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Abstract Topic: International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies

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Improving the Quality of Democracy with E-Voting Policy in Indonesia
Dyah Mutiarin, Junior Hendri Wijaya

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Junior Hendri Wijaya

Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta
Brawijaya Street Tamantirto Kasihan Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Indonesia
Email: dyahmutiarin[at] Juniorhendri8[at]

Indonesia already has a legal umbrella for e-voting. Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions article 5 is the legal basis for e-voting. However, this law does not specifically address the e-voting system selection scheme. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Quality Improvement of Democracy with E-Voting Policy in Indonesia. The method used in research is literature. Based on the findings of the researchers, Indonesia has a large space to conduct elections with an E-voting system, so that this policy can be followed up and focused specifically on the implementation of the E-Voting system in Indonesia. This space can be proven by facts from developing countries that have successfully implemented the E-voting system.

Quality, E-Voting, Policy, Indonesia

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Indigineous Dictum of Nekafmese Ansaofmese as a Cultural Strategy for the Dawan Tribe in Multicultural Communication in West Timor Indonesia
Erna Suminar, Andrik Purwasito

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Erna Suminar

Universitas Sebelas Maret

The purpose of this research is to understand Dawan Tribe in Timor making communication strategy in the multicultural society in Western Timor. For Dawan tribe, Nekafmese ansaofmese indigenous dictum has the function to sustain diversity and harmony inside the society. In addition, Nekafmese Asaofmese also become fundamental part to develop social relationship and customary agreement in Timor culture as the solution of every social problem. Using anxiety and uncertainty management theory (AUM), in this study, twenty individuals consist of traditional leaders, local state apparatus, Dawan tribal community, and another ethnics inhabit the Western Timor. The result reveals that Nekafmese ansaofmese indigenous dictum successfully unite the community. As the native tribe and main population in Western Timor, Dawan tribe coexistence with another native ethnics in Timor as well as another ethnics from another region in Indonesia as settler. Furthermore, Ansaofmese Nekafmese also successfully unite community from different beliefs to live peacefully in Western Timor.

Nekafmese Ansaofmese, Cultural Strategy, Dawan Tribe, Muticultural Communication

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Indonesia-s Foreign Policy toward Malaysia in the Post Soeharto Era: a Case Study of Ambalat Dispute
a) Tulus Warsito; b) Ali Maksum; c) Surwandono; d) Ratih Herningtyas

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Ali Maksum

a,b,c,d) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Since the 1960s, Indonesia and Malaysia often argued about the Ambalat Block. The peak of the feud took place in 2002 when the International Court of Justice won Malaysia in the ownership dispute of Sipadan and Ligitan Islands in the Ambalat Block. Border disputes between two neighboring countries are actually a natural thing, especially the disputed area of the sea which is not a human habitat, whose physical boundaries are visually difficult to recognize. It becomes unnatural that the dispute then involves the mobilization of soldiers, warships, fighter jets on both sides, and often inflicts endless public anger, whereas Indonesia and Malaysia are both member countries of ASEAN. The article is set in order to reveal: why has the dispute not been completed for more than half a century? What have been done by both parties so that the Ambalat Block problem is still far from a peace agreement? What sort of obstacles are faced by both parties so that the negotiation process takes so long?

Ambalat Block, Indonesia-s Foreign Policy, Dispute

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Grace Lestariana Wonoadi

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Grace Lestariana Wonoadi

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Over the years, Xinjiang issue has reported as a violent conflict between muslim minority and the government of China without significant response from the muslim world. Indonesia is one of the biggest Muslim population. On another side, Indonesian Chinese Muslims can be seen as a group of double minority, both in socio-economic power and in religious affiliation. This paper aims to compare the dynamics of discussion about the Xinjiang issue among Indonesian Muslims, both Chinese and non-Chinese descendant. Comparing four groups of WhatsApp, it is found that there is no single unitary perception on it. However, it shows a common feature of lack of literacy about the issue. The study also found that religious identity is much more decisive than ethnicity. A combination of religious identity, an intensive sharing of news, and political sentiment welcoming the general election produces a new response among society.

indonesia, chinese muslim, perception, xinjiang issue, whatsapp, identity

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Indonesian Democracy as a Model for the Middle East
Ahmad Sahide

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Ahmad Sahide

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The Arab Spring became the political event that shook the Middle East since the end of 2010. This political event became the momentum of rise of the people power against the authoritarian leader. Democracy became one of the main issues as the aim of the people movement. Some states have consolidated democracy to fulfill the hope of the Arabian people. Tunisia as one of the state consolidating democracy succeeds, but some states failed, such as Egypt. Before the Arab Spring happened in Middle East, the same political turbulence had happened in Indonesia in 1998. In Indonesia, this is popularly known as the reformation. After that, Indonesia succeeds in consolidating democracy and now Indonesia is recognized as the democratic Muslim state in the world. Key success of Indonesia in consolidating democracy is the support of two biggest Islamic organizations, namely Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama, in transforming values of democracy and pluralism. The two biggest Islamic organizations are modern and they are not opposing the state. Even though some say that they are state in a state. The state can build harmonized relationship with the two biggest Islamic mass organizations. This one is not found in some states in Middle East. So, Indonesia can be the model of democracy from the states in the Middle East.

