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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

Page 7 (data 181 to 210 of 1038) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

Comparison of Kidney Damage in Ischemic Reperfusion Injury (IRI) and Renal Ablasion
Putu Nita Cahyawati (a*)

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Putu Nita Cahyawati

a) Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia

The kidneys are organs that play an important role in maintaining the balance of body fluid and removing metabolic waste products. The incidence and prevalence of kidneys disease continue to increase throughout the world. Various conditions can cause failure of kidney function. Acute kidney failure (ARF) can increase the risk of chronic kidney failure. The severity of the disease, duration, and frequency of ARF are predictive factors that are important for the patients condition. This study aims to compare the degree of kidney damage based on tubular injury scores in acute and chronic renal failure conditions using an experimental model of ischemic reperfusion injury and renal ablation. Eighteen male Swiss mice will be grouped into 3 treatment groups: the sham operation group (SO, n=6), the ischemic reperfusion injury group (IRI, n=6), and the renal ablation group (RA, n=6). Kidney tissue was stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) and tubular injury scores were assessed blindly. This study found that there were significant differences in tubular injury scores between the SO groups (0.43 pm 0.49) and RA (3.6 pm 0.70), but there were no significant differences between the SO groups (0.43 pm 0.49) vs IRI (2.23 pm 0.55) and IRI (2.23 pm 0.55) vs RA (3.6 pm 0.70). Based on the results it can be concluded that there are no differences in tubular injury scores between the ischemic reperfusion injury and renal ablation condition.

tubular injury, ischemic reperfusion injury, renal ablation



Comparison of Koma Material for Import and Local Product
P H Tjahjanti1,*, A D Wicaksono1, A. Akbar1, A N F Ganda2

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Prantasi Harmi Tjahjanti

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo,
Kampus 2 Jalan Raya Gelam nomer 250 Candi Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, State University of Surabaya, Indonesia

*E-mail: prantasi[at] prantasiharmi[at]

Koma material is one part of a wire cutting machine that is in PT. X in Indonesia, which functions as a wire straightening device that will be processed or cut. This material is made from cast iron and is obtained from imports. Never tried to make local product. The aim of the research was to make Koma material from cast iron. The method used is to make Koma material such as imported products and then do hardness testing and observe the microstructure using optical microscope. The results are compared with Koma imported products. The results show that the coma material of imported products has a higher hardness than local products, because there are differences in chemical elements in the cast iron.

Koma material, import product, local product, hardness, microstructure

Material Engineering


Comparison of Lung Function Before and After Exercise in Normal and Obesity of Warmadewa University Students, Denpasar, Bali
Komang Trisna Sumadewi (a*), I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Bayu Pramana (a), I Gusti Ngurah Putu Sana (a)

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Corresponding Author
Komang Trisna Sumadewi

a) Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Warmadewa University
Jalan Terompong no 24, Denpasar 80235, Indonesia

Obesity is one of the greatest factors causing health problems. Many studies have shown a significant association between obesity and lung disorders in the form of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and asthma. The purpose of this study is to know the ratio of lung function before and after exercise in the normal and obesity group. The research design used was quasi experimental with pretest and posttest design, using Pearson ChiSquare hypothesis test, Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test. There are 60 samples divided into normal and obese with an average age of 19.47, consisting of men and women in each of 30 people. The result of this research is in the normal group average of delta value of FEV1 equal to 0,13, FVC equal to 0,10, and lung function equal to 0,87. While in the obese group the mean value of delta FEV1 is -0.17, FVC of 0.00, and lung function of -4.92. The conclusion of this study is the change of lung function between normal and obese group showed a significant difference, that is an increase in the normal group, but in the obese group actually decreased.

Obesity, Lung Function, Exercise Induced Bronchospasm (EIB), exercise



Comparison of methods for calculating oil and gas reserves in providing certainty of reserves in the oil and gas industry
Sigit Rahmawan, Onnie Ridaliani, Samsol

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samsol samsol

Petroleum Engineering Department, Universitas Trisakti

The volumetric method is the initial method used in calculating hydrocabon reserves obtained from exploration stage obtained geological data from a field in the oil and gas industry. The hydrocabon reserve calculation obtained from volumetric method is the result of interpretation data, such as seismic and logging data that have a small range of trust, in this study estimated hydrocarbon reserves in the XY formation gas reservoir using material balance method and P/Z method in assessing optimism or pessimism of the reserve value generated from volumetric method. material balance method and P/Z method were chosen as a reliable method because it has better accuracy data such as pressure measurement data, reservoir rock and fluid analysis data, and cumulative production measurement data compared to interpretation data on volumetric method. From this research, it can be concluded that the reserve value produced by the volumetric method is more pessimistic than the reserve value using material balance method and P/Z method. By knowing pessimism of the results of the volumetric backup method for the other two methods, it will affect the amount of oil and gas industry reserves so that geological modeling needs to be done again after more accurate data is obtained

