. Formulating strategic planning is not easy, complex and requires a long process of time. Efforts can be made to avoid mistakes in the formulation of strategic planning and failure in its implementation is to involve all elements in the organization collaboratively. This research focuses on the process of aligning business strategies and information systems strategies carried out by promoting collaborative patterns aided by computer support systems for strategic planning as virtual media. Share vision, share viewpoints, share knowledge, active partnerships, active communication, and partnership approaches are the basic collaborative patterns of the system. The focus group discussion mechanism is used as a method in the system and is realized into work stages, namely stakeholder initiation and teamwork organized, data gathering, knowledge generated and review, and vision conference. The results of the research are useful as a virtual collaborative model in the information system strategic planning process, can be further developed involving intelligence agents, is a future development of this research.

computer support strategic planning, collaborative, business strategy and information systems alignment, strategic information system planning

Computer Science


Dashboard Design for Program of Study in University using Data of Document and Its Content
Erna Piantari, Rani Megasari, Kevin

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Erna Piantari

Departemen of Computer Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

University is a non-profit organization which consists in several unit organization. In Indonesia, the smallest unit organization of university is program of study which serves the citizen by specific education. Indonesia Government monitors all the programs of study by some indicators that represent the program of study performance. Mostly the data that be had by program of study are document and its contents. It becomes a challenge to gather and to present the data from documents become more valuable and easier to use. Dashboard is a system that holds all information so that the organization can use the information to monitor the organization performance. Therefore, in this research it will be designed a dashboard to present information of program of study in university in real time. The dashboard will show the resume of the data that be craw from the document that be saved in cloud storage. The utilize of cloud storage is to be easier to manage the documents and its content. The dashboard will be designed to meet the controlling and monitoring needed by member of faculty and Indonesia government when the audit time comes.

dashboard, document management, documents content management, study of program, dashboard university

Computer Science


Decision-Making Framework for Validation of Data Collection Process in a Survey
You Ari Faeni, Fadhil Hidayat

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You Ari Faeni

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics , Bandung Institute of Technology

Survey is a method for estimating the parameters of a population. To produce the right statistics, it needs a validation process in collecting data in a survey. Some methods are used to validate one of them is to use a decision-making method with GPS data. This study uses Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to understand about research trends, methods, and data used in decision-making with GPS data. After reviewing 27 chosen journals and proceedings, this study concludes that there are several methods used to make a decision with GPS data such as decision tree, random forest, neural network, and support vector machine (SVM); Health, environment, Transportation, and agriculture are several fields of business that used GPS data to make a decision; The data analyzed consist of position, time, speed, track, and distance. Based on SLR result, we propose method to validate the data collection process of a survey using 3 methods (SVM, decision tree and random forest) will be used to analyze position, time, track and personal data of the surveyor.

Decision Making, Systematic Literature Review, GPS data, Validation of a survey

Computer Science


Deep Learning Based Complaint Classification for Indonesia Telecommunication Company-s Call Center
Shinta Devi Lukitasari, Fadhil Hidayat

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Shinta Devi Lukitasari

School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Bandung Institute of Technology

The preliminary research was held to utilize the call center conversations records from a broadband telecommunications company in Indonesia. There is a need from company to classify customer-s complaints automatically by a system to minimize human errors and at once streamline the business processes and resources. Natural Language Processing (NLP), as an integral part of artificial intelligence (AI), empower machines to understand human languages for performing beneficial tasks. The growth of deep learning is the main driver behind NLP for performing various practical applications and business, therefore deep learning is expected to overcome the problems encountered. This paper explains the methods used in designing the classification systems based on deep learning. Literature review is conducted to find the proper algorithm used in classifying problems. Furthermore, it also explains the stages performed in preparing the data and building the system model. From experiments conducted, it can be stated that the RNN algorithm can be used in the classification of customer complaints with the results shown by the accuracy value of the model.