Arab Spring, Middle East, democracy, Islamic Mass Organizations, and Indonesian democracy.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Miftahulkhairah Anwar

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Amanda Amanda

Jakarta State University

The presence of technology changes the way humans communicate from the real world to cyberspace. Based on Hootsuite Wearesocial research released in January 2019 shows that social media users in Indonesia reach 150 million or 56% of the total population. There has been an increase of 20 million social media users in Indonesia compared to last year. Meanwhile, the Indonesia update website notes that in January 2019 the users of internet in Indonesia reached 91%. The development of this digitalization indicates that the use of social media as a new media is increasingly massive. The massive use of new media is changing the news production platform. In this era, the news is not only from mass media, but everyone can produce news, shape public opinion, and create virtual society. This condition causes public spaces to be filled with hoaxes, fake and false news. In the post-truth era those kinds of news are nearly conquered the world. This condition has a destructive power because it can spread quickly and can produce very strong emotions. This paper discusses the characteristics of Indonesian language impoliteness on social media at the post-truth era by using qualitative research methods. The data is collected from Facebook and Instagram in 2018. The analysis shows that there are language impoliteness markers that are used by citizens on their status. The use of impoliteness is mostly about ethnicity, religion, race, and groups (SARA). Ethnic impoliteness on Facebook media was found to be 5%, religious impoliteness was found as much as 30%, race impoliteness was found as much as 11.6%, and group impoliteness was found as much as 50%. The impoliteness on Instagram shows that ethnic impoliteness is 5.7%, religious impoliteness is found as much as 22.8%, race impoliteness is found as much as 24.2%, and group impoliteness is found as much as 33%.

language impoliteness, social media, post-truth era

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Innovating Technology to Conserving the Commons: Lessons Learn from Wonosobo, CentralL Java
Nana Haryanti

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Nana Haryanti

Balai Litbang dan Inovasi Teknologi Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan

Agriculture is an important engine to grow and to alleviate high level of poverty in the rural setting. Dependency of agriculture on the quality of soil and availability of water is soaring, as soil and water are fundamental elements for plant based food production system for human sustenance. During the management practices of agriculture, efforts to gradually boost productions up for food are in many times impacting negatively on the quality of soil and water. Many factors have been identified as reasons for poor farming practices; over cultivation, low sufficient means and skills to apply sustainable farming practices, inadequate infrastructure availability, few access to credits, lack of government incentives and policy supports etc. are some of examples. Uncontrolled destructive farming practices have been recognized since it is resulting in low crop yields. However, with limited resources available, many small farmers have creating simple innovation to convince production processes can be done. This study was done within qualitative method, exploring the ways small scale farmers develop innovation in the farming system adjusted to local ecological knowledge and resources. The study is explaining best practices of soil and water conservation initiated by farmers, trying to protect the region from detrimental habits on the land management practices. Physical and institutional arrangements have been taken to stop soil erosion and to sustain water availability. Physical treatments are including tree planting, stone bench terraces, gulley plugs, silvipasture, all technologies were built independently by groups of farmers. Local institution namely farmer groups aimed to support development of conservation norms have been established. This institution also serves economic development of local communities since family welfare and rural economic stability is very crucial to convince sustainability of conservation activities.

farmer, erosion, innovation, conservation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Zuhdan Aziz

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Zuhdan Aziz

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The sophistication of communication and information technology today is able to offer a new way of producing, processing and even distributing photographic works quickly, easily, cheaply and massively. The technology that developed in photographic cameras is also increasingly sophisticated, so the challenges of photographers going forward are not merely technical matters of photography, but must give more meaning to the content or content of their photographic works. Photographic work is a mediator to convey the message of visual communication to the public about a thing or event. Photos can be interpreted as expressions or ways of speaking, telling stories through visual language. The selection of the right object, the accuracy of the right moment, the right size, the ripe exposure of light, and the beautiful composition of the colors make photography look interesting, making photography lovers sink into the role created by the photographer with the object photographed. Photographic works posted on the website are creative, innovative and aesthetic macro photography works. Not just technical, in the macro photography work on the page there is a story narrative with the spices of the dramatization delivered, so that it becomes more interesting. The packaging of messages in the story is the essence of visual communication in macro photography. The dramatization presented in macro photography works on this page is able to provide an overview of animal objects or plants or previously small objects that are easier to see, full of surprises, attract attention and cause curiosity and curiosity. Dramatization arises if attention is always maintained and the work created is able to sink the soul, emotions and thoughts of the audience in an interesting way. Dramatic elements built with innovations in macro photography story messages are able to capture attention and be able to bring about a quality communication atmosphere in the reference and experience of the public. The challenge of these innovations is the main study of content analysis research, so that it still exists to communicate in the era of disruptive information. Keywords:

Macro Photography, Visual Communication, Innovation and Dramatization

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Institutional Development of Soloraya Tourism Forum: Strengthening Networks or Sharpening the Contestation of Interest ?
Jacika Pifi Nugraheni (a*), Sudarmo (b), Rutiana Dwi Wahyunengseh (b)

