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Study of Roadroid Application Usage in Determining Road Pavement Functional Conditions
Derry Wiliyanda Nasution (a*), Eri Susanto Hariyadi(a**)

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Derry Wiliyanda Nasution

a) Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia

In Indonesia, Pavement condition measurement tools did not fully distributed to every region especially on the level regional road. This matter happen becaouse the amount of costs which needed to procure the measurement tools To overcome the problem of the availability of these equipment, the agency that has authority over roads usually conducts visual surveys in determining the conditions of road pavement. In line with technological developments, many inovation had been made to determine functional conditions of road pavement road using minimum procurement cost. One of the innovations which being developed in determining pavement conditions is the use of smartphones to measure road pavement roughness. By using an installed mobile application on the smartphone roughness measurements can be done. RoadroidTM is a mobile application that can be used in these measurements. Roadroid application measures roughness on International Roughness Index (IRI). In this research roughness surveys was conducted to give a recomendation about the usage of Roadroid. The survey was conducted with various conditions such as differences in speed and testing repetition. Based on the analysis , it can be seen that surveys with a speed of 20-40km/hour provide the best data quality in terms of repetition with repetition error is <20% (20m segmentation), <12% (50m segmentation), and <11% (100m segmentation). Roadroid has an accuracy issues that affects the sensitivity of IRI at certain segment intervals. Thus, the output data should be generated in large segments such as 100m. Based on the statistical analysis performed the best relationship between the conditions of pavement between the two methods (IRI and PCI) occurred at a survey speed of 20-40km / hour 100m segmetation with a correlation coefficient according to Spearman Rank test of 0.774 and 0.737 for Kendall Rank test. Correlation coefficient in statement before shows that the pavement conditions based on Roadroid IRI of 20-40km/h have the best correlation with PCI pavement conditions. In terms of segmentation, the longer the segmentation interval give the greater the correlation between IRI Roadroid and PCI pavement conditions.

Pavement condition; Roadroid; IRI; PCI

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Study of Willingness to Pay of The Jakarta - Bandung High Speed Train
Anggit Lestari Putri (a), Hera Widyastuti (a*)

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Anggit Lestari Putri

a) Department of Civil Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Jl. Raya ITS, Surabaya 60111, Indonesia

Bandung and Jakarta have been connected by the Cipularang toll road since 2005. Based on data from Badan Pengatur Jalan Tol (BPJT), currently vehicle volume both in Bandung and Jakarta has grown rapidly. This is followed by an increasing volume of vehicles traveling from Jakarta to Bandung and vice versa. High Speed Train becoming one of the governments choice as a form of mass transportation modernization in Indonesia in building inter-city connectivity and regional development. In this study several scenarios for binary logistic regression analysis were conducted to analyze modal transfer from shuttle travel users to the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train. The probability of shuttle travel users who are willing to move using the Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Train is strongly influenced by variables, those are: Train Travel Time, Costs, Frequency and accessibility between modes. The probability of willingness to pay a ticket price of Rp 240,000 with a travel time of 60 minutes is 77.40%. The probability of willingness to pay a ticket price of Rp. 260,000 with a travel time of 50 minutes is 45.17%

High Speed Train;Willingness To Pay;Probability;Binary Logistic Regression Analysis

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Suspended sediment distribution correspond to erosion and deposition processes at Bengawan Solo River, Indonesia
Mahendra Andiek Maulana(a*); Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro(a); Toshifumi Mukunoki(b); Dwa Desa Warnana(a)

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Corresponding Author
Mahendra Andiek Maulana

a) Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
* mahendrasipil[at]
b) Kumamoto University

Bengawan Solo River is one of the longest natural channels in Indonesia which functioned as irrigation, fresh water supply and flood control. This river covers up to 1.6 million ha of area from the mountainous region in the Central of Java to the North Sea of Java with approximately 600 km of river reach length. Bengawan Solo River is an alluvial river indicated by Holocene formation along the river flow. Since alluvial soils were easy to transport, the river morphology changing becomes main problem. The river morphology changing causes local river channel alteration such as degradation, aggradation, river channel enlargement, and unequilibrium of river profile. In this study, the suspended sediment concentration (SSC), flow discharge (Q) and flow velocity (u) were investigated as primary data through field work. The SSC provides the maximum and minimum value with 1496.868 mg/l and 294.308 mg/l respectively correspond to the climate succession in Bengawan Solo River basin area. The suspended sediment value shows the promising sediment equilibrium correlation with the river profile transformation tendency. Inequality between input and output sediment concentration in this study explains the mechanism of river channel alteration including deposition and erosion processes.

sediment concentration, erosion, deposition, river morphology, Bengawan Solo River