call center, deep learning, intent, complaint, classification, RNN

Computer Science


Deep learning with encoder-decoder architecture for exchange currency rates model predictions
MF Andrijasa

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Muhammad Farman Andrijasa

Departement of Information Technology
State Polytechnic of Samarinda
Samarinda, Indonesia

Exchange currency rate becomes one of the most important things on country economic growth. In some countries, the rate may affect seriously to economic growth and political stability. Governments need to have some actions in order to stabilize the rate. Knowing the pattern of exchange currency rate is a mandatory by governments for determining their future policies or as consideration in future decision-making. Therefore, government needs an analysis tool for modeling the rate prediction. Our previous study emerged that using deep learning method with encoder-decoder architecture has succeeded to model the rate prediction with teacher forcing and give only a one-step prediction. In this study, the authors aim to predict the pattern of exchange rate using the previous method with zero input to decoder to obtain multiple time steps prediction. After training and testing over 4,344 daily data series of IDR to USD exchange currency rate over 17 years taken from Bank Indonesia official website, the result found that the method still showed an interesting model to predict the next 40 sequence data series of exchange rate. In conclusion, the proposed method can be utilized to tackle the others prediction problem and the resulted model can be applied as an analysis tool by government for predicting their rate for the coming months or years.

Neural Network, Deep Learning, Prediction

Computer Science


Design a Web-based Asset Management Information System Using the Straight Line Method for Private Universities
Wisnu Uriawan(1*), Cecep Nurul Alam(2), Arif Ahmad Rifa(3)

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Wisnu Uriawan

Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi
Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Jl. A. H. Nasution 105, Bandung 40614 Indonesia

Universities cannot be separated from the existence of assets owned, therefore an information system is needed that functions as a tool in the asset management process. Most asset management in the private university still using Spreadsheet besides that the management of its assets is also not centralized. These problems can be solved by creating a web-based asset management information system. The purpose of this study is to design and build an asset management information system at the Private University. The method used is straight line where this method is used for problems in calculating the depreciation of assets and knowing the useful life of the asset. This system can help private university administrative staff in managing assets and calculating asset value.

Asset Management, Information System, Straight Line, Private University

Computer Science


Design and Application Data Mining in Academic Fields
Ratna Widyati, Fariani Hermin Indiyah, Mulyono

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Ratna Widyati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Classification is a data mining technique for a process of finding a model that explains or distinguishes a concept or class of data. The goal is to be able to estimate the class of an object whose class is unknown. Seeing the importance of education quality that must increase continuously, the study was conducted to evaluate the educational process in the department based on academic historical academic data which is used as input for which new and unknown classes of objects will be obtained. The level of competitiveness in entering a department in higher education is one of the things that becomes an assessment of department accreditation. Thus it is necessary to analyze how many students accepted into a department do not move to other department the following year. The analysis used C4.5 method and in the process used Rapidminer software to make decision trees. The results obtained an accuracy rate of around 80% with confussion matrix.

classification, C4.5 method, confussion matrix

Computer Science


Yuri Ariyanto, Kadek Suarjuna Batubulan, Deddy Kusbianto Purwoko A, Nugroho Ardi Sutrisno

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Yuri Ariyanto

State Polytechnic of Malang

In this digital era the usage of locks are no longer only relies on traditional key systems, but also relies on usage of electronic sensors that can improve security system. Raspberry pi is a mini computer that can be used for various needs. In this research utilizing a raspberry pi and a servo motor as a locking device, a web server as a data storage center, a mobile device software aplication as a user interface.The password will be sent over internet from mobile device to web server and raspberry pi will give a command to the servo to unlock and lock. Now the threat to keyless locking system does not only come from physical sources but also come from non-physical or digital sources. This treat can be prevented by using cryptography to hide digital data in the system. This study will compare between combination of RSA, 3DES, AES 128 bit, and 256bit AES algorithms to obtain an algorithm that could be operated optimally on the system based on encryption and decryption speed. The final result of this study is a method to implement cryptographic algorithms on smart key systems to obtain better security.

