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The 4th Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2019)

Event starts on 2019.04.24 for 1 days in Bali |

Page 29 (data 841 to 870 of 1038) | Displayed ini 30 data/page

The Alternative Solutions of Bagasse To Improve Indonesian Oil Production in Low Salinity
Aqlyna Fattahanisa (a*), Rini Setiati (a), Sugiatmo Kasmungin (a), Arinda Ristawati (a)

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Corresponding Author
Aqlyna Fattahanisa

a) Petroleum Engineering Department, Universitas Trisakti, Jl. Kiyai Tapa No 1, Grogol, Jakarta Barat, Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the largest sugar cane producing countries in the world. At present, the use of bagasse is only as compost, electricity generation and etc. In the oil industry, bagasse can also be used as a base material in making surfactants that function as fluid reservoir oil injection to improve oil recovery factors, so it is good to develop a type of plant-based local surfactant with a lot of raw materials in Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to see that bagasse can increase the oil recovery factor at low salinity. The methodology used is a laboratory study using concentrations of 1%; 1.5%; 2%; 2.5% and 3% NaLS and salinities of 4000 ppm, 5000 ppm, and 15000 ppm NaCl. The Surfactant was first conducted a compatibility test, then core flooding was carried out to obtain the recovery factor value. The results obtained were surfactants with variations of 1.5% 4000 ppm; 1.0% 15000 ppm; and 1.5% 15000 ppm which passes the compatibility test with the recovery factor value sequentially is 3.24%; 3.62%; and 5.34%. This shows that NaLS surfactant can increase the oil recovery factor at low salinity by 5.34% by optimizing 1.5% NaLS 15000 ppm concentration.

Bagasse, NaLS Surfactant, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Oil Recovery, Low Salinity

Environmental Engineering


The Alternative Solutions of Utilization Bagasse Waste for Improve Recovery Factors in Reservoir with High Salinity
Arinda Ristawati (a*), Rini Setiati (a), Sugiatmo Kasmungin (a) dan Aqlyna Fattahanisa (a)

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Corresponding Author
arinda ristawati

a)Petroleum Engineering Departement, Faculty Of Earth
Technology And Energy, Universitas Trisakti,, Jalan Kyai
Tapa No.1 Grogol-Jakarta Barat 11440, Indonesia
* arinda[at]

Surfactant injection is one of the EOR methods used to increase oil recovery. Using of surfactants is intended to reduce the interface tension between oil and water. The types of surfactants commonly used are oil-based surfactants, such as petroleum sulfonate. This condition causes the price of surfactants very dependent on oil prices. As efficient alternative, research on plant-based surfactants sourced from nature is being developed. Like the type of surfactant that will be used in this study is Sodium Lignosulfonate (NaLS) sourced from bagasse waste. The purpose of this study is to add reference of the characteristics of the NaLS surfactant to be used optimally. The screenings in this experiment were Aqueous Stability test, phase behavior test, and IFT test on 1.5% NaLS concentration and high salinity 70,000 ppm Nacl. The results of aqueous stability test is transparent, the results of phase behavior test is middle phase emulsion with an emulsion percent of 8.75%, and the results of IFT test obtained value of 1.98 mN/m. Based on these results, surfactants meet the screening parameters so can proceed to the injection stage for determine the value of recovery factor. Results of recovery factor for bagasse waste NaLS surfactant injection is 4.4%.

Bagasse NaLS, High Salinity, Recovery Factor,

Environmental Engineering


The Analysis of Mathematics with ATLAS.ti
Ekasatya Aldila Afriansyah (a*), Nitta Puspitasari (a), Irena Puji Luritawaty (a), Dian Mardiani (a), Rostina Sundayana (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ekasatya Aldila Afriansyah

(a) Department of Mathematics Education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan Pahlawan Nomor 32, Sukagalih, Tarogong, Garut, West Java, Indonesia

The teacher is one of the important factors in a good teaching and learning process. A teacher is required to have qualified cognitive and pedagogical skills, so that he/she has to be creative in everything, including problem posing. Many studies discussed the problem of students skills but not many discussed the problem of teachers skills itself. This study used ATLAS.ti software as a tool for data analaysis. ATLAS.ti software assisted researchers to manage all various data. Research was conducted on prospective teachers in one private institution. Observation and tests were conducted on 40 respondents, while only 6 respondents were involved at the time of the phases, namely interviews. Through ATLAS.ti software, the result showed that problem posing skill of prospective teachers was still far from enough. What is needed is the right action to overcome the problems.