reserve, P/Z Methode, Material Balance

Industry Engineering


Kamin Sumardi

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Kamin Sumardi

Mechanical Engineering Education Department, FPTK
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study is to compare the performance of synthetic refrigerants with hydrocarbons with variations in heat in residential AC units. The test method used is an experiment. Testing using split AC residential 1 HP. Paramter is tested, namely: effective energy ratio (EER), coefficient of performance (CoP), refrigeration effect (RE), amount of refrigerant flowing, pressure, temperature, and electricity consumption. The results showed that in general the performance of R-1270 is better than synthetic refrigerants. The EER, CoP, and RE R-1270 are greater than synthetic refrigerants. This value indicates that the R-1270 has a greater performance. The amount of refrigerant flowing, pressure, and energy consumption of electricity R-1270 are smaller than synthetic refrigerants. The data shows that R-1270 is more efficient than synthetic refrigerants. The lowest temperature that can be achieved by R-1270 is 1-2 oC higher than synthetic refrigerant. The difference does not have a big effect on the room to be conditioned. Comparison of performance with R-290 hydrocarbon refrigerants, R-1270 performance is still slightly below the performance of R-290. The difference is because the material used by the two hydrocarbons is different. The conclusion of this study is that R-1270 and R-290 are more effective and efficient for use in residential air conditioners. Technically R-1270 and R-290 can replace (retrofit) R-22 and R-32 in residential AC systems.

Hidrocarbon refrigerant, Residential air conditioning

Mechanical Engineering


Comparison of Predictive Performance and Measurement of Off-Grid 15 kWp Solar Power Generation in Aceh Tamiang
Razali Thaib (a*), Samsul Rizal (a), T. Azuar Rizal (b)

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Corresponding Author
Razali Thaib

(a) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh 23111, Indonesia
*) razalithaib[at]
(b) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Samudra, Kota Langsa, 24416, Indonesia

In 2015, the Government through a special allocation fund has finished constructing an off-grid 15 KWp off-grid solar power plant in Paya Tampah Village, Aceh Tamiang district. Currently, it has been utilized by at least 50 heads of local transmigration families. With the lighting of renewable energy is expected to provide more value to improve peoples living standards and support educational activities in order to continue to run. The construction of this centralized solar power plant is based on the ministerial regulation of energy and mineral resources of the republic of Indonesia, year 2015 no.10, on technical guidance on the use of special allocation funds for rural energy in 2015. The long term reliability of concentrated solar power plants is highly dependent on on-site measurements because of the uncertainty in some of the ever-changing data such as irradiation value, drought rate, which can cause significant power losses and then affect the estimated cost of PV (kWh). With the aim of upgrading capabilities in off-grid solar power plant planning especially in the province of Aceh, this paper will outline in detail the comparison of the results of calculating the performance of off-grid 15 KWp off-grid solar power with system performance measurement results after 2 years of operation. Performance calculations were performed with PVsyst software and software HOME. From the measurement results obtained the total power generated by off-grid solar power plant is 12 kWp and used by 45 households. The cost incurred during installation is USD 300 thousand. From the simulation results with the same technical specifications obtained cheaper cost with the output power of 15 kWp. The results of this study are expected to be used by local governments to be a benchmark on the future planned off-grid solar power plant planning.

Simulation, Performance, Measurement, Off-Grid PV

Mechanical Engineering


Comparison on Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor for Online Transportation using Sentiment Analysis in Social Media
Aldy Rialdy Atmadja, Wisnu Uriawan, Ferdinand Pritisen, Dian Saadillah Maylawati

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Aldy Rialdy Atmadja

Department of Informatics, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jalan A H Nasution 105 Bandung 40614, Indonesia

Nowadays, online transportation is one of the transportation that is increasingly preferred by people. It becomes important because people need transportation to be more effective and efficient. However, sentiment analysis is necessary to improve the quality of services on online transportation. Sentiment analysis includes the process of extracting opinions, sentiments, evaluations, and emotions of people about online transportation services on Twitter social media. To get more accuracy in classification, the opinion is taken in large amounts and classify into positive and negative class. There are several steps that use sentiment analysis. Data collection, preprocessing data, POS Tagging, and opinion classification use the Naive Bayes Classifier method, compared to the accuracy of the K-Nearest Neighbor method. The results of the comparison of Naive Bayes Classifier and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithms uses 565 data tweets from Twitter, divided 500 trained data, and 65 test data. The result showed that the Naive Bayes Classifier algorithm had achieved the accuracy rate of 66.15%, and K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm produces the accuracy rate of 67.69%. From the results, the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm perform better accuracy in sentiment classification than Naive Bayes Classifier.