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Jacika Pifi Nugraheni

a) Post Graduate Student in Public Administration; Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret
b) Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

The institutional development of the Soloraya Tourism Forum is one of the governments efforts to develop tourism in Soloraya in a synergic, integrated and sustainable manner. This study seeks to discuss the perspective of institutional theory related to aspects of network analysis at the empirical level to analyze whether the formation of a soloraya tourism forum is able to strengthen the network or even sharpen competition among stakeholders. Many institutions emphasize the rules of the game and collective activities for common or public interests, for this reason this paper focuses on the structure, functions and management of forums to find answers to research questions. The method in this study uses document analysis, literature study and direct observation. The results of the study indicate that the institutional development of the Soloraya tourism forum sharpens competition for interest. Stakeholders perceptions vary mainly in relation to the implementation of regional autonomy. They tend to stay away from the integrity that can be identified from the policies of each region, so as not to support the success of the Soloraya Tourism Forum. We also describe interactions between stakeholders that are not related to each other.

tourism institutions; perception; network analysis; autonomy

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Instructional innovation technology for parenting education in distruption era
Satrio Dwi Ananda, Herman Dwi Surjono

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satrio dwi ananda

Graduate School of Yogyakarta State University
Study Program of Instructional Technology

Education is the responsibility of all parties, and the education center is actually not only in the school environment but also in the family and community environment. The synergistic relationship between all parties are very much needed with the enlightenment activities for parents in providing childcare education in a family. Parents are the first and center of educators for their children. Parents should have basic knowledge as basic affection and basic skills in educating children to achieve educational goals. In the midst of globalization and an era of disruption that makes world changing faster, education about families and patterns of childcare are needed to distribute massively by utilizing learning technology innovations.

Instructional Technology, Parents, Parents Education

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


International Cooperation Between Indonesia-Australia and The Role of Health Diplomation in International Relations For HIV/AIDS Issues
Yeyen Subandi

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Yeyen Subandi

Student of Doctoral Program in Islamic Politics - Political Science
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Health issues in International Relations (IR) are substantially developing, the problem of HIV/AIDS is a world problem, not only the problem of one country, including Indonesia. The dynamics that occur by actors undergo changes that include: actors as actors, goals of actors, power, interaction hierarchy, and international systems. Health diplomacy is carried out by state and non-state actors in overcoming health security, one of which is infectious disease (HIV/AIDS) which is included in one component of human security. Cooperation between Indonesia and Australia to overcome this problem has been going on for a long time with the existence of political content or national interests of both, not just humanitarian motives. Health diplomacy is part of global diplomacy, and is a new issue in understanding widely by decision makers and policy makers in the fields of health and foreign relations. Global health issues only gained widespread attention in 2006 through the launch of the Foreign Policy and Global Health (FPGH) initiative and the Oslo Declaration which was proclaimed in 2007. In this paper, the role of theory and concept will be used, international cooperation and health diplomacy. will also use qualitative methodology and based on the authors experience in advocating health issues about HIV/AIDS.

International Cooperation, Health Diplomacy, HIV/AIDS, Human Security, International Relations.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Investigate Disaster Mitigation-based Information in Yogyakartas Football Matches
Fajar Junaedi, Filosa Gita Sukmono

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Filosa Gita Sukmono

Department of Communication Study at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

A football match is an activity involved a high number of individuals. In Indonesia, the number of audiences might reach more than 20.000. The presence of thousands of people, thereby, should be well-managed, notably regarding the mitigation-based management of information. There are two potential disasters in the Indonesian football match which should be taken into account. Firstly, those which originate from the nature, such as earthquake, which Sultan Agung Stadium located in Opak earthquake rupture may be a prominent example, and, secondly, those which are impinged by human beings, such as riot, which, in 2018, in Bandung Lautan Api and Sultan Agung Stadium, has coasted two lives. In light of that, the research aims to investigate the capacity of Indonesian stadiums in addressing the issue. The research applies the study-case method and focuses upon stadiums in Yogyakarta. The informants are the organizers which hold football matches in Yogyakarta. The result shows that the match organizers have never transmitted information regarding disaster mitigation toward audiences before the event. It may enable a chaotic situation since the audiences are ignorant of the way they secure themselves. Furthermore, signs of directions and evacuative meeting points for showing the guidance for the audiences are empty. The research recommends that the stadium organizers should complete the disaster-related signs and the event organizer should deliver the information to audiences regarding the evacuation route before the match is started.