Problem posing skill; prospective teacher; ATLAS.ti software



Anny Eka Pratiwi and Ni Luh Utari Sumadewi

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Corresponding Author
Anny Eka Pratiwi

Faculty of Medical and Health Science, Warmadewa University, Denpasar, Bali (1)
Faculty of Sains, Health, ant Technology, Dhyana Pura University, Badung, Bali

A research on the analysis of water quality and hotel liquid waste in Ubud regency, Gianyar-Bali has been conducted. The analysis of raw water quality was done to discover whether the raw water can be appropriately classified as clean water. The parameters used in analyzing the raw water are its bacteriological and hardness level. Analysis on the quality of liquid waste was done discover whether the hotel liquid waste can still be categorized align with the government standard in the disposal to the surrounding environment. Based on the result of hotel raw water analysis, five samples have aligned with the clean water standard, which is possible to categorized as clean water; while for the analysis of hotel liquid waste, the parameters used are turbidity, pH, BOD, COD and bacteriological test. The analysis shows that four hotels have exceeded the reasonable level of waste, where scheduled surveillance is required in keeping the environment away from waste disposal.

raw water, hotel waste, pH, turbidity, hardness, BOD. COD, bacteriological.



The Application of Augmented Reality (AR) in Learning English Phonetics
I Nugraha (a)*, A R Suminar (a), D W Octaviana (a), M T Hidayat (a), A Ismail (b)

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Corresponding Author
irsyad nugraha

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia

Abstract EFL learners tend to ignore the importance of understanding English phonetics in spite of its significance in language acquisition process. The failure of using and understanding English phonetics leads to mispronunciation issues which in turn impede both oral and written communication. Concerned with this issue, the research developed the use of augmented reality (AR) technology to facilitate English phonetics learning processes. The technology combined virtual objects and video clips in more attractive and interactive learning environment. This study described the steps and procedures of developing augmented reality as English Phonetic learning media and disclosed how the students utilized this media in their learning processes.

Designing Augmented Reality, Phonetics, Education Regulation, and Government objectives

Computer Science


The Association Between Toilet Training, Physical and Family History with Incident of Enuresis in Children at North Denpasar
Asri Lestarini (a*), Putu Satya Prameswari (a)

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Corresponding Author
Asri Lestarini

(a) Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University
Jalan Terompong no 24 Denpasar, 80235, Indonesia

Enuresis, also known as bed-wetting is a condition where the children at the age of 5 or more urinate on the bed or on their clothes, and it happened often about at least twice a week for 3 months in a row. This research is dedicated to studying the relation between toilet training, physical and family history with the incident of enuresis in children between 5 and 6 years old. A cross-sectional study was conducted in North Denpasar District. The samples were 105 subjects whose study at kindergarten and their parent. Data of the risk factor of enuresis were collected by using questioner and then analyzed by chi-square and Fisher exact test. The result of this research are children who had parents with enuresis history (PR = 3,720), children who had siblings with enuresis history (PR = 4,950), breastfeeding history (PR = 1,920), duration of breastfeeding (PR = 2,133), toilet training (PR = 5,497), and bad physiological history (PR = 1,915) were related to incident of enuresis in children with p-value <0,05. Based on the result, parents, educators, or medical personnel may prevent the incident of enuresis by avoiding the risk factor of enuresis.

enuresis, family history, toilet training



The Attitude Of Local Government Officers Toward Renewable Energy in Indonesia
Intan Diastri Pujaningrum (a), Nugroho Agung Pambudi (a*), Muhammad Kunta Biddinika (b), Herman Saputro (a)

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Corresponding Author
Intan Diastri Pujaningrum

a) Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
b) School of Environment and Society, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2 Chome-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan

One of the causes of climate change is the use of fossil fuels. therefore, this triggers efforts to use renewable energy as a substitute fuel. According to REN21 data The development of renewable energy has declined from 2011-2016 along with the worlds energy needs. This issue is triggered, one of which is the policymaking of budget policies from several countries in the world, including in Indonesia. In this context, policy and government are the main components of implementing renewable energy. Therefore, the governments attitude towards renewable energy plays an important role in the success of developing renewable energy. We conducted a survey to explore the attitude of the local government to the potential of renewable energy in Indonesia which has the potential to vary from each region. One area may have more renewable energy potential than the other. The results of this quantitative study are expected to help national policies on the development of renewable energy not only in Indonesia, but also in other countries where the diversity of opportunities spread throughout the region.

