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Abstract Topic: Digital marketing and business models

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Distribution Channel and Marketing Profit of Banana Chips in Lampung
Marlinda Apriyani, FAdila MArga SAty, and Endang Asliana

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Marlinda Apriyani

Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Banana chips is one of food cultivation product of banana which famous and superior in Lampung Province. Demand of banana chips form inside and outside region is getting higher. High demand has led to the emergence of new marketing agencies that wanto to be involved in marketing banana chips. This research aims to identify marketing channels and analyze the profit margin of each marketing institution for banana chips in Lampung. Data was collected through interviews with marketing agencies involved in marketing banana chips. Data analysis methods used are qualitative descriptive and profit margin analysis. The results of interviews and analysis show that there are 3 distribution channels for banana chips in Lampung. Channel I (producer - consumer), channel II (producer - retailer - consumer), and channel III (producer – collectors - retailer - consumer). The profits margin to each marketing channels are: (1) producer - consumer Rp25,095/kg; (2) producers - retailers Rp.11,704 / kg, consumer retailers Rp4,704 / kg; and (3) producers - collectors Rp.7,556 / kg, collectors - retailers Rp7,500 /kg, retailers - consumers Rp4,704 / Kg. Large profits margin will be obtained if producers directly sell to consumers

banana chips, marketing agencies, distribution channels, profit margin

Digital marketing and business models


INFLUENCE OF SUPPLIER INTEGRATION ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SUPPLY CHAIN (Case Study on the Production and Distribution of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Bran Actors in Banten)
Moh. Mukhsin, Najmudin

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Moh Mukhsin

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa, Serang Banten

This study Aimed to analyze the effect of integration to improve supply chain performance. This research examine the influence supplier integrationthe performance of the supply chain, integration of internal influence on the performance of the supply chain, customer integration influence on the performance of the supply chain. Object of this research is on SMEs Performers Production and Distribution of bran in Banten respondents about pensgaruh Integration to improve supply chain performance.This study uses a quantitative method using descriptive research and causal research. Data from all three variablesThe program analyzes using Structural Equation Model (SEM) in the Software SmartPLS 2.0.m3 version. The population in this study is the owner or manager or managers of SMEs Actor Production and Distribution of Bran in Banten Province. The Data will be used in this research is primary data by sending questionnaires to 100 owners or managers or managers of SMEs Actor Production and Distribution Bran located in Banten Province. Based on the analysis of the data showing the effect of supplier integration, internal integration effect, and the effect of the integration of customer relationship positive and significant impact on supply chain performance.

Supplier integration, internal integration, customer integration, and supply chain performance

Digital marketing and business models


Social Media Marketing: Empirical Investigation of Academic Information Needs
Yusuf, S.E., M.M

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Yusuf .

Department of Management, Open University
Pangkalpinang, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to find out the description of the use of Instagram @utpangkalpinang social media marketing, to know the fulfillment of students academic information needs and to know the influence of the use of Instagram @utpangkalpinang social media marketing to partially and simultaneously meet the needs of student academic information. The research method uses descriptive and verification approaches. The sample was 243 students. Using primary data types with multiple linear regression data analysis techniques. Results of the study [1] All sub-variables had an average value of 3,41-4,20 and the information update sub-variable had the highest average value of 4,03. In general, the variable usage of social media marketing Instagram and meeting information needs is highly valued. The correlation test (R) 0,918 and the coefficient of determination (R2) 83,7% and other factors not examined (E) 16,3%. [2] Partially, the overall sub-variable use of social media marketing Instagram significantly influences the fulfillment of students academic information needs, namely the frequency of use (3,137>2,304); update information (2,382>2,304); suitability of information (9,399>2,304); understanding of information (4,855>2,304); completeness of information (7,016>2,304); language/ sentence (3,382>2,304); display (3,273>2,304). [3] Simultaneously, the overall sub-variable use of social media marketing Instagram significantly influences the fulfillment of students academic information needs (178,892>2,049).