Online transportation, Sentiment analysis, Twitter, Naive Bayes Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor

Computer Science


Comparison Weighted Product, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting and TOPSIS for selecting Multiple Intelligences on children
Moh Ahsan (a*), Meme Susilowati (b), Abdul Aziz (a)

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Moh Ahsan

a) Informatics Study Program, Fakulty of Science and Technology, Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Jl. S. Supriadi, No. 48 Malang Jawa Timur 65148, Indonesia. *ahsan[at]
b) Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Sain dan Teknologi, Universitas Ma Chung Malang, Jl. Villa Puncak Tidar Blok N No. 1, Dau, Malang, Jawa Timur 65151
Jawa Timur 65151

Multiple intelligence is intelligence possessed by every human, among these intelligences are linguistic intelligence, musical intelligence, naturalist intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, logic-mathematical intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence, and kinaesthetic intelligence. Various ways are carried out by researchers to find out intelligence such as through numbers, pictures, music, words, physical and social-emotional activities. The purpose of this study is to develop a decision support system to determine intelligence on children by using the Weighted Product method, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting and TOPSIS. Comparison of the four methods used to find the best results among the methods used in determining childrens intelligence. The Weighted Product method has the highest preference value of 0.176400366 namely Kinaesthetic Intelligence, Analytical Hierarchy Process Method has the highest preference value 0.690048152 Kinaesthetic Intelligence, Simple Additive Weighting Method has the highest preference value 0.890555556 Kinaesthetic Intelligence and TOPSIS method has the highest value 0.134598738 namely Musical Intelligence. To evaluate the suitability of the right decisions in determining intelligence, the results of these methods are compared with the results of the decisions of a psychologist to produce a valid decision. The results show that the four methods that have been compared and the results of experiments validated by experts show that the intelligence suitability of children with the Weighted Product method, Analytical Hierarchy Process, Simple Additive Weighting has the right preference value with the highest value of each result obtained. It can be concluded that the decision of the decision support system is valid and successful represents expert judgment

Multiple Intelligence; decision support system; children

Computer Science


Complementary of the Quaternion and Boole Methods on the IMU Sensor for Calculating the Orientation Angle of the Stewart Platform
Abdurrahman Nurhakim; Hendri Maja Saputra; Nanang Ismail

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Nanang Ismail

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

This paper discusses the complementary of the Quaternion method and the Boole method on the IMU sensor to calculate the orientation angle of the Stewart Platform. Validation of orientation angles The Stewart platform is very difficult to do using manual measuring devices, so it requires an IMU sensor to calculate the orientation angle. The IMU sensor consists of three types of sensors, namely the accelerometer, magnetometer, and gyroscope sensors. The Quaternion method is used to calculate the pitch angles and the roll of the accelerometer sensor, and calculate the yaw angle of the magnetometer sensor. The Boole method is used to calculate the pitch, roll, and yaw angles of the gyroscope sensor. Next, the orientation angle of the accelerometer and magnetometer is combined with the orientation angle of the gyroscope using complementary. The test is performed in six repetitions with angular parameters: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 degrees. Overall, the pitch angle has an average of error percentage of 2.31%, roll angle has an average of error percentage of 1.98%, and yaw angle has an average of error percentage of 1.63%. The measurement results of the orientation angle of the Stewart Platform using the IMU sensor show that the complementary of Quaternion and Boole methods on the IMU sensor is quite feasible to be used as measuring instruments for the orientation angle of the Stewart Platform

Complementary; Quartenion; Boole; Sudut Oerientasi; Stewart Platform; IMU Sensor

Electrical Engineering


Complex permittivity, complex permeability and microwave absorption properties of human blood
Erfan Handoko1, Riser Fahdiran1, Sitti Ahmiatri Saptari2, Azzahra Humairrah3, Mudrik Alaydrus4 and Rini Puspitaningrum5

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Erfan Handoko

1.Dept of Physics. Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jalan Rawamangun Muka 13220. Jakarta Indonesia
2.Dept. of Physics. Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah. Jakarta, Indonesia
3.Dept. of Human Medizin, University of JLU Giessen, Germany
4.Dept.of Electrical Engineering. Universitas Mercu Buana. Jalan Meruya Selatan No.1 Jakarta. Indonesia
5.Dept. of Biology. Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Jalan Rawamangun Muka 13220. Jakarta Indonesi

This paper reports a method for measuring for the complex permittivity, permeability and microwave absorption properties of human blood. The measurement using a waveguide in the microwave band. In order to measure the S-parameter of hexagonal ferrite, a sampIe should completely fill in the waveguide end and the sampIe holder. The complex permittivity and permeability of human blood are measured using the vector network analyzer (VNA) in the frequency range from 7 to 14 GHz. Their complex permeability and permittivity, microwave absorption properties values were calculated. The proposed measurement method can be a useful technique for microwave absorption properties of human blood.

Human blood, complex permittivity, permeability and microwave absorption



Complex training for young Volleball player
Pratama, Riyan

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Riyan Pratama

Universitas Bina Darma

This study aimed determine the effect of complex training exercises on the explosive power of young volleyball players. This research method is an experiment with the prestest-posttest control group design. Both the control group (KK; 11 athletes) and the experimental group (KE; 12 athletes) kept up their regular volleyball practice. additionally, the experimental group (KE) peformed 2 sessions per week for 8 weeks complex training training program. All data were obtained through this study to test and measurement using medicine ball throw to and vertical jump test. The data analysis technique used is the t test. of this study indicate that: (1) there is a significant difference in the effect of exercise to improve upper body power between the experimental group and the control group (p = 0,000 <0,05), (2) there is a significant difference in the effect of exercise to improve lower body power between the experimental group and the control group (p = 0,000 <0,05). Within the parameters of this study, complex training improves muscular powert in young volleyball players

complex training, young volleball player

Sport Science and Technology


Epa Paujiah (a*), Tri Cahyanto (b), Imas Sariningsih (b), Meti Maspupah (a)