Raspberry Pi, Cryptography, AES, RSA, Security, IoT

Computer Science


Design and Manufacture of database prototype Taman Baca Rakyat
Ratna Widyati

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Ratna Widyati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Taman Baca Rakyat is one of the institutions in the midst of the community that supports efforts to foster interest in reading. Taman Bacaan Rakyat (TBR) is a means or institution of cultural fondness for reading communities that provide services of reading material in the form of: books, magazines, tabloids, newspapers, comics, and other multimedia materials. The research carried out is still in the initiation stage, namely making a database design and prototype from Taman Baca Rakyat. Data collection techniques through literature study, interviews and observations. The results obtained are database prototype Taman Baca Rakyat.

Taman Baca Rakyat, Prototype

Computer Science


Design of Expert System to Determine the Proper Diet using Harmony Search Method
Esa Firmansyah (a, *), Romi Rosmawati (a), Rifqi Syamsul Fuadi (a), Deny Fauzy (a), Muhammad Ali Ramdhani (a)

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Corresponding Author
Esa Firmansyah

(*) esa[at]
(a) Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Excess or lack of nutrients that contained in food will cause a problems in the body. To solve this problem easily, a computerized system is needed that can provide some advice on the amount and type of food that needed to be consumed. The aim of this study is to design an expert system which addresses individual diet based on calorie activities and body needs. This study uses the Prototype as software development methodology and Data Flow Diagram (DFD) as software model. This expert system uses a harmony search algorithm to determine the amount of food with Harris-Benedict formula to calculate the bodys calorie needs. The results of functionality system testing and based on the assessment of nutritionists, this expert system have been worked well for people with normal body metabolism.

Harmony Search Algorithm, Harris-Benedict, Calorie Needs, Nutrition, Diet.

Computer Science


Design of Human Resource Information System for Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
Wiyoga Baswardono (*), Asri Mulyani, Dede Kurniadi, Yosep Septiana

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Corresponding Author
Wiyoga Baswardono

Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia

The articles aim to analyze and design of human resource information system (HRIS) for micro small and medium enterprises in Indonesia. The problem some times occurred happen in human resource when business starts to grow. To solve this start with analyzing and design in this HRIS system using RUP (Rational Unified Process) to handle a problem such as attendance, payroll, manage employee and other Human resource problem in the scope of small or medium business. The result is a design of HRIS that can be a start for a blueprint and can be implemented for micro small and medium enterprises with condition and regulation that fit in Indonesia.

information system; HRIS; design system; enterprise system

Computer Science


Design of Quality Assurance Filing System
Ratna Widyati

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Ratna Widyati

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Filing or filing system is a system to find out how to store data from certain files and file organization used. Access system is a way to retrieve information from a file. Data representation consists of two, namely logical data that represents data at the conceptual level as well as physical data, namely data that has been prepared which is the final result of logical data and usually stored in storage media. Case studies taken on the filing of quality assurance in the study program environment that cover the fields of academics, student affairs and infrastructure.

filing system, logical data, physical data

Computer Science


Design Of Web Based Goods Ordering Information System In Manufacturing Companies
Farhan Pratama Azhuri, Muhammad Aria, Y A Hermawan

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Muhammad Aria

Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer,Universitas-Komputer-Indonesia,Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer,Universitas Komputer Indonesia,Indonesia
Departemen Teknik dan Ilmu Komputer,Universitas Komputer Indonesia,Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to describe the design of information systems for ordering goods in manufacturing companies and can facilitate the companys operations, especially in marketing products to customers. The method used in this paper uses a descriptive method, a method that presents a complete picture of the situation related to several variable situations that are examined. The results of the design and research show that a web-based goods ordering system is useful to help customers order items without having to come directly to a manufacturing workshop. This research was conducted by discussing the system of procurement of goods, processing of goods and shipping of goods carried out by the company using it website service.

