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Event starts on 2019.08.26 for 1 days in Malang |

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Latex Film Deproteination using Alkaline Solution
Dona Rahmawati, Indiah Ratna Dewi, Endang Susiani, Muhammad Sholeh

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Dona Rahmawati

Center for Leather, Rubber and Plastic

Natural rubber latex (NR) is one of the most valuable renewable natural resources. NR contains protein and if it is present in the product for some people it can cause allergies so it needs to be removed. Soaking in alkaline solutions can eliminate the protein content in NR. In this study, natural rubber latex films were immersed in KOH base solution and heated to 90°C for 30 minutes with variations in pH from KOH base solution : pH 8, pH 11, pH 13 and pH 14. Aquadest was used as a control (pH 7). The results showed that the higher the pH of the solution: the lower protein content, the lower resistance to fluid and tensile strength of the film and the higher elongation.

natural rubber latex; protein; allergy; alkaline; base



Life Cycle Assessment of Raw and Fried Tette Chips Production
Millatul Ulya*, M. Fuad Fauzul Mutamar, R. Arief Firmansyah

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Millatul Ulya

Study Program of Agroindustrial Technology, Department of Science and Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Indonesia

Madura has typical cassava-based food products including raw and fried tette chips produced by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The production process of the two products varies and produces different environmental impacts. This study aims to evaluate and compare environmental impact assessments in the production of raw and fried tette chips using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach. This study evaluates the product life cycle from the procurement of raw materials until the product distribution tonthe market. The results showed that fried tette chips had a lower environmental impact than raw tette chips per 500 gram basis. Climate change, photochemical oxidation and eutrophication are environmental impacts identified in this study. The results of this study are expected to get a comprehensive environmental footprint of the product system with respect to sustainable production and consumption.

tette, chips, environmental impact, LCA



Local Knowledge Conservation for Biodiversity Conservation (A case of Sulawesi, Indonesia)
Martina A. Langi

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Martina Langi

Sam Ratulangi University

The purpose of the work is to provide an overview of relevant studies that portray the active role that rural communities in Sulawesi have played in generating knowledge based on a practiced understanding of their environment. For long periods of time local peoples have depended on their own environments for the provision of a variety of resources, and somehow have developed certain ways in conserving biodiversity. Through a long history of observations and resource-use practices local people then often possess a broad knowledge that has accumulated through generation to generation. This can be of great value and complement the scientific knowledge we have today. They are naturally aware that “biological diversity” is a crucial in generating the ecological services and natural resources on which they depend. Their practices for the conservation of biodiversity were obtained through trial and error processes over a long historical time period. Conserving this knowledge would be most appropriately accomplished through promoting the community-based resource-management systems of local peoples. Results show that their knowledge base is indefinite and their implementation involves an intimate relationship with the belief system that conservation of biodiversity is fully recognized if ecosystems and biodiversity are to be managed sustainably.

local knowledge, biodiversity, conservation



Mapping of Fire Hazard as Early Mitigation by Using ArcGIS 4.0 in Malang City
Aulia Nur Mustaqiman, STP., M.Sc. & Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suharto, MS.

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aulia nur mustaqiman

Universitas Brawijaya

Malang City has already known as one of the most tourism city in East Java. This city is also known as education city that has attracted a lot of teenager to study in East Java. As a city that has densely population , There are high number of people activities and building in Malang. Many building in this city may occurs high risk of fire hazard that probably ruin the environment. Therefore, mapping is the first important thing to do as fires mitigation to reduce and prevent fire hazard in Malang City. Some factors that may trigger the fire in this city are type of activites, construction material, building density, road accessibility, Total of Fire Trucks, and accessibility of hydran as water source. Those main factors are becoming background of this research. The method that used to determine zones and early prevention are using quatitative method by using scoring (1-4) and spatial analysis based on updated ArcGIS version 10.4 which is used to mapping and overlay. The first step is dividing all of area in Malang City into 3 (three) maps. The maps are people activities map, malang Contruction Type Map, and Road Access Map. The next step is determining each zone in malang City that will be used to overlay. The result of this research shows that the combined map of Malang City are divided into 3 (three) zones. The first zone is area that has low risk of fire hazard. The second zone is area that has middle risk of fire hazard. The last, The third zone is area that has high risk of fire hazard.

Fire, Mapping, Malang



Modelling Irrigation Water Balance at Mayang Watershed
Ariska Mia C. Sihombing*1, Indarto Indarto*1, Sri Wahyuningsih 2

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Ariska Mia Christiwarda Sihombing

1 Program Studi Magister Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Air Pertanian Pascasarjana Universitas Jember, Jl. Kalimantan no. 37 Kampus Tegalboto, Jember 68121
2 Program studi Teknik pertanian, FTP, UNEJ

Abstract. The Mayang watershed at Jember Regency is one of the areas prone to drought in the dry season and flooding during the rainy season. Management of water resources is very important for sustainable agriculture in this area. This article focuses on the implementation of WEAP to study the specific water balance for irrigation water use. The Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) model use to calcul water supply and demand for irrigation. The FPR and LPR methode used to calcul irrigation water demand. Irrigation water supply is measured from the measurement site or intake of Irrigation water distibution systems. The result shows that inbalance of supply vs demand exists both for dry and rainy seasons. The lack of water supply during the dry seasons, force the reduction of water supply for irrigation. Therefore, the smart scenario for water management for irrigation need to be implemented during the dry seasons.