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Epa Paujiah

a) Department of Biology Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung
Jl. Soekarno-Hatta, No. 749, Cimincrang, Gede Bage, Bandung (Kampus II)
b) Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung
Jl. AH. Nasuiton, No. 105, Cibiru, Bandung

Bivalves provide a range of ecosystem services such as turbidity reduction, denitrification induction, and habitat complexity provision. This study aimed to assess the composition and abundance of Bivalves in the intertidal areas of Karang Papak Coastal, West Java, Indonesia as well as analyze its diffeerent based on lunar phase. Three (50-m long) transects with five 1x1-m quadrant plots in each transect line of each research station were established seawards perpendicular to the coast line. The bivalves were composed of one famili (Mytilidae), two genera and two species of which Mya arenaria had the highest density and distribution every time of lunar phase which indicating their ability to adjust with the tide fluctuation every lunar phase conditios.

Abundance, Bivalves, Intertidal zone, Karang Papak, Lunar Phase



Composition and Diversity of Fish Species in Mangrove Ecosystem at Muara Binuangeun, Lebak, Banten
Noer Kholis (1), Titi Soedjiarti (1), Riser Fahdiran (2), Mufti Petala Patria (1*)

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Riser Fahdiran

(1) Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Western Java, Indonesia, 16424
(2) Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia, 13220

Research of composition and diversity of fish species in mangrove ecosystem at Muara Binuangeun, Lebak, Banten, had been conducted at May and November 2015. Catch per Unit of Effort (CPUE) was used as a method with push net and boat net as fishing gear. Fishing was conducted during low tide. Collected samples were preserved with 10 % Formalin Solution and then being identified at laboratory. In total, 106 fishes were collected from 11 families and 28 species. Istigobius ornatus was the most relative abundant species (19,81 %) and the highest relative frequency too. Diversity index value of mangrove ecosystem was 2,846. The composition of collected fish showed several migrant species from seagrass bed and coral reef ecosystem.

Fish Composition, Diversity, Mangrove, CPUE, Istigobius ornatus.



Compost of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches with Coastal Mud and Rice Husk Biochar to Improve The Acid Sulphate Soil Fertility
Sri Andayani(a), Edy Syafril Hayat(a), Rita Hayati(b), Hery Medianto Kurniawan(a), Endang Noerhartati(c*), Agnes Tutik Purwani Irianti(a)

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Corresponding Author
Sri Andayani

a)Departement of Agrotecnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia
b)Departement of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak
c*)Departement of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of , Engineering, Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya
Jl. Dukuh Kupang XXV/54 Surabaya, Indonesia
c)Postgraduate Student, Department of Education Management, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Jl Kampus Ketintang, Surabaya, Indonesia

The research purposes : (1) Producing enriched compost of oil palm Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) with coastal mud and rice husk biochar that is suitable for application to acid sulphate soils, (2) Getting the best dosage to increase acid sulphate soil fertility. The method used: complete random design (CRD) factorial pattern, the first factor composition of enriched oil palm EFB compost, second factor : doses of compost enriched. Data analysis using analysis of varian (ANOVA), significant differences continued with Honestly Signicant Difference Test (HSD). The variables observed were: soil pH H2O, exch-Al, Base Saturation, total-N, Bray-P and exch-K. The results showed: compost oil palm EFB treatment significantly affected the exch-K, whilst did not significantly affect the pH H2O, total-N, Bray-P, exch-Al and base saturation. Although enriched compost treatment did not significantly, and the finding is the treatment enriched compost trend to increased pH H2O, total-N and Bray-P.

Compost; Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch; Rice Husk; Coastal Mud; Sulfuric acid soil

Environmental Engineering


Computational Study of Inclusion Complex between Omeprazole Enantiomer and β-Cyclodextrin : NBO and RDG Analysis
Atthar Luqman Ivansyah1,*, Enung Siti Nurhidayah2, Citra Deliana Dewi Sundari3, Muhamad A. Martoprawiro4, Buchari2

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Enung Siti Nurhidayah

1Master Program in Computational Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl.Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, West Java, 40132, Indonesia
2Division of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, West Java, 40132, Indonesia
3Department of Chemistry Education, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Jl. Cimincrang, Cimenerang, Panyileukan, Bandung, West Java, 40292, Indonesia
4Division of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, West Java, 40132, Indonesia

*corresponding author: atthar[at]

NBO and RDG analysis of inclusion complex between R/S-omeprazole (OMZ) enantiomer and β-cyclodextrin (CYD) have been carried out to elucidate the interaction between them in order to understand the performance of β-cyclodextrin for the separation of omeprazole enantiomer. NBO analysis results showed that the inclusion complex of R-omeprazole with β-cyclodextrin is more stable than the inclusion complex of S-omeprazole with β-cyclodextrin, in which the total value of the stabilization energy (E(2)) caused by hydrogen bonding in the inclusion complex of R-omeprazole with β-cyclodextrin is 150.22 kcal/mol and in the inclusion complex of S-omeprazole with β-cyclodextrin is 115.62 kcal/mol. From RDG analysis results, beside hydrogen bonding, there are also Van der Waals interaction and steric effect on the interaction between omeprazole enantiomer and β-cyclodextrin.