renewable-energy, government officers, politics, policy, attitudes

Mechanical Engineering


The Augmented reality application for simulating electromotive force concept
Fauzi Bakri, Dadan Sumardani, Dewi Muliyati

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Corresponding Author
Fauzi Bakri

Physics Education Department, Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Electromotive force can be simulated using unity. The process of voltage formation can be visualized by showing the movement of the coil in a magnetic field. The resulting three-dimensional visualization can make the electromotive force process abstract into reality with Augmented Reality technology. A simulation is produced which displays changes in the number of turns, magnetic fields and generator playback times. The simulation has succeeded in providing an interesting description of the ratio of variables to the magnitude of the electric force generated in the generator.

physics simulation, electromotive force, augmented reality

Computer Science


The Automatic Battery Charger Based on Floating technique
Edi Mulyana, Tatang Dwi Atmoko, Lia Kamelia

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Corresponding Author
Lia Kamelia

Faculty of Sciences and technology
UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

An automated system will simplify all the work done by humans. One of the automatic systems that has been used is the battery charger system that can be cut by itself. This paper discussed the implementation of automatic systems for battery chargers based on floating techniques. The system will automatically fill and repair the battery from several causes of damage such as overcharging the battery. This charger functions with the switch system turning on and off. The circuit works by comparing the input that goes into the IC, and makes the control input as the main standard of 1.10 V which is attached on a positive foot (pin3) on the IC. The main control system consists of Transistor BC547, IC LM358 and Transistor 2N2907A. This system also uses two transformers, each of which is used to support control and power supply. For the control section using 1A transformer and for power supply using 2A. This system will automatically switch on when the load level is below 12.27 V. From the test results of 1 hour charging, the average charging voltage is 1.718 V and the measured output current is 0.8 A.

Automation;battery;charger;float technique

Electronics Engineering


The Behavior of The Child with Special Needed on the Vocational Class at SLB D YPAC Bandung
Yunidar, M. S. Barliana, Fauzi Rahmanullah

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Corresponding Author
yuni dar

Indonesia University of Education

Behavior is a human response to the environment, all behavior is determined by personalities and individual experiences. Special needs children (SNC) in Indonesia still receive less attention from the government, many facilities have not been in accordance with the needs of SNC especially skills support facilities. The purpose of this study is to find out the behavior of SNC in the skills room which includes territorial behavior, privacy, and personal space. This study uses the behavior mapping method with a qualitative descriptive approach, because it is aimed at describing all of the SNCs activities in the vocational skills room. These activities include the use of supporting facilities to practice in the skills room. The results of this study are that each child shows different behaviors in adapting depending on the constraints that he has. Students who have multiple barriers (involuntary and mental retardation) are more difficult to regulate and disorderly and disciplined in the skills room. Students who have motoric retardation who do not use a wheelchair are more adaptable and active in cooking practices. Unlike the case with students who have motoric constraints that use wheelchairs, students find it difficult to adapt with available facilities and tend to be passive during the practice. The equation of the three behaviors is that students are able to interact well with the teacher and the guest. The facilities contained in this skills room are not yet in line with SNC, especially those who are physically disabled. This is due to the relatively narrow circulation of space and is difficult to access as a whole by wheelchair users.

Behavior, SNC, Skills room



The Bread Production Process Using Application of the Hotelling T2 Control Chart
Gemintang Segara Asri, Fiella Pramysilia Citra, Shafira Khoirun Nisa, Tika Endah Lestari*

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Corresponding Author
Gemintang Bening Segara Asri

Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University, Jakarta


Quality Control is an activity to maintain and direct to quality company product (and) services which can maintain the existence of the product in the long term period. In this study, we used the application of the Hotelling T2 Control Chart and Statistical Quality Control (SQC) to control the quality of bread production. Hotelling T2 Control chart is the type of multivariate control chart that is used to monitor the process of identifying the causes of variance and improve the process. In the application of the Hotelling T2 Control Chart, we used three major characteristics of quality, those are expiry, packaging, and price. The second method, Statistical Quality Control, is using the control charts of the cause-effect techniques and diagrams in quality control to minimize the rejected products. Based on the identification the number of products that fail is still within reasonable limits located between UCL and LCL. The main cause of the signal out of control is the packaging of the product. As the endeavor improvement from the company, the production process is increasing in the second phase.