Water balance, irrigation, supply, demand, WEAP, Mayang



On the Development of Mini Membrane Module (mMm) for Mass Transport Assessment of Mixed Matrix Membrane
Yusuf Wibisono*1, 4, Yogo Migunani2, Darmanto2, Mochammad Agus Choiron3

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Corresponding Author
Yusuf Wibisono

1Bioprocess Engineering, Univ. of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran No.1 Malang 65145,
2Agriculture Engineering, Univ. of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran No.1 Malang 65145,
3Mechanical Engineering, Univ. of Brawijaya, Jl. Veteran No.1 Malang 65145,
4MILI Water Research Institute, PO Box 301 ML, Malang 65101,

A newly developed green membrane for juice clarification has been successfully made by utilizing natural antibiofoulant impregnated cellulose acetate mixed matrix membranes. The extract impregnated into cellulose acetate polymer to form mixed matrix membranes with higher and foodgrade antibiofouling properties. In order to evaluate mixed matrix membrane mass transport, a specialized mini membrane modules (mMm) has been developed. The mini membrane module has ring-shaped stainless stell plates with 160 mm outer diameter and 100 mm inner diameter. A couple of 10 mm thick circular PMMA plates with diameter 120 mm mounted between two halves of the ring-shaped stainless stell plates. A coupon of mixed matrix membranes placed within the circular plates with customized grooves thickness to place feed spacer and permeate spacer mimicking the configuration of industrial scale spiral-wound membrane modules. The used of circular PMMA plates allows direct monitoring of membrane mass transfer without disturbing the process. This study utilizing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation to evaluate fluid distribution in rectangular, quadrilateral and circular narrow channels. Three different superficial velocities which are normally found in spiral wound membrane modules were evaluated, i.e. 0.11, 0.16 and 0.2 m/s. Trans-membrane pressure normally used in ultrafiltration processes were evaluated, i.e. 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 bars. Based on CFD analysis, circular channel provides a more uniform and distributed velocity stream compare to the others. The circular shape also provide advantage on managing superficial feed flow inside the membrane channel, compared with rectangular and quadrilateral shapes channel. The mini membrane modules potentially reduces laboratory scale research cost, while maintaining the similar operating variables of larger scale.

mixed matrix membrane, modules, mass transport, fouling, spiral-wound membrane



Optimization of Alcohol Fermentation on Subgrade Red Dragon Fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) Vinegar using Response Surface Methodology (Research of Sugar Addition and Yeast Concentration)
Suprayogi (a*), Novita Ainur Rohma (b*), Sri Suhartini (c)

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Corresponding Author
Suprayogi Suprayogi

a, b, c Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture Technology, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia
a* suprayogi99[at]

This research aimed at optimizing the combination of sugar addition (%w/v) and yeast concentration (%v/v) on alcohol fermentation stage in the production of red dragon fruit vinegar. In this study, 8%(w/v) was used as the lower limit and 12%(w/v) was used as the upper limit for sugar addition. While 0.2%(v/v) used as the lower limit and 0.8%(v/v) was used as the upper limit for yeast concentration. The results from alcohol fermentation process, in which the alcohol concentration ranged from 4 to 14%(v/v) was then used as the response and added to Response Surface Methodology (RSM) for obtaining the optimal solution. The results showed that the optimal solution for sugar addition was 12%(w/v) and yeast concentration was 0,8%(v/v) producing alcohol with concentration of 7.956%(v/v) and the accuracy of 94.51% based on RSM program. The characteristics of red dragon fruit vinegar from the optimal solution was as follows: final alcohol concentration of 1.12%(v/v); acetic acid concentration of 3.43%; pH of 3.5; total soluble solid (TSS) of 3.4ºBrix; IC50 of 20.2665 mg/ml; and diameter of inhibition zone (antimicrobial) of 0.67 cm, respectively. However, the acetic acid of red dragon fruit vinegar was still lower than that of the standard and other commercial vinegar products. Yet, utilization of subgrade red dragon fruit as vinegar was found to increase the antioxidant activity by 20.34%.

Red Dragon Fruit, Vinegar, Fermentation, Sugar Addition, Yeast Concentration



Optimization of Bleaching Process in Handmade PaperMaking From Areca catechu L. Fiber Using Response Surface Method (Study of Process Bleaching Time and H2O2 Content)
Ika Atsari Dewi, Susinggih Wijana, Panji Deoranto, Azimmatul Ihwah, Mungki Septian Romas

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Ika Atsari Dewi

Universitas Brawijaya, Balai Besar Pulp dan Kertas (Central of Pulp and Paper) Indonesia