NBO, RDG, inclusion complex, enantiomer, omeprazole, β-cyclodextrin.



Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)-Based Learning: Instructional Need for Pupils- Conceptual Understanding of Water Cycle
Shofiyatun Nurlaili (1), Sapriya (2)

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Shofiyatun Nurlaili

1Department of Primary Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl.Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia
2Department of Civic Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 229, Bandung 40154, Indonesia

This research was conducted based on the lack of students conceptual understanding of ecology and the environment related to water cycle material. This material is considered important to be analyzed because it relates to life that occurs in the community. The purpose of this study was to give alternative an instructional need for students conceptual understanding of the water cycle that uses a Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) based on learning. The multimedia-based CAI application used by the researcher to understand the concept of the water cycle is implemented on laptops or desktop computers used Windows operating system. The subjects of this research were three students average 11-13 years old. The instruments used were observation, mini-interviews, and tests. The results of this study indicate that understanding students concepts of the water cycle are still lacked and many misconceptions can be seen from the results of student work when drawing water cycles. Furthermore, the use of CAI based learning is needed to help students conceptual understanding of the water cycle material through multiple-choice questions and drawing the water cycle correctly.

Computer Aided Instruction, understanding students concepts, water cycles



Conceptual Changes in Elementary School Students About The Properties of Water Through The Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) Model
Fitri Nurzakiah Fuadi - Wahyu Sopandi - Ghullam Hamdu

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Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Pendidikan Dasar Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

This study aims to get an overview of students conceptual changes about water properties. The study samples were fifth grade elementary school students who had obtained water properties in their schools. The quasi-experimental method was used to obtain the data. This design consisted of two groups namely the experimental group and the control group. The instrument used was a written test with the five-tier test method. KIT IPA was used as a learning media. The experimental class was given a learning treatment with a practicum-based Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) model and the control class did not learn through practicum-based Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) model. The results showed that there were generally significant differences in conceptual changes between the experimental class and the control class. Practical activities using the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) model were one way to convey the correct concept of the concept of water properties. In the process of mastering the concept, students went through the stages of thinking starting from the stages of predicting, observing and giving an explanation of a phenomenon. This shows that practical activities with the use of the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) model provided better conditions to provide students with a correct understanding of the concept.

Conceptual Changes, The Properties of Water, Predict-Observe-Explain Model

Material Science


Eko Walujodjati, Ida Farida

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Eko Walujodjati

Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Program Studi Teknik Sipil, jl. Mayor Syamsu No.1 Jayaraga, Garut, eko.walujodjati[at]

Reinforced concrete as a building structure plays an important role in holding the load. The combination of concrete and reinforcement in collaboration with the load is determined by the perfect bond of the two materials. Bond testing on reinforced concrete has been carried out. The axial load is given in reinforced concrete results in internal cracking of reinforced concrete around the threaded reinforcement area. An area within the radius of cracking of the concrete around the reinforcement has also been obtained. The action is needed to reduce the area of cracked concrete by giving restraints using spherical spiral reinforcements within the concrete crack radius. It is expected to increase the strength of the reinforcement and concrete around it. The restraints using plain reinforcement in the area have been carried out. The methodology used is Pull Out on single reinforced concrete cylindrical specimens with confinement and without confinement. Concrete cylindrical test specimens with a diameter of 150 mm 200 mm high with single reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm, and spiral reinforcement as confinement with an identification diameter of 4 mm and spacing of 22.5 mm and 45 mm. Placed within the radius of cracking of the concrete around the reinforcement. Pull out the test is carried out with gradual loading until it passes. The Pull Out test results indicate a fault movement from the edge that is loaded to the free end. The spiral coil of reinforcing steel as a restraint is relatively insignificant and increases strongly. The restrained specimen produces a larger fault at the end of the load, when the initial fault occurs at the free end, compared to the specimen without restraint. The difference in the increase in stickiness with the spiral spacing of steel reinforcement 22.5 mm and 45 mm has not been seen.

bond strength, reinforced concrete, internal cracking, restraint, failed

Civil Engineering


Conservation Agriculture improved soil fertility and maize yield in the Tropical Semi Arid of South Lombok, Indonesia
Sukartono, Lestari Ujianto, Lolita Endang, S, Bambang Hari Kusumo, Ismail Yasin, Bambang Dipo Kusumo, Kisman, Sutresna, and Fahruddin

