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Abstract Topic: IT for Agriculture

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Development of Agriculture Data Center based on Cloud Object Storage
Agus Hariyanto, Bekti Maryuni Susanto

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Bekti Maryuni Susanto

Departement of Computer Engineering Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jl. Mastrip Kotak Pos 164 Jember, Indonesia

Agriculture plays a major role directly or indirectly in improving the economies of developing country like Indonesia. In the current liberalization era, every competitive sector including agriculture, so to compete the agricultural sector must also use information technology to achieve maximum benefits. Most rural areas are dependent on agriculture, poor in information and lack of facilities to use the latest technology results. This research implements cloud object storage in agricultural data centers. Cloud object storage is built using swift openstack on a server cluster (Hariyanto & Susanto, 2018). Average bandwidth usage in cloud object storage uses swift openstack for large file sizes of 11 MB / s. The advantages of using cloud object storage, including which can be used to handle disaster recovery. In this study the agricultural data center is used to store monitoring data, such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind direction and soil fertility. Data stored in the data center is then used to determine the right time to start planting and what crops are in accordance with the existing soil fertility. The evaluation is done by measuring the performance of the agricultural data center.

Agriculture Data Center; Object Storage; Swift Openstack

IT for Agriculture


Development of Indonesian Geographical Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Distribution Visualization Systems to Support the Improvement of Peoples Economy
Wenny Dhamayanthi (a*), Endro Sugiartono (b*), Nugroho Setyo Wibowo (c*), Khafidurrohman Agustianto (d*), and Riskha Dora Candra Dewi (e*)

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Wenny Dhamayanthi

(a,b) Department of Agribusiness Management, Jember State Polytechnic, Jember, Indonesia
* wenny[at], endro[at]
(c,d) Information Technology Department, Jember State Polytechnic, Jember, Indonesia
* khafid[at], nugroho[at]
(e) Health Department, Jember State Polytechnic, Jember, Indonesia
* riskhadora[at]

The contribution of UMKM plays an important role in boosting manufacturing and economic growth in the country. The Ministry of Industry noted, for example, in 2013, 3.43 million UMKM rose to 3.52 million UMKM in 2014. UMKM are also able to absorb the most labor compared to other sectors. Absorption of labor in this sector in early 2016 reached 97.22 percent. In 2016. Bondowoso Regency is an area rich in natural products and handicrafts. There are 38 thousand UMKM that have been established until 2016. The number has exceeded the target of the Regent Amin Said Husni. But currently there is no system that can accommodate the existing UMKM and new UMKM that will emerge. Overcoming the distribution of UMKM covering one Regency, a system that is able to visualize the distribution properly is needed. This research aims to develop the Indonesian Geographical Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) Distribution Visualization Systems to Support the Improvement of Peoples Economy. From the test results show the system has been successfully developed, with a reference to the percentage of unit testing results is 100%, while the average value of system quality (4.5), information quality (4.6) and user satisfaction (4.65).

GIS, UMKM, Peoples Economy

IT for Agriculture


Development of Real-Time Motion Autonomous Surface Vehicle Controlling for Coral Reef Conservation and Fisheries
Khafidurrohman Agustianto, Prawidya Destarianto, Wahyu Kurnia Dewanto

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Khafidurrohman Agustianto

Politeknik Negeri Jember

Coral reefs are typical ecosystems with underwater beauty. In addition to beauty, there is a function to reduce abrasion, marine biota residence and as well as educational facilities. The current state of coral reef ecosystems in Indonesia is quite alarming, the condition of coral reefs that are in very good condition is 6.39%, good condition is 23.40%, sufficient condition is 35.06% and bad condition is 35.15%. So there needs to be special handling to deal with these damage by using technological developments. Based on these conditions many researches emerged for observation and conservation. One of them is research on the development of conservation aids, the floating of these tools is accompanied by the development of increasingly natural ways of user interaction and tools. Natural interaction is characterized by interactions that transform human movements into direct digital action. Motion Tracking (MT) is one of the implementations of markerless/natural interaction, in which to identify projects is no longer based on certain symbols. MT reads body parts then converted into digital movements. This study aims to develop Real-Time Motion Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) Controlling for Coral Reef Conservation and Fisheries using Fuzzy Algorithms. The tools produced by the study are controlled naturally, so it is expected to facilitate users in operating ASV. This tool is expected to facilitate monitoring and observation for the conservation of marine ecosystems (coral reefs and fisheries).