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Sustainability of Calcite Precipitation Method for Soil Stabilization: A review
Heriansyah Putra (a*), Hideaki Yasuhara (b), Naoki Kinoshita (b), Willis Diana (c)

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Heriansyah Putra

(a) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia
(b) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan
(c) Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Calcita induced precipitation methods (CIPM) are the recently potential technique in geotechnical engineering to improve the engineering properties of sandy soil. One of the most promised methods is enzyme-mediated calcite precipitation (EMCP). In this technique, the mixed solution composed of reagents and an enzyme of urease, which produces calcite, is used as the grouting solution. The precipitated calcium carbonate in sandy soil provides bridges between the grains of sand, restricting their movement and, thus, leading to improving the strength and stiffness. This paper presents a review of the application of EMCP for soil improvement and discusses the additional material and their effect on the treatment process and engineering properties of the sandy soil. Envisioned application, potential advantages and the limitation of EMCP for soil stabilization are also presented and discussed. Finally, the primary challenges and the development opportunities for future research are briefly discussed.

Calcite Precipitation, EICP, EMCP, Enzyme, Soil improvement

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Listiyani Desy Ratnasari (a), Dr. Senot Sangadji, ST.,MT. (b), Dr. Endah Safitri, S.T., M.T. (b)

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(a) Student Civil Engineering Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia. Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36 A, Pucangsawit, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126
Email : listiyani_desy[at]

(b) Lecturer Civil Engineering Department of Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia. Jl. Ir. Sutami No.36 A, Pucangsawit, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126

One of the emerging issue in the development of infrastructure is how to design and build new building that is more sustainable as well as retrofitting existing building towards resources saving. Improved design and appropriate intervention to the building may reduce its energy and water consumption and increase its ecological performance. This paper evaluates the design and performance of Bank Jateng Regional Branch Office in Jepara, Central Java in terms of its resources intensity. Edge building apps would be used to provide metrics-driven approach in the evaluation. As resources efficiency is considered in the building operation, then, the paper explores some of the scenario that works better to the building response to the local climate in reducing and saving resources consumption. The prediction of the identifying resources (energy) saving criteria were then evaluated. Environmental analysis tool then was employed to carry out in depth analysis of the building 3D model to some to the best scenarios and optimize the design. This ongoing research is expected to gain positive insight in improving building design in terms of its resources saving that in turn will be beneficial for the environment.

3D modeling, energy saving, sustainable design

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Sustainable Design Implementation of PT. IPK Roof Structure
Annisa 1, Ilham 1, and Irvan Wiradinata 2,3

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Annisa Annisa

1 Institut Teknologi dan Sains Bandung, Technic and Design Department, Lot-A1 CBD Kota Deltamas, 17530, Indonesia
2 Universitas Ibnu Khaldun Bogor, Engineering Department, Jalan Sholeh Iskandar KM 2, 16161, Indonesia
3 PT Intan Prima Kalorindo, Jalan Tekno Raya B1-F, Kawasan Industri Jababeka III Cikarang, 17530, Indonesia

This study examines a sustainable design of a steel roof structure in a relatively small sized workshop area. Sustainable design refers to minimizing waste, efficient land use, reducing the negative effect of construction and establishing a better work environment. The steel roof structure is an extension of the existing workshop area. A case study analysis is performed to obtain a sustainable design for the additional steel roof structure in the workshop area. The steel roof structure is located at PT Intan Prima Kalorindo (PT IPK), Jalan Tekno Raya B1-F, Kawasan Industri Jababeka III, Cikarang. Data, such as workshop layout and as build drawing, were collected from December 2018 to January 2019. The result of this study will provide a construction insight for PT IPK. Therefore, PT IPK can implement the sustainable design to optimizing the design as well as minimizing the construction cost. Generally, this study will also provide additional knowledge of the structural engineering.

sustainable, steel, structure, roof

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Technical and Non-Technical Indicators for Service Index Modeling of Polder System with Retention Pond
Dina Noviadriana, Ussy Andawayanti, Pitojo T. Juwono, and Dian Sisinggih

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Dina Noviadriana

Water Resources Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia

In the flood management, one way to reduce the volume of flood is by using polder system. This system is implemented by The Government of DKI Jakarta Province with retention ponds in some area. To keep its function, some routine maintenance with appropriate budget of each polder are running, but there are some conditions which give impact to the polder functions and services. There are many aspects that contributed in the decreasing of polder service capability. In other hand, Water Resources Agency of DKI Jakarta Province, who is responsible for the maintenance of those polders, does not have any guideline to evaluate the polder service and correlate it with appropriate maintenance budget. This research analyzed seven selected polders in DKI Jakarta with 41 various variables and indicators that used to evaluate polder services, which are 4 technical variables (Tx) with 17 indicators (tx) and 5 non-technical variables (NTx) with 15 indicators (ntx). As the result of this research, evaluating the polder services are more precisely by using 36 various variables and indicators, which are 4 technical variables with 15 indicators and 5 non-technical variables with 12 indicators. These variables and indicators then could be used to evaluate the polder-s service.