Social Media Marketing; Instagram; Academic Information

Digital marketing and business models


Strengthening Partnership Strategy for Digital Tourism Development of Water Tourism in Umbul Ponggok
1) Dr. Sri Sarjana ; 2) Dr. Joko Rizkie Widokarti

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Sri Sarjana

1) SMK Negeri 1 Cikarang Barat
2) Universitas Terbuka

Digital tourism is carried out through the use of information and communication technology in an effort to increase potential of tourism destinations in order to provide tourism services and provide tourism marketing more accessible. Digital tourism causes the movement of consumption patterns in the form of experience gained through travel activities to meet lifestyle. This study empirically investigates digital marketing strategy, partnerships strategy, and tourist business performance in water tourism development. Authors conducted a survey of visitors to water tourism in Umbul Ponggok through questionnaires. Analysis technique used to answer the analysis test through implementation of structural equation modeling. Results of this study concluded that digital marketing strategy have significant effect on partnerships strategy, and have significant impact on tourist business performance through development of digital tourism. Noteworthy, selection of appropriate partnerships strategy in development of water tourism is used to accommodate various strategies undertaken in developing digital marketing so that it is expected to improve business performance in tourism sector. This research is suggestion for tourism management, especially destinations related to water tourism, which are managed by government or private sector in order to consider various strategies used in this study to increase number of tourist visits in this region.

digital tourism, partnership strategy, digital business performance, digital marketing strategy, umbul ponggok

Digital marketing and business models


Antonius Gurubay, Antonio E. L. Nyoko, Rolland E. Fanggidae

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Rolland Fanggidae

Universitas Nusa Cendana

The internet and all its conveniences are now a phenomenon. Technological changes are increasingly rapidly encouraging innovation in the use of the internet. The internet, which is synonymous with means of communication and information exchange, is now starting to evolve into a business tool along with the emergence of e-commerce or electronic commerce that also utilizes the internet system. Social Media Marketing Strategy is increasingly being done by business people. This study aims to determine the effect of Social Media Marketing on the interest in purchasing products at the Fenomena Rakat Clothing. The variables in this study are, independent variables; Social Media Marketing (Context, Communication, Collaboration & Connection) and the dependent variable Purchasing Interest. The method in this study uses quantitative research methods. This research is a descriptive and inferential study using multiple linear regression models. Sampling in this study uses Non Probability Sampling with Accidental Sampling methods. Data collection was done through online questionnaires through Google form on 80 respondents with 24 item statements. Data processing techniques are carried out by descriptive and inferential analysis, classic assumption test, and hypothesis testing. The results showed that the influence of Social Media Marketing through Instagram on the purchasing interest of the Fenomena Rakat Clothing product was 56,5%. Based on the results of partial hypothesis testing, obtained sub-variables Context and Communication, have a significant influence on Purchasing Interest. Besides, Collaboration and Connection have no significant influence on Purchasing Interest. The test results simultaneously found that all variables had an effect on Purchasing Interest.

Social Media Marketing (Context, Communication, Collaboration, Connection), Purchasing Interest.

Digital marketing and business models


The Influence of Electronic Word of Mouth to Purchasing Intention on Geprek Bensu Consumers (Study in Social Media Users)
Clarce S. Maak, Ronald P.C. Fanggidae and Elisabeth Ina Mude

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Clarce Sarliana Maak

Univeritas Nusa Cendana

This study aims to analyze the influence of the Electronic Word of Mouth (Intensity, Valence of Opinion, Content) on the purchase intention. The method used in this study is a quantitative method that is done through the stages of data collection, interpretation of data and appearance of results. Data collection techniques in this study used questionnaires and observation. The technique sampling used in this research is accidental sampling with 96 respondents who are consumers Geprek Bensu in Kupang city. Data Analysis used multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that the Intensity has a no influence on the Purchase Intention, the Valance of Opinion has a positive and significant influence on the Purchase Intention, the content has a no influence on the purchase intention. The simultaneous test results in this study revealed that all Electronic-Word Of Mouthvariables affect the purchase intention.

Electronic Word of Mouth ( Intensity, Valance of Opinion, Content) and Purchase Intention

Digital marketing and business models


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