Coral Reef Conservation and Fisheries, Autonomous Surface Vehicle, Real-Time Motion Controlling

IT for Agriculture


DIETDUCATE: intelligent education application of nutrition to achieve an ideal weight based on evidence
Muhammad Iqbal*, M. Rizal Permadi, Huda Oktafa

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Muhammad Iqbal

State Polytechnics of Jember

obesity and malnutrition is one of the most crucial health problems in Indonesia. Worldwide the prevalence of obesity increased 3-fold between 1980 - 2016. While around 1.7 billion people suffer from malnutrition, some of them are in developing countries like Indonesia. the impact of obesity and malnutrition is the risk of non-communicable diseases and increasing mortality. Nutrition solutions should follow technological developments, where the development of knowledge and technology in the world is undergoing a change in the industrial revolution 4.0. the purpose of this research is to create an application that can help the ideal body weight. This research design is a combination of experimental research and survey. by using the USE questionnaire.

dietducate, obesity, malnutrition,

IT for Agriculture


Expert System Of Diagnosis Typhoid Fever Using A Web-Based Application
Andri Permana Wicaksono*, Demiawan Rachmatta Putro Mudiono

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Andri Permana Wicaksono

Department of Health, Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jl. Mastrip Kotak Pos 164 Jember

Indonesia is one of the tropical countries. High rainfall coupled with population density in the Indonesian region has resulted in various diseases. One of the most common diseases in Indonesia is typhoid fever. The incidence of typhoid fever in Indonesia is estimated at an average of 900,000 cases per year with more than 20,000 deaths. The expert system is the latest innovation in detecting an initial condition. Expert systems can be implemented in the health sector, one of which is a system of expert diagnosis that is useful for diagnosing diseases with symptoms of fever in humans by looking at the characteristics and symptoms experienced by patients. This study aims to diagnose typhoid fever caused by symptoms of fever in patients. This research method is a development research method using the sanders method which includes problem definition, system analysis, system design, and system implementation. The results of the research, namely this expert system can present information regarding the diagnosis of typhoid fever with symptoms of fever.

Expert systems, Fever and Thypoid fever

IT for Agriculture


Syamsiar Kautsar(a*), Eva Rosdiana(b), Refa Firgiyanto(b), Beni Widiawan(a)

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Syamsiar Kautsar

a) Information Technology Departement, Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember, Indonesia
b) Agricultural Production Departement, Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember, Indonesia

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS-Indonesia) reports that agricultural land area continues to decline. Their notes in 2018, the land area of ​​7.1 million hectares, down compared to 2017 which is still 7.75 million hectares. The land area figure was obtained by the Area Sample Framework (KSA) methodology using data from satellite images of the National Aeronautics and Space Institute (LAPAN) and Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). The decrease in the land area was triggered by the incessant conversion of agricultural land. To overcome the decline in the area of ​​agricultural land, many agricultural innovations were carried out on limited land, including farming systems on the roof, greenhouses and/or hydroponics. With the high rate of urbanization, the agricultural system on limited land is one of the solutions that is much favored by urban residents. In this study, a precision farming system was created using Computer Numerical Control (CNC) technology based on microcontroller. CNC is a machine tool automation system that is operated by randomly programmed commands and stored in storage media. By using CNC technology, it allows the machine to follow the coordinate points that are entered into the system accurately. The accuracy of the machine motion can reach 1mm. The system is made, similar to the control system on a 3D Printer machine with a wider work area. Work area in the form of a box with a size of 1mx1.5m with planting media in the form of burning husk. The machine that was made was given the name "Farming-BOT", short for the robot for farming. With Farming-Bot technology, the process of planting seeds, watering, applying fertilizer, and monitoring the condition of the land can be done automatically 24/7.

precision agriculture, CNC, microcontroller

IT for Agriculture


Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making To Classify Land Capability and Suitability
Adi Heru Utomo, Aji Seto Arifianto