Betel plant (Areca catechu L.) is a type of palm that is used for commercial purposes because it has high economic value in every part. Areca nut contains cellulose of 53.2%, so it has the potential to be used as raw material for pulp making for paper craft. In making paper craft to obtain brighter colors, bleaching process is needed to attract attention when viewed. During the bleaching process the factors that must be considered are the levels of chemicals for bleach and the length of time during the bleaching process. The purpose of this study was to determine the addition of H2O2 levels and the length of time for optimal bleaching in the manufacture of paper from areca fibers and used packagingcardboard paperboard to produce quality paper craft in terms of physical paper, namely tensile strength, paper thickness, grammager and brightness. Response surface method (RSM) is a collection of statistical and mathematical techniques that are used to develop, improve and optimize the process, where the response is determined to be influenced by several variables that aim to optimize the predetermined response. This method can be applied to chemical processes. The model used in RSM is CCD (Central Design Composite (CDC) using 2 treatment factors, namely the first factor is the length of bleaching time (X1) and the second factor is H2O2 (X2). The first factor uses an upper limit of 90 minutes (X1 = -1) and a lower limit of 150 minutes (X1 = 1). The second factor uses the upper limit of 5% (X1 = -1) and the lower limit of 15% (X1 = 1). The response to be tested is tensile strength and brightness level. In the combination treatment of bleaching time and H2O2, the best treatment was 150 minutes and 15% H2O2. The optimal response results obtained are 69.50% brightness and 14.71 kN/m2 tensile strength. Other physical test results of art paper are 282 gr/cm2, 0.88 mm thickness and 6.5% moisture content.

Areca Nut Fiber, H2O2, Handmade Paper, Response Surface Method



Optimization of Polyphenol Extraction Process of Green Coffee Beans Using Maceration Method (Study of Ethanol Concenration and Solvent Ratio)
Dodyk Pranowo, Claudia Gadizza P., Delia Muliawati

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Dodyk Pranowo

Brawijaya University

Peoples lifestyles changing have an impact to obesity. According to Nagao et al (2009), polyphenol-s content in Green Coffee have potential to reduce the accumulation of visceral fat, so it can decrease total cholesterol level significantly. Green coffee has a bad taste to be consumed, then research about polyphenol extraction to process as high value products is needed. The purpose of research was to determine the optimal combination of solvent concentration and solvent addition ratio for the highest extraction yield and polyphenol-s content. This research was arranged using Response Surface Method (RSM) with Central Composite Design (CCD) with 2 factors, solvent concentration (60-90%) and the ratio of solvent addition (20-40 ml/gram) and the response are total phenol and extraction yield. The optimum condition were the treatment with 84,92% solvent concentration and 40 ml/gram solvent ratio with desirability 0,870 (87%). The result of program prediction produces total phenol 534,504 mg GAE/gram and yield extract 17,17999%. The optimal solution was verified, the result of total phenol is 538.8261 mg GAE / gram and the yield is 15.39%. The extract contain of caffeine 25,567%, antioxidants activity with IC50 values 67,6 ppm (where in 67,6 ppm concentration of solution can prevent 50% free radicals). If it-s compared with vitamin C in the market, IC50 value of vitamin C is lower than green coffee extract, with the value of 47,68 ppm it means antioxidants activity in green coffee extract is lower than vitamin C.

Extraction, Green Coffee, Optimization, Polyphenol, Response Surface Methodology



Optimization Process of Spent Bleaching Earth Regeneration Using Nitric Acid Concentration and Heating Temperature
Dodyk Pranowo, Susinggih Wijana, Hanah Fatimah

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Dodyk Pranowo

Brawijaya University

Bleaching is the most critical stage to improve the appearance, flavor, taste and stability of the final oil products in Crude Palm Oil (CPO) refining process. Bleaching process using a clay called bleaching earth (BE). The used BE will become a waste called spent bleaching earth (SBE). The surface of SBE is covered by impurities which are carried by CPO purification process so it cannot be reused. Regeneration using acid can increase the absorption capacity of SBE. The purpose research is to find the optimal combination of nitric acid concentration and heating temperature in the regeneration process of spent bleaching earth, so it can be reused as an adsorbent in refining crude palm oil. The research was arranged using Response Surface Method (RSM) with Central Composite Design (CCD) using 2 factors, concentration of nitric acid (0.4 M; 0.7 M; and 1 M) and heating temperature (100oC, 300oC and 500oC) and the response are color absorption efficiency and yield. The optimum condition was the treatment with the concentration of nitric acid 0.75 M and heating temperature 430.82oC. The result of prediction program produces color absorption efficiency 95.7557%, yield 52.4846%. The optimal solution was verified, the results of color absorption efficiency is 94,68% and yield is 51,43%. RSBE result from optimum condition is compared to BE. The value of color absorption efficiency using BE is 96.77%, while in RSBE with optimum conditions is 94.68%. The value of RSBE color absorption efficiency of optimum conditions approaches the value of BE color absorption efficiency.

Spent Bleaching Earth, Bleaching Earth, Bentonite, Regeneration, Respon Surface Methodology



Pandan leaf powder, characteristics and its application in pandan sponge cake making
Erni Sofia Murtini, Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, Hendrix Yulis Setyawan, Naurah Nadzifah

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Erni Murtini

Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya

The unique aroma of fragrant pandan leaves (Pandanus amaryllifolius Roxb) makes this material widely used in traditional food formulation. Pandan leaves are generally applied fresh and only the aroma is used, after that the remaining pandan leaves will be wasted. Following the zero waste concept, this study utilizes pandan leaves to produce pandan leaf powder which can be used entirely as food ingredients. This study aims to characterize pandan leaves in powder form and obtains the best concentration in its application to making pandan sponge cake. Fresh pandan leaves are dried with a variety of dryers (cabinet oven temperature 40 and 50oC, oven vacuum temperature 40 and 50oC, and freeze dryer) then ground with a ball mill and sifted through a 100 mesh screen. The analysis of proximate, fiber, chlorophyll, color, organoleptic aroma are done for characterizing pandan leaf powder. Pandan leaf powder with a concentration of 0-25% is added to the pandan sponge cake formulation. Furthermore, the cake is analyzed physically: color, texture and pore, and organoleptic: texture, color, aroma and taste. The result shows that the best pandan leaf powder characteristics is produced by freeze dryer. Addition of powdered pandan leaves to a concentration of 25%, organoleptically did not affect the panelists acceptability of pandan cake.