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Sukartono Sukartono

Faculty of Agriculture University of Mataram

The implementation of conservation agriculture involve minimum soil disturbance, permanent soil cover through crop residues and cover crops is good sound for improve soil fertility status and achieving higher crop productivity. A field experiment with split plots design in which conservation-soil tillage practices as main plots and beans cover crops intercropped to maize as sub plots were tested in rainfed agriculture area of South Lombok. Four soil tillage practices comprise of: P1: Direct dibbling, no tillage; P2: Soil ripping; P3: Permanent planting holes and P0: conventional intensive tillage. Beans cover crops were: C0 = no cover crop; C1 = lab-lab; C2 = cowpea; C3 = hybrid bean; C4 = Velvet bean (Mucuna sp). These were intercropped to maize as main crop. The results showed that conservation agriculture base maize with treatments of reduce tillage practices and legume cover crops improved the soil fertility including bulk density, C-org, N, P and K, and CEC. The highest soil fertility status was recorded at P3 and subsequently followed by P2 and P1. Overall, Reduced tillage practices particularly P3 with cowpea and hybrid beans as intercropped significantly increased the maize yield of 51%. Cover crop of lablab and vegetable bean have a significant effect on weight of maize fresh biomass and weight of ear, while cowpea and lablab bean have a significant effect on weight of maize dry seeds. Maize yields with CA approach average 9.95 ton per ha higher than the conventional system 7.21 ton ha-1.

conservation agriculture, tillage practices, legume crops

Environmental Engineering


Construction Design System of Constant Pressure Control in Water Distribution System with PID Method using PLC Based on IoT
Syufrijal (1), Muhammad Rif-an (2), Ermi Media-s (3)

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syufrijal syufrijal

Electronics Technology Diploma, State University of Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia


The objective of this research is to make a constant pressure control in water supply with the method of PID using PLC Siemens S7-1200 as controller and also to monitor the process of its work system from a distance through internet of things (IoT). Water distribution system is created utilizing 3 phase pump which will supply water from the tank. Pressure sensor will be used as analog input signal of PLC to detect the pressure of water in the pipe. Using inverter, water pressure will be kept constantly matched with the desirable set point through the setting of pump speed using digital PID method that is available on PLC. Score of set point is done through HMI of touch panel KTP700basic. By using wifi communication that has been connected to internet, PLC data can be sent to cloud server through raspberry pi3 using MQTT protocol. Raspberry pi3 program is design using the java script coding language. Research result showing that this system is able to keep the water pressure in a constant level of 1.2 bar in water supply. It is also able to monitor the water pressure through HMI and handphone via IoT Technology in the GoIoT server.

Pressure Sensor, PLC, PID, HMI, Inverter, IoT (Internet of Things), Raspberry

Industry Engineering


Consumer Perspectives on Food Safety in Supply Chain for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Product
Hana Catur Wahyuni, Ida Agustini Saidi, Wiwik Sumarmi

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Hana Catur Wahyuni

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo

SMEs are an important economic element in Indonesia. One of the products produced by SMEs is food. On the other hand, the development of consumer knowledge on food quality is increasing rapidly. These conditions require producers to provide quality food. Foods that meet the elements of food safety is one form of quality assurance for consumers. Therefore, producers need to know the extent of the consumers perspective on food safety. This study aims to determine consumer perceptions of the level of importance of food safety aspects. Especially in the process of selecting / buying food. The study was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of two parts. The first part is a questionnaire to find out the identity of the respondent, second questionnaire to determine the level of importance of food safety by consumers. Questionnaire consists of seven questions. Questionnaires were distributed online in February 2019. Data processing was carried out using descriptive statistics. This study consisted of 217 respondents from men (41%) and women (59%). The results showed that 75.6% of respondents rated food safety aspects as very important in the process of buying food. 66.8% considered food safety aspects to be closely related to food quality. 75.5% of respondents rate strongly agree to know the elements contained in food. 65% of respondents rate strongly agree to know that food is produced in a good manufacturer. 56.2% of respondents rate strongly agree that food must be distributed in a good transportation to ensure food safety. 57.1% Respondents considered strongly agree to pay attention to food safety aspects in the sales process. 48.1% Respondents agree that food safety certification is a guarantee that the food is safe and lawfully consumed.

Food safety, SMEs, quality, supply chain, Consumer

Industry Engineering


Controllable and Observable Control Design of Wind Generator System using PID Algorithm
Budhy Setiawan, Septyana Riskitasari, Ratna Ika Putri, Supriatna Adhisuwignjo, Ika Noer Syamsiana, Wahyu Aulia Nurwicaksana

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Septyana Riskitasari

State Polytechnic of Malang

This paper describes a design process of the wind generator control system. Controlling a wind generator, fan, is important to study the design of the wind turbine. A complex wind generator model was approximated with 5th order polynomial function. The paper describes a procedure for identifying system, especially for finding the transfer function of a plant, that based on input and output. The plant input is an electric motor fan voltage and output is wind speed produced. It is important to simplify control design of the wind generator for configuring transfer functions of the plant. The identification method that is used is Linear Regression, applying Excel program, which produces a polynomial function. And then, the Matlab System Identification Toolbox (SIT), which produces a transfer function. From this study, applying SIT, a model of wind generator, shows the fit estimation data is 90.78% and MSE is 0.078%. A closed-loop control system using PID controller is proposed. Controllable and Observable of the state space model were verified. The best performance of the close-loop system was achieved using Kp = 0.2247, Ki = 6.05*10-5, and Kd = 208.75 applying Ziegler-Nichols. The result shows that closed-loop stability of wind generator system is stable.