flood management, polders, indicators

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Characteristics of Passengger Mode Choice Behavior in Surabaya-Semarang Route
Nafilah El Hafizah (a) and Asep Y. Nurhidayat (b)

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Corresponding Author
Nafilah Hafizah

a.Departement of Civil Engineering, Adhi Tama Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia
b.Agency For the Assesment and Application of Technology, M.H Thamrin Street, Jakarta, Indonesia

Semarang City is the center of the economic activities of the province of Central Java and as a business center and trade center which includes national strategic areas. As we know that, Semarang city is located between 2 (two) large cities, namely Jakarta and Surabaya. Thus, the city of Semarang has quite large and strong access to regional economic growth. Semarang as a business center that is connected with other cities. Surabaya is one of them. Surabaya-Semarang is an important route because it connects two provincial capitals. To anticipate high passenger growth, support from the transportation sector is urgently needed. This research was conducted in order to see the characteristics of railroad mode assumption, assuming trains operate with travel time service faster than conventional trains in the Surabaya-Semarang corridor. The research method uses stated preference and binomial binary logit with attributes of travel time and travel costs. We believe that the attributes that affect conventional trains respondents in choosing the mode between the conventional trains and the Surabaya-Semarang corridor fast train are travel time and travel costs so that it will have a negative impact on the growth of conventional railway passengers.

travel time, travel costs, stated preference, binomial logit model

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Comparison of the Effect of the Use of Coal Fly Ash 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5% in the Mixture of HRS-WC and AC-WC Using Retona Blend 55 as Asphalt
Anita Rahmawati (*1), Emil Adly(1), M. Rhoy Yusuf(1), M. Dinar Rohmatulloh(1)

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Corresponding Author
anita rahmawati

1) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 55183 Kasihan Bantul Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Indonesia is the natural asphalt – Asbuton, a producer with the largest deposit in the world. One of the modified Asbutons produced in the form of Retona Blend asphalt 55 produced by PT. Olah Bumi Mandiri. Asbuton has the potential to be used as a binder on road pavement to replace oil asphalt that is commonly used. Beside natural asphalt, coal is also one of the natural resources in Indonesia which continue to be explored, causing fly ash waste. Furthermore, fly ash waste can be used as a cavity filler. The method used is Marshall in order to examine the effect characteristics of coal fly ash on a mixture of HRS-WC and AC-WC and Retona Blend 55 asphalt binder with varying levels of coal fly ash as a filler substitute with the content of 0%, 5%, 5.5%, 6%, and 6.5%. The results of Marshall characteristics using coal fly ash in a mixture of AC-WC and HRS-WC tend to increase in density, VFWA values. Meanwhile, the value of VIM and stability in the mixture of AC-WC and HRS-WC have decreased. Flow value in the AC-WC mixture tends to increase. The highest value of flow in AC-WC and HRS-WC at levels of 6.5%, namely 3.67 mm and 3.55 mm. The MQ value in the AC-WC and HRS-WC mixture has decreased with the highest MQ value in the mixture without using fly ash, i.e., 750.41 for HRS-WC and 655.07 for AC-WC

AC-WC, coal fly ash, HRS-WC, Marshall, Retona Blend 55

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Concrete Shear Capacity of the Interior Beam Column Joint Subjected to Seismic Load
Rahmani Kadarningsih 1, , Iman Satyarno2 , Muslikh2, and Andreas Triwiyono2

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Rahmani Kadarningsih

1Departement of Civil Engineering, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia
2Departement of Civil and Environmental Engineering , Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract. The beam column joint is the most vulnerable area in the moment resisting frame system. The failure in this area can causes the failure of the overall system. The beam column joint must be in elastic behaviour, therefore the beams which assembling in the joint achieve the flexural capacity. The condition of the joint will be even more critical during an earthquake. The seismic load causes the beams that arranged in the interior column resist a directional moment. This condition is different from the behaviour of the beam when resist the gravitation loads. This study shows how beam column joints without reinforcement are not adequate to resist the lateral earthquake load that occurs. The joint is only adequate to resist the load in the amount 38% of the beams flexural capacity. The amount of concrete shear capacity on the joint is compared to the joint concrete shear capacity on SNI 2847:2013 and the joint shear capacity of Park and Paulay (1974). The calculation of the concrete shear capacity on the SNI 2847:2013 reached 80.2% the joint shear capacity of the experiment. The calculation of the concrete shear capacity of the Park and Paulays reached 31.2% joint shear capacity in the experiment.