fragrant pandan leaves, powder, characteristics, pandan cake



Peppermint Hard Candy Packaging Design with Kansei Engineering
Masud Effendi (*), Dita Anggraeni, Retno Astuti

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Masud Effendi

Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya
Veteran Street, Malang, Indonesia
* mas.ud[at]

Peppermint hard candy is increasing sold in the market. It causes a tight business competition and need some efforts for the product to survive and to win the competition. One effort that can be done is to design peppermint hard candy packaging. This research aimed to find out the peppermint hard candy primary packaging design in accordance with the consumers needs. This study used kansei engineering to translate consumer perceptions of the primary packaging design. Factor analysis and conjoint analysis were used for data processing. Based on the analysis, the design of peppermint hard candy packaging desired by the consumer was plastic, tubular, printed sticker label, flip top accessory and transparent colors. The label design element has the most importance value (30,524%) followed by material design elements (29.188%), shape (21.763%), accessories (11.300%) and color (7.226%).

Conjoint Analysis, Factor Analysis, Hard Candy, Kansei Engineering



Muhammad Arif Kamal (*a), Miftakhurrizal Kurniawan (b), Imam Santoso (c)

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Corresponding Author
M Arif Kamal

(a,b,c) Department of Agroindustrial Technology
Faculty of Agricultural Technology
Universitas Brawijaya

Orange Fruit Batu 55 is a typical plant from the City of Batu Jawa in addition to apple plants. This orange has the advantage of sweet, fresh and harvest times 3 times a year. The level of competition is quite high in the market, making the Batu 55 tangerine fruit must be able to survive especially facing the onslaught of imported products. Increasing the level of dependence and complexity of the current supply chain network makes supply chains as a whole more vulnerable to disruption. This study aims to describe the supply chain using the framework of the Food Supply Chain Network, measure supply chain performance, and identify the implementation of traceability systems in Batu Keprok 55 fruit.

SCOR, Orange Fruit, Keprok Batu 55, traceability



Persuasive Communication Strategy for Establishment of Pick Guava Tourism Area
Kusubakti Andajani (a*), Uke Prajogo (b), Yuni Pratiwi (a), Muhammad Arif Kamal (c)

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Kusubakti Andajani

a) Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, State University of Malang, Malang
b) Department of Management, Malangkucecwara School of Economic, Malang
c) Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang

Persuading the community to agree with our intentions is not an easy thing, especially if the directives affect the loss of some of their rights and demand to change the mindset. Special strategies are needed to influence the community by considering their culture and mindset. This study aims to describe a persuasive communication strategy that is used to persuade the public in the formation of cashing tourist areas. Data collection is done by participant observation techniques. This study produced a persuasive communication strategy with the following steps: (1) confirmation of the facts of the communitys socio-economic weaknesses, (2) the imagination of the impact if not making changes, (3) awareness of the potential of the region, (4) the presentation of evidence of community success outside who want to change, (5) providing information about the steps to make changes, and (6) strengthening of the success that will be achieved.

Persuasive Communication Strategy; Pick Guava; Tourism Area



Physico-chemical characterization of sweetpotato (Ipomea batatas) germplasm as a material in the breeding program
Rahmi Yulifianti* and Wiwit Rahajeng

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Rahmi Yulifianti

Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (Iletri)
Jl. Raya Kendalpayak, Km. 8, Malang 65101, East Java, Indonesia

*Corresponding e-mail: rahmi_stp[at]

Abstract. Information on the diversity of physico-chemical properties of sweet potato varieties is required to determine their use as raw materials for food, feed, and bioindustry. The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the diversity of physico-chemical characters of sweet potato germplasm accessions using cluster analysis methods. Of the 50 sweet potato accessions that were observed, most of the tubers fleshed were white and cream color, others were purple color, a combination of purple cream, or a combination of orange cream. Of the 11 accessions have high dry matter content (> 30%), 24 accessions are relatively high (> 58.21% db), and 11 accessions are high in reducing sugar (6.83% db). Based on the cluster analysis, 50 sweet potato germplasm accessions are divided into eight groups on the similarity degree of 75%. This information can be used to select the accession of sweet potato as a crossing material in the breeding program the desired high-yield, especially those that are superior in terms of their chemical content for their suitability.