Hotelling T2, Control Chart, Statistical Process Control

Industry Engineering


The Category of Supermodules
Ibnu Hadi*, Makmuri, Sudarwanto

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Corresponding Author
ibnu hadi

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jl. Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta, 13220, Indonesia

Let be commutative algebra with unit element and be an -module. Let be class of all pairs of -modules where is direct sum of and contains . In this article we give a method for defining morphism between two objects in so that become category.

Category; Supermodules



The Causal Factors of Low Online Tax Aplication Usage
I Kania(a*), G G Akbar (a), P Pundenswari (a), M Budiman (a)

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Corresponding Author
Ikeu Kania

a) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Garut University, Jl Samarang 52, Garut, 44151, Indonesia

Currently, Tax service that can be done in Online Tax Application can not be used optimally. It is because the taxpayers who have not used the application are still low. This research aims to identify and analyse of the factors that make the taxpayers who have not used the application still low. The method used is Bartlett test analysis factor, Measures of sampling adequacy (MSA), Factor Extraction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), factor selection using Eigen values and Cree Plots, and factor rotation using Orthogonal Rotation Varimax of data obtained through two stages, the first stage is in-depth interviews with key persons, the second stage is distributing questionnaires to 105 respondents. The results showed that from 16 factors obtained from stage 1 with the factorization of the results of questionnaires in stage 2, there were 3 new factors of reduction result that caused few taxpayers using the online tax application. These factors include information, technology and psychological factors.

Tax Service, Exploratory Factor Analysis, Online Tax Application

Management Science


The Challenge of Student Physics Literacy on Natural Resource in West Java
Chaerul Rochman, Adam Malik, and Dindin Nasrudin

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Corresponding Author
Chaerul Rochman

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

This study aims to describe the level of literacy of the physics concept of natural resources in high school students. The method used in this study is a participatory descriptive method. The sample is eleventh-grade students from high schools around the location of natural resources in West Java totaling 436 people. The instrument used was a literacy test in the form of four questions each asking how students processes, concepts, contexts, and attitudes towards natural resources were closest to their school or residence. In addition to expressing literacy tests, treatment was also given by giving material of natural resources. Data analysis was carried out analyzing the results of literacy disclosure followed by literacy tests, analyze the literacy component, and compare the resultsdata processing. The conclusions of this study are: (1) the literacy skills of physics concepts about local natural resources show a variety of both aspects of the process, concepts, and contexts and attitudes, (2) the expression of students about the basic concepts of natural resources varies, and (3) There is a correlation between students literacy skills in the basic concepts of physics enrichment material with the ability to understand the material enrichment of natural resources.

enrichment materials, physics literacy, natural resources

Management Science


The Changes in Understanding Of Urban Attitudes Through Urban Cultural Education in Lingga Regency, Riau Islands Province
Faridl Muhammad Husain, M. Syaom Barliana, Trias Megayanti

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Corresponding Author
Faridl Muhammad Husain

Indonesian University of Education, Architectural Engineering Education Study Program, Department of Architectural Engineering Education, FPTK

Public understanding of the governments regional development planning program is important these days. This understanding includes the attitude of urban. Urban attitude understanding occurs through the process of urban cultural education. Urban cultural education itself is important because the publics unpreparedness and ignorance of the cultural essence of the city can cause social problems in society life. By maintaining the local wisdom of Bunde Tanah Melayu, the direction of the urban attitude of the Lingga Regency society will be in accordance with the regional identity. This study aims to find out: (1) Information of urban cultural education implementation, (2) Results of the level of change in understanding of urban attitudes. With pre-test post-test group design, this quantitative research carried out to 20 samples of students at SDN 003 Singkep Pesisir, Lingga Regency. The findings of this study are: (1) Students experience an increased understanding of excellent urban attitudes. However, (2) Calculation of the pre-test post-test scores of students showed an insignificant interpretation of the attitude of students urban attitudes. Then, with the research, the importance of the application of city cultural education to increase understanding of urban attitudes is increasingly apparent. However, a much better literature study is needed.

Urban Attitude Understanding, Urban Cultural Education



The Characteristics of Mothers Giving Birth with Sectio Caesarean Delivery at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar General Hospital
Ni Made Safitri Wulandari1, Dewa Ayu Agung Alit Suka Astini2

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Corresponding Author
Mirsa Umiyati

Universitas Warmadewa

Abstract Caesarean section is a form of childbirth by surgical procedure. The rate of caesarean delivery in Indonesia is quite high, especially in private hospitals such as in Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar. This is influenced among others by age, education level, occupation, parity and indication of the caesarean section. This study aimed to assess the characteristics of mothers who had caesarean section delivery at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar. This study used descriptive cross-sectional design. The variables studied were age, education level, occupation, parity and indications of the caesarean section. The samples of the study were 100 mothers, selected by systematic random sampling from 1004 mothers in the population. The data used were secondary data obtained from medical records, then analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the characteristics of mothers who had caesarean section deliveries at Bali Royal Hospital Denpasar based on sociodemographic factors were mostly aged 20-35 years (83%), having college education level (45%) and worked as private employment (52%). Meanwhile based on medico-obstetric factors most had nullipara parity (54%) and medical indications (85%), most of which was previous history of sectio caesarea, as which was high as 42.19%.