beam column joint, concrete shear capacity, seismic load

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Effect of Asphalt Content and Scrap Rubber Size on the Ballast Layer Properties
Dian M Setiawan, Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi, Cahyo Budiyantoro

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Dian M Setiawan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Ballasted track is a technology that commonly used in Indonesia due to the practical in build and maintenance. However, the application of this technology causes much ballast degradation that effect the rail track geometric condition. The rail track stabilization using bitumen and scrap tire was recommended to make a solution the problem of the ballasted track. In this research, scrap rubber and bitumen used as much as 10% and 2% of total weight, respectively. The samples then built with 4 different configurations to analyses the value of some parameters such as void volume, deformation, abrasion, and elasticity modulus. Results show that the ballast with scrap rubber and bitumen has a smallest value of void volume which is 35.21%. Also, the sample of ballast with bitumen has the smallest deformation value, which is 5 mm at the load of 483.4 kPa, and the highest elastic modulus, which is 27.13 MPa. Furthermore, the smallest value of abrasion, 19.6 grams, was occurred on ballast with bitumen and scrap rubber.

Abrasion, deformation, elastic modulus, stabilization, volume void

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Wildan Akbar Fauzan, Anis Rahmawati, Taufiq Lilo Adisucipto, Muhammad Kunta Biddinika

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Anis Rahmawati

Universitas Sebelas Maret;
School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology

The reuse of grey water is one of the water management system implementations as an effort to preserve the environment. Gray water filter is an instrument that can be used to process grey water so that it can be reused. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the grey filter composition sequence on the acidity (PH) of household wastewater. This study used quantitative experimental methods. Water samples were tested before and after flowing through a filter made of four types of materials, namely sand, gravel, palm fiber, and charcoal, with the thickness of each material was 5 cm. The results of the study indicated that the composition sequence of the Gray Water Filter affects on the value of the water acidity level. The composition of the filter material that produces the lowest PH value was a composition sequence of gravel-sand-palm fiber-charcoal. While the sequence of composition that produces the highest PH value was the charcoal-and-gravel-palm fiber. All filter materials must be washed before being used as a gray water filter material so that the impurities on the surface of the material will not dissolve into the water that flows through the filter.


International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Effect of Green Design on Project Success: a Framework
Mira Anjar Gita, Mohammad Arif Rohman, Yusroniya Eka Putri

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Mira Anjar Gita

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

As the second largest city in Indonesia, Surabaya has quite big number of apartment building which is increasing from year to year. As the other construction project, apartment project can be considered as successful if is completed on time according to the time, cost and quality. However, it is not sufficient for the property developer only think a success from a short term, but also in the long-term that is related to product and market success. With regard to that, a green design potentially affects the success of the project in the long-term. This paper is an initial step of the research to develop a conceptual framework to investigate relationship between green design and the success components design from the developers- perspective in Surabaya. This research can help stakeholders understand whether a green design positively affects the success of the apartment projects in the long-term

developer, green design, market success, product success

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Siti Umi kalsum, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sunjoto,DIP,HE,DEA, Dr. Ir. Sri Puji Saraswati,M.Sc

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Siti Umi Kalsum

Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Abstract Water quality in Batanghari River has decreased due to changes in land use. One of the changes in land use is the existence of Unlicensed Gold Mining (PETI) in the upper part of the river. The test results of the Environmental Laboratory of the Environmental Office of Jambi Province showed that the upper and downstream of the Batang Asai River contained 0.003 mg / l of mercury and the Batang Limun River has 0.005 mg / l ini its upperstream and 0.004 mg / l in its downstream. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of unlicensed gold mining on the spatial quality of the Batanghari watershed. This research approach uses the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model through remote sensing techniques and Geographic Information Systems. The results of this study are expected to obtain a database of changes in the quality of Batanghari River water due to spatial-based gold mining activities which form the basis for the utilization of Batanghari river water as raw water for drinking water.