Information System , web design

Computer Science


Designing MOOCS with Virtual Microscopic Simulation (VMS) for Increasing of Student-s Levels of Understanding
Firmanul Catur Wibowo* and Bambang Heru Iswanto**

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*Department of Physics Education, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
**Department of Physics, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to develop a design for MOOCS with Virtual Microscopic Simulation (VMS) for students levels of understanding. The research method used is the Embedded Experiment Design with the research subjects as many as 45 students- in one of campus in Banten Province, Indonesia. The results showed that the Level of Comprehensive Understanding (CU) was 76.67%, Level of Understanding of Partial Understanding (PU) was 15.56%, and Level of Misunderstanding (MU) was 5.56%, Level of Not Understand (NU) of 2.22% and the lowest level of No Answered (NA) of 0%. It was concluded that the average level of understanding experienced a significant increase with learning through MOOCS with VMS on the concept of electricity.

MOOCS; Virtual Microscopic Simulation (VMS); levels of understanding

Computer Science


Designing Website for Online Business in Agricultural Sector
L Warlina, F F Siddiq, and T Valentina

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Lia Warlina

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to discuss about designing websites for agriculture. The method used in this study is a descriptive method to help describe the whole through pictures to be easier to understand. The results of this study are a website to improve and win business competition as a field of promotion and sales of production. In the process of using e-commerce the activities of buying and selling or marketing are more efficient where the use of e-commerce will show the ease of promotion, transaction, reduction of costs and speed up the transaction process.

Designing Websites, Business, and Agriculture

Computer Science


Detection and Virtual Therapy of Acrophobia Using Virtual Reality
Usman Nurhasan, Hendra Pradibta, Satrio Binusa Suryadi, Ariadi Retno Tri Hayati, Ryan Akbar Prihatmanda

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Information Technology Department
State Polytechnic of Malang

Acrophobia (altitude phobia) is a type of phobia that makes an individual feel, anxious, tension, and discomfort at height. To overcome this problem, need to escort by a psychiatrist/psychologist to cure the disease and by using a therapeutic approach or behavior method commonly called CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). This therapy will force sufferers to fight their fears. Current technology called virtual reality was chosen to deal with people with Acrophobia. Through visual reality can provide a 3D-shaped artificial environment that can help sufferers strictly fought the phobias they experienced, but the technology is still not affordable. Therefore, it is necessary to have appropriate technology for therapy needs. By using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle, as a development method, Forward Chaining as a phobia level calculation method, as well as Google Cardboard and Unity 3D is expected to overcome this problem.

Acrophobia, Therapy, Virtual Reality

Computer Science


Developing an Assessment Model of E-Government Software Assets for Maintenance Recommendations: A Case Study in BKD Bandung
Rizqia Lestika Atimi

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Rizqia Lestika Atimi

State Polytechnic of Ketapang, Jalan Rangge Sentap, Dalong, Sukaharja, Delta Pawan, Kabupaten Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat 78112, Indonesia

This study developed a model of e-Government software asset assessment for its maintenance recommendations. A case study conducted in Badan Kepegawaian Daerah (BKD) Bandung. The steps consist of the identification of software asset management, developing of asset assesment, and proposing of maintenance recommendations were carried out in this investigation. The Likert questionnaire and task analysis were used to assess the e-Government software based on two essential aspects regarding business value and technical value. It is found that the business values and the technical values averages for the software of SIM Gaji, SIMPEG, and SIAP are in high category (the entire average score between 3.00 – 4.00). The recommendations are ordinary maintenance and feasible to use. Thus, the model developed in this study is appropriate to use for assessing e-Government softwares. To provide a comprehensive maintenance recommendations, the future studies might be used additional aspects besides the business and technical value.

Assessment model; Business and technical value; Maintenance recommendations; Software evolution.