Keywords: sleep duration, concentration level, elementary school students.



The Comparative Analysis of Hungarian Assesment, Matrix Ones Assignment, and Alternate Mansi Method in Solving Assignment Problem
Elis Ratna Wulan, Ayu Rahma Devi, Dian Nuraiman

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Corresponding Author
Elis Ratna Wulan

UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

This paper discusses about the comparison of the three methods in the assignment, that is the Hungarian Method, Matrix Ones Assignment, and Alternate Mansi Method. The Hungarian methods determine penalties in every row and column by decrease the smallest or largest point in row and column. The Matrix Ones Assignment determine penalties, divide minimum or maximum point in every row and column. The Alternate Mansi Method find the minimum or maximum value in each row that has unique value relate with the column. The concept of this problem is applied to car manufacturing company, with balanced data. While University Port Harcourt Project, using unbalanced data. Thus, it can be concluded that the Hungarian method is the most optimal.

Assignment Problem, Hungarian Method, Matrix Ones Assignment, Alternate Mansi Method



Aam Amaningsih Jumhur

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Aam Amaningsih Jumhur

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The increasing number of production values due to an increase of batik exports to various countries as well as the national exports of batik would certainly help in generating foreign exchange. Batik industry is a culture and tradition based industry in which its raw materials is available in the country. In addition, it also has cultural value and helped absorb quite a lot of labor with owned some special skills. The aim of this study was to determine how the organizational culture variables intervened in the relationship between the human capital variable with competitive advantage variable, so that batik small industry entrepreneur would be able to formulate and choose the right strategy to win the competition by managing its human capital well. This study used primary data in the form of questionnaires distributed to 200 respondents. The data obtained from the questionnaire were analyzed using Classic Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression and hypothesis testing (f-test and t-test) with significance level of &

Competitive Advantage, Human Capital, Organizational Culture, Small Industry Batik

Industry Engineering


The Concept of the Internet of Things Framework for Remote Monitoring of Solar Home System
Meita Rumbayan, Sherwin Sompie, Alwin Sambul, Dirko Ruindungan

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Corresponding Author
Meita Rumbayan

Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University

The application of solar home system in the remote areas is needed to be monitored by real time. The Internet of Things (IoT) system is capable to perform data management for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation of solar home system performance in the specific location. The data are collected and transmitted to a system monitoring through the internet then it can be stored in cloud for further analysis. The purpose of this paper is to develop the concept of IOT architecture that used of measuring parameter of photovoltaic panel for the selected remote area.

Solar Home System Monitoring, Internet of Things, Photovoltaic panel, Remote Area, Solar Energy

Electrical Engineering


The Consistently of a Teamwork in Maintaining High Quality Performance (A Case Study of The French Football Team in the 2018 World Cup)
Murty Magda Pane, Frederikus Fios, Johannes A.A. Rumeser

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Corresponding Author
Murty Magda Pane

Bina Nusantara University

The study aimed to describe the high performance of French National Team in the 2018 World Cup in Russia. It is interesting to describe and analyze, since the team consistently showed a high quality performance in the football match, whilst the team showed diversities and high teamwork effectiveness. The study describes and analyze using the theory of nationality, multiculturalism and psychology (sports psychology and teamwork in the industrial and organizational psychology perspectives). The study adapted the qualitative method with interpretative analysis.

consistently; maintaining; high quality; performance; football, teamwork

Sport Science and Technology


The Correlation between Breakfast with Level of Concentration in Elementary School-s Pupils in Denpasar City 2017
I Komang Medy Wedhangga, A.A.A. Lila Paramasatiari

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Corresponding Author
Dewa Ayu Putri Sri Masyeni


Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Warmadewa

Breakfast is a meal in the morning, shortly after waking up to 10 (ten) AM. This activity has a purpose to fulfill the body nutrition in the morning before starting the activity. Breakfast is considered important for a pupils which sometimes has a very solid activity in school. In addition, in the academic process pupils need to be in a healthy body condition and have good attention and concentration to catch all the lessons in school. The aim of this research was to find out the correlation between breakfast with the level of concentration in elementary school-s pupils in Denpasar City 2017. The research design was descriptive analytical through cross-sectional approach which was analyzed using Chi-Square statistical test by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows 16.0 (SPSS) program. The research data was primary data gathered with questionnaire form. The amount of the subjects were 96 persons which was selected using multistage cluster random sampling method to an elementary school-s pupils in Denpasar City. The percentage of non-breakfast subject was 35 persons (36,5%) and the breakfast subject was 61 persons (63,5%). The percentages of Concentrations level of breakfast pupils were divided in three categories which were Low (11,48%), Medium (65,57%) and High (22,95%). The result was showed that there was a significant relationship (p<0,05) between breakfast with the level of concentration. The conclusions could be drawn that there was a positive mild relationship between the two variables. It was recommended that this research can contribute as a source of information and evaluation for the development of science in the future.

Concentration, Breakfast, Pupils, Elementary School,



The correlation between input voltage with hydrogen production rate by electrolysis using CO2 as catalyst
Cecep E. Rustana (a*), Humaira Ihda Rahmi (b), Deni Shidqi Khaerudini (c), Riser Fahdiran (b)

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Corresponding Author
Humaira Ihda Rahmi

(a) Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(b) Fisika, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(c) Pusat Penelitian Fisika, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia

In this research to reduce energy consumption of the electrolytic hydrogen production process, on the other hand still increase the efficiency, durability, and safety, we propose a catalyst from CO2 that decrease the use of energy and still produce the same amount of hydrogen. Wherein hydrogen and oxygen is produced from splitting carbonic acid (H2CO3) which comes from mixing CO2 and water (H2O). Based on the research conducted, hydrogen production rate when using CO2 as catalyst in lower voltage variation compensated the higher voltage. The best result regarding CO2 as catalyst after 300 minutes of electrolysis process, the lower voltage generate higher hydrogen volume.

Hydrogen; electrolysis; CO2 as catalyst; carbonic acid



The Correlation between Sleep Duration with Concentration Level on Elementary School Students in Denpasar
AAA L Paramasatiari and LAP lestari

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Corresponding Author
Anak Agung Ayu Lila Paramasatiari

Faculty of Medicine, Warmadewa University

Introduction: Concentration disorder is a condition thats difficult to focus attention. The factors that influence concentration are environment, sociality and psychology. Concentration can also be influenced by a person sleep duration. This can affect academic achievement at school. Objective : This research aims to find out the correlation between sleep duration, and concentration level in Elementary School students in Denpasar Methode: The research design was cross-sectional study; data were collected using questionnare at three elementary school in Denpasar. The amount of the subjects were 96 respondents was selected by multistage cluster random sampling method from Harapan Mulia, SDN19 Pemecutan, SDN 27 Pemecutan elementary school. Data was analyzed using Chi-Square statistical test by Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows 22 (SPSS) program. Result : The results showed 96 respondents collected from elementary school; 49% were males and 51% were females. The most aged of student were 10 years old. The low, medium and high concentration level were 27,1%; 46,9%;26% respectively. The less and enough sleep duration were 67,7%; 32,3% respectively. The percentage of non-breakfast subject was 35 persons (36,5%) and the breakfast subject was 61 persons (63,5%). The result was showed that there was a significant relationship (p<0,05) between sleep duration, with the level of concentration. Conclusion: The conclusion can be drawn that there was a positive and significant relationship between sleep duration and concentration level on Elementary School students in Denpasar.

Sleep duration, Concentration Level, and Elementary School Students



The Correlation Between Urinary Albumin-Creatinine Ratio and The Stage of Renal Failure in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients in Bali
Asri Lestarini (a*), AA Sri Agung Aryastuti (a), Ni Putu Diah Witari(a), I Wayan Sutarka (b), I Made Agus Sastrawan (b), Ni Wayan Sri Wardani (c), I Wayan Eka Saputra (c), Pramudji Hastuti (d), Ahmad Hamim Sadewa (d)

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Corresponding Author
Asri Lestarini