Illegal Gold Mining Activities; The quality of Batanghari River; Spatial Model.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The effect of roughness surface on bending properties of the sandwich structure
Pratama Yuli Arianto (a*), Achmad Zubaydi (a), Agung Budipriyanto (b)

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Pratama Yuli Arianto

(a) Department of Naval Architecture, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

(b) Department of Civil Insfrastructure Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya, Indonesia

The sandwich structure as a substitute for the conventional structure in the ship was an interesting topic in this recent era. Various innovation of type and shape of the core was studied with many researchers. Resin-talk-catalyst combination is one of cores type that has a high opportunity to research deeply and to applicate massively. The effect of roughness surface on the bending properties and failure mechanism of sandwich structure by using resin-talk-catalyst as the core and steel as the face was investigated in this paper. The four-point bending test of the sandwich structure was performed at three variations resin-talk-catalyst composition and two variations of with and without roughness surface in order to understand the deformation and failure mechanism. The effect of roughness on deformation modes, failure mechanism, and bending failure load was studied and analyzed. The result showed that the roughness surface and various type of core combination has a visible impact on the deformation modes, failure mechanism, and bending failure load. The roughness surface sandwich structure was stiffer and stronger than non-roughness surface sandwich structure.

Bending Properties, Failure Mechanism, Roughness Surface, Sandwich Structure, Ship Structure.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The effectiveness of Addition of Infilled Wall Against Earthquake Load in Building Models
Fanny Monika (a*) ; Muhammad Ibnu Syamsi (a, b)

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Corresponding Author
Hakas Prayuda

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.
Jl. Lingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55183
Email : fanny.monika.2007[at]

(b) Ph.D Student in Department of Civil Engineering, National Central University, 32001 Jongli City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan

The Yogyakarta region is an area that has quite a high earthquake activity. Meanwhile, the usual earthquake resistant building design ignores the influence of wall stiffness. For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate the structural behavior of earthquake loads, if the infill wall is included in the analysis. This research was conducted at the Postgraduate Building of the Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University. The purpose of this study is to look for the effect of displacement and interstory drift with additional infill walls. The research was conducted with ETABS software to make the model according to the actual conditions. The earthquake load simulated using equivalent static load and spectrum response. The structure model of the open frame structure building and the infill frame structure are modeled to compare the results. Result analysis shows that interstory drift in the open frame structure model is not safe because it exceeds the permit limit. While the infill frame structure of each floor is still within the range of permit values so that the structure deviation is still in the safe category as required by SNI 1726-2012.

Infilled Wall, SNI 1726-2012, open frame structure

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Shear Capacity Induced Corrosion
Merzy Mooy (a*), Priyo Suprobo (b), Faimun (b)

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Corresponding Author
Merzy Mooy

a) Civil Engineering, Structural, Sepuluh Nopember of Institute Technology
Jalan Raya ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo
b) Civil Engineering, Structural, Sepuluh Nopember of Institute Technology
Jalan Raya ITS, Keputih, Sukolilo

Corrosion due to the loss of reinforcement diameter has an influence on flexure and shear capacity in reinforcement concrete. One of the corrosion causes is concrete cracks. Moreover, corrosion in reinforcement can causes expansive pressure worsen condition of the structure. This research investigate shear capacity of 4 reinforced concrete beams with dimensions of 200 x 10 x 20 cm. There were 2 beams exposed to 3.5% NaCl by galvanostatic method with constant current of 0.1 ampere for one month and 2 beams without exposure. Furthermore, four point bending test with shear span-effective depth ratio (a/d) under 2.5 will be applied. The test results showed that shear compression occurs along 2/3 of shear span, beams with exposure has shear capacity 35% and compression strength 8% lesser than beams without exposure.

shear capacity, corrosion.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Hardness Effect on Natural Rubber Compound to KNF 800 Performance
Yanuar, Ocid Mursid

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ocid Mursid

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Depok 16424, Indonesia

The purpose of this study was to show the hardness effect on natural rubber compound to KNF 800 (cone type marine fender) performance. The fender performance of the KNF 800 can be analyzed using the compression loading method with a deflection of up to 70%. Methods on this study using explicit dynamic on Abaqus student software. fender material using natural rubber with 4 variations of hardness and analysis using yeoh 3rd order material. The results of the analysis are then compared with the actual test of compression. Based on the result of the analysis, if the hardness of natural rubber compound increase, the reaction force of KNF 800 increase.

Marine Fender, Natural Rubber, Explicit Dynamic

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Influence of Soil Parameter to the Retarding Basin Factor of Watershed
Gatut Bayuadji (a*), Rispiningtati (b), Lily Montarcih Limantara (b), and Pitojo Tri Juwono (b)

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Corresponding Author
Gatut Bayuadji

a) Doctoral Program on the Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Jl. MT Haryono No 167 Malang-Indonesia
b) Department of Water Resources, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya, Jl. MT Haryono No. 167 Malang-Indonesia

The retarding basin decay factor is controlled by retarding or storage factor. Nowadays, the empirical formula of retarding factor is built based on the watershed morphometric. The roles of rainfall and decay coefficient are the important factors for controlling the threshold in predicting the flood. Generally, the analyses are carried out on the soil type parameter, watershed morphometric, and flood. This study intends to investigate the influence of soil parameters on the retarding factor as the new variable to the determination of the decay factor. The result is hoped that retarding basin factor is influenced by the soil texture, effective porosity of the soil, and soil conductivity hydraulic that is as the input for building retarding basin decay factor.

soil type, soil texture, retarding basin factor, watershed.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Modification of Vehicle Detection Program Based on Java by Using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Method for Rural Street
Muchlisin, Nurtia Amanda

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Muchlisin ST, M.Sc.

