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Abstract Topic: Information Engineering

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The Effect of Organizational Structure and Management Information System on Management Decision Making
Andika Raja Sonang Munthe (a*), Asri Mulyani (b), Dede Kurniadi (b), Andri Ikhwana (c), Hilmi Aulawi (c)

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Andika Raja Sonang Munthe

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia
b) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia
c) Department of Industrial Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia

Decision making is part of the process of considering, understanding, remembering and reasoning about everything. The implementation of the decision itself is more emphasized on the nature of leadership of people who make decisions and management in carrying out their functions and business activities which include Planning, Organizing, Actuating and Controlling, always need information to make decisions. Management information systems are important activities in an organization or company. Management Information System is a data processing process that will produce output in the form of information. Meanwhile the organizational structure will determine how the flow of information runs within an organization. Therefore the author intends to conduct research on the influence of organizational structure and management information systems on management decision making in finance companies using descriptive analysis and verification methods.

Decision Making; Management Information Systems; Organizational Structures.

Information Engineering


The effectiveness of Evaluation Application Implementation Based on Alkin(CSE-UCLA)-Weighted Product Model to Evaluate the Digital Library Services as Education Supporting Facilities
Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana (a*), P. Wayan Arta Suyasa (a), Ida Bagus Gede Surya Abadi (b)

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Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana

a) Department of Information Technology Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia
b) Department of Evaluation in Education, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha
Jalan Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Bali, Indonesia

Digital library can be said to be quality if it has been able to give services optimally to support the learning process. Efforts to get optimization of digital library service can be executed through evaluation process. One application that can be used to evaluate the optimization level of digital library is evaluation application that combines the Alkin (CSE-UCLA) model with Weighted Product. Related to that statement, this study purpose was to obtain an overview of evaluation application effectiveness used to evaluate the digital library services optimization on computer colleges, especially in Bali. The method used in this study was R&D with Borg&Gall design, especially in implementation stage. The subjects involved in assessment of evaluation application implementation were 32 peoples, such as two education experts, 15 evaluators, and 15 users. This study location was carried out on six computer colleges in Bali. The data collection was conducted by distributing questionnaires that consist of 15 items to all research subjects. The analysis technique for data collection results uses quantitative descriptive based on effectiveness percentage level of digital library services. These study results indicate the effectiveness level of evaluation application based on Alkin(CSE-UCLA)-Weighted Product model was 86.38% so that it includes good category.

Effectiveness; Evaluation Application; Alkin(CSE-UCLA), Weighted Product; Digital Library

Information Engineering


Paramita Nuraini, Nofi Nur Yuhenita, Endah Ratna Arumi

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Corresponding Author
DPPJ UMMagelang

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang, *paramitanuraini[at]

Counseling services in schools represents teachers- responsibility on students in solving their problems. It is purposed to develop their value optimally. The students were not eager to consults their problems through guidance and counseling services. This prior study aimed to determine the effects of e-counseling application on students- interests. it employed Pretest-posttest control design. 80 students participated in this study consisted of 40 males and 40 females. It used purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire was administered to collect the data. The score of experimental group showed greater than the control one after the treatment. The statistical calculation revealed that the value of sig. (2-tailed) was 0.009 > 0.05. Parametric analysis (ANOVA) was conducted to analyze them. The results showed that the application affected students- counseling interests.

e-counseling; counseling interest; students

Information Engineering


The Implementations of Fuzzy C-Means algorithm in Research Topics Classification in Information Engineering Departement of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
Deny Fauzy (a*), Muhammad Indra Nurardy Saputra (a), Ridwan Abdul Hakim (a), Popon Dauni (a), Muhammad Deden Firdaus (a)

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Deny Fauzy Rakhman

a) Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung

The fast growth and a large number of electronic documents stored in the university library or Department repositories such as thesis, research report, etc., now available in digital version. With automatic process in grouping the thesis title, it can help the policy holder like the head of department. In this case we are using fuzzy c-means algorithm that can classify the data in clusters, so the data in that cluster has a high-level accuracy each other. In the application there is the text mining method which is the developed data mining method that can be applied to solve the thesis or research report classification problem. The result is the web application that can classify the thesis or research report data with 98% accuracy. The result is the given accuracy based on the fuzzy c-means algorithm on the system.

Fuzzy C-Means; Cluster; Web Services; Text Mining

Information Engineering


DFL Hamdah* , CH Pansuri, M Romdhon, L Nurlaela, R Rustanti

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Dida Farida Latipatul Hamdah

Accounting Program, Faculty of Economics,
Universitas Garut
Jl. Raya Samarang 52 A Garut

Inventory is a very important asset, especially for trading companies. Therefore accounting information system must be applied so that inventory is avoided by things that are not expected by he company. The purpose of this research is to find how the influence of information system accounting an inventory of goods to internal control an inventory of goods in Retail Company. Methods used in research this is the method descriptive quantitative. Technique data collection use research literature (library research), interview, the questionnaire and documentation, while technique data processing was conducted using correlation analysis, simple regression analysis and coefficients determination.The research results show that the use of information system inventory accounting of goods in Retail Company are good and influential in significant impact on internal control an inventory of good. The appliation of a good accounting information system is able accurate inventory data at any time so that it can improve control of inventory.