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Adi Heru Utomo

Politeknik Negeri Jember

Classification of land suitability and suitability is quite difficult. Classification in class is based on the intensity of the inhibiting factors. Land is grouped into eight classes marked with Roman letters from I to VIII. Land classes ranging from classes I to VII, are used to determine the appropriate type of plant to be planted on the land. While the land in Class VIII should be left in a natural state. The results of the classification are also often wrong because the grouping of land in eight classes is done using strict logic (crisp). Using the crisp set to state classification is very unfair, a small change in a value results in quite significant differences in categories. For example in determining the magnitude of the slope, a difference of one degree will cause the difference in the determination of land classes. Therefore used fuzzy set to anticipate this. Unlike digital logic which only has two values ​​of 1 or 0, fuzzy logic can be used to translate a quantity that is expressed using linguistic language, for example the magnitude of the slope of the slope is expressed flat, rather steep, steep, and very steep. And fuzzy logic shows the extent to which a value is true and the extent to which a value is wrong. Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) is a method of decision making to determine the best alternative from a number of alternatives based on certain criteria. Criteria are usually in the form of measurements, rules or standards used in decision making. The problem formulated in this study is how to use Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making to determine the classification of land capability and suitability. The purpose of this study is to create a system that can facilitate the classification of land suitability and suitability using Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making. The stages of this study consisted of three stages: 1. The problem representation stage, including: setting decision goals, identifying alternatives, identifying criteria, and establishing a hierarchy of decision structures; 2. The fuzzy set evaluation stage of decision alternatives, including: determining linguistic variables and membership functions, setting a rating for each criterion, and calculating the fuzzy suitability index for each alternative; and Defuzzy stage in order to find optimal alternative values. The expected target of achievement at the end of this research is the creation of a capability and land suitability classification system using fuzzy multi criteria decision making.

Classification, Fuzzy, Land Suitability, MCDM

IT for Agriculture


Gain Enhancement Wireless Sensor Transmission For Agriculture Sector Using Linear Polarization Antenna In 2.4 GHz Frequency
agus purwadi, Victor Phoa

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Agus Purwadi

Politeknik negeri Jember

Sensors in the electronic world are parts that are used to detect changes in the physical or chemical environment. The output from the sensor is converted into an electrical quantity that represents the changing environment. Sensors are widely used in agriculture, especially to detect changes in the physical or chemical environment associated with plant growth, for example: temperature sensors, light sensors, soil moisture sensors, and so forth. In agricultural applications that have a large area, the problem of location and distance from the sensor to the control center is a separate problem. To solve this problem, a sensor system is designed, the connection is wireless. In wireless communication system applications, there are antenna parts which are very important that can affect the rate of sending sensor data. To improve the performance of the wireless sensor in sending data, it is necessary to integrate the antenna in accordance with the sensor transceiver system. So this research was conducted to integrate linear polarization antennas with sensors to increase the gain on the transmission. From the integration then measurements are taken to get the value of the radiation pattern, gain and bandwidth. From the measurements produced it can be seen an increase in the strengthening of wireless sensor transmission for agricultural sector applications using 2.4 GHz frequency

sensor, wireless, antenna, agriculture

IT for Agriculture


Geographic Information System of Crops
Trismayanti Dwi Puspitasari (a*), Zilvanhisna Emka Fitri (a),Nodistya Septian Indrastana (a), Anggara Dwi Kardina Putra (a)

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Trismayaanti Dwi Puspitasari

a) Department of Information Technology Politeknik Negeri Jember, Mastrip POBOX 164 Jember East Java Indonesia

Crops is one of agriculture part will be needed in the lives of human being. Food is a basic requirement for humans to be able to maintain life and hence the adequacy of food for every person at all times. Food security is a condition where the availability of food is sufficient for their food needs. It will continue to maintain the sustainability of food consumption and also help balance a fluctuation in prices and production of crops. Food availability is one aspect that exists in food security that is intended to fulfill a food need. Food security have several aspects, such as food availability, coverage, stability and quality of consumption. Mapping food security using Geographic Information System is important, by knowing the situation of food in the region, both the government and other institutions can make policies that are right on target. The objective of research will make a geographic information system related to food crop mapping to pay attention conditions of food security and can see the potential of food crop production from a sub-district that have high productivity.

Crops,Geographic Infromation System,GIS

IT for Agriculture


Implementation Internet of Things Platform at Greenhouse Otomation System
yogiswara, surateno

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Yogiswara Yogiswara

Politeknik Negeri Jember

Greenhouse is a building that serves to protect plants from adverse climatic conditions for plant growth. Now, many greenhouses are developed with automation systems to control climate and regulate fertigation systems. Internet of Things (IoT) technology has also been implemented to support the greenhouse automation system so that control and observation of greenhouse automation instruments can be accessed via the internet. SaaS technology is a cloud product designed to serve the needs of online applications so that greenhouse owners can use applications easily without developing applications independently. This research was conducted to implementing a greenhouse automation with SaaS-based applications and implemented using the Node-Red application. The testing method is carried out by measuring service speed in automation system applications in two types of services. telemetry data sensor services and instructions for running an actuator. The results of this study indicate that automation systems with saas platforms can functionally function like local automation systems. Internet connection latency time is one variable that affects the speed of data services