Sweetpotato germplasm, physico-chemical characteristics



Policy model on the production and availability of rice in Magelang Regency
Ihsan Wira Senjaya (a*), Sunarsih (b)

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Ihsan Wira Senjaya

a) Master Program of Environmental Science, School of Postgraduate Studies, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
Jalan Imam Bardjo SH No. 5, Semarang, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Science and Mathematics, Diponegoro University, Semarang - Indonesia
Jalan Prof. H. Soedarto S.H, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia

Magelang Regency is one of the national rice providers. As a National rice provider, the availability of rice need to be maintained sustainably in order to meet the needs of Magelang Regency and Surrounding area. As the main source of rice production, paddy fields must be protected from the conversion of built-up land such as settlements, tourism sites and others. local governments need to design policies that ensure the availability of surplus rice. This study aims to measure the impact of production policy scenarios and the application of law in Magelang Regency to protect the availability of surplus rice using system dynamic approaches. The scenarios that developed were law enforcement to decrease conversion of paddy fields and increased crop indexes to increase rice production, so increased the availability of rice as well. Simulation data were compared with the real data of the last five years from 2013-2017 (Central Bureau of Statistics of Magelang Regency) and had values that did not differ greatly from the actual data with errors of less than 10%. The simulation results showed that the first scenario could meet the needs of 216.6% rice with a surplus of 133,509.52 tons and the second scenario met 229.5% of the rice needs with a surplus of 148,257.43 tons.

System Dynamic; Paddy Field; Rice; Scenario



Polishing Effect on the Physicochemical Properties of Porang Flour Using Centrifugal Grinder
Jatmiko Eko Witoyo (a*), Eva Ni-maturohmah (a), Bambang Dwi Argo (b), Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono (a), Simon Bambang Widjanarko (a,c)

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Corresponding Author
Jatmiko Eko Witoyo

a) Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia
*jatmikoekow[at]; jatmiko.witoyo[at]
b) Bioprocess Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia
c) Porang Research Center, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia

Porang tuber is an agricultural product from one of the endemic plants in Southeast and East Asia, which found in the Indonesian forest and is a vital source of glucomannan. The simple processing of porang tubers is made into chips, ground using mechanical milling followed by air fractionation. However, porang flour from mechanical milling still has high impurities, such as calcium oxalate more than 2% and not safe for human consumption. The polishing process using a centrifugal grinder is needed to remove impurities that still attached to the glucomannan cells by the friction principle. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the polishing cycle on physicochemical properties of porang flour. The experimental design used polishing historical data and process repeated two replication. The result showed the polishing cycle had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on the glucomannan content, viscosity, degree of whiteness, calcium oxalate content, starch content, protein content, and fat content. The best of polished porang flour was obtained on the 5 times of polishing cycle based on multiple attributes calculations by Zeleny method.

polishing cycle, centrifugal grinder, physicochemical, porang flour



Potential Analysis of Plants as a Raw Material of Herbs by Society of Grati, District of Pasuruan
Ruri Siti Resmisari, Windah Widiastuti, Khoirotun Nisak and Dwi Ariskha Wulan Suci

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Corresponding Author
Ruri Siti Resmisari

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Herbs is a traditional medicine with medicinal plants as the main ingredient. The existence of herbs cannot be separated from society-s local culture, especially in Grati, District of Pasuruan. This study was to determine the types of plants for making herbs, parts of plant organs, types of herbs, processing method, benefits, and how to get the raw material. The study consisted of preliminary surveys and interviews. The data was taken using snow ball sampling technique. The survey method was using semi-structured interview technique and data presented in descriptive form. Based on the results of surveys and interviews, there were 17 plant species used as raw materials for herbs, where turmeric, Round-rooted Galangal (kunci pepet), Kaempferia galangal (kencur), rice, betel and tamarind are the most used plants with 100% for each use. The most used organ is rhizome, that is 41%. There are eight kinds of herbs. The raw material for making herbs 89% are bought from traditional market and the rest comes from harvesting and wild cultivation.

Herbs, medicinal plants, Sub-District of Grati, District of Pasuruan



Preliminary Study of Natural Dyes Application on Batik T
T Rahayuningsih1, *, F S Rejeki1, E R Wedowati1 and D Widhowati2

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Corresponding Author

1) Agro-Industrial Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Surabaya 60225
2) Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Surabaya 60225

The use of synthetic dyes can cause health and environmental problems. Therefore it is necessary to explore various potential sources of natural dyes from fresh and fallen leaves of various plants. This study aimed to examine the influence of plant various and leaves types to the brightness color (L) and various color (a value and b value) of color produced on various fixation materials. Natural dyes were extracted using a heating method with a water solvent. Natural dye sources were taken from glodogan tiang (Polyathea longifolia) leaves, teak (Tectona grandis L. F) leaves, angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) leaves, and mango (Mangifera indica) leaves. The types of leaves were fresh and fallen leaves. Furthermore the natural dye was immersed in a cotton cloth and fixed using tunjung. Test on dyeing cloth used color difference test (L * a * b) and preference test. For determining the weight of interests of batik quality assessment parameter used the Analytical Hierarchy Process. Then to choose the best treatment was used alternative chosen with counted of expectation value. The results of the study shown that the best treatment was batik with natural dyes from fallen leaves of teak.