accounting information system, inventory

Information Engineering


The Potential Mapping of the Needs of Appropriate Technology of Cattle Farm
Rochmat Aldy Purnomo*, Ardi Gunardi, J.J Sarungu, Bhimo Rizky Samodro, Tri Mulyaningsih, Sri Hartono

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Rochmat Aldy Purnomo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
Universitas Pasundan,
Universitas Sebelas Maret

The purpose of Research "The Potential Mapping of the Needs of Appropriate Technology of Cattle Farm” is to describe the profile of dairy farmers, evaluate and measure the level of technological readiness ability of cattle ranchers which doing in Pudak sub-district, Ponorogo. The analytical tool used is a technometer that serves to measure the level of technological readiness capability used for the production of milk, meat, skin and feces of the cows that are divided into three stages, basic (level 1 to level 3), medium (level 4 to level 6) and ready (Level 7 to Level 9). By using teknometer is expected to provide basic information about the mapping of potential needs and the use of appropriate technology both tools, process and cow production in Puda, Ponorogo. The results of the evaluation and measurement of TK2T Cattle Farm in Pudak, Ponorogo showed that all samples had not passed the measurement at level 1 to level 3. In addition, no one has passed the middle level 4 to level 6, while the top level measurement, Namely level 7 to level 9 only get a maximum score of 60 percent. This explains that milk and meat production in Pudak still needs government intervention both in the use of appropriate technology, as well as supporting indicators such as management, hygiene in production, and human resources.

Mapping of Appropriate Technology; Level of Technology Readiness Capabilities; Teknometer; Cattle Farm.

Information Engineering


The Proposed Design of a Digital Monitoring System for Prospective New Students
Deni Heryanto

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Deni Heryanto

Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jalan Mayor Syamsu 1, Garut, Indonesia

This study discusses the design of digital monitoring system to monitor prospective new students, the aim of which is to measure the quantity of prospective new students and as a media to help decision making in the future. The method used in this study is the Mobile Development Live Cycle. In building an application on cellular, there is an examination called process, the process in software development is called Software Development Life cycle which functions to check the whole phase in MDLC which includes the Inception, Design, Development, Stabilization, Deployment phases. Apart from the process, there is also a consideration when building a mobile application is checking the influence on the development of the cellphone itself. The results obtained from this study are application prototypes from the concept of a digital monitoring system to monitor prospective new students.

Digital monitoring system; MDLC; Prototype.

Information Engineering


The relation of compressive strength and tensile strength of bamboo fibre for soil stabilization.
Joko Siswanto, Abdul Rochim, Khoiriya Latifah, Bambang Supriyadi

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Khoiriya Latifah

Universitas PGRI Semarang

Natural fiber has several advantages compared to synthetic materials. The advantages of natural fiber include low prices, low density, renewable and biodegradable materials and not harmful to health. Many attempts were made to explore new natural fibers and the use of plant fibers by different industrial sectors, such as composites for automotive applications and to replace synthetic fibers. Bamboo is one of the natural fibers that has many advantages.As a construction material, the use of bamboo for structural materials has good strength, easy to implement,low priceand environmentally friendly. Bamboo can be used in construction planning because based on its properties the mechanical strength of bamboo has a high tensile strength and high compressive strength so that it can be used for soil reinforcement. A good bamboo has a compressive strength and optimal tensile strength. As shown by the laboratory results, the relationship between tensile strength and compressive strength of bamboo is directly proportional to the results for Apus Bamboo which has a greater compressive strength than Javanese bamboo species which is 37.42 mpa for Apus Bamboo and 27.4 mpa for Javanese Bamboo. For tensile test results showed similar results, with Apus Bamboo having greater tensile strength on Javanese type bamboo which is 225.7 mpa for Apus bamboo and 43.76 mpa for Javanese type bamboo.

Regression, Bamboo, Tensile Strength, Compressive Strength

Information Engineering


Twitter Data as a Decision Tree Parameter for Analysis of Current Tourism Potential Policies
(a)Edy Subowo*, (b)Imam Rosyadi, (c) Hadwitya Handayani

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Nuniek Nizmah Fajriyah

(a,b,c) Informatic Management, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Pekajangan Pekalongan Muhammadiyah University, Pekalongan – Indonesia


Twitter is a medium of sharing information to express opinions of user events and thoughts. In tweets related to tourist attractions, users write reviews both in terms of location access, service satisfaction, conditions and functionality of existing facilities, and shopping experiences. Twitter data is broken down based on the basic words and then grouped according to the frequency of occurrence of words. There are two groups of words, the positive review group and the negative review group. Decision tree parameters are based on the frequency of occurrence of the word, visitor data trends, and investment value of each tourist location. The results of the decision tree are ranking of potential tourism sites to be developed. 200 Twitter data were collected about tourism in Pekalongan, the highest positive reviews were lawe curug attraction with 97 tweets of positive reviews and 3 negative reviews, while from the decision tree it was found that Welo tourism was ranked first as the priority tourism development object with access value location 80%, service satisfaction 85%, facility condition and functionality 95%, and shopping experience 75% with optimistic increase of visitors by 5% / year