Wind Generator; SIT, PID; Controllable; Observable

Electronics Engineering


Controlling Band Gap of Monolayer MnCl2 with LDA+U
Teguh Budi Prayitno, Riser Fahdiran

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Teguh Budi Prayitno

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

We performed the noncollinear first-principles calculations to control the band gap of 1T monolayer MnCl2 using LDA+U. It was shown that the increase of band gap is proportional to the increase of the effective coulomb energy U. as long as the magnetic moments of the atoms do not reduce. The reduction of the magnetic moment leads to the so-called the low spin state, in which the magnetic moment is almost half of the magnetic moment of the high spin state. It seems that the MnCl2 can be a candidate for the spintronics application.

Band gap, MnCl2, Effective Coulomb energy



Controlling Sugar Raw Material Supplies in the Bottled Beverage Industry
Willyanto S(*), Anita Christine Sembiring, Agus Sanjaya

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Willyanto S

Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip Simp. Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia

The right inventory of raw materials will minimize optimal inventory costs. A company that produces bottled beverages in Medan has problems in procuring raw materials, especially sugar, which results in high inventory costs. Therefore, this study will calculate the order of requests using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Period Quantity Order (POQ). ) and MIN MAX. The EOQ method was chosen because it saves storage costs and ordering costs. The data analysis technique in EOQ method is calculating the optimal amount of raw material purchases, the optimal ordering frequency, the message costs, optimal cost savings and total cost of raw material inventory. EOQ method turned out to have a lower total inventory cost compared to the cost of procurement of raw material supplies set by the company, which is Rp. 215,862,536 while the EOQ method is Rp. 210,777,546. From the calculation results, the EOQ method is more efficient, because the company will be able to minimize the total inventory cost of Rp. 5,084,990 or 2,4% lower.

Raw material inventory, EOQ, POQ, MIN MAX

Industry Engineering


Tiara Wilan, Rositayanti Hadisoebroto*, Astri Rinanti

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Rositayanti Hadisoebroto

Environmental Engineering Department, Faculty of Landscape Architecture
and Environmental Technology, Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sorption process of copper metal (Cu2+) from artificial electroplating wastes using a biotechnology approach was studied using beads biosorbent of mixed culture microalgae. The research of beads biosorbent consists of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris, Chlorococcum sp., and Scenedesmus obliquus conducted in batch culture to determine the highest efficiency of Cu2+ sorption to reduce Cu2+ pollution to the environment. Biosorbent was made into beads by mixing 0,5 gr (dead biomass)/gr (Na-alginate polymer). The beads biosorbent were contacted with Cu2+ in the pH range 4-6 and contact time 0-180 minutes. The highest sorption efficiency of Cu2+ was 85% obtained at pH 4, 120 minutes contact time, in temperature of 25 ºC, and with an initial waste concentration of 25 mg/L. The sorption process of this research follows Langmuir Isotherm with R2 value of 0,997. It was proven that beads biosorbent of mixed culture microalgae can be used as an environmental-friendly solution to control Cu2+ pollution in the environment.

Biosorption, Copper metal, Chlorococcum sp., Microalgae Beads, Electroplating Wastewater

Environmental Engineering


Correlation Accountability, Transparency and Community Participation in Financial Management of Development
Jaurino (a), Endang Kristiawati(a), Risal(a), Sartono(a), Wilda Sari(a), Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani (b*)

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Risal Jaurino

a)Departement Accounting Faculty of Economic at Universitas Panca Bhakti Pontianak, Indonesia
Jl Kom Yos Sudarso, Pontianak, Indonesia

b*)Department of English Education at Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya Indonesia
Jl. Dukuh Kupang XXV/54 Surabaya, Indonesia

The purpose of this research was to analyze of financial management on transparency, accountability and community participation in development. The method used quantitative research, the independent variables consisting of transparency (X1), accountability (X2) and community participation (X3), and the dependent variable is development (Y), the follow up data analysis used is multiple regression which begins with testing validity and reliability and performs tests of normality, multicollinearity, autocorrelation and heterokedacity. The results showed that the three independent variables consisting of Transparency (X1), Accountability (X2) and Community Participation (X3) towards the dependent variable namely Development (Y) had a positive effect with the regression equation Y = 2,087 + 0,283X1 + 0,441X2 + 0,311X3 + e, and sig value X1= 0,044 , X2= 0,000 , and X3= 0,034. Thus, financial management carried out through transparency, accountability and support through community participation can influence development and make an area develop more independently

Transparency; Accountability; Community Participation; Development

Management Science


Correlation Analysis of Module Quality, Learning Methods, and Lecturers with Student Learning Outcomes: Multiple Regression SPSS Approach
Hari Sriyanto (a), Agus Masrukhin (b*)

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Agus Masrukhin

a)Character Building Development Center, Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

b)Character Building Development Center, Information Systems Department, School of Information Systems, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480