Natural Dye, teak leaves, tunjung



Preliminary Study: The use of Neera (Sugarcane Juice) to Replace White Sugar in An Effort to Overcome Diabetes Mellitus
Chandra Wijayanti, Nadia Rizky Putri Hapsari, Rosalina Anindita Ayuningtyas, Billynda Fatwa Pupita Sari and Subandi

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Corresponding Author
Chandra Wijayanti

Chemistry Department of Mathematics and Science Faculty, Malang State University
Jl. Semarang 5, Malang, East Java
*)Corresponding author e-mail: subandi.fmipa[at]

Diabetes Mellitus (DM) currently become a national problem even global, which in 2018 the population of sufferers has reached 425 million. One of the causes of DM is a cell resistance to insulin, which can be caused by the bodys lack of chromium intake. This is thought to be caused by the habit of consuming white sugar as a sweetener compared to brown sugar or even neera.. Brown sugar and neera contained more minerals, including chromium, than white sugar. In the body, chromium is part of Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) which plays a role in maintaining insulin sensitivity. The purpose of this study are to compare the levels of chromium in sugar and neera, as well as in the blood and urine of healthy and DM patients, before and after consuming neera, and to know the level of consumers preference to the flavor of white sugar compared to neera. Determination of chromium content had been done by Atomic Absorption Spechtrophotometer (AAS), meanwhile the level of consumers preference to the samples flavor had been done by organoleptic test. The results had shown that the chromium levels in neera was 35 times higher than in white sugar has; neera consumption for one month apparently can increase the levels of chromium (both in the blood and in the urine of people) but the increasement level in DM patients higher than healthy people; and in the terms of the taste, the average respondents preference for neera and white sugar is the same.

anti-diabetic sugar, sugarcane juice, white sugar, chromium levels



Preparation of unsaponifiable fraction from crude palm oil: a short review
Nissa Clara Firsta (a*), Rizky Dyah Mentari (a), Elivi Sofi Salafiah (a), Teti Estiasih (a)

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a) Department of Agricultural Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang 65145, Indonesia

Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is one of vegetable oil obtained by extracting palm fruit mesocarp and has a red color because of the high content of beta carotene. Other bioactive ingredients in CPO include Vitamin E, squalene, and phytosterol found in the unsaponifiable fraction. To obtain multi-component bioactive, a saponification and extraction process is needed. Saponification generally uses strong bases, there are sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide. The use of sodium hydroxide as a base catalyst can produce vitamin E and phytosterol which is higher than potassium hydroxide. The use of potassium hydroxide as a base catalyst is able to produce higher yields, beta carotene, and squalene compared to sodium hydroxide.

CPO, Saponification, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Multi-Component Bioactive Compounds



Mahmuddin Ridlo, Sri Kumalaningsih, Dodyk Pranowo

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mahmuddin ridlo

Department of Agroindustrial Technology – Faculty of Agriculture Technology – University of Brawijaya

Karamunting (Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (Ait.) Hassk) including horticulture with superior compounds. The benefit of fruit parts has been used as traditional herbs in Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand and China. In Indonesia, this plant grows as wild plants in shrubs and forests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi Islands. The degradation of bioactive compounds from karamunting fruit can be minimized by the extraction process. The purpose of research is to obtain the extraction process conditions and the best quality of fruit. The method chosen for the extraction process is the Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE). MAE is a modern extraction method that utilizes microwaves to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of cell breakdown. The molecular movement of microwaves produces friction and heat energy in the material so that the cell wall and tissue material will be damaged, and the solute can finally come out. The extraction process consists of 2 factor variables, namely extraction time (seconds) and solvent volume (ml). The parameters of the analysis to determine the best conditions of the extraction process were Total Flavonoid Content (TFC), Total Anthocyanin Content (TAC) and extract volume. Permili energy (KJ / ml) was carried out to determine its effect on the three parameters of analysis produced. Based on the results of karamunting fruit extraction, the highest yield of extract was 1.68% (v / b), the highest total flavonoid 2563.79 mg QE / g BK and total anthocyanin 651.26 mg / gram.

Anthocyanin, Karamunting Fruit, Flavonoids, Microwave Assisted Extraction, Extract Yield



Process optimisation on the production of biodegradable plastic from starch and cassava peel flour using response surface methodology
Maimunah Hindun Pulungan (*), Rambu Abigail Deanira Kapita, Ika Atsari Dewi

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Rambu Abigail Deanira Kapita

Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya University
Jl. Veteran, Malang 65145, Indonesia

Biodegradable plastic is starch-based plastic that can be naturally decomposed by microorganisms. Cassava is one of the primary starch-producing plants. The increasing amount of cassava production increases cassava peel waste. Cassava peel has 50% of the starch content in the tuber. The factors that are affecting the production of biodegradable plastics are temperature and drying duration. This study aims to obtain the optimum temperature and drying time for the production of biodegradable plastics from starch and flour of cassava peel waste that has optimal mechanical properties and swelling. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with a Central Composite Design (CCD) method was employed. The experimental design included two factors and three responses. The first factor was the drying temperature (40 °C, 50 °C, and 60 °C) and the second factor was the drying duration (5 hours, 6 hours, and 7 hours). The responses measured were tensile strength, elongation, and swelling. It was found that the optimum condition of the process was at the drying temperature of 57.79 °C and drying duration of 5 hours. Based on the process above, the tensile strength of the biodegradable plastic was 2554.65 N/m2; elongation of 16.67%; and swelling of 124.17%. Biodegradation testing for 12 days resulted in a mass reduction of 58.30%.