Information, football, disaster, disaster mitigation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Investigation of Guides Perception and Understanding of Nonverbal Behavior Employed by Foreign Guesses during Transactional Negotiation at Lembar Harbour

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Irwan Nursidi

Post graduate program, Faculty of English Education, Mataram University

The importance of using nonverbal communication (NVC) is as a complement to spoken expressions when especially communicating with people of different background. On one hand, NVC is used to convey meaning in which verbal words cant convey meaning, and is used to express attitudes and emotions in interpersonal relations. On the other hand, NVC is used to convey intended meaning when the addressor cant fully understand against the addresse with different socioculture. Since NVC is very important in conversation particularly when communicating with foreigners. Therefore, this study concerns with guides understanding and perception on NVC in transactional negotiation. The paper used quailitative and quantitative research trying to see the common forms of NVC expressed by two sides. The sample is all guides and is taken from the field in which conversation takes place. This research used observation to see actual data of on going discourse and used camera recorder to see the common NVC employed by guides and foreign guesses and asking guides understanding through questionnaires and perception through interview. The result showed that most of guides about 90% understand the basic forms of NVC such as head nodding and shaking, hand shaking, finger sign and eye contact while other forms, 73% of guides doesnt understand nonverbal sign used by guesses during conversation, and about 89 % of them said that the involvement of Nonverbal Communication is very important to bridge words and lack of vocabulary. However, because majority of them lack of knowledge on nonverbal signs leads them to ignore such things.

Keywords: Nonverbal Communication, Guide and foreigne guesses, understanding and perception, transactional negotiation

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Islam and Humanitarianism: The Trajectory of Muhammadiyah on Prophetic Humanitarianism
Muhammad Zahrul Anam

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Muhammad Zahrul Anam

Universitas MuhammadiyahYogyakarta, Indonesia

More Islamic movements rising in the former Western-colonialized Muslim countries are mostly political, from which the number of Muslim revivalists such as Abul Ala al-Maududi, Sayyid Qutb, and Hasan al-Banna called for the establishment of an Islamic-based political institution against Western political system, than cultural means. By contrast, other revivalists like Muhammad Abduh and Muhammad Rasyid Ridla had culturally preferred to enhance quality of Muslims to be able to compete with their Western counterparts through knowledge acquisition. In addition to this, Muhammadiyah, to which the founder was inspired by cultural strategy to revive Muslims, believes that knowledge acquisition would be inadequate without addressing freedom from want, which is knownas one of four freedoms insisted by the US President, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941.Therefore, Muhammadiyah has focused on not only education by developing schools and universities, but also human rights by providing health services, orphanage houses, and lately humanitarian assistance. This article attempts to explore the reasoning of Muhammadiyah related to humanitarianism and how Muhammadiyah practise it into particular activities.The paper looks at the interpretation of Islamic teaching framed by Muhammadiyah on humanitarianism and the experiences of how the organisation has decided to evolve prophetic humanitarianism.

Muhammadiyah, Prophetic Humanitarianism, Islamic-Based Organization

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Islamic Organizations in Political Contestation: The Role of Islamic Defender Fronts (FPI) in Winning the Pair of Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno in the Election of the Governor of DKI Jakarta 2017
Sadam Anwar

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Sadam Anwar Anwar

University of Indonesia

After the end of Soehartos New Order regime, Indonesian politics experienced changes and socio-political dynamics that were more dynamic than before, the biggest change was the opening of a number of peoples access to participation in social political areas after previously having limited political participation, such as the establishment of Political Parties and Organizations Society. One of the movements that experienced post-reform development was the Islamic movement. The rising Islamic movement after the fall of the new order was marked by two typical, structural and cultural ones. The first typical was marked by the rise of the establishment of Islamic parties in part, fighting for ethical values, basic principles and the spirit of nationalism. While the second type is characterized by the proliferation of a number of Islamic mass organizations, they have carried out a movement to eradicate various disobedience under the pretext of enforcing amar maruf nahi munkar. One of the Islamic organizations that stood after the reformation and has influence in the political dynamics to date is the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). FPI is known as an Islamic mass organization that enforces Amar Maruf Nahi Munkar. This enforcement inspires all methods of preaching both on the streets and in recitation. Maruf and Munkars category of deeds which FPI defines not only covers religious issues, but also includes social, political, economic and cultural affairs. In the Political context, the FPI is often involved in the practical political arena by supporting one candidate pair, both in the Presidential Election and also in the Governors Election. In the Presidential Election, for example, FPI participated in winning the Wiranto - Jusuf Kalla pair in the 2009 Presidential Election and the Prabowo - Hatta Pair in the 2014 elections. While the involvement of FPI organizations in regional leadership succession was also reflected in the 2012 and 2017 DKI Jakarta Governor elections. If in 2012 DKI PIlgub FPI suffered a defeat by supporting the pair Fauzi Bowo - Nachrowi Ramli, in the 2017 DKI Pilgub the FPI mass organization managed to win the pair Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno by beating the other two candidates namely; Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono - Sylviana Murti and Basuki Tjahja Purnama - Djarot Sayifulloh. In the 2017 DKI Pilgub the Islamic Defenders Front performs a number of roles starting from the candidacy process, becoming an opinion leader, to playing a role in mobilizing the masses. The involvement of FPI in the 2017 Pilgub was also based on their unwillingness to be led by a non-Muslim Governor, because at that time Basuki Tjahja Purnama had a non-Muslim who had a big chance to win the election of the governor. A number of roles performed by FPI in the 2017 DKI Pilgub can be said to be a phenomenon of the mass organizations novelty in the process of its involvement in practical political contestation. As one of the roles carried out by the FPI is to initiate the "Convention of the Muslim Governor", generally the Convention is carried out by Political Parties with the aim of obtaining potential leaders who can suit their interests. In the dynamics of Indonesian politics, it can be said that FPI organizations are the first mass organizations to carry out the Convention process without involving Political Parties. The series of roles performed by the Islamic Defenders Front in presenting the Muslim Governor represented by the couple Anies - Sandi in Jakarta is an interesting thing to study. Political agendas run by the FPI generally become the task of Political Parties in winning their candidates in general elections. The Islamic Defenders Front provides a new color in the dynamics of local and national politics, that in fact people outside of Political Parties can also have a share in the leadership succession agenda.