The improvement of learning modules Quality, learning methods, and lecturers contribute significantly to student learning outcomes. This study aims to identify the most significant factors related to module quality, learning methods, and lecturers to improve student learning outcomes and how much they influence. Our essay used combination methods (Mixed Methods) qualitative and quantitative with cross sectional approach with respondents and resource persons from lecturers and students of Bina Nusantara University 143 people from various study programs. Data analysis used model multiple regression SPSS 16.0. Overall the findings show the effect of learning system innovation and the development of learning modules, learning methods and quality of lecturers on student learning outcomes. We also used the same research tool, to show that the number of students in one class also has an impact on student learning outcomes

Quality of Module Courses, Learning Methods, Lecturers, Students, Correlation

Management Science


Jajang Supriatna (a*); Ani Nuraeni (a); Resti Fajarfika (a), Juniarti P. Sahat (b)

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Jajang Supriatna

a) Study Program of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Garut, Jl. Raya Samarang No.52A, Garut, Indonesia
b) Indonesian Vegetable Research Institute, Jl. Tangkuban Parahu No. 517, Lembang, Indonesia

Morphophysiological characters associated with yield in warm climate area can be used to determine heat stress tolerance characters. Simple correlation and path analysis were used to ascertain the relationship between morphophysiological characters and yield, and to estimate direct effects as well as indirect effects on them. Nine potato cultivars were evaluated in Garut, Indonesia which is situated at an altitude of 732 meters above sea level with an average temperature of 28oC. Randomized Block Design was used in this experiment and it was performed in triplicate. As the result, simple correlation indicated that plant height, leaf number, leaf size, stomata density, dry weight, tuber number, and tuber diameter showed positive significant relationship with yield, whereas chlorophyll content showed negative significant relationship with yield. Futhermore, path analysis indicated that leaf number had the highest positive direct effect on yield followed by plant height, and leaf size, whilst stomata density and dry weight had positive indirect effect on yield through tuber number. In conclusion, leaf number, plant height, and leaf size are the primary character, whereas stomata density and dry weight are the secondary character for selection the heat stress tolerance characters in order to develop high-yield potato cultivars in warm climate area.

Correlation; Path Analysis; Heat Stress Tolerance; Potato



Correlation between Body Mass Index and Flat Foot in elementary school at Denpasar, Bali
Komang Trisna Sumadewi (a*), Sri Ratna Dewi (a)

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Komang Trisna Sumadewi

a) Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Warmadewa University
Jalan Terompong no 24, Denpasar 80235, Indonesia

Flat foot or also known as pes planus is a condition in which the inner or medial arches are reduced or absent so that the sole of the foot will touch the ground. This situation can be physiological which is called a flexible flat foot or pathological which is called a rigid flat foot. Flat foot is one of the most common conditions encountered by pediatrics, which affects around 20% to 30% of the worlds population. With increasing age, the prevalence of flat foot will decrease. Flat foot causes foot instability as a bodybuilder. This study aims to look at the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and the incidence of flat foot in grade 1 and 2 children at SD 5 Sumerta, Denpasar. This study is an analytical study using a cross-sectional approach with a sample of 40 conducted at SD 5 Sumerta Denpasar. The data obtained was carried out a descriptive analysis and correlation test. From this study, it was found that BMI had a correlation with Flat foot (p=0.001; r=0.695). Confidence Interval (CI) 95%. In conclusion, the Body Mass Index has a significant positive correlation with flat foot prevalence.

Flat Foot, Body Mass Index, Elementary School Students



Correlation Between Knowledges and Attitudes Among Female Senior High School Students in Badung Toward Cervical Cancer and Their Participation in Human Papilloma Virus Vaccinations
Putu Risma Yuvita Riadi, I Nengah Kapti

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Dewa Ayu Putri Sri Masyeni


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa

The prevalence of cervical cancer in Bali in 2015 was 0.7 ‰ with an estimated number of 1,438 people. The local government targeted "Bali Bebas Kanker Serviks 2020" by held primary prevention and early detection through IVA test, pap smear and HPV vaccinations. Government of Badung supports the program by subsidizing HPV vaccination to female high school students, but there were still many students who not participated because of many factors, i.e. knowledges and attitudes toward cervical cancer. The purposed of this studies were to determine the correlation between knowledges with the attitudes of female high school students in Badung toward cervical cancer and the correlation between attitudes with HPV vaccination participations. The research method used was cross-sectional analytic with samples of 100 female students in SMAN 1 Kuta, SMK Pariwisata Triatma Jaya and SMAN 1 Kuta Utara. Data were collected by personal interviewed using prepared questionnaires and analyzed using Somersd correlation test. Results of the studies showed, that students categorized as moderate knowledges were 65%, students with good attitudes 72%, and 64% of them received HPV vaccinations. There was significant correlation between knowledges and attitudes (p = 0.036, r = 0.214), and no significant correlation between attitudes and HPV vaccination participations (p = 0.207). For the government of Badung, it is hope to continue free HPV vaccination program and for the local health centre to hold counseling about HPV for female senior high school students routinely.

cancer, knowledges, attitudes, HPV vaccination.



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