Biodegradable plastic; Cassava starch, Cassava peel waste; Optimisation



Production of bio-succinic acid from oil palm empty fruit bunches using immobilized bacteria through Semi Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation
Ningsi Lick Sangadji (a*). Dwini Normayulisa Putri (a). Heri Hermansyah (a)

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Ningsi Lick Sangadji

a) Chemical Engineering Department, Faculity of Engineering, University of Indonesia
Jalan Kampus UI, Kukusan, Beji, Depok, Jawa Barat 16424

The fermentation of succinic acid from oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) using immobilized bacteria from cow rumen were investigated. EFB is one of raw material that can be used for succinic acid production due to its cellulose content, low prices, and availability. Succinic acid can be produced effectively by several methods, one of them is fermentation which considered more environmentally friendly due to CO2 consumed during the process, thereby potentially contributing to reduction of CO2 emission. Bacteria used in this experiment were isolated from cow rumen which must be immobilized before getting into succinic acid production process. Fermentation is done by Semi Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation (SSSF) technique. Saccharification was carried out using cellulase enzyme for 2 – 6 hours before fermentation occurs. Yeast extract as nitrogen sources and MgCO3 as pH regulating agent were varied and compared in terms of product concentration, yield, and productivity. Fermentation was carried out for 48 hours in shaker water bath and the temperature maintained at 37oC. Fermentation product was then examined using HPLC to find out the succinic acid content. The optimum fermentation conditions for succinic acid production were found to be: saccharification time – 6 hours, initial nitrogen sources concentration – 20 g/L, initial pH regulating agent concentration – 20 g/L. At these optimized condition, the maximum production of succinic acid was found to be 1.43 g/L with 12.03 g/g yield of succinic acid to initial glucose concentration and 0.0297 g/L.h productivity.

Succinic acid; Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches; Immobilized Bacteria; Semi Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentaion



Production of Biodegradable Package Material from Tofu Industry Byproduct
Robert Antonius, Listy Laura BS, Putri Setiani, Trisha Artha Sitorus, Hana Luthfiyana, Zaki Yamin idris

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Putri Setiani

Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Brawijaya Universityty

Plastic has been widely used as single-use package and carrier material due to its low price, strength, practicality, and versatility. On the other hand, plastic require a very lengthy period to naturally decompose. The enormous number of plastic waste has caused serious threat to our global environment, hence a more environmentally benign substance is of significant importance. In this study, we propose the production of biodegradable material from nata de soya, which is composed from whey waste and coconut water. This environmentally-friendly substance is mainly obtained from tofu industry byproduct, through fermentation process using Acetobacter xylinum bacteria. To obtain desired texture and characteristic, the fermented product is mixed with chitosan, acetic acid, glycerol, and tapioca starch, with various range of concentration. The mixed component then underwent milling and drying process for finalization. As for characteristic of the materials, tested parameters include water resistance, heat resistance, tensile strength, and natural degradability in the environment. Our preliminary result shows the potential of this material to substitute the use of plastic, and is applicable for versatile purposes.

bioplastic, waste treatment, sustainability



Production of Chinese Bun from Sweet Potato and Its Financial Feasibility Analysis
Dian Adi Anggraeni Elisabeth, Rahmi Yulifianti, and Erliana Ginting

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Dian Adi Anggraeni Elisabeth

Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute (Iletri)

The physical, chemical and sensorial characteristics of Chinese bun prepared from purple and orange-fleshed sweet potato paste were studied in terms of supporting local food diversification. The promising genotypes used were MSU 10003-07 (purple) and MSU 14014-84 (orange). The steamed tubers from both genotypes were analyzed physically and chemically (including anthocyanin and beta-carotene contents) then processed into Chinese bun with the level use of sweet potato paste 0% (100% wheat flour), 10%, 20% , 30% and 40%. The results showed that the proportion of sweet potato paste significantly affected the moisture content, color, hardness, porosity, volume development, and yield of Chinese bun. Based on physical, chemical and sensory analysis, the use of 30% purple and orange-fleshed sweet potato paste was preferred by panelists and had better quality than other levels. Using the selling price of IDR 3,000 per unit, the use of 30% purple and orange-fleshed sweet potato paste showed a slightly higher profit margin compared to 0% sweet potato paste. The production of Chinese bun from sweet potato was financially feasible to be applied further indicated by the value of B/C ratio which was more than 1 (B/C ratio 1.8). BEP price for Chinese bun from sweet potato production was IDR 3,828,269 with BEP unit was 1,276. This suggests that sweet potato is promising and feasible for Chinese bun production, thus needs to be promoted for its health benefits.

Chinese bun, sweet potato, financial feasibility analysis



Productivity Analysis of Production Process Flour With Approach Green Productivity (Case Study at PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Flour Mills, Jakarta)
Dr. Retno Astuti, STP., MT., Dr. Panji Deoranto, STP., MP., Bayu Septian Widada, ST

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Panji Deoranto

Brawijaya University

Wheat was raw materials of flour. Flour is made from milled wheat. There are several kind of flour, i.e low, medium and high protein. PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Flour Mills. Kunci Biru and Cakra Kembar Emas are two of products wihich have high demand. The company tend to increase the production to meet the demand without considering environmental aspects. This study aimed to determine the productivity level using green productivity method and to determine strategy alternatives to increase the green productivity. In premilinary research,the kind of waste were defined, i.e. energy, water, material, garbage and emission. The types of waste obtained from the production of flour Kunci Biru and Cakra Kembar Emas were defined using Green Value Stream Mapping (GVSM) methods. Green Productivity Index (GPI) then determine the ratio between economics indicator and environmental impacts. The improvements were recommended based on the results of GPI. Improvement alternative were determines by brainstorming with the manager and section head in the mill E. The questionnaire were filled by two experts, manager and section head in mill E. Pairwise Comparison method than was used to prioritize the improvement alternatives. The results of the research showed that value of GPI on production Kunci Biru flour were relatively good with value 1,10, with economics indicator value were 1,21 and environmental indicator value were 1,10. The value of GPI on production of Cakra Kembar Emas relatively low with value 0,99, with economics indicator value were 1,35 and environmental indicator value were 1,36. The priority alternative to increase the value of green productivity was optimization of the production process with weight value 0.594.