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UMY, Indonesia

Population growth in Indonesia is currently experiencing a high increase. Those things will affect the increase of transportation needs, so that might increase the traffic volume. Traffic volume is needed in transportation planning. Nowadays, the manual method is usually used by field observers using a calculation tool called a counter to get traffic volumes. With the high of traffic volumes, manual traffic volume calculations are less effective. For this reason, in this study the researchers modified the program to create a vehicle detection program and classify vehicles according to MKJI 1997 on a Java-based off-street called U-COUNTER (Rural Area). The method that used in this research is Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) method that base in image processing. In this program will attack of video input in the morning with 6 m height and 7 m, as well as video input in the afternoon with 6m and 7m height. The calculation results on the program will compared with manual calculations to get the accuracy and percent error values. The highest accuracy results obtained in this program are 76.48% with an error value of 23.52% for video 6 m in the morning. For the lowest accuracy results found on the 7 m video in the afternoon with an accuracy of 43% with an error value of 57%, this caused by congested traffic during video capture.

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Rural Street, Image Processing, Traffic Volume.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Optimization Model of Kenthungan Intersection
Wahyu Widodo

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Wahyu Widodo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The closures of the intersections because of construction, particularly in an urban area, are potentially impact on the congestion on the other road networks. The intersection which under construction in Yogyakarta city is the Kenthungan junction that located in North Ring Road of Yogyakarta. This study aims to create the optimization model of an existing junction condition (without project) and junction condition in the future (with project) to minimize the traffic impact. The software that used in this study was PTV. VISSIM 9.0 which is one of the micro simulation programs invented by PTV Group with the model results in the form of dynamic simulation. It could be concluded that the model result on existing conditions produce the level of service (LOS) E with the delay of 721.85 sec/passenger car unit (> 60 sec/pcu). Furthermore, the impact of the construction on this intersection caused the increasing of delay at other intersections, those are Kenthungan (771.71 sec/pcu), Gejayan (from 669.53 sec/pcu to 719.69 sec/pcu), and Monjali (from 591.67 sec/pcu to 641.11 sec/pcu). Therefore, it was recommended to widen the highway lane to become 2 m and the vehicle driver suggested avoid to passing the kenthungan intersection and choose another routes, i.e Southern Ring Road, especially for heavy vehicle in order to reduce traffic impact.

Intersection, Model, Optimization, PTV.VISSIM

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Overloading Effect on the Design Life of Road and Thickness of Pavement Layer
Anita Rahmawati, Emil Adly, Irfan L., Ainnur S.M., Muhammad I., Avliya B.

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anita rahmawati

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Road Solo-Yogyakarta KM 9-15 is the national highway which supports the traffic of goods and services, but many passing goods transport vehicles do not match the allowable load. As a consequence, the damage on the pavement occurred. Therefore, this study aims to know the effect of overloading on design life and pavement thickness. This study used the method of Binamarga to analyze the reduction in design life and the effect of pavement thickness caused by overloading. The analysis was carried out by using the formula of design life decreasing with the value of Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle (CESA) for overloading and standard load. Based on the 2002 Binamarga method, the design life value is reduced by about eight years,from the previously determined is 20 years. Moreover, based on the analysis on pavement thickness of 20 years design life by using Binamarga 2002 for standard load, it showed that pavement thickness is needed for a surface layer of 24.5 cm (Laston). Also, the base course layer is 11.5 cm (Sirtu Class A), and the subbase course layer is 22 cm (Sirtu Class B). At the same time, for overloading, the analysis result showed that it was required the pavement thickness for the surface layer of 27 cm (Laston), the base course layer of 27 cm (Sirtu Class A) and the subbase course layer of 6.5 cm (Sirtu Class B). These results indicate that overloading causes a reduction in the design life of the pavement and an increase in the thickness of the pavement.