Computer Science


Developing Restaurant Information System to Support Decision Making
B Kurniawan, M F Zulfikar and T Valentina*

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Corresponding Author
Bobi Kurniawan

Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Information System has great impact in improving a bussiness. The purpose of this research are to discuss how far the Restaurant Information System can developed, what is needed to improve the system, and how effective the system after implemented in the Restaurant. Discriptive method are used in this research, to describe how Developing Restaurant Infromation System can affect Decision Making. Author have developed and implemented a Restaurant Information System to manage and observe income and expenditure, so the stakeholder can make right decissions in the future. The result of this research is analyze data and make the data become useful information with information systems, So the company is ready to face Industry 4.0.

Restaurant, Information System, and Decision

Computer Science


Lilik Sri Hariani (1), Rusno (2)

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Lilik Sri Hariani

Economic Education Study Program, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang

This is a research development of accounting learning modules on financial reporting material using a scientific approach through interactive videos. The purpose of this study is to produce an accounting learning module that can be used to support learning activities. The procedure of development research applied in this study uses steps: (1) potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation; (5) design revisions; (6) product testing; (7) product revisions; and (8) testing the use of learning modules. The subjects of this study were 35 students of Kanjuruhan University management students. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The results of the feasibility obtained for the validation of the learning module are included in very valid criteria or can be used to support accounting learning activities. The results of the effectiveness of the learning modules obtained through competency tests are obtained from the average value of students included in the good category

module development, scientific, interactive video

Computer Science


Development Of Biography Information System Based On Semantic Web Using Biography Ontology
Bambang Prasetya Adhi (1*), Widodo(2)

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Bambang Prasetya Adhi

(1,2) Department of Informatics Education Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The development of the research world is increasingly rapidly proven by the integration of supporting technologies, including applications for referral processes, data processing, online journals, journal indexers, and many other applications. Some of these applications certainly apply web technologies including semantic web. To find out which areas of interest and research are being or have been worked on, a biography is often made to provide explanations relating to the research area, the lecturers personal research, awards and several other things. But unfortunately the information displayed is only informative, so the data cannot be reprocessed or has more meaning and has interrelationships with one another. The results of the study were in the form of a short biography in the form of a knowledge biography using biography ontology designed and implemented into the information system. This biography information system will provide interrelated information based on both academic and personal data. The information displayed later can also be downloaded, taken on other systems using certain data formats, both for institutions, ministries and other purposes.

Semantic Web; Knowledge Biography; Biography Ontology; Biography Information System

Computer Science


D. Rahadian (a*), S.H. Bariyah (a), I. Nasrullah (a), Y. Purwanti (a), K. Imania(a)

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Dian Rahadian

a) Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut, Jalan Pahlawan No.32 Sukagalih Tarogong Kidul, Garut 44151

This study aims to develop an online learning design to increase the active role of students in e-learning, based on the initial data obtained from the blended learning process in information technology introductory courses in the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year at the Indonesian Education Institute. Active users in online classes for one semester are 94% with a variety of activities in it, starting from the role of students using teaching materials provided by lecturers, utilizing discussion forums to work on understanding questions or just discussions between lecturers and students, or students with other students. Research begins with conducting a needs analysis and design to define student needs in online learning based on learning outcomes in the course. The results of the analysis are in the form of design content that will be further designed according to the research and development method. The finished learning design is then validated by several experts, namely software development expert, and learning experts so as to produce a blended learning model. The results of the study show that online learning design needs are very high.

Online Learning Design

Computer Science


Digital Startup Implementation in e-learning
Andri Heryandi1*, Vivih Rossa Dianti2, Muhammad Yusup3

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Andri Heriyandi


The purpose of this study describes the analysis of the development of digital startup in the field of education, as well as the advantages of digital startups in the Learning Management System (LMS). This case study uses descriptive method, in order to conduct a separate search for groupings related to several variables studied. At the end of this research is to measure which digitality computer learning startup. By entering a digital startup, the learning process is done by using video learning, practice questions and discussions, and also a learning module that can be downloaded as a material for learning, a learning process that can be used effectively, can help time and place of learning.

e-learning,Digital Start Up, LMS

Computer Science


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