(a) Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University
Jalan Terompong no 24 Denpasar, 80235, Indonesia
(b) Tabanan Hospital, Bali, Indonesia
(c) Sanjiwani Hospital, Bali, Indonesia
(d) Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the complications caused by metabolic disease which could lead to renal failure. A marker that can potentially be used for early detection of diabetic nephropathy is urinary albumin-creatinine ratio (uACR). This study aimed to measure correlation between uACR and the stage of renal failure. Crosssectional study was conducted in March until August 2018. Participants were clinically examined, and blood and urine were taken. the stages of renal failure was determined by estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR). Data was statistically analyzed by One way ANOVA and Pearson correlation. Of 107 participants, 79 participants were eligible for inclusion in data analysis. The participants were grouped into 5 stages of renal failure. Urinary albumin-creatinine ratios in stage 1,2,3,4,5 were 204.9, 125.9, 474.9, 604.7 and 2895.6 respectively. Posthoc analysis showed significant differences in uACR between stage 5 and stage 1,2,3 respectively (p<0.05). Significant correlations were found in uACR with SC (r 0.354, p 0.001), BUN (r 0.244, p 0.032) and eGFR (r -0.345, p 0.02) respectively. Urinary albumin-creatinine ratio had positive correlation with serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen, while had a negative correlation with estimated glomerullar filtration rate

renal failure, urinary albumin-creatinine ratio



The Correlation between Work Posture with Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) of the Tailor at PT. Uluwatu Delod Peken Village Tabanan Regency
Ni Luh Putu Trevy Wulansari, dr. I Made Sarmadi, MARS

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Corresponding Author
Anny Eka Pratiwi

Warmadewa University

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the most common work-related health problem among the non ergonomic work posture in work station design. Tailors at PT. Uluwatu Delod Peken Village, Tabanan District, Tabanan Regency are one many occupation that have risk of MSDs. The aim of this study was to find out the correlation between sitting posture with MSDs. The amount of the sample was 40 tailors involved in this study. Musculoskeletal disorders were measured using Nordic Body Map Questionnaire with Likert scale. While working posture was observed in Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) Employee Assessment Worksheet. The data was analyzed by SPSS.23. The results of MSDs were as follow the light, the mild, heavy category, 25%, 42,5%, 32,5% respectively. The working posture were as follow ergonomic approach with low risk (22,5%) and non ergonomic with medium risk (77,5%). The correlation of both variables above was significant (p<0.05). The conclusion could be drawn that there was correlation between work posture with MSDs. It was recommended that the work posture of the tailors should be improved to reduce the risk of suffered MSDs.

Musculoskeletal disorders, Work Posture, Ergonomic

Management Science


The Counting Game uses the Fuzzy Tsukamoto Method
Ekojono Ekojono, Rizkyna Cahyaningrum, Kadek Sarjuna Batubulan, Anugrah Nur Rahmanto

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Ekojono .

Politeknik Negeri Malang

Learning to count on elementary school students must be trained in how to memorize, many practice questions are done repeatedly. This counting exercise needs to be stimulated so that students have the motivation to learn, this kind of training is mostly done by the teacher to students by giving questions in turns in one class as if the students are in a game playing condition. Counting exercises can be applied in the form of games with applied counting operations learning to train students to count quickly. The approach with attractive application visualization is expected to be able to help the learning of elementary school level students, especially class 1. Tsukamoto Method, in each rule is represented using a fuzzy set, using a monotonous membership function. To be able to determine the value of crisp output or firm results. By using the Unity 3D game engine that is capable of making 2D games, the Fuzzy Tsukamoto method is used to determine the final game score. Tests that have been done show that the results of the questionnaire that game 2d on the functionality aspect get a result of 3.97 on a scale of 5.

game, count Fuzzy Tsukamoto

Computer Science


L. Amalia, W. L. Hakim, Miranti, D. I. Putri and T. Kristianti

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Lida Amalia

Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut

Javanese Edelweis (Anaphalis javanica) is a pioneer plant that has enormous ecological benefits. This plant is living on volcanic ash deposits and crater soils as on Mount Papandayan. The presence of Javanese Edelweis are endangered. This study aims to: (1) compare the density of Javanese Edelweis on Mount Papandayan especially in Tegal Alun, Tegal Bungbrun and Pondok Saladah; (2) knowing the effect of abiotic factors (temperature, light intensity and soil pH) on the density of Javanese Edelweis. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive research method. Data collection was carried out using the 100 meter belt transect method with a width of 5 meters in three sample locations: Tegal Alun (28 transects), Tegal Bungbrun (3 transects) and Pondok Saladah (10 transects). The results indicate that there is a difference in the density of Javanese Edelweis between TegalAlun, Tegal Bungbrun and Pondok Saladah. The density value in Tegal Alun is 2275.7 trees/hectare, Tegal Bungbrun 946.7 trees/hectare and Pondok Saladah 366 trees/hectare. Whereas for abiotic factors it is known that air temperature, light intensity and soil pH simultaneously influence the density of Javanese Edelweis with R value 85% and influence 70%.