Binamarga Method, Design life ,Overloading, Pavement thickness

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Performance of AC-WC Asphalt Mixture with Eco-Friendly Steel Slag Against Sea Tidal Impact
Emil adly, Anita Rahmawati, Nurul Firkhati Hidayah

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Emil Adly

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The roadways that located around the beach are often have some problems with puddle of the seawater caused by the condition tides or known as rob water. Therefore, to find alternatife way due to prevent pavement damage, application of steel slag with higher quality is better to be used rather than ordinary aggregate. This research substitutes aggregate into the steel slag with 100% coarse aggregate number 0,5 inch and 50% fine aggregate number 30 that will be soaked in the seawater about 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours. From this research, the longer this immersion is conducted, the more significant effects will affect marshall characteristic resulting poor quality of asphalt, marked by decline of stability value, VFWA value, and also MQ value. As for the value of flow, VITM and VMA tend to rise.

immersion, arshall, puddles sea, seawater, steel slag

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The performance of man-made wetlands for the treatment of household greywater
Siti Qomariyah(a*), Sobriyah(b), Prabang Setyono(c), Ari H. Ramelan(d)

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Siti Qomariyah Qomariyah

a)Doctoral Program in Environmental Science, Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University
* siti.qomariyah[at]
b)Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University
c)Graduate School of Environmental Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
d)Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University

Abstract. Pollution of water sources as a result of inadequate sanitation is a serious issue in Indonesia. Domestic wastewater is considered as the most significant contribution to the water pollution. Centralized wastewater treatment plant systems built to serve city sanitation is costly for developing countries. Considering greywater has been practically separated from blackwater at its source of wastewater in most households in Indonesia, decentralized greywater treatment systems by adopting manmade wetlands in the level of individual household can be promoted. The manmade wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This system utilized the interaction of aquatic plants and microorganism in the removal of pollutants. This paper presents the performance of a man-made wetland built four years ago on a household yard. The manmade wetland was constructed with dimension of 170x70x70cm, planted with Cyperus alternifolius aquatic plants, and filled with 40 cm gravelly sand filter media. Treatment performance of the systems was evaluated for the removal efficiency of Biological Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solid, Dissolved Oxygen, Oil & Fat, and Detergent. Results showed that the manmade wetland system still removed effectively the pollutants. Hence, the system still in a good performance to decrease the wastewater load discharged into the municipal drainage systems, help to recharge groundwater with better quality source, and provide aesthetic-green yard views.

man-made wetlands; greywater; treatment

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Role of Scrap Rubber Size against the Characteristics of Ballast Layer
Dian M Setiawan1, Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi1, Cahyo Budiyantoro2

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Dian M Setiawan

1Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl. Brawijaya, Bantul, 55183, Indonesia

2Department of Civil Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jl. Brawijaya, Bantul, 55183, Indonesia

This research utilizes scrap rubber from motorcycle tires as a ballast layer mixture component. A compression test method was used with three test samples: ballast (sample I), ballast with 10% uniform graded scrap rubber (sample II) and ballast with 10% continuous graded scrap rubber (sample III). This research aims to analyze the elastic modulus, durability and vertical deformation of the ballast layer. It can be concluded that the elastic modulus of sample I, II, and III was 14.28 MPa, 8.53 MPa, and 3.10 MPa, respectively. Moreover, the abrasion of sample I, II, and III was 162.1 gr (3.24%), 54.2 gr (1.08%), and 50.1 gr (1%). Furthermore, at the same number of vertical deformation (5 mm), the sample I was able to receive the most considerable load that is 1980.9 Kg, followed by sample II by 1252.2 Kg and sample III by 443.7 Kg.

ballast durability, elastic modulus, rail track, scrap rubber, vertical deformation

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Strategy to Develop Semarang City Bicycle Lane Facilities
Carlina Nurul Fithria (a*), Bambang Riyanto (b), Ismiyati (b)

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Carlina Nurul Fithria

a) Infrastructure Engineering Management, Master of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, (Gedung D Lantai 2)
Tembalang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Kode Pos 50275

b) Engineering Faculty, Diponegoro University
Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH, (Gedung D Lantai 2)
Tembalang, Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia, Kode Pos 50275

Indonesia has committed to making a development transition in a low-carbon in the future. Increased use of private vehicles that are not controlled will lead to congestion and fuel consumption contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. One alternative mode of transportation that is environmentally friendly in sustainable transportation is cycling. This study aims to identify the factors that encourage and discourage the choice of modes of transportation by cycling, rank the choice of cycling facilities according to societys preferences and develop a strategy for developing bicycle facilities in Semarang City. From the results of factor analysis, factors that discourage the choice of cycling are discomfort, environment & safety, and daily activity. While the factors that encourage cycling choices is the pleasure factor. The assessment of cycling facilities was carried out by multiple attribute analysis with the highest rank results are bicycle lanes, bicycle parking, and signaling. One strategy for developing cycling facilities is in the form of bicycle lanes with continuous routes that are shady and connected to public transportation routes. These efforts are expected to reduce the factors that discourage the choice of cycling, and also for supporting tourism and the concept of Transit Oriented Development in Semarang City.