IoT Platform, Greenhouse

IT for Agriculture


Maintaining the Production of Oyster Mushrooms Supply Chain Through the Diversification of its Processed Products using Statistical Process Control (SPC)
H Y Riskiawan (a), D P S Setyohadi (a*), B Hariono (b), M F Kurnianto (b)

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Hendra Yufit Riskiawan

a) Department of Information Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia
b) Department of Agricultural Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember, Indonesia

Oyster Mushroom Farmer Group (KPJT) is a community in Ranupakis Village at Klakah District, Lumajang Regency that has a vision to maintain the business continuity of its members in the cultivation and processing of oyster mushrooms. This group intervened in the production of oyster mushroom commodities produced especially those that could not be sold freshly by buying it at market prices. Furthermore, to increase its economic value by processing it into several valuable processed products. Increasing the leverage product competitiveness towards similar products, innovation, efficiency and competitive strategies are needed. Diversification of processed products is key to maintaining the supply of oyster mushrooms purchased from group members can be resold at a higher value so that the purchase of mushrooms from group members continues. Therefore, the role diversification are needed to be able to contribute various and appeal to the customer processed product oyster mushroom. Among the results of the diversification of processed products oyster mushroom are shredded mushrooms, steak mushrooms, crackers mushrooms, satay mushrooms, crispy mushrooms, mushroom meatballs, bread mushrooms, and etc. Statistical process control (SPC) used in measuring and controlling quality by monitoring the processing of oyster mushrooms into several derivative products.

Oyster Mushroom; Supply Chain; Statistical process control (SPC); Diversification of Processed Products

IT for Agriculture


The Development of Integrated Waste Processing and Management on Creative Industry in Tamansari Tourism Village, Banyuwangi Regency to Improve the Environmental and Economic Cleanliness
R N Karimah1, I P D Lesmana2, And Beni Widiawan2

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Rinda nurul Karimah

1Health Department, Politeknik Negeri Jember
2Departement of Information Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember

Abstract. Banyuwangi is one of the Regencies under National Priority Rural Area. The potential being developed by Banyuwangi Government is the development of tourism village by exploring its resources. Tamansari village, Licin district has become the best tourism village on the category of business network utilization. Several obstacles were found along with the increase on number of tourists, tourists- activities and insensitivity of its community to change: 1) littering on the road, river at ecotourism location 2) lack of environmental cleanliness as wastes were at large volume 3) cleanliness at ecotourism location was not maintained 4) waste transported to landfill did not run well 5) environmental pollution due to community-s behavior that stored wastes in excavation of soil pit 6) odor pollution and diseases 7) lack of knowledge and skill in processing wastes 8) the village potential has not been utilized to improve its economic growth. In overcoming these problems, creative industry on labor-intensive referring waste processing and management was established through technology product activities disseminating to community. Waste processing was done by converting organic wastes to compost through aerated static pile system which was useful for coffee plant and flower cultivations. Plastic wastes were processed into high-quality paving blocks; and some were processed into semi-raw material for plastic processing industry/collector.

organic waste, plastic waste, compost, paving blocks, integrated waste processing, creative industry

IT for Agriculture


The use of Fertilizer Irrigation Mobile Control on the orange plant for efficient use of fertilizer and water
Ika Widiastuti*, Fendik Eko Purnomo*, Ratih Ayuninghemi*

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Ika Widiastuti

*Politeknik Negeri Jember

Citrus plants have a high growth response. Therefore, regular fertilization is needed to serve the high growth response. Periodic fertilization is fertilizing which is carried out throughout the year at different intervals according to the needs of the orange plant. One thing that is important in the cultivation of citrus plants is recognizing the need for fertilizers in accordance with the stages of growth of citrus plants. Citrus farmers in Padang Rejo, Jember, East Java, Indonesia have been cultivating oranges for a long time but they still rely on conventional fertilization, which is to wait for rain on the grounds that if accompanied by rainwater, fertilizer will quickly absorb. However, if you wait for the rain to fall then if the time of fertilization has arrived but it does not rain, fertilization will be delayed so that the time of fertilization is not appropriate. Therefore, this paper proposes fertilizer irrigation mobile control for regulating fertilization and watering so that the use of fertilizer and water can be regulated and can be more efficient. So farmers can save on production costs, especially in the purchase of fertilizer and labor costs in watering supervision.

fertilizer, irrigation, mobile control, efficiency

IT for Agriculture


Utilization of DHT11 and HC-06 Sensors in humidity and temperature control of mushroom Cage
Ery Setiyawan Jullev Atmadji, Vigo Dewangga, Aditya Wahyu Pratama