Islamic Defenders Front, Election of The Governor, Civil Society, Islamic Organization

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Issues in the Implementation of Computer-based National Exam (CBNE) in Indonesian Secondary Schools
Bramy Biantoro (a), Ajeng Dini Arfianti (b)

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Corresponding Author
Bramy Biantoro

a) Faculty of Education
Master of Education in Digital Learning Candidate
Monash University Australia

b) Graduate Program in English Language Teaching
Master of English Language Teaching Candidate
State University of Malang Indonesia

According to the Indonesian Ministry of Education, the implementation of Computer-based National Exam (CBNE) has been a success and able to improve the assessment quality, logistic efficiency, and student digital literacy in secondary schools. However, there are multiple issues reported during the CBNEs, and they seem to increase as the CBNE covers more areas and involves more students. Considering the role of Indonesian CBNE as the pioneer in the digitalised high-stakes assessment for secondary level education in the world, understanding the issues affecting CBNE is crucial for better implementation in Indonesia and future guidelines for other countries which aim to apply a similar method of assessment. This paper is aimed to give insights into potential issues in the implementation of CBNE based on a theoretical analysis of secondary sources conducted through library research, especially from an English education perspective. The paper suggests that academic and technological issues may put students at a disadvantage during CBNEs. The academic issue centres on the challenges in developing CBNEs question formats and aligning them with existing curriculum, while the technological issue deals with reliability and availability of the technologies involved in the CBNE. The paper will also offer theoretical solutions to improve the preparation process of the CBNE to accommodate an improved implementation in the sort and long-term periods. The issues elaborated in this paper are expected to attract more exploratory-type primary research to gain more insights in establishing a fundamental understanding of a large-scale CBNE for high-stakes purposes around the world in this digital age.

high-stakes assessment; computer-based test; language assessment issues; English education; secondary schools

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Surwandono, Ratih Herningtyas, Tri Astuti Retnoningsih

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Surwandono Surwandono

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The article will explain the norms of humanitarian assistance from Japan to a number of disaster events that occurred in Yogyakarta. In politics and economics context, foreign aid including humanitarian assistance has the opportunity to produce a dilemma in the form of reduced independence, infiltration and distortion to beneficiaries on the one hand, and on the other hand able to accelerate the resolution of disaster problems with the flow of social and economic capital. The analysis uses a qualitative approach by exploring a number of basic Japanese policy documents in terms of humanitarian assistance, interviews with a number of disaster relief experts, and the views and experiences of recipients of humanitarian assistance from Japan in Yogyakarta. This article found that the norms of Japanese disaster diplomacy for humanitarian assistance in Yogyakarta were dominated by humanitarian motives compared to political and economic motives, thus giving rise to social and economic capital of those who received assistance.

Disaster diplomasi, Humanitarian Aid Dilemma, Diplomacy Norm

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Korean Gastro Diplomacy To Enhance State Promotion Toward Moslem Countries
Ratih Herningtyas

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Ratih Herningtyas

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper discusses culinary as a medium of cultural exchange and strategic instrument to enhance other countries awareness, engage on cultural and personal level, and encourage economic development such as trade and investment, as well as country promotion with everyday diners. It is no longer just a problem in the kitchen area, nor a product that is processed and then eaten. South Korea is a good example to describe how the uses of culinary or popularly known as Korean Food, as well as other successful instruments such as Korean Drama or Korean Pop Music started in the early 1990s, have been boosted Korean cultural popularity, which direct and indirectly enhance Korean economic and political influences throughout the world. Interestingly, in contrast to K-Drama or K-Pop, K-Food has found a challenge to convince certain countries, especially Moslem countries that their food had met Halal standard, which mean the food has been prepare in a manner prescribed by Islamic law. Using political approaches especially on the perspective of soft diplomacy and commodification of Halal label, this paper found that Korean Government, represented by Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affair conducted Gastro Diplomacy -with its premise that the easiest way to win hearts and minds is through the stomach- by first, organizing K-Food Fair in three Moslem countries, such as Malaysia, United Arab Emirates and Indonesia in 2015, and second by making Lunch Box Mini Drama Series and uploaded it into YouTube to communicate, promulgate and convince other countries that Korean has noticed and fulfilled on requirement Halal standard for Moslems. These K-Food Fair and Lunch Box Mini Drama have succeeded in increasing Moslem public trust toward Korean Food.