Data Mining; Decision Tree

Information Engineering


Tuessi Ari Purnomo (a),R Arri Widyanto (a*), Agus Setiawan (a), Purwono Hendradi (a)

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R Arri Widyanto

a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang. Jl. Mayjend Bambang Soegeng Km 5, Mertoyudan , Magelang
* arri_w[at]

The Central Java region is the highest disaster-prone region in Indonesia in the period January - May 2019. The disasters occurred, in total of 554 times, with a total of 14 fatalities, 7 injured, 98,208 affected and displaced. Natural disasters cannot be avoided, but their impact can be minimized with good management. Disaster management and anticipation include utilizing information systems. A good information system is a system that makes it easy for users. The level of usefulness of this system, must be measured whether this system will be useful or not. This research is focused on testing the interface of the Disaster Information System belongs to BNPB Magelang. The method used is Planning and analysis, Usability evaluation and data analysis. This measurement is done by the usability testing method. The results of the research can describe the reusability level of disaster information systems and to recommend in improving aspects of reusability.

Information systems, disaster, usability

Information Engineering


Usability Evaluation of Online Credit Form: Rules of Fuzzy Logic
Endah Ratna Arumi (a)*, Agus Setiawan (a), Pristi Sukmasetya (a)

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Endah Ratna Arumi

a. Department of Informatics Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Students in each semester must complete the Online Credit Hour Form (KRS). Usability is closely related to user experience, but there is still not much consideration in developing interfaces. User Experience is used to show the ease and efficiency felt by users in using the system. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of using fuzzy logic values based on several criteria. Criteria become basic needs or conditions that must be met in content to be used by the average user. The Usability Assessment Criteria consist of learnability, memorability, efficiency, error, and satisfaction. Based on the Usability Assessment Criteria will be done to assess the quality with the values of linguistic variables (i.e .: very good, good, enough, bad, and very bad). However, the existing description of this attribute has subjective value, so the assessment is not clear. Therefore this study produces fuzzy rules that can be used as fundamental usability assessment rules. The use of fuzzy rules in evaluating usability can be used to identify and evaluate software problems to propose an efficient solution.

usability, user experience, fuzzy logic, hci, ui/ux

Information Engineering


Usability Testing of a University Website : A Case Study
Pristi Sukmasetya, Agus Setiawan, Endah Ratna Arumi

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Pristi Sukmasetya

Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang

Web-based public services become an important part in supporting the success of a university, but there are still many difficulties to use it. This study was conducted to evaluate whether Muhammadiyah Magelang University website has had the acceptability criteria of usability testing. The study was conducted using a questionnaire as a research instrument that consisted of 23 questions and filled by 95 respondents. Those questions grouped into five variables usability, there are learnability, efficiency, memorability, error, and satisfaction. Based on data processing, the result said that the mean score of overall usability testing to measure website usage Muhammadiyah Magelang University website was 2.77, for each variable the Learnability aspects have the overall score of 2.83, the efficiency was 2.73, memorability was 2.83, an error was 2.65 and 2.79 for satisfaction by respondents. From these results indicate that the website of Muhammadiyah Magelang University already Quite Easy to use. However, there are still many things that need to be fixed, especially in case of errors, focused on the availability of the feature and efficiency aspect in the speed of accessing the feature for getting information.

Evaluation, Usability Testing, Muhammadiyah Magelang University Website,

Information Engineering


West Java Tourism Geographic Information System Design Using Adobe AIR
Suhendi (a*), Amalia Rahmah (b*)

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Suhendi MMSI

(a) Information System, STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri
Kampus B, Jl.Lenteng Agung Raya No.20 Jakarta 12640
(b) Information System, STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri
Jl.Lenteng Agung Raya No.20 Jakarta 12640
Kampus B, Jl.Lenteng Agung Raya No.20 Jakarta 12640

Google maps can be maximized with applications that can facilitate the immediate location of tourist destinations. The background of the problem is the lack of West Java tourism applications using Adobe Flash so the researchers took the theme Designing West Java Tourism Geographic Information Systems Using Adobe AIR. The purpose of this study is to assist the government and the people of Indonesia with a mobile application that is useful for reducing time efficiency in finding tourist location maps in West Java and spatial data about tourist attractions in West Java. The research method used in this study uses the RAD method. The process starts with planning, user design, construction, and testing. The most important stage is making a navigation menu consisting of maps of West Java that can be connected directly with GPS and google maps. Followed by the development of a combination of script 3 action programs, images and export processes to the apk file. The testing process is done by using a cellphone connected to GPS, Google Maps and Adobe AIR installation. The conclusion that the application was successfully designed with 100% test results successfully run on an Android-based mobile device.

Tourism; Adobe; AIR; GIS; Maps

Information Engineering


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