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Ery Setiyawan Jullev Atmadji

State Polytechnic Of Jember

The need for food and healthy food is increasing now with the development of technology about food processing, especially foods with mushroom types. Oyster mushroom is one type of mushroom that is safe for consumption, because oyster mushroom is one kind of complementary food besides rice which has high nutritional value. Due to having a considerable economic value resulting in a lot of oyster mushroom cultivation which is a type of small business that starts from breeding, production, and processing of oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms can grow in the area around the house, oyster mushroom cultivation takes into account several factors including air humidity, air temperature, and lighting regulation, this type of fungus should not be exposed to direct sunlight. In order to maximize yield, we need a kumbung. making the ideal kumbung namely mushroom kumbung which is always awake to the humidity of the air. While the media used is wood powder media mixed with katul with a composition of 15%, 2% lime, and 5% corn powder. Then the mixture is mixed with water with a composition of 60% and stirred, allowed to stand and check the degree of acidity. Then cooled put into polybags plastic and put in a barrel for cooking process (Steam) for 7 hours to sterilize the media. As for the humidity temperature is maintained between 23-280C. The problems faced by oyster mushroom farmers in Jember City are the regulation of air temperature and humidity that are erratic, when the hot air is very dry humidity, and during the rainy season the humidity is very wet so that it interferes with the mushroom production process. So we need a mechanism that is able to deal with these problems by implementing a mushroom kumbung humidity control system automatically by using a DHT11 sensor connected to Bluetooth HC-06. The function of the DHT11 sensor has been adjusted to the temperature of oyster mushroom humidity. And the second solution is to help control the production and marketing processes by utilizing an integrated management information system.

Mushroom, DHT Sensor, Hc-06 Sensor, Temperature

IT for Agriculture


Beni Widiawan(a), Syamsiar Kautsar(a*), Cherry Triwidiarto(b), Refa Firgiyanto(b)

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Beni Widiawan

a) Information of Technology, Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jl. Mastrip PO BOX 164 68101, Jember, Indonesiar
b) Horticultural Production, Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jl. Mastrip PO BOX 164 68101, Jember, Indonesiar

The global population is projected to grow from around 7.3 billion (in 2017) to nearly 9.8 billion in 2050. In low-income countries, the population can double to 1.4 billion. Therefore, a 50 percent increase in food and other agricultural production will be needed from 2012 to the middle of the century. This increase has implications for agriculture and the food system to adapt significantly to becoming more productive and diversifying while overcoming climate change and unpredictable natural disasters. Therefore, the development of integrated agricultural technology has become one of the main research focuses on Indonesia. With integrated agricultural technology, agricultural productivity can also be increased even in limited land. Based on this, in this study a wireless mobile-robot manipulator control system was developed which is designed to support a smart-greenhouse system using Raspberry Pi. Mobile-robot is equipped with 4 DOF manipulator arms which can be used to carry out several treatments on plants. This research stage begins with the design and planning of a system on a mobile-robot manipulator. Furthermore, modeling and system integration is performed so that the mobile-robot manipulator can be controlled wirelessly based on motion recording using sensors. In the final stage, the robot manipulator performance testing is carried out which has been implemented in an online mobile-robot manipulator control system.

mobile robot, greenhouse, raspberry pi, manipulator

IT for Agriculture


Bety Etikasari(a), Husin(a), Syamsiar Kautsar(a*), Hendra Yufit Riskiawan(a)

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Bety Etikasari

a) Information Technology Departement, Politeknik Negeri Jember
Jalan Mastrip PO BOX 164, Jember, Indonesia

Based on the results of monitoring data conducted by the Regional Environmental Management Agency (BPLHD) on 13 rivers that crossed the Jakarta area in 2010 showed that both river water and groundwater have high organic and inorganic pollutants. To cope with pollution, the environmental service periodically in the local city or regency government takes river water sampling at the waste disposal location to examine its water content. The location point for industrial waste disposal is not always easy to reach. Under certain conditions, officers must ride an assembled boat or walk down the river to access the location. Besides taking a long time, human safety factors are also a consideration. Based on these problems, in this study, a wireless sensor network was developed in an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV / drone) using 912 MHz radiofrequency. UAV in this study is equipped with various sensors to determine water quality, namely: PH, temperature/turbidity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), and carbon dioxide. All sensors are integrated and monitored wirelessly using Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART) on the ground station. The telemetry system is designed to be able to send and receive data up to a distance of 1 KM in real-time. With a UAV created, monitoring of water quality can be done efficiently and more safely.

UAV, telemetry, WSN

IT for Agriculture


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