Korean Food, Gastro Diplomacy, country promotions

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Ladies gym : A Mecanism for Disciplining Womens Bodies and Violation of Social Media Privacy
Anlia Yisca Kristiadi

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Anlia Yisca Kristiadi

Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Universitas Diponegoro
Jalan Erlangga Barat 7 / 33, Semarang

Abstrac A fitness center called Elise Ladies Gym is specifically aimed for female consumers. The owner acknowledges there is a special need for women especially those who wear hijab to have exclusivity, so they can do their exercise comfortably without being seen by men. But in reality this fitness center then uploads various photos and videos of the activities of its customers while they are exercising at some social media for advertisment purposed. So that ultimately the privacy they have been promised before actually not fulfilled. The purpose of this paper is to see how women interpret their body shape and how the discipline of a woman body mecanism happend in the case of ladies gym. This research also looks about how social media plays its role in this mechanism process. This research use a qualitative research method of obtaining data through observation, and interviews. In this study it was concluded that women have the desire to have an ideal body shape. This self disciplinary process is carried out like a closed trainning camp. Institution is one of the perpetrators of this thinking, but on the other hand it is actually only used as a marketing trick. The economic benefits are then obtained by inculcating this engagement through conventional mass media and social media.

Diciplining body; Social media; Ladies gym; woman

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies



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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas


The twenty first century is known as disruptive era while it shows internet utilisation has grown up rapidly. This situation impacted to many sectors and it is included education field. In Education filed, there is a relationship between lecturer and student with the GAP includes among them. This research purpose to know about the lecturer credibility in the perspective of Generation Z as a socio science students at Telkom University as a credible communicator in disruptive era. This Research uses qualitative with indepth interview methods, Focus Group Discussion and Observation. The research located in Telkom University Bandung as one of the ICT campus. The result of the student shows that there are still the same of the source of credibility as mentioned in the previous research but there are new item for disruptive era to be a consideration as the measurement of the source of credibility for the lecturer. The digital native students has their own perspective about the lecturer as their demanding thing. They are talking about the lecturer the way of lecturing. In this research will show the new scheme of buiding personal branding through the communication competence for social science digital native student in disruption era.

lecturer credibility, communication competence , personal branding , digital native student, Social Science students

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies



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Indra Novianto Adibayu Pamungkas


Disruptive era born new generation that called digital native. They are the generation that easily adapt with technology include their education life. There is a gap from the expectation between digital native students and the lecturers with some of them come from digital immigrant and previous generation. This Condition born a perspective from the student to their lecturers the born about personal branding from the students. This research purposes to know about the lecturer personal branding as a lectuer credibility through communication competence among the exact students. This research took place at Telkom University Bandung and uses interview, Focus Group Discussion and observation among the exact students and it uses qualitative research. The research shows that the technology has changed the human life system and the way how human work including in education field. The needs of new methods of communication competence in delivery the material and it is connected to the lecturer as the credible communicator.The digital native student with left brain dominance as the exact students have their own expectation about their lecturer and at the ends they create their own perspective about what they think about their lecturers at the end as the personal branding.

lecturer credibility, communication competence , personal branding , digital native student, Exact students

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Literature Review of Distruption Era in Indonesia: The Resistance of Industrial Revolution 4.0
M. Fadilurrahman (a*), Tahta Kurniawan (b*), Ramadhani (c*), Misnasanti (d*), Syahrial Shaddiq (e*)

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Muhammad Fadilurrahman

a) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

b) Alumni of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,

c) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta,

d) Alumni of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta,

e) Universitas Islam Indonesia,

The plethora of research in the multidisciplinary fields has been proved the disruption era. However, it might be several boundaries in the global context. Thus, this research attempts to identified dominant fields which consist of implementing the law, governance, management trajectory, and system of higher education in Indonesia. Furthermore, the qualitative method of the systematic literature review is used to examine the implication and therefore this study produces four findings. Firstly, the most prominent enabling contexts are to ensure the implementation of the law and the conceptualization of policies. Secondly, adopting effective and efficient bureaucracy bases on electronic governance (e-governance). Thirdly, management trajectory has been aimed to fill the gaps in this context. Finally, this study also intends to unveil preliminary actions toward higher education system by networking infrastructures. The outcomes might be considered as pathways for accelerating the progress related to authorities, companies, and institutions. By way of conclusion, in order to attain better provision, measuring the process of Indonesia disruption realm is an important phase to elucidate the current circumstance, elaborate the gaps, and foresee the priority actions concerning the disruption era in Indonesia.