GPI, GVSM, Pairwise Comparison, Wheat Flour



Progress on Bio-oil Development as a Fuel in Indonesia
Hendrix Yulis Setyawan1, Juwita Ratna Dewi2, Nimas Mayang Sunyoto1, Suinggih Wijana1

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Hendrix Yulis Setyawan

1Department of Agro-industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Universitas Brawijaya
2Department of Agro-industrial Technology, Faculty of Agriculture. Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Biomass is found in large quantities in Indonesia and has the potential to be developed into biofuel. Pyrolysis technology can be used to convert biomass into syngas, which is condensed into pyrolysis oil or known as bio-oil. Biomass is produced in large quantity, do not compete with food, and inexpensive. Current bio-oil research mainly studies the process of converting biomass into bio-oil from inexpensive sources, such as food crops, timber waste and agro-industrial waste. The components of bio-oil are water and organic compounds (hydrocarbons), which are traditionally produced from petroleum. Due to the depletion of petroleum reserves, bio-oil has the potential to be developed into a source of petroleum-supporting fuels. The present study reviewed the status of bio-oil development in Indonesia, including the potential biomass sources, the latest technologies to convert and utilise bio-oil as a fuel, and government policies on the application of bio-oil in Indonesia. This review is expected to be used as a basis for the development of bio-oil policy and scientific and technological utilization of bio-oil in Indonesia.

bio-oil, fuel, pyrolysis oil, Indonesia,



Redesigning Agro-Industry Layout by Occupational Health and Safety Analysis at Tempe Chips Small and Medium Enterprise in East Java Indonesia
Heptari Elita Dewi (a*), Rizky Awaliyah (a), Heru Santoso Hadi Subagyo (a)

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Heptari Elita Dewi

a) Agricultural Socio Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Indonesia

Effective layout in agro-industry is an important agro-industrial production management system that can expedite the production process and reduce the potential risk of work accident in the production area. The objectives of this research were: (1) to identify the potential hazards and Occupational Health and Safety in Tempe Chips Small and Medium Enterprise (SME), (2) to analyze facility layout in Tempe Chips SME to shorten production lines and improve work productivity. Bu Nurjanah Tempe Chips SME Malang, East Java was selected as research location because of poor lay out system and it has same character with Tempe Chips SME that had fire accident. This research used Occupational Health and Safety Analysis and Systematic Layout Planning approach in designing agro-industry layout that consist of activity relationship chart, activity relationship diagram, and area needs. The results of the research showed that Tempe Chips SME has potential fire hazards and food contamination. Layout recommendations in accordance with Occupational Health and Safety standards included the fulfillment of production facilities such as: access to drinking water, toilets and laundry facilities, and clean cafeteria. First layout design had 13.3 meters track length by process link considering and second layout design had 12.5 meters track length that reduce material handling.

layout design, Occupational Health and Safety, Systematic Layout Planning



Risk Management of Fermented Cassava Agroindustry In Jember Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia
Yuli Wibowo1, Bambang Herry Purnomo2, Samekto Priyambodo3

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Yuli Wibowo

Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, University of Jember,

Fermented cassava or “tape” is one of traditional Indonesian fermented food. Along with the high level of fermented cassava consumption, the fermented cassava agroindustry in Indonesia is still potential to be developed. In order to develop the fermented cassava agroindustry, there are several risks facing the agroindustry. This study aims to identify risks in the development of the fermented cassava agroindustry, analyze the risk level, and control the risks that exist. The risks to the fermented cassava agroindustry include raw material risk, production process risk, marketing risk, and financial risk. The study was conducted in Jember Regency, East Java province, Indonesia. Risk analysis uses an integration approach between the level of risk violence and the possibility of risk events as a function, which can be visualized into a graph that shows the level of industry risk, including "low risk", "medium risk", and "high risk". Risk control in each type of fermented cassava agroindustry risk uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process technique. The results of the study show that 15 types of risks have been identified in the fermented cassava agroindustry. Based on the risks in the fermented cassava agroindustry, no one is included in the "high risk" category. It can be interpreted that the fermented cassava agroindustry is not a high-risk industry. The risk of the fermented cassava agroindustry being classified as “medium risk” include the availability of raw materials, continuity of raw materials, quality of raw materials, and number of competitors. At the risk of raw material availability, the control effort that can be taken is to make a partnership with suppliers. In the risk of continuity of raw materials, the control effort that can be taken is to improve the performance of the cassava supply chain. In the risk of quality of raw materials, the control effort that can be taken is to improve cassava cultivation and post-harvest techniques. In the risk of the number of competitors, the control effort that can be taken is to increase the promotion of fermented cassava.

fermented cassava, fermented cassava agroindustry, risk management, raw material risk, production process risk, marketing risk, financial risk



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