Anaphalis javanica, Javanese Edelweis, abiotic factors, density.



The Design and Evaluation of An Automatic Watering System by Using Fuzzy Mamdani
Erfan Rohadi, Amalia Amalia, Afifah Nidianingsih, Sofyan Noor Arief, Rudy Aryanto, Dimas Wahyu Wibowo

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Amalia Amalia

State Polytechnic of Malang.
Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 9 Malang 65141

The Fruits and vegetables are commercial commodities that are high in demand, recently. However, pest attacks are the main cause of crop failure. The common activity of farmers is that they spend their time just to filter vegetables that are still using manual systems. By using an automatic watering system with a soil moisture sensor and a temperature sensor based on Fuzzy Logic can provide water to vegetables according to their needs. In the practical, the Chinese Greens Cabbage have been watered with automatic systems. The results show that automatic watering systems have better production than manual watering systems. The soil moisture sensor output produces a low or high output. When heating the soil 80%, it shows moist soil conditions and when soil moisture is 40%, the soil conditions produce dry output. Based on the testing that has been done, it is obtained that the ideal temperature that allows vegetables to grow is 24 Celsius, soil moisture level of 27%, with a duration of 30 seconds watering. As a result, the automation systems promises for the cultivation of vegetable plants around the home living.

Soil Moisture Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Mamdani

Information Engineering


The Design of Sign Language Electronic Dictionaries for Children with Hearing Impairments
D.D. Bhakti(1*), D. Rahadian(2) , P. Sidiq(3) , Y. Nugraha(3)

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Corresponding Author
Demmy Dharma Bhakti

(1*) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(2) Department of information technology education, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia
(3) Department of information system, Institut Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Pahlawan No.32, Garut 44151, Indonesia


Communication is difficult for children with hearing impairments due to the limitations of their hearing senses. In addition to communicating using natural cues they can also use the Indonesian Language System Dictionary (Dictionary SIBI) published by the Ministry of Education in the form of print. Dictionary Electronic sign language is starting to be used a lot, of course electronic dictionaries are more effective and flexible compared to dictionaries in general (print). A more effective electronic dictionary is used in searching for the signals sought and because they are efficient and easy to use. This journal discusses how to build / design the design of an electronic sign language dictionary application for deaf children.

Communication, Deaf Children, Indonesian Language System Dictionary (SIBI)

Computer Science


The Detection of Pork Contamination in the Beef Sausage Products in Yogyakarta City with Polymerase Chain Reaction Method
Vallery Athalia Priyanka (a*), Susana Ristiarini (b), Pramana Yuda (c)

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Corresponding Author
Vallery Athalia Priyanka

a) Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Nature, Universitas Indonesia, Jl. Prof. Dr. Sudjono D Pusponegoro, Depok 16424, Indonesia
b) Departement of Food Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Widya Mandala Catholic University Surabaya, Jl Dinoyo 42-44, Surabaya 60625, Indonesia
c) Departement of Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology, Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Jl. Babarsari no 44, Sleman 55281, Indonesia

Meat-based food products are at risk for other meat mixtures that are difficult to detect with the naked eye. The advancement of molecular technology offers the convenience of detecting contaminants in food products. The purpose of this study was to detect pork contamination in beef sausage from several markets in Yogyakarta City using PCR and sequencing, and knowing effectiveness and sensitivity primers. The study using 6 primers, consisting of 2 universal mammals and 4 specific pigs. Samples used were 9 sausages. Seven samples from Yogyakarta, 2 samples from Thailand. Positive samples of mammalian DNA with universal primary mammals namely P195 and CB by 100 % and 0 %. CB primers amplify mammalian DNA in all samples with no specificity. Percentage of pig DNA with P14, PPA6, PPA8 and pork specific primers were 88.89 %, 22.22 %, 22.22 % and 22.22 % respectively. PPA6, PPA8, and pork amplify pig DNA are not specific, whereas P14 is specific, which tested for sensitivity. Positive pig sample was made by varying concentrations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 100 %. P14 can detecting up to 1 %. Positive pig sample were taken for sequencing. Sequencing shows Sus scrofa was detected.

BLAST; primer P14; sequencing; Sus scrofa



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