Disruption Era; Indonesia; Implementing Policies; Management; Education System

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Yeni Rosilawati and Krisna Mulawarman

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Yeni Rosilawati

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Indonesia has been prominent as a countries in South East Asia with the richness of culture. One of the important heritage sites in Yogyakarta province is Kotagede heritage site. Kotagede is a historic neighbourhood in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Culture has been so important for the society and creates public space. During the May 2006 Java earthquake, many old buildings were destroyed and directly revitalized through Pusaka Jogja Bangkit! program, carried out by Jogja Heritage Society, the Center for Heritage Conservation, Department of Architecture and Planning at Gajah Mada University, the Indonesian Network for Heritage Conservation, ICOMOS Indonesia, and other supporting institutions. Government of Indonesia enacted the law to preserve cultural heritage. The Law No. 11/ 2010 on the Culture and Regulation and No. 6 / 2012 on Cultural Heritage. Therefore, the DIY Regional Government has a legal system to carry out the conservation efforts of general heritage and cultural heritage in particular. Local communities have a greater duty to respond to cultural conservation. The study employed a qualitative approach where in-depth interviews were conducted with 10 member of local communities of Yogyakarta municipality and observations

local, community, engagement, cultural, conservations

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Mainstreaming Religious Values in Curriculum Development for Multicultural Society
Firdaus Wajdi

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Firdaus Wajdi

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Curriculum development is a continues process in order to improve and adjust the quality and goal of studying and teaching. One challenging process is, however, to prepare a transformed curriculum for different students. This study aims at illustrating curriculum development process of general religious study subject for university students. The curriculum has been adjusted to be delivered for specific Muslim students into multi-religious-background students. Therefore, this process involves mainstreaming of values of religions instead of description of formal rituals. This is a qualitative study that utilizes library research, participant observation, as well as interviews as main source of data collections. The observation has been focused in Universitas Negeri Jakarta and Tanri Abeng University. The two universities share unique characteristics in terms of religious studies and therefore important and functional for kind of comparison. This study discovers that mainstreaming of religious values has been accepted by students with multicultural backgrounds in religion. This mainstreaming of religious values has made the connection between the students closer and stronger. This unique approach has enabled the students with different background of religion to find a common ground among the faith without harming their own belief.

Religious values, Curriculum development, Religious studies, Multicultural society.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Making Good University Governance Works : Comparative analysis on State University and Private University in Indonesia
Dyah Mutiarin, Suswanta, Awang Darumurti

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Dyah Mutiarin

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Good University Governance (GUG) at this time not only focuses on improving the internal governance of universities but also on the management of external governance to be able to compete globally with Overseas Universities. In the context of this GUG, internationalization strategies become the main trend of universities in Indonesia, both state universities and private universities, especially Muhammadiyah universities. This study compares the strategy of two educational institutions, namely the Department of Government Science - Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (UMY), and the Department of Public Policy and Management - Gadjah Mada University (UGM) in applying Good University Governance concept towards the internationalization of study programs. The sample selection of the two educational institutions is because all two have obtained an A national accreditation, have a very good reputation because they become references and have different institutional status. The research method used is a qualitative approach with the process of collecting data using interview techniques, documentation, observation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The results of this research can be seen, the variation of GUG results in encouraging internationalization, namely: focus on international reputation, focus on international networking, and focus on global branding.

Good University Governance, Internationalization Strategy

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies



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Agrian Ratu Randa

(a*)Kampus Universitas Padjadjaran Gedung. L1 Lt. 2, Jl. Raya Bandung-Sumedang KM. 21, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Hegarmanah, Jatinangor, Kabupaten Sumedang, Jawa Barat 45363

Sharia-based economic sector lately is growing very rapidly. Not only in the financial, culinary and fashion sector but also in halal tourism sector where the Middle Eastern tourists growth is very rapid, with a total of 170,000 foreign tourists in 2018 and this figure is projected to increase to 250,000 tourists in 2019. Therefore, it is important to be discussed because of the huge market potential that can improve the Indonesian economy, especially in the tourism sector, and not to let the potential market come without maximum service. This makes the researcher think that halal tourism is important to be discussed specifically, especially in the Marketing Communication sector, besides its great potential, halal tourism itself requires strong branding so that the process of delivering information and the desires of visiting tourists will be even greater. This study will focus on Marketing Communication Strategy of Halal Tourism in Bandung. This study will use a qualitative research method which the marketing communication strategy of halal tourism in Bandung will be described in detail and clearly, then the final results will present the marketing communication strategy model. The theory that is used in this research is the social construction of reality proposed by Berger and Luckman. This theory defines that individuals as members of the society try to construct reality through social processes, namely interactions carried out by individuals with others continuously. Thus, Department of Tourism and Culture in Bandung also tries to construct this phenomenon into a new reality called halal tourism. Then spread continuously through interaction with the community. A case study approach is used in this study, and the validity of the data is tested by using data triangulation based on sources and experts in their fields. This marketing communication strategy is expected to be a reference for the marketing communication strategy of halal tourism in Indonesia.

halal tourism, communication, marketing, sharia

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Anisa Dewi Kusumaningrum (1), Yenni Sri Utami (2), Kurnia Arofah (3)

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Anisa Dewi Kusumaningrum

Communication Science Departement
Faculty of Social and Political Scoences
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta

Krebet Village is the center of the wooden batik industry located in Sendangsari, Pajangan, Bantul, Special Region of Yogyakarta. Krebet Village as a Community Based Tourism is classified as independent in its management, but still requires a lot of development to its sustainability and become an international standard tourist destination. So that the marketing communication strategies is needed by Krebet Village. The formulation of problem in this study is how the marketing communication strategy of Krebet Village carried out as a Community Based Tourism. The purpose of this study is to find out the marketing communication strategy as well as supporting and inhibiting factors in its implementation. This study uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by interviews, observation and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques used by data collection, data presentation and making conclusion. The validity test of the data is done by source triangulation technique. The results of this study concluded that Krebet Village uses a marketing communication strategy with a mix of 4P, product, place, price, promotion. Krebet products are nature tourism activity, education of wooden batik making, culinary, and homestay. Krebet has a beautiful and comfortable place, the price (price) of a tour package is set by the Management of Krebet Village. Promotional activities include advertising, sales promotion, events, exhibitions, but the use of website as a means of promotion have not been utilized properly, because there is no experts who specifically handle websites is one of the obstacle factors.