Cycling Perception, Cycling Facilities, Factor Analysis, Transportation Management.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Strength Comparison of the Square Column and the Round Column
Rahmani Kadarningsih1, , Rifadli Bahsuan1 , and Saiful Sutan Tanamas1

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Rahmani Kadarningsih

1Departement of Civil Engineering, Gorontalo State University, Gorontalo, Indonesia

Abstract. The work of square column is felt easier than the work of round column, on the implementation. The work is both on reinforcement assembly and when making formwork. However, the comparison of the strength of the two cross sections of the column still has to be proven. The column cross-sectional area and the reinforcement area are made equal to compare the strengths both in terms of the nominal axial resistance nominal and the nominal moment resistance. The analysis was carried out in the short column and in the slender column, with reference to SNI 2847: 2013. Based on the results of the analysis it was found that the round column produces the nominal moment resistance greater than the square column with the same compressive force. The graph interactions depictions of the round column greater than square columns.

square column, round column, The Strength Comparison

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Title is Suggested Changing: Mode Shift Analysis of Private Car to Public Transport in Minangkabau International Airport
Isria Miharti Maherni Putri (a*), Hera Widyastuti (b)

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a) Civil Engineering Departement, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia

Good, safe, and efficient transportation are factors should be considered by resident in urban areas. Together with increasing development of technology make rise to a variety of transportation tools that can make competition between transports. While the upper class resident is getting bigger the dependence on personal vehicle it will increase the volume of traffic. Damri bus and Tranex Mandiri are the mode of transportation at the Minangkabau International Airport which is currently the interested people in using buses are decrease and need long time before moving to carry the passengers because of waiting for full load capacity, therefore it is carried out the analysis of probability of movement mode from personal vehicle to Damri and Tranex Mandiri. The methods are used in this research include the distribution of questionnaire, interview and Stated Preference technique. The performance parameters of buses are stop time, headway and load factor. In this research carried out several scenarios binary logistic regression analysis to analyze the movement of mode. The probability of private car users who want to move with Damri buses and Tranex Mandiri are strongly influenced by variables: the purpose of the trip, probability of transferring private car mode transfer is 69.90%.

Damri bus and Tranex Mandiri; Probability Stated Preference; Logistic Regression; Performance

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Use of Nonparametric Statistical Inference for Studying the Effects of Construction WasteThe Use of Nonparametric Statistical Inference for Studying the Effects of Construction Waste
Aqli Mursadin

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Aqli Mursadin

Civil Engineering Graduate Program
Engineering Faculty
Lambung Mangkurat University

Minimizing construction waste can help achieve the environmental, economic, and social benefits of sustainable construction. Types of waste may include those known as non-value adding activities. Studies on the effects of construction waste on project performance are important to enable mitigation actions. Most of such studies, however, are based on perception surveys. This has led to problems in deriving valid information using parametric methods during the statistical analysis of the response. These problems are mainly related to the assumptions concerning the underlying distribution and the categorical nature of the data. This paper explores a class of nonparametric methods for analyzing survey data concerning the effects of construction waste on project performance. It includes a number of nonparametric tests for repeated measures and post-hoc procedures. Data concerning seven types of construction waste on the generation of material waste from past study are used for this purpose. The results show that consistent outcomes and inferences can be made among different nonparametric methods. A recommendation on which tests and procedures to use is given.

construction waste, nonparametric inference, sustainable construction

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Use of Transport Modeling to Evaluate the Implementation of Pedestrianization in Maliboro Area, Yogyakarta
Wiji Lestarini (a*), Achmad Munawar (b), Zudhy Irawan (b)

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Wiji Lestarini

a)Faculty of civil engineering and planning, islamic university of Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14.5, Besi, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584
b)Departement of civil and environmental Engineering, UGM, Jl. Grafika, Kampus No.2, Senolowo, Sinduadi, Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55284
b)Departement of civil and environmental Engineering, UGM, Jl. Grafika, Kampus No.2, Senolowo, Sinduadi, Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55284

Malioboro Area is the city centre of Yogyakarta. It is very busy area. There are many shops, public utilities and attractions in this area. Many visitors come to this area, especially during long weekends and holidays.It is planned to close and pedestrianize the Malioboro main street. Traffic surveys were carried out in Malioboro and surrounding areas. JICA Strada transport modeling software has been used to analyze the effects of pedestrianization in this area. There are some alternatives, i.e.: pedestrianization for the whole area of Malioboro or pedestrianization for only a part of Malioboro. Traffic increase in the surrounding areas have been analyzed. Some recommendations to reduce the negative impact of traffic increase have also been suggested.

pedestrianization, transport modeling, JICA Strada

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


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