Krebet Village, Marketing Communication Strategies, Community Based Tourism

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Mathematical Creative Thinking in Learning Algebra: Facilitated by MCREST Strategy
Nurfadilah Siregar(a) Yaya S. Kusumah(b) Nani Rataningsih(a)

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Nurfadilah Siregar

(a)Universitas Siliwangi

(b)Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

In general, the purpose of this study is to analyze the enhancement of students mathematical creative thinking ability through meaningfulness, confidence, relevance, enjoyment, social relationships, targets (MCREST) strategy and direct learning (DL) based on learning strategy, school level, and mathematical prior knowledge. In this study, research method is quasi experiment that used nonequivalent control-group design. The samples were taken from different classes and schools level. The instruments in this study consists of six essay test of mathematical creative thinking. The conclusion of this study are: (1) There are no difference enhancement of students mathematical creative thinking ability in MCREST and DL; (2) Based on schools level, the enhancement of mathematical creative thinking are no differences in MCREST and DL; (3) Based on mathematical prior knowledge categories, there are no differences in terms of the enhancement of students mathematical creative thinking ability and their achievement in self-determination in MCREST and DL, in other groups of mathematical prior knowledge, the enhancement of students mathematical reasoning and creative thinking ability in MCREST and DL; (4) There are no exist an interaction effect between learning strategy and school level or mathematical prior knowledge towards the enhancement of mathematical creative thinking ability.

Mathematical Creativity, MCREST Strategy, Algebra

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Measuring The Media Agenda : An Quantitative News Content Analysis of Yogyakarta Sultanate Sucession
Kharisma Nasionalita, Catur Nugroho

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Kharisma Nasionalita

Faculty of Communication and Business , Telkom University
Telekomunikasi Street No.1 Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung, West Jave 40257

Yogyakarta is a province with special status in Indonesia that does not recognize the election of regional heads to elect the Governor and Deputy Governor. In accordance with the mandate of Law Number 13 of 2012 concerning the Privileges of Yogyakarta, which filled the position of Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Sultan Hamengku Buwono, while for the position of Deputy Governor was filled by Adipati Paku Alam. Conversations about the succession of the palace increasingly received attention from the media compilation of Sultan HB X issued Sabdatama (King Statement) on Friday, March 6, 2015. Sabdatama on the one hand represented the Sultans government, but on the other hand there was open space to develop. in Yogyakarta. The emergence of this polemic and conflict raised the mass media in Indonesia, both print and electronic, to bring it to the news. Reporting on this issue in the end and also indirectly related to leadership success in Yogyakarta. Some active media Latest news emerging the discourse of leadership succession in Yogyakarta intensively in March to May 2015. This research is measuring the media agenda related to the issue of the succession of the Sultanate of Yogyakarta with quantitative content analysis methods. There are media consisting of Kompas, Republika, and Kedaulatan Rakyat daily with a period from March to May 2015.

media agenda, agenda setting , content analysis, newpaper

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Media and Family in era 4.0: Impact of Digital Interactions and Communication Patterns of Children and Parents
Maulana Rezi Ramadhana (a*), Ravik Karsidi (b), Prahastiwi Utari (b), Drajat Tri Kartono (b)

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Maulana Rezi Ramadhana

a) Doctoral Student in Communication Science, FISIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jalan Sutami No.36 Surakarta, Indonesia
* maulanarezi[at]
b) Faculty of Social and Political Science, FISIP, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jalan Sutami No.36 Surakarta, Indonesia

This study is related to the behavior of children and parents in communication mediated by digital messages. The purpose of this paper is to describe the pattern of family communication felt by children and their parents in interacting using digital messages and how different perceptions of communication between them. The study sample consisted of 30 family pairs consisting of teenagers and their parents who provided reports on existing communication patterns formed in their families. The questionnaire about interaction and communication used refers to the concept of the Family Communication Pattern (Fitzpatrick and Ritchie, 2002) using the child and parent version. Factor analysis is used to process data. The results showed that 50% of parent-child couples had different perceptions in family communication patterns. Communication mediated by digital messages provides a gap in the orientation of conformity and conversation orientation in the family, parents view a higher orientation to conformity than their children, while children perceive a higher conversation orientation than their parents. Using the Mann-Whitney test found differences in conformity orientation between children and parents. This finding is the basis for a deeper exploration of the dimensions of family communication patterns. Some of the main substantive and methodological implications are discussed.

Digital Interaction, Family Communication Pattern, Conversation, Conformity, 